Ch 8: Double Dipper

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Inside the castle guest room is Star butterfly who was dreaming when suddenly she started to have a nightmare about her consequences.


Star is facing dead bodies of her family and friends but standing in the center is a blood crazy Star who is smiling like a insane woman.

Dark Star: "Look at how happy everyone is" she said pointing at the faces of her dead family and friends which reveal that they have carved smiles.

Star: "No! I would never do this!" She said trying to calm done only to pale when Devour appear.

Devour: "You are responsible for the chaos and death" he said causing Star to scream.

Dreamscape end.

Star woke up screaming then the door slam opened revealing Marco who look around holding a sword only to see nothing.

Marco: "What happened!" He said which Star explain what happened not realizing that some dark spirit had escape the room.

Dream Castle.

Watching the entire dream is Morpheus who might lost most of his powers but he is still the god of sleep.

However he ain't alone as floating besides him is Clockwork who is completely surprise at how realistic Star dream is.

Morpheus: "Clockwork. It seems Devour have recruit some deadly enemies" he said then reveal others that have dark versions of themselves.

Clockwork: "This is only the beginning" he said.

Gravity Falls.

It been a few days since Twilight return from Canterlot however she feel better when she met her parents who understands her reasons.

Sadly she couldn't bare to see her brother and old mentor as they are reasons why she ran away thus her parents forbid Shinning from seeing her.

Celestia on the other hand have a restraining order as she would interfere like she usually does when it involves a problem.

Celestia try to reason to the court but Will Ekta managed to sway the court to his side.

Twilight former friends did try to visit her but she told them that they weren't truly friends but ponies that only were pawns in saving their old world.

Thus hurting the five ponies and leaving with thoughts about their friendship.

Candace visit Twilight at the beaver dam which Twilight is glad as she understands that the real Candace was imprisoned so that didn't ruin their friendship.

Finally is Spike who was a mess as he miss Twilight and the only pony to raise him was Celestia who try her best but failed.

When the two finally meet Spike cry and hug Twilight telling her all his emotions which shock her that he was depressed.

Thankfully Will Ekta managed to get him a psychiatrist while Sunset ask some dragons to help Spike become a dragon.

Thus it surprised Twilight to see Spike grow as it been a year since she last saw him so she forgive him since Spike was a child in dragon years.


A small town where useless adults are living and being monitored by Unity to prevent them from doing anything stupid like a revolt.

Living here is better than being homeless as Unity provide the adults homes so long as they work like getting rid of trash that pile up overtime.

Then the UIC government arrived and begin an announcement thus everyone is gather to hear the news however walking away is a old lady who was once known as Mina Loveberry.

Mina: "It that b_tch fault I'm like this" she thought as she walk towards a shelter when she bump into someone in an alleyway.

Mina: "Oi! Get out of my way" she said looking at the person she bump into only to be confused as standing in front of her is a male that is taller than her.

Dr Blakk: "Greetings. I am Dr Blakk and I believe you seek revenge against monsters and Star butterfly" he said peaking her curious.

Mina: "So what? It not like I can do anything with Unity in the way" she said after all she is insane but not stupid.

Dr Blakk: "True but my 'friend' can supply you with the tool that even Unity can't beat" he said holding out a briefcase which he open thus showing a sword .

Mina: "So if I use this sword I'll get my revenge?" She said which Dr Blakk chuckle.

Dr Blakk: "Yes alongside death of many monsters" he said which Mina smirk and grab the sword.

Gravity Falls.

Currently Star is at the lake spending time with her family and friends to get rid of her negative thoughts when Will arrived with Sans the skeleton and Alastor.

Sans: "Hey isn't she the girl that Clockwork told us to watch out for?" He said pointing to Star butterfly.

Alastor: "Ah yes I believe you're right my skeleton friend" he said.

Will: "I'll talk to her into seeing proper help" he said and try to walk up to her when suddenly a truck came out of the ground and drive towards her.

Without hesitation Sans used his limit magic to forze the truck then Alastor summon a portal which allow a tentacle to punch the truck as soon as San release the truck thus sending that truck into the sky.

Star: "What the heck just happened!" She said completely terrified of someone trying to kill her.

Will: "Something tells me that was Mina" he said shocking Star and Marco.

Marco: "What if she strike when we're at the Mystery Shack tomorrow?" he said completely worried.

Will: "I'll lead some staff to be security of the shack in case. However we need to talk Star Butterfly" he said which Star gulp.

The next day.

Currently Dipper is reading the news which talk about how Rome is becoming a great city with the Roman gods helping Rome government.

Unlike the Greek the Roman gods kept their powers but they too are limited to their powers.

Dipper: "At least they ain't jerks like the Greek" he said then Twilight enter the room.

Twilight (pony): "Okay so I figured out what the copier is" she said then the two walk to another room where say copier is located.

Dipper: "So what did you discovered?" He ask curious as he try figured it out but wasn't able to.

Twilight (pony): "Well from what I seen and just guessing, the author of the journal. Went and used several magical items to make this copier. Which, I'm guessing the author used to study dangerous creatures without having to deal with the real thing. Seeing how all it takes to get rid of the copy is some water" she said as she test it out.

Dipper: "Cool. Maybe I can create an army to help with my list" he said only to get slap in the head by Twilight.

Twilight (pony): "Don't! I went through something similar to a list and it end up terrible!" She said then flashes of multiple Pinkie Pie enter her mind.

Dipper: "You got a flash too?" He said recognize the look Twilight is having.

Twilight (pony): "Yup and my decision would be bad" she said as she unplugged the copier.

Dipper: "Good idea as we don't want anyone to creatw anything with this machine" he said then both of them leave unaware that a guest have appear as they shut the door.

Him: "This will be useful" he said smiling sinisterly.

At the party.

Currently everyone is having a blast especially with the guest Marceline, the vampire queen who singlehandedly defeat the dangerous vampires that appear.

Currently Stan is outside keeping watch while the Ed's are manges the entrance.

Eddy: "This is the moment you guys! We'll be rich after this party!" He said counting the bills that the people are paying to enter.

Ed: "Just be careful as you know that Will want us to inform security in case Mina Loveberry show herself" he said a bit afraid.

The Ed's used to lived at Peach Creak but then they were offer to join Unity which they accept once it reveal that they will pay them for helping out the school, Mystery Shack, Camp or Canterlot.

Sadly it couldn't be the same with the other kids like Kevin the jerk, Sarah the spoiled b_tch, Jimmy the lame crybaby, and Nazz the normal girl.

The only two that become popular are Rolf with his family culture and Jonny who became a internet star with him posting videos.

Edd: "What about that jerk Devour?" He said completely scared.

Eddy: "We get the hell out of here as Devour is not a joke if we try to get in his way" he said then continue to work.

Inside everything is peaceful and fun as everyone is enjoying themselves to the music and food.

Sunset sisters are helping by keeping a eye on everyone while the males and females stare at them.

The males look at the ladies with lust while the females are jealous of Sunset sisters amazon built bodies.

Strawberry Shortcake and Color kids are talking to many people who are curious about their worlds which is marvelous in their opinion.

However the only one who isn't enjoying the party is Star who is thinking about Will suggestion when suddenly a explosion outside caught everyone attention.

Then out of nowhere Mina Loveberry, who look metal, burst into the shack with a sword that is pulsing darkness.

Star: "Mina!" She said then dodge blasts of darkness that Mina sent.

Mina Loveberry: "Hahaha. You may have everyone else on this dirt clog fooled but I KNOW BETTER! You were responsible for the destruction of many places like Ledgerdomain! World of Exalted! The Planeswalkers world! XANATH! Discoworld! The Genie Realm! The realm of magic! Your Mother fracking spells!" She said about to strike when Will block the strike with his keyblade.

Will: "Who slaughter innocent monsters because the past! You! Plus you're racist!" He said which Mina Loveberry growl.

Mina Loveberry: "Monsters aren't humans! They are responsible for war, death, carnage and destruction!" She said as the sword pluses more and begin to cover her body.

Will: "humanity is responsible for those same thing! But you are insane to not let go of the past" he said knocking the sword out of her hand.

Mina Loveberry: "No!" She said trying to reach it only for a blast to destroy the sword which she look only to see she's surrounded by Unity.

XJ-8: "Surrender!" She said only for Mina to scream then everyone is completely horrified as Mina turn to dust.

Suddenly clapping can be heard which everyone look only to froze as standing at the entrance is Devour.

Devour: "I'll admit she dying was a flaw in my plan but she serve her role perfectly" he said then block a  fire blast from Jake and Danny.

Jake: "You won't get away this time!" He said only for both himself and Danny to scream as Devour started to absorb their powers.

Devour: "Teenagers thinking they are the future but in reality they're children trying to be adults" he said then stop as he destroy a missile.

XJ-8: "How did he survived that!" She said completely surprise at the fact her missile didn't effect him.

Devour: "I can survive anything but it seems I overstep my welcome but first I hope you have a pleasant dream Star after all you gonna face your darkness" he said then vanish which confused everyone.

Sunset: "What does he meant by that" she said looking at Star who look frozen in fear.

Will: "It time for that talk" he said which snap Star out of her fear and look at the ground with shame.

Deep in space.

Currently the space villains arrive at the asteroid field that surround the Solar system but upon arrival they are completely godsmack at a hidden floating base.

Entering the base they see Zim standing but what surprised the female tallest is how Zim grow.

Zim: "Welcome to The Omega Asteroid" he said then entering the room is a small old man called Professor Calamitous.

Calamitous: "Greetings fellow villains to your new home" he said.

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