⌜ eleven ⌟

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i took britney spears' criminal too seriously.❞ kun said, quivering at the thought of one of his favorite songs back then being taken too literally. ❝mama, i'm in love with a criminal.

taking the banana oatmeal, which is his oldest son's favorite, from the rack, the thai male heaved out a sigh before pushing the shopping car that's filled with their week of survival at home. it was supposed to be his husband's turn to do this, but the institution that the biker is teaching at is calling him for an urgent meeting. finding out that this friend of his is not reporting to work, he decided to let him tag along since hansol also had something illegal to take care of.

but of course, he didn't tell kun that, he didn't want the latter to panic— which ten can't find the reason of hiding it when he straight up told the chinese that he's someone dangerous. ❝why are you acting like it's not your cup of tea?

not my cup of tea?❞ kun scoffed, trailing from behind and is looking like a lost puppy. ❝ten, he's a criminal. he possibly has already killed people, went to jail, and might even got the government tracing him down.

stopping by the milk section and getting a or two of it, ten had his arms folded across his chest and stared at his friend who looked upset and frustrated, but probably because he's overwhelmed at what he had gotten to know just now. ❝yet, you still married him.

exactly!❞ tapping his index finger on to his chin, that also made kun wonder. ❝what made me marry someone so dangerous?

ten knew that he had already signed up being a rant post the moment he decided to help this friend of his from his situation, and he has no problem with that at all. what are friends for, right? the chinese can vent out his frustration to him, he will be there to listen. the only thing that he doesn't want to hear is how the latter is making it seem like he's regretting what his future has become, especially when he will start to mention as to why he married hansol. ten can't believe that he's questioning their marriage, when they are literally so damn in love with one another.

am i perhaps a sadist?❞ kun then started to ask out of nowhere, ❝a masochist?

that caught ten off guard, making him snap his head all around to see if there are people passing by to hear their conversation. anyone would definitely find them strange to hear what they are talking about. ❝kun, don't say that.

no, i don't get it, make me understand.❞ kun clearly was having enough of how his future took a turn, quite different from what he actually expected. ❝why would i tie myself up with someone like him—

because you love him, kun, and there's no other reason, other than that, for it.❞ ten silenced him up with that, giving him a stern gaze before going back to his groceries.

the said male stiffened at how his friend sounded so stressed out as he said that to him. or in fact, he sounded angry. getting back to his senses, kun continued to follow from behind, playing with the hem of his sweater, slightly feeling guilty for irritating his friend like this.

i know i shouldn't be saying this to you, but you seriously should stop looking at hansol in that way.❞ ten carried on with the conversation, knowing that the latter was listening to him after being hushed. ❝but you basically owe your life to him.

that took kun's attention, ❝i owe him my life. how is that so?

hansol is going to kill me for this, but it has to be said, since it looks like he has no plans in doing so.❞ aware that the older planned to keep the future and their story hidden, one way or another, ten needs to explain it to his friend in order for him to stop complaining. ❝he didn't mean it when he confessed to you out of nowhere.

with his mouth agape, kun was taken aback by what he heard. ❝h-he.. didn't?

now, ten could see how hurt the latter is by it. he can't blame him at all. considering that he was still just starting to accept his true colors and preferences, knowing that his first ever male admirer doesn't even mean his confession, it will might have offended him. ❝but that doesn't mean he is playing with you, nor making fun of you.

but what other reasons could it be if he didn't—❞ kun was cut off with a hand reaching for the pack of cookies from behind him.

heck, he didn't even plan that confession out. he was inside the campus to see taeil hyung, and it just so happens, he saw you. he knew he shouldn't dally anymore time, and that's when he took the chance to make a move on you.❞ to think that this is going to be one peaceful day he'll be having to go buy groceries with a friend, ten thought wrong. he's going to have a head ache in telling this. ❝yes, it did seem like he was toying with your heart, which doyoung and i almost buried him alive for it, but he only did that to protect you.

but if he thinks about it, it's kun who's going to have his head throbbing in pain in taking all these information in. ❝how is crushing my hopes like that protecting me? it most likely is hurting me.

that's what we also thought so, but then, he started to explain it to us.❞ luckily for them, they were in an aisle where no one is at, making them have a quiet conversation with just them two. ❝but it's because of that ex-girlfriend of yours, and maybe because of me too.

with brows furrowed, kun picked up his pace to catch up to the shorter male. ❝and how are you included in this?

with the most sweetest smile he can muster, ten had to cover up his mistake with that innocent look he is having. ❝remember when you told me that you broke up with her?

nodding his head, the chinese was already feeling like he won't like what he is going to say next. ❝ten lee, what did you do?

i may or may have not beat a bitch up.❞ he said with his tone sounding like he was unsure of it.

but knowing him well, that definitely, most likely, absolutely, and surely happened. ❝what the—

listen, i was mad, okay? and.. i might not have been influenced with alcohol during the night that we saw each other at a bar.❞ ten whistled, looking away from the latter's disappointing gaze at him. ❝he was all over a guy's body and it made my blood boil, taking into account that you guys just recently broke up. and so, i couldn't hold myself back and created a scene inside the bar.

grumbling, kun pressed the bridge of his nose. ❝but i'm the one who asked some space, not her!

i know, okay!?❞ ten puffed his cheeks, upset that he has to go through being scolded by kun, twice in this context. ❝luckily, hansol was there, and he pulled me away before i can actually get killed. not from that swine, but by her family.

slowly catching up from the story, kun can't help but ask. ❝why does that have to do with me? you were the one who almost made her go bald.

but you're the one who broke up with her,❞ remembering that he's there in the supermarket for a reason, ten went back to pushing the shopping cart that's almost filled up with only snacks. ❝that's why her father is after you.

what do you mean—❞ pausing midway, his eyes were widened in remembering the very first night he had gone through with a lot of gunshots. ❝so that explains it.

not hearing what he just whispered, ten went back to taking the things in his list of what's needed at home. ❝apparently, she claims that she still loves you, but you broke her heart badly. and let's say, her father didn't take that lightly.

one thing that's still left unanswered, ❝hansol

hansol works under her father's organization. an underboss, to be exact. he was supposed to be next in line in leading the crew.❞ a laugh escaped from ten's mouth, still finding the time to tease the stressed male. ❝will you look at that, either way, you'll still get yourself associated with the mafia.

rolling his eyes, kun didn't want to take that joke personally as he knew that he still has something more to worry about, like what he said about his own husband being next in line.

damn, you're just a magnet for trouble.❞ it can either be a compliment or an insult, ten meant both ways.

hey,❞ not minding what the shorter said, kun asked something else. ❝what do you mean that he was supposed to take over the organization, was he not able to do it?

obviously,❞ ten stated, ❝because he went against the boss by making you as his boyfriend.

what's wrong with that?❞ kun continued to shoot his friend with questions that just keep on coming inside his head. ❝how did that stop them from targeting me?

oh, kun,❞ ten felt like he's a godmother, telling snow white her story. ❝they have this sexy rule that a member shouldn't mess with the other's relationship with someone. hansol was smart enough to take advantage of that and made you his boyfriend, thus, making your ex's father not do anything to you for quite a while.

but what happened now? they are still after me, after us.❞ the chinese said.

they are still going after you?❞ asking that with his brows furrowed, ten let out a mocking laugh. ❝that asshole, he told me that you two are already safe from them. he didn't say anything about that.

tell me, what happened?❞ kun insisted, not minding if he'll be overwhelmed once more with the information he'll be getting.

you asked him to quit the moment you found out that he's part of the mafia.❞ a chuckle was now heard from him. ❝and him, being a simp for you, he actually did.

kun honestly doesn't know whether he should be flattered by that or be upset that someone had to drop his passion for him, but he surely is blushing right now. ❝he didn't have to.

but he wanted to, because he didn't want you to worry all the time thinking that stepping foot out there is always him risking his life.❞ heaving out a sigh once more, they were already making their way to the counter. ❝maybe that's why they are still after you two. the privileges are not being applied anymore.

what do they have to do then? kun had no idea that his girlfriend, ex for that matter, has this kind of background, and he definitely didn't think that he'd be in such situation that involves violence, death, and a lot of guns.

spacing out, ten then uttered as he was in a daydream. ❝imagine marrying an underboss. hell, imagine being in a relationship with someone part of the mafia.

his statement earned a look coming from the chinese, judging him for what he is saying.

but ten wasn't fazed by it at all. ❝very hot.

ten, i don't think being associated with someone who has been thrown to jail a couple of times is hot.❞ kun just had to oppose of his opinion.

uh, it is, for me.❞ that's what he gets for reading a lot of books. ❝and i bet chenle will agree with me in that.

brows knitted, the mention of a certain someone took his attention immediately. ❝why is my cousin suddenly included?

you don't know?❞ getting carried away with it, ten is just exposing everyone at this point. ❝better check jisung's criminal record, then.

wait—❞ but he then recalled that time when he and that old geezer were in a crisis and he had to call jisung, making him connect the dots with that.

ten can't help but let out a laugh, ❝falling in love with a criminal runs in the blood, i see.

kun knew that it was meant to be a joke, but he was concerned by how that statement is somewhat true. though, he might not know his cousin's story, but he knew that chenle is not that stupid to just take anyone as his. as much as he wanted to know more about it, he didn't want to sniff into other people's business. and if he sticks with his own, it would also made him wonder as to why he did fall in love with someone who bailed out of jail once or twice, knows how to use a gun, was in a dangerous organization— but still manages to be sweet and loving to him.

science can't explain the sudden twist to that.

and what confused kun more is that, even after hearing this dark side of who hansol really is, that didn't stop him from having to think that he's still the best husband he can ever have.

yeah, sure, he might be like a certain someone who has a deep relationship with eggs, also an old fashioned person, and a tease, but that's what made kun fall in love with him.

may it be the past qian kun, or the future ji-qian kun, the both of them still managed to fall in love with such man.

biting his bottom lip, the chinese lowered his head down as he could now feel his cheeks heating up at how he just admitted that he's slowly falling into that man's charms. he then brought his hand up and he could feel his heart beating rapidly, as if it was running in a race.

he didn't even get to pay attention to ten who just kept on talking. ❝but you know what scared me? you keep on singing that britney spears song way back, and you actually fell in love with a literal criminal. if i sang mulan's reflection on repeat, would i have end up with mushu? or wait, was it shang—

the thai's random thought had to be cut off when kun had asked him a question that he knew he'd be regretting later. not because of the question itself, but because of the person he is asking to. ❝ten, can you tell me about hansol's likes and dislikes?

and ten, being himself, of course he would begin it with this, ❝to start it off, his favorite food is you.


"are they dead?"

after parking his car at the garage, hansol loosened his tie before leaning back to his seat and letting out a deep breath. ❝no, jisung, they are still breathing.

"they look like they're dead though." the male from the phone call had to insist.

i just put them unconscious, don't worry.❞ the man reassured the younger that he's having a call with. ❝can you put their bodies at a much more secluded place? i only got to think about it when i drove off.

a complaint was heard from the other line, probably being disgusted by the bodies he is seeing on the ground. "i can't believe you took down the whole gang. there are like one, two.. five of them."

they were following me from behind as i was going home. you know it'll be the end if they find out where i live.❞ hansol explained it to him as he finally took the courage to get out of the car and make his way to the front door.

"why were you out in the first place?" letting out huffs, jisung was struggling to think of an idea on how and where he should place these corpse.

had to take sian to school,❞ the other reason made him grunt in annoyance, ❝and kun and i had a small argument, i needed fresh air.

that earned a good laugh coming from the younger, "let me guess, you killed another character from sian's story?"

no, it's because kun still had to process inside his head that he's married to someone who was once part of the mafia. however, there's no way he'll be saying that. ❝yeah, that's it— wait, speaking of that, park jisung!

his stern and loud voice actually made the said male flinch. "h-hyung?"

how dare you give my son such an explicit book, huh? you're dead to me!❞ that was a threat, and might possibly happen even though hansol is just joking around. if his patience is being tested out, he might be able to hold back. after all, he is still prioritizing himself first in being a father and a husband.

and this is where jisung knew that he has to take an exit before he might join these unconscious bodies. "w-will you look at that? it's time to bury these bodies alive!"

we aren't done with this topic, and you are not supposed to bury them—❞ hansol didn't get to finished what he planned to say as the call had already been dropped. he clicked his tongue and decided to wait for when they'll be seeing each other just so he can get back at him for giving his kid a book about a pudu and a lion mating. ❝he's lucky that he gets a pass for cleaning my bloody mess.

clicking his tongue, the man ran a hand through his hair before putting his phone back inside his pocket and taking out the house keys in exchange. he was about to opening the front door with it, but as he twisted the knob, it was already somehow open. at this late hour at night, everyone should be sleeping by now.

unless, someone else barged inside.

kun, sian!❞ with widened eyes, hansol hurriedly opened the door in panic, his thoughts running wild as to what could have possibly happened to his family, but was then surprised to see his husband standing there in the middle of the living room. ❝kid?

with a sheepish smile, kun greeted him. ❝you're back.

but what caught hansol's eyes and attention more is how he looked so different. ❝what are you wearing?

with a clueless gaze at him, kun tilted his head to the side. ❝but ten told me that this is how your husband greets you whenever you're home this late.

hansol's ears twitched in irritation after hearing that he's referring his husband as if they are not the same. nonetheless, that doesn't change the fact that he's wearing an oversized pink sweater, shorts that just settled down to his thighs, and a pair of white socks— a fantasy of his that he had accidentally told ten about.

clicking his tongue, hansol can't believe that his husband was once again being played by his own friend. sure, it's all fun and games for them, but he's struggling to keep a part of him asleep. that is why, he had to change the topic and act like he didn't see him in those clothes at all. ❝did you manage to pick sian up from school?

hm, ten gave me a ride and he also drove us back home.❞ kun said, nodding his head with a bright smile. he was being obviously excited just because of what he has in store for the man. ❝have you eaten yet? i cooked your favorite.

he cooked himself? hissing, the older had to shake his head to shrug all those inappropriate thoughts he is having.

though, hansol appreciated the effort, but he really did have to avoid him for now and just deal with his own private business inside their room, inside their bathroom to be exact. ❝i'm not really hungry.

the corner of kun's lips then curved down to a frown, having his eyes following the older as he closed the door and got inside the house. his gaze trailed down to the man's white dress shirt he is wearing, and he could see a red stain at the sleeves of it. after knowing much about him, kun didn't have to overthink as to what those are. though, he was worried as to how he got it stained on his dress shirt. ❝i see that you have come home after dealing with something. do you want me to wash that shirt for you?

having the gods above by his side, hansol remained looking away as he rolled up his sleeves. ❝don't worry, i can just put it in the laundry basket and wash it myself.

ji hansol.❞ his name was then called.

that made him internally curse, gathering the courage to face his husband. ❝what?

with an adoring smile on his face, showing his adorable dimples, kun approached the taller until he was close right in front of him. he continued to stare up at him, bringing up his hands up a second after, cupping his face. if that sudden action caught hansol off guard already, what more if he could see the younger leaning near to him till their lips have touched?

welcome home.❞ shyly pulling away without reaching a minute, the chinese showed a grin despite of being so red for what he has done. ❝i still don't know how to kiss, so, i hope you're alright with a peck.

alright? that was more than that, it was enough to make hansol groan and have his arms wrapped around his waist, still being this close. his own husband is making it so hard for him to control his horndog self, ❝then let me teach you.

huh— hm..❞ kun might not have expected to have his lips being ravished by him, but he didn't push the taller away even when he had the strength to do so. as a matter of fact, he even slowly drowsed his eyes closed with his hands sliding down to the man's chest and having it settled there. ❝ah..

hansol gently nibbled on to the younger's bottom lip, asking for permission if he can insert his tongue inside. the shorter might not understand the hint he was getting, but because of how soft bites were felt in his lip, he put his mouth agape and he may have let out a low moan because of it.

b-baba..❞ that slipped out of his tongue, loving how he was feeling with the older's touch and affection being given to him.

please don't call me that during our intimate moment,❞ hansol whispered, his warm breath ghosting over the younger's lips. ❝that endearment is supposed to be wholesome.

heaving out a sigh, kun understood what he meant. he first took his time catching his breath before throwing his arms over the man's shoulder and gluing his body to the taller's lean one. ❝hansol, sofa.

a smirk made its way to the man's face as he teased the younger with kitten licks on his lips. ❝don't mind if i do.

they had to idea where this tension is coming from and how it started to build up, but the next thing they do know is them smashing their lips and wasted no second to do so. hansol could tell that the younger was trying to follow his actions, slowly moving his tongue and is playing with his. kun let out a sensual hum when he could feel himself being guided from behind, walking back until he could feel the sofa from behind. the two flopped down immediately with the taller hovering over the smaller figure. neither of them stopped what they were doing, continuing to devour each other's lips like there's no tomorrow.

do you think sian is already asleep?❞ hansol only asked when the younger forcibly pulled away to catch for air.

heavily breathing in and out, kun managed to answer him nonetheless. ❝h-he is.

trailing his kisses from behind his ear, the man chuckled deeply to tickle him. ❝do you think you can be quiet if we do it in the living room—

"mama, uncle xiao is calling!"

sian was woken up by the emergency phone he had on his room. when he checked who was calling, he answered it only to know that his uncle xiao wanted to talk to one of his fathers since it looked like neither of them would pick up their phones. he had no idea on what's happening at the living room, but he does know that his mama is there, waiting for his dada to arrive. it looks like his other father had already arrived since he could now hear strange noises, and that wasn't enough to scare him away and stop him from hopping down the stairs.

mama!❞ raising the phone up as if it's some trophy, their boy had a smile that resembled the chinese upon walking up to them. ❝dada, you're home!

with flash shaking in the speed of light, these two were quick to fix their position the moment they heard their son's voice from upstairs. though, they weren't able to prevent and hide the blush on their cheeks and probably also that faint red marks on kun's neck. not to mention, their lips looked swollen like something had bit them.

dada, why is your lips like a balloon?❞ sian just had to describe it like that.

chuckling at their son's innocence, hansol went to steal a peck on his husband's lips and asked permission from him. ❝i'll put him back to sleep.

sian had his head tilted to the side as he watched his parents act weird and suspicious, making him squint his eyes at the two.

standing up from the sofa and leaving his blushing husband alone, hansol picked up the little boy and took the phone from him. ❝come on, big guy, i'll answer the call and put you back to sleep.

kun watched the two from behind, still having his cheeks all flushed as his eyes followed their figure until they disappeared from his sight to possibly go to the boy's room. when he was left alone in the living room, that's when he had lost it.

this is not good!❞ he told to himself after whining quietly, cupping his face with his both his hands, muffling out a groan.

is it actually alright to fall in love with someone from the future?

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