⌜ ten ⌟

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another day and hansol learned not to expect anything anymore.

all he has to be reassured is having his husband by his side. though, he was taken by surprise when he woke up and saw him laying there with his opened and a smile forming on his lips. if he wasn't just married to him, hansol would have mistaken the latter for plotting murder towards him. the two of them locked gazes with the man having tired eyes, and the other looked like he woke up at the right side of the bed. his husband looked completely different from the first day that this situation had happened, he looked like he was slowly starting to embrace this life he is living.

which, honestly, hansol has no idea whether he should be concerned to or be happy about it. sighing, he lifted his hand up and covered the younger's face. ❝stop looking at me like that.

with a muffled chuckle, kun took the man's hand and intertwined their fingers, holding the older's hand as he continued to give him an adoring stare. ❝why not? you're my husband.

hansol's breathing stopped for a moment there, his drowsy eyes now turned to widened saucers, and his mouth went agape at the possibility. the expression he has on his face somewhat made the chinese's chest to clench, something about it made him guilty.

but then, he covered it up with a small smile, ❝yeah, it's still me.

that correction caused hansol to unintentionally show a sad frown. he stared at the younger that's with him on the bed, caressing his cheek as he admired the beauty he got married to. he missed him, he missed the kun he married to.

closing his eyes, he reminded himself not to show such affection to someone who's technically not his. taking his hand away, hansol buried it under the pillow. ❝did you even sleep?

kun admits, he felt dejected when he couldn't feel the man's touch anymore. though, he vowed to understand the situation they are in rather than being petty and selfish. ❝of course, i did.

silence started to engulf them inside the room, making the chinese form his lips to a pout. early in the morning, and he could feel the disappointment from the man. maybe because of the fact that it's still him and not the person he married.

but kun wasn't going to let that bother him, which is why he decided to lift the mood up with a joke. ❝i was having a hard time having a good night's rest because of your dad snore.

it might not be the best joke to say, but it made the man let out a deep chuckle. ❝really? because the last time i remember, you were sleeping like a baby.

taking this chance, kun smirked with confidence. ❝but i'm your baby, aren't i?

and i'm your dadd—❞ hansol froze for a good minute as he just realized what he was being dragged into, making him put a bored frown while the younger was laughing at what he was about to say.

because of that, he also started to get playful, too playful, that he kicked his husband off the bed. he didn't put much strength on his foot with it, that's why he flinched when the chinese actually fell off the bed when he kicked him. hansol didn't see that he was already at the edge of the bed from laughing. when he was about to ask if he was okay, the man was greeted with his husband still laughing at the way he reacted. that made his lips slowly curve up to a smile, heat rising up to his cheeks.

wiping the literal tears that was formed from laughing, kun sat down on the floor and put his chin down the bed as he stared at the man whom he caught smiling at him. ❝i was just kidding. sian's our baby here, and you're his daddy.

and since the chinese was bold enough to play with him, he also planned to do the same. ❝i mean, i can be yours, too, in bed.

the laugh, that kun had, died down quicker than his friend's chemistry grade. that caused for the man to let out the loudest laugh that it might have reach to their son's room. and because of that, it also urged for the chinese to also tease him. getting up from the ground, he climbed to the bed and crawled towards the man who now had his eyes widened.

seeing how seductive he was in nearing towards him caught hansol off guard. ❝kid, what are you doing?

i don't know,❞ humming, kun placed a finger on to the male's chest and pushed him down the bed. ❝baba, what am i doing?

if it weren't for the crisis they are having right now, hansol would have actually made a move in pushing his husband down the bed and hovered over him as he devours his lips. but even if he had that in mind, he was still aware that this man right here is the past, which would be awkward if he does that. that's why, he took a pillow and throw it to him.

blinking his eyes rapidly, kun gave him a glare for that. ❝hey!

you have work to go to.❞ hansol reminded him, shifting to another position that he now has his back facing him.

with a whine, kun clearly doesn't want to report to his job. ❝can't i skip it? at least till this is all fixed.

and when is that going to be?❞ the man may not be facing him, but the younger male could tell that he has his brow raised upon questioning that.

i d-don't know.❞ kun said with his cheeks puffed, shaking the man's body. ❝but i also don't want to go to work!

stop acting like a kid and just go.❞ hansol grumbled, his whines reminded him of how their boy would complain whenever he goes to school.

and as usual, kun always has something to say against it even if it won't make any sense. ❝stop acting like a person from prehistoric age and take consideration of how i would feel about this!

in dealing with this, hansol did what he always does when sian complains, ignore. he closed his eyes and prayed for sleep to take over him. but with the whines and murmurs of complains coming from his husband, he doubts that he'll be able to drift off to sleep with this. but luckily for him, a phone ringing stopped the chinese from continuing his irrelevant list of how he shouldn't report to work. why is it irrelevant? because his reason is unacceptable, he's tired. ❝go pick it up, it's yours.

a groan was coming from kun as he took his phone from the bedside table, still wondering why his phone has no password at all. then again, there really isn't anything inside it except for work and pictures of his family.

shrugging that thought off, kun widened his eyes as soon as he saw who the caller is. ❝it's my boss!

then what are you waiting for? answer it.❞ hansol grumbled, snuggling to his pillow.

but i know she's going to question me about my actions yesterday.❞ while kun was panicking and is debating on whether he should answer the call or not, the man just laid there looking dead.

then tell her that you cried because the people were ganging up on you.❞ he said with a yawn, ❝just lie, unless, you want to tell her what's really happening.

pondering an idea came to kun's head, ❝wait, didn't you say i can just use you as a reason?

that was such an odd thing to say, making hansol face him with brows knitted in a questionable manner. ❝what are you planning to do?

oh, nothing,❞ with an innocent smile, kun pressed a finger on his phone to answer the call. ❝just going to tell her the truth.

raising a brow, hansol had to keep quiet because his husband was already talking to the phone, though, he badly wants to ask what he is planning.

yes, i would like to apologize for my actions yesterday.❞ what startled the man is when he could hear him sniffling, faking a cry. ❝it's j-just that, i had a fight with m-my dear husband, making me sensitive with little things.

his reasoning made hansol scoff, finding many faults in that sentence alone. first, whenever they fight, the younger always wins. and if he does get the chance to win over the argument, there's no way he'd be sensitive afterwards. heck, kun would complain all day, convincing everyone that he's right even when he's wrong. seeing him act like a victim here is making him cringe, it all is shown in the expression the man is making.

do i need help? no, it's alright! hansol and i fixed it already.❞ and he continued on with his lies. ❝oh, about work..

alright, that's enough.❞ hansol shouted in a whisper tone, making an attempt to take the phone away from him, but failed miserably when the younger pushed him with a hand on his chest. ❝ji-qian kun!

ah, do i need to report today?❞ not being fazed out at how he was being hovered by the man, kun continued to talk to his boss that's on the phone right now. in fact, the position they are having gave him an idea. shameless, but it's still worth a shot. ❝a-actually, my back is still sore.

hansol widened his eyes, trying to snatch his phone again but was prevented by his husband's hand that's pushing him on his chest.

definitely, he went rough with me last night,❞ sniffling, kun is making it sound like he was really destroyed. ❝after all, we just made up from our fight.

not having it, hansol finally managed to take the phone and end the call. he slammed it down on the bedside table and went back to glaring at the younger under him who's giving him a sweet smile, not quivering at how intimidating the man is being right now.

in fact, he just managed to chuckle. if it were any other people in his spot, they might pass out from the deadly gaze they are getting from him. ❝you said i can use you as a reason.

you didn't have to use it in that way!❞ hansol raised his voice, thinking that it would scare the younger.

but kun shrugged with a sheepish smile. ❝that's the exact example you gave to me.

god,❞ hansol brought his hand up and pinched the bridge of his nose, ❝they are going to get scared of me again.

well, what's important is that i got her to spare me today.❞ kun happily announced, but then got back to being curious on what the man meant by what he said. ❝what, what do you mean again?

nothing.❞ flopping down beside him, hansol was about to take the duvet and cover himself up with it, but the younger male got ahead of him and is now the one hovering on top of the man, with his legs straddling on his hips. ❝go back to sleep, isn't that the reason why you don't want to report today? it's still too early.

hey, i have an idea!❞ kun said with pure enthusiasm, like a kid wanting to play.

but hansol just had to act like he's too tired to deal with him. ❝i don't care.

since i have my day off today, how about we spend it by you telling me about our story.❞ suggesting that, kun let out a chuckle as he had no plans on getting off from the man's tummy until he gets him to agree with it.

having his brows furrowed, hansol squinted his eyes at him. ❝and why would i spoil you about us?

come on, story time!❞ there is so much traits that their boy has gotten from kun, being stubborn is one of the many. ❝how did we fall in love?

i'm not telling you that.❞ because unlike the younger's two bestfriends, he doesn't want for him to get a free pass knowing the walkthrough of their love story.

how did we meet? after you confessed to me in college, what happened to us?❞ but kun insisted, ❝why won't you tell me!

because,❞ seeing that his husband is going to fall off from the bed, hansol instinctively held on to his waist just to keep him seated on top of him. ❝there might be a possibility of you remembering all of this once you go back to your own dimension, and i don't want you to cheat with everything. you already know who doyoung and ten ended up with, that's enough information.

even if he made a point, kun still is being stubborn of what he wants. ❝but what about us? i also want to know about the future of us.

please, don't make me tell you.❞ hansol started to beg, staring straight to the younger's soft eyes. ❝i don't want you to cheat on life. just.. trust the process, hm?

kun knew he's in the upper hand once he uses the card, but something inside him is holding him back from doing so as it looked like the man is serious in what he is asking. sighing, the chinese puffed his cheeks. ❝fine, but at least tell me who you are?

that's all? easy. ❝i'm ji hansol, nice to meet you.

that frustrated kun a little bit, making him lightly smack the man's chest. ❝not that way! like, tell me what kind of person you are! i know nothing about you except for the fact that you're my husband, and an old hag whose hobby is making fun of me being younger than you.

excuse you,❞ hansol then corrected him, ❝but i also have a hobby of loving you, don't forget that.

that caused to fluster the chinese, feeling his face heating up with how he had to add that up. he has no business in being sweet this early in the morning. ❝a-aside from that! stop being mysterious and just tell me who you are. why are people so scared of you?

hansol always has a way out for every question. ❝because i'm an intimidating person.

no, you aren't! you're just a grandpa who wants some snuggles and cuddles.❞ kun contradicted to that.

it took the chinese a good minute before realizing what he just said, how happy he sounded when he said it, and how his tone was like of a baby's. while hansol was also taken aback by it, the younger coughed, looking away and having his eyes wandering around. awkward silence was filling the room up with these two embracing it.

until kun cleared his throat and acted like it didn't happen at all. ❝i m-mean, just tell me what you're hiding from me. why was my ex-girlfriend's father chasing us, and why do they want us dead? what did he mean when he said that you worked for him? what's going on?

it wouldn't hurt telling him this one, right? aside from him possibly being scared, the younger would find out about it one way or another. ❝are you sure you want to know?

with his face brightening up, kun nodded his head in an excited manner, waiting patiently for what the older had to say. seeing his finger motioning for him to lean close, the chinese obediently neared his face down to the man.

and he then heard him whisper, ❝i'm secretly your babysitter.

so much for actually trusting him, kun moved away as he clicked his tongue. ❝ji hansol!

the disappointment in his face is what's amusing the man as of that moment, leading him to casually just expose himself. ❝you don't actually expect me to admit that i once worked under a mafia organization, do you?

kun's jaw then dropped at what he heard, his body stiffening as his mind was slowly connecting the dots and how scary it looks like as it all made sense. ❝y-you're..

the jail jokes ten would make towards the man, the fact that he has a gun kept inside this room, and the way how it looks like it wasn't his first time being chased during that night— it's frightening how it all proves what the man just said. meanwhile, hansol was afraid that the chinese might actually run away, scared, of what he had just learned. but no, this is somehow giving him confidence, and urging him to tease the younger since it looks like he's scared. when actually, he's just processing on what's going on.

but hansol thought that it's a great idea to tease him by scaring him more, which is why, they switched positions with him being on top again, figuratively, and literally. ❝why are you so quiet all of a sudden?

kun flinched and had his breathing hitched when he felt the man's hand going under his shirt. ❝b-because.. hm..

a quiet scoff was heard from hansol when he got a whimper from the younger the moment he leaned to his ear, having his warm breath ghost over it. ❝are you scared?

rather than s-scared,❞ he's saying that he's not a slight bit fazed by it when he's already stuttering. ❝i just didn't e-expect to be—

associated with someone whose whole life is full of illegal business?❞ a smirk formed on his lips. ❝deal with it, kid.

i didn't s-say i wouldn't d-deal with it..❞ a sensual noise came out from kun's mouth when he felt the man burying his face down on the crook of his neck.

after all, the moment you vowed to be with me,❞ trailing his sloppy kisses to the younger's jaw, hansol let out a deep chuckle. ❝was also the moment you committed to danger.

biting his bottom lip, kun didn't mean to sound like he isn't grateful to have this man as his lifetime lover. he didn't mean to be rude with how taken aback he looked, and he also didn't mean to look scared, he's just processing the things being said inside his head. also, he doesn't know that the man was just playing with him, and he actually isn't hurt with how the younger is looking like he's going to run away any minute from now.

thus, making him look determined in embracing the truth. throwing his arms over the man's shoulder and making the older male face him, eye to eye, to see how sincere he will look as he says, ❝i don't mind, because when i'm with you, danger seems like a good thing.

hansol didn't expect for him to take it seriously, ❝what—

"dada, i already took a bath. i'm just waiting for mama to make breakfast and it's time to go to school!"

the two snapped their heads to the side and widened their eyes when the door was pushed open, revealing their son that's already in his uniform with his backpack from behind. sian's face froze at the sight of his parents being in such position in bed, his smile staying the same, but he could feel his soul leaving from his body. oh, to be scarred at such a young age.

the boy didn't even need to wait for their explanation, he was quick to act like he has no sight, eyes empty. ❝i'll call uncle xiao to come and pick me up.

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