⌜ sixteen ⌟

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getting inside the kitchen after spending an hour inside the bathroom, receiving a thirty-minute complaint coming from his own husband, hansol leaned by the door frame that separated the living room and the kitchen. he had a proud and adoring smile on his face as he watched his own son arranging the snacks that they would be having for tonight's movie marathon. his boy was gently placing down the cookies in a plate, putting enough chips on to the bowl, and even pouring juice and water inside their personalized bottles.

he didn't know why he was smiling so fondly as he stared at his son, but maybe because it reminded him of his husband. ❝sian, big boy, what are you doing?

the child, admittingly, got startled upon hearing his father's voice, but immediately regained himself with a smile. ❝mama would always do this whenever we watch a movie.

he would?❞ hansol didn't forget, but it probably got out from his thoughts since he was starting to get used to the situation he is having now. not that he actually mean to do that, it just really went away, and now that he's being reminded of it, he got to remember that trait of his husband.

hm, he would make sure that everything is perfect for us.❞ sian struggled to carry all of the things, but nonetheless, he still made an attempt to bring all those to the living room where they had already set up their pillows and blankets.

that's what hansol admired the most with his husband, he always tries to give them the best. ❝he does.

nodding his head, the little boy let out a chuckle. ❝and i wanna be like mama when i grow up!

he knew that his son meant it in a good way, personality wise and decision making wise, but hansol just can't stop himself from making fun of it with a snort. but of course, he had to whisper it to himself as he didn't want the boy to ask a question in regards to it at such a young age. ❝like what, being a bottom?

but unfortunately, luck wasn't on the man's side as the boy actually had heard it. ❝dada, what's a bottom—

sian was unable to finish his question when his other father came inside the kitchen and nudged his elbow harshly on to the man's tummy, causing him crouch down with a loud and painful groan. as the boy stiffened from his place, he got back to his senses when he saw his mama approaching him with a sweet smile, as if he didn't wake up and choose violence on the man that's uttering curse words at how it actually hurts. sometimes he wonders, how are his parents still able to live another day being together when they always are aggressive towards each other. but like what they say, the more you hate, the more you love.

however, that quote doesn't apply to his hate relationship with a certain xiao who never fails to get on his nerves.

i'll carry the others, baby, put the cookies and chips down the countertop and bring our bottles at the living room first.❞ kun then told him, leaving his pained husband there.

doing what his father told him, sian passed by his other father and wanted to ask him if he's alright, but chose not to see, eyes empty.

it's funny how everything about that boy resembles his husband too much, even that rude gesture of ignoring him. clicking his tongue, hansol put a halt to his failed acting strategy in getting pity from their son. he then checked if the boy got himself in the living room without tripping or getting hurt before turning to face the love of his life, standing there with mittens being worn just to be safe in taking the cupcakes out from the over.

without making a sound, the man walked over to him and wrapped his arms around the latter's waist, putting fuel to the moment they are having by placing sloppy pecks on his neck and shoulder. ❝kid?

but just like how sian pretended not to see, kun also decided to act like this man hugging him didn't exist at all. he stayed silent as he stood there, waiting for the cupcakes to be perfectly cooked, and being swayed gently by the man who's still embracing him from behind.

the treatment he got made hansol scoff, ❝is today torture ji hansol day?

it's always everyday, kun wanted to say that and joke around, but purposely didn't. though, he let out a light chuckle because of the thought that he's having.

so, you're not going to talk to me?❞ hansol huffed, in the middle of removing his arms around the male's waist. ❝if you just told me beforehand you're going to give me this kind of treatment then i would have prepared myself from this battlefield.

kun quickly took out the tray full of cupcake out of the oven, not forgetting to roll his eyes at the man that's sulking and complaining like a kid, his dramatic ass making everyone forget that he once belongs to a mafia organization and not a theater club. upon putting the tray down the counter, he then turned around to face the taller that's still blabbering nonsense, looking like he's about to cry any second if the chinese doesn't speak to him.

and i thought communication is key? we just never learn, now, do we. are we, like, going to be the kim doyoung and moon taeil, where we'll have six or more break ups and meet up again after eight years—❞ hansol widened his eyes when he noticed his husband's hand cupping his face.

and the next thing he knows, he was silenced up with a kiss.

well, it can't be an innocent one, that's for sure. these two are shameless enough to make out inside the kitchen where their son would walk up on. but did that thought stop them? no, because they're not thinking about it in the first place.

what's surprising enough is how it was kun initiating and is leading the kiss this time. a kiss where both of them are familiar with, a kiss that this man approved of— a kiss that they have to use their tongue. letting out a quiet moan, the chinese pushed himself forward and pressed his body to the taller male who's having his hands on the countertop to prevent the two of them from falling. if he were to confess, hansol is having a hard time catching up with the pace they are having, but not like he mind having the latter lead him on.

pulling away, kun had to nibble on to the man's bottom lip for a couple of seconds before finally separating himself fully with a shy smile. ❝i love you.

chuckling, hansol leaned forward and gave him a light peck on the lips. ❝why are you saying that all of a sudden.

nothing,❞ patting his chest, kun gently pushed the man away as he went back to carrying the tray of cupcakes. ❝can't i express my love to my own husband?

passing by him to arrange the cupcakes and have their snacks be brought to the living room, the chinese didn't get to notice how the man froze from his place. hansol had no idea on whether it was because of the tinge hope he has that maybe his husband was back and that everything is fixed now, or because he was reminded of what that certain doctor had told him about his lover's condition.

he'll be stuck with the past and might not be able to see his future again, that has been inside his head ever since that day.

hansol was sure that he didn't want that to happen, but he couldn't believe how he's taking consideration and is even hesitating.

baba,❞ with him being called, it snapped him out from his pile of thoughts and got to take a glimpse of the man he committed his life to, giving him a loving smile. ❝come on, sian is waiting.

the hope he then had of everything being fixed and having to deal with nothing anymore was broken down when that happened. not like he was finding it odd, but there's just a difference he could tell on whether that's his future, or the past that he knows not even a thing of. though, he didn't expect that he'd get closer to his husband past self like this— to the point that it's making him reconsider what that doctor had warned him.

but technically, isn't this cheating? despite of still admiring his own husband, that's not exactly the man, in a sense, that he fell in love with. that's not the man he waited for years just to finally settle and being deemed as his. even if this is basically still his husband he is talking to, kissing, and making love to, anyone that can judge can tell that it's definitely different.

because he didn't vow to spend his lifetime with the past, he did it with the future.

hey,❞ once again being snapped out from his thoughts, the man turned to his side and he could see how worried the younger is. ❝you look bothered, what is it?

he was too immersed in his pile of thoughts, thinking too thoroughly about them, that he didn't even get to notice how he's already sitting down with his family in the living room, watching a movie with their son who's too focused with the marvel series they had promised to have a marathon with.

baba, are you sick?❞ raising his hand up, kun was about to feel his temperature on his forehead but his hand was being taken by then man, having their fingers intertwined.

leaning on to the sofa, hansol threw his head back with a long and distressed sigh. ❝i'm fine, kun, just thinking.

eyeing their little boy for a short while, the chinese scooted closer and made sure he won't disturb the kid as he leaned towards the troubled man. ❝you can tell me about it, you know i'll be here to listen.

normally, hansol would be vocal about his problems. maybe not just to anyone, but to his own husband, he would always tell him how his day went, what's worrying him, what's making him mad, and especially on what's bothering him. that also goes the same with the latter, the chinese would also do the same, he'd always go to him first when he complains about how his officemates would always slack off, how his agency is getting a little bit rusty with their research team, how he just wants a day off, and simply almost everything.

that's how that two of them knew very well that they have each other for comfort.

but when ten said that if the past kun gets to find out about the condition, he might find a way not to be treated.

that's why hansol closed his mouth and gave him a smile to reassure him, which is just a lie to cover up. ❝it's nothing serious, don't worry.

pouting, kun placed his chin down to the man's shoulder, still having his face turning to him. ❝how can i not worry? you're my husband.

hearing that once more just made hansol space out, looking straight to the younger's eyes as he got lost into them. he was trying to convince himself that nothing is going to happen and that everything is going to be okay, but he just can't help but be guilty because of what he's doing right now.

because what if, just what if, he's also falling back?

giggling, kun took this opportunity to near towards him and steal a short kiss, getting back the man's attention. ❝i really think you need rest. you must be tired, hm?

this is so fucked up, yet, hansol took the risk, as long as he gets to share this moment he's having with his husband.

letting go of the chinese's hand that he had been holding on to in order to ease his mind, hansol slid his hand behind the younger's nape and pulled him back close, taking the gap between them and smashing their lips as if they hadn't made out inside the kitchen just moments ago.

but before the man can even take the lead and have another heated session in the living room, kun pulled away softly as he felt the need to remind him. ❝baba, sian is just right there.

kid,❞ whining, he looked so desperately adorable in asking permission and approval from his lover. ❝he won't know if you don't make a sound.

this is not a good idea, and talk about bad parenting. nonetheless, kun had a smirk forming on his lips as he leaned to the man's ear just to whisper. ❝then how about you shut me up?

brushing his tongue over his bottom lip, hansol wasted no time to actually do what he was told, to shut him up by having their lips glued together. and while the two were having a rated moment of their own from behind, the little boy that had his attention on the flat screen then remembered something the broke him out from his stance.

jiro ge told me that when he was young, iron man burned ant man's kneecaps.❞ curious about it, sian had the urge to ask his parents to confirm whether what he had remembered had really happened. in order to do that, he had to turn around and face them. ❝mama, dada, is iron man's job to burn kneecaps—

he didn't even get to finish his important question when a hand went up to his eyes and covered his sight from seeing what's happening between his parents. that happens to be hansol's hand, still having humanity left in saving their son's innocence.


after finally putting their son to bed, kun went rushing to the living room where the man had also finished cleaning up but left the blankets and pillows down the floor as the both of them agreed to sleep there for the night. the excited expression he had intrigued the older male that has been waiting patiently for him. the chinese was smiling widely, it's as if he has been keeping this news for a while and has been meaning to tell him about it.

guess what,❞ kun then approached the man, waddling his way towards him as he was just enlightened with what he had gained today.

sitting there with a brow raised, hansol was too tired to think about it. ❝what?

which only got the younger to lightly slap him by the arm upon taking a seat back right next to the taller male. ❝i said guess.

hm,❞ pondering, hansol really had nothing to think about. ❝we're setting up an ice cream parlor?

that's a good idea, but no.❞ that plan sounded silly, but at the same time, kun was actually taking consideration of it. however, that's not his main purpose as to why he's making the latter guess. but since it looked like he couldn't think of anything else, he heaved a sigh and gave him the answer instead. ❝we are invited to the nakamoto's youngest daughter's birthday party at the beach! i was given a chance to interview dong sicheng today, and let me tell you this, he's nice as hell. and also, it seems like we're good friends since he's too comfortable with me. nonetheless, he gave me an invitation for their daughter's birthday.

a second after, a laugh was heard coming from hansol, making the younger male tilt his head to the side in wonder as to why he's finding it funny. ❝kid, that's your cousin's beach house, you've been there a thousand of times already. you even complained to me as to why it's so popular, you're tired of going to the same place with different occasion over and over again.

knowing that then made kun drop his jaw before puckering his lips and folding his arms across his chest. ❝damn, so it's just that plain old beach house.

it's not really old, nor plain, it's just his way of expressing that he had enough going there always. heck, the zhong's beach resort is well built, their houses for rent there are so modernized that anyone wouldn't expect for it to be part of the beach resort.

i guess my future self is also tired of going there, as he should.❞ kun said with a chuckle. ❝but on the bright side, i guess i can finally get to meet the whole gang?

blinking his eyes in a clueless manner, hansol couldn't seem to understand. ❝what do you mean?

dong sicheng mentioned that he's going to invite the others too,❞ he then started to explain. ❝that made me conclude that we have the same group of friends?

with that being said, a playful smile made its way to hansol's lips, ❝oh, trust me, we have a large group.

the party is still around the corner, yet, kun was already starting to feel nervous at the mention of it. ❝i only managed to lie to sicheng, saying that i didn't feel well, because he noticed that i was being a little bit distant. what more if i get to see this group of ours.

you don't have to worry,❞ pulling him close, hansol helped the younger up in sitting on his lap. ❝i'll just be by your side always.

getting comfortable on top of there, kun gave him those pleading eyes. ❝you will?

hansol crumbled at how those eyes are his weakness, making him almost melt on the spot, if it weren't for a voice inside him, telling him not to give in and fall for it. sighing, he then told the younger, ❝anyways, ten told me about the birthday party already.

hearing his friend's name then caused for kun's ears to perk up. ❝you.. met with ten today?

the other day.❞ hansol widened his eyes as he just realized that the latter shouldn't know that. but instead of panicking and making it seem more obvious that he's hiding something from his lover, the man began to joke around. ❝why, you jealous?

denying it, kun looked away just so he wouldn't be caught. ❝me, jealous? pfft, ji-qian kun being jealous doesn't sound right as a sentence.

but what if i tell you that i had fun with ten, and that we—❞ joking around like this is such an asshole move, but the man was finding amusement in seeing the look on his husband's face.

excuse you, ji hansol, you must have forgotten that you're already a married man, who believes that sharing is not caring, and ten lee already has a biker of his own.❞ the moment kun said that was also the moment he realized that he just exposed himself from cutting the older off as he was in the middle of telling him as to what had probably happened throughout the day as friends. puffing his cheeks, kun lowered his head down in defeat. ❝fine, i am, so what? you told me one time that you were in ten's list in his plans of dating.

that already passed, kid.❞ leaning forward, hansol captured the latter's lips to cheer him up. ❝hm? i already have you, and you have me.

being reassured by this warmed the chinese's heart, giving him a hard time to hide the blush on his cheek. but then again, does he even ever get the chance not to blush at flustering moments like this. ❝you know, i'm glad, but worried at the same time.

what made you feel both that are contrasting each other?❞ hansol asked as he found his own self playing with the younger's hair.

i'm worried because i know they would suspect me for being strange in the gathering. surely, i won't be talking to them longer than a minute because i don't know them at all.❞ kun then voiced out his concern, not trying to even hide the thought at the back of his head. ❝but at the same time, i'm also glad that i am starting to get to know about them, about us, about you.

hansol then paused from fumbling with that male's soft strands, caught off guard with what the latter had said. frankly speaking, he had no idea whether he should start being concerned about it, or leave it be and watch where this is going.

hansol, i want to know more about you.❞ kun said with a small smile, sincere with his words.

shrugging his thoughts off, the said man had covered up his stressed-out state with a smile. ❝what is there to know? i think you already do. my birthday, likes and dislikes, and the colors of socks that are inside my closet.

showing his peak interest, kun has been wanting to ask this question for a while. ❝tell me about the mafia.

i was the underboss, second in line.❞ which he could have taken the spot to lead the people from that organization, but he decided not to as he would have been very embarrassing. ❝don't you know that?

about the job, hansol!❞ kun raised his voice at him, not really meaning it in a harmful way. ❝does it have dark motive or—

kid, it's a mafia organization, obviously, danger is going to be everywhere❞ hansol pointed that out. ❝it's all about complying for the tasks given. even if we have to use force, but oftentimes, we use violence in it. let's just say, the mafia is like the government, but is illegal.

i can see that.❞ and normally, anyone would be afraid of meeting anyone that are associated with such dangerous and illegal organization. ❝so that explains the cruise ships that ten had mentioned.

a laugh was heard from the man, ❝yep, believe it or not, but those rich dudes hire me and pay me at such a high price. i must really be doing perfect in my job.

but why did you stop?❞ kun asked out of curiosity.

because, you don't want me to risk my life.❞ taking his hand, hansol caressed it softly as the two of them talked. ❝like you said, it's dangerous, and i understand how worried you'll always be whenever you see me getting injured upon arriving home.

did you quit because i told you to, or did you quit out of your own will?❞ the younger had asked again.

and this time, the man was taking time in answering it. ❝i stopped because you told me to.

why don't you continue?❞ kun encouraged him, contradicting what he was against before. ❝i'm fine with it now.

that definitely caught him off guard, and this is what he meant. they are the same, but they are also different.

you know what? let's just go to sleep.❞ hansol was quick to change the topic, dropping it as he didn't want to talk about that again. he knew that he'd be easily convinced when it's his own husband speaking to him.

really, we're just going to sleep?❞ still staying on top of the man's lap, kun refused to move away.

that was already a hint that hansol immediately understood, making him show a playful grin. ❝why, you got any idea what we can do aside from getting to know each other?

how about,❞ placing a finger on the man's chest, kun gently pushed him down and went to hover over him. ❝getting to know whether you're just good in bed, or you can also be a beast here in the living room.

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