⌜ fifteen ⌟

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ahh.. fuck..

the smirk hansol had when he heard him moan out so sensually, and that fact that he literally let out that erotic voice of his near to his ear— only for him to hear. he was encouraged by it and it urged him to touch everywhere of his perfect built, pushing it in that it dug inside the younger. the deeper it got inside the latter, the louder and the more lewd his voice would get.

hmm.. baba, y-you’re filling me up.

the way kun took the lead all of a sudden and pushed his husband down only to hover over him. the man only had his eyes filled with love and lust settled on his lover that’s riding on top of him, slowly but surely taking it all in with a whimper.

hahh.. f-faster..

his voice was music to his ear, it was the only sound he heard and that mattered to hansol. just the same as how the sight of his husband begging for more, being laid there facing him with his cheeks flushed, his lips bruised, his eyes drowsy, and his hair disheveled were all what he could see. the sheets being all messy and dirty, he didn’t bother paying attention to that. with the time passing by real quick and how they were doing it till almost dawn, he had no idea they were doing it for long already.

skin slapping, moans and groans mixing, their bed creaking— those were left unheard not just by hansol, but also by kun who’s literally going insane.

t-there, ahh!

sheets were crumpled because of how tight kun was clutching on it, how his grip was everywhere every single time the man would slam inside without notice. although, he wasn’t complaining each bit of that second, they spent. his toes curled at the sensation, his back arched with a loud moan, and he couldn’t describe what he was feeling with all throughout that night happening.

what he does know is that he’s surely not going to forget what happened, there’s also no way hansol would even let that slip out of his mind.

baba, i-i’m com—

clicking his tongue, hansol buried his head down to the palm of his hands as he literally didn’t forget the details last night and up till dawn. that was the longest they have done and he doesn’t know if it’s because of the younger’s stamina, or his eagerness to get laid. whatever the reason or the cause was, that definitely was something else. every time he’d blink, he would see a picture of them on the bed, replaying it in his thoughts, frame by frame.

whenever he’d just space out, he would suddenly just hear the younger’s pretty and melodic voice. sure, he had complimented him thousands of times about how talented his husband is, especially in singing, but on bed, his voice hits different.

and if you were to question him which is his favorite, he’d give you a yes as an answer.

hand sanitizer!

snapping out from his rated pile of thoughts, hansol’s attention was then put to the thai male who just called him with the loudest voice he could muster, having it echo inside his office. gulping, the man tilted his head to the side, ❝y-yeah?

and to think that ten was upset because he didn’t talk to him, the doctor only let out a chuckle as he stood up and went to fumble with his files. ❝did you forget your own name? i have been calling you for five times already. you just responded when i called you by kun’s nickname to you.

the mention of his husband once again brought him to daydream, having his cheeks flushed at the memory of them doing it till almost dawn. if it weren’t for him reminding his husband that he still has to report to work, then they would possibly go on till afternoon.

getting a specific envelope, he had just received this morning, ten had a bright smile as he marched his way back to his table. ❝if you’re still worried about your own husband, the one you actually spent your whole life with, you don’t have to think about it too much because—

ten, what would you do if i have done something again?❞ hansol can’t hold himself back but just ask, feeling the need to do so.

ten’s smile stayed, but his intention for it faltered to a threatening one. he dropped the brown envelope down to the table and his gaze went to bore holes to the man’s soul. ❝ji hansol, what is it this time?

hansol knew there’s only one person he’s afraid of, and that’s his own husband. however, this doctor right here is making him shiver in knowing he’d be disappointed. ❝n-nothing, it’s just—

oh, for fucks sake. this is going to be the third time i’ll be helping you bail out from jail!❞ ten began to burst, not that he was irritated at how that sequence of him being put to prison keeps on happening, but him being put to danger was what’s worrying him. ❝and kun never did get to know about that second time.

well, that almost happened, but that’s not what hansol was about to confess. ❝actually—

i’m not stopping you from what you love to do. if you want to get married to danger, fine with me. but think of yourself for once, hansol. you get to have your life in a risky spot every single day because of that.❞ the doctor then began to ramble at him, ❝and your criminal record, please. a little more regulations to break and you’d be known around the place. not only you would get in trouble, but both sian and kun would also be affected by it.

u-uhm, i did get into a fight yesterday.❞ lifting his hand up, hansol lowered his head and rubbed his nape. he looked like he was admitting his faults to his own mother. ❝and might have also beaten them up.

ten’s jaw then dropped, ❝in other words, you killed them.

no,❞ puckering his lips, hansol felt guilty for hearing that even when he had a stack of dead bodies way back when he was still active in taking part of the mafia as an underboss. ❝just made those dudes unconscious.

but that’s not what he wanted to talk to ten about. but then again, whatever he does or word to bring up would always leave him be cut off. ❝that’s still killing in a sense, ji hansol! what on earth were you thinking when—

which is why, hansol had to beat him to it before he gets cut off again. ❝i fucked kun last night.

i—❞ with his brows knitted, ten wasn’t able to clearly hear what the older man had said as he was also muttering out complains about his illegal duties. although, he somewhat heard the word fuck, and he doesn’t know whether he should start to worry about it, or it’s something to tease about. ❝come again?

hansol hated to repeat himself, but because he was desperate for help, he had to say it again. probably, in a much more rainbows and butterflies kind of way? ❝kun and i went.. fishing?

oh,❞ and because ten had a lot in mind, with work, his family, his chaotic kids that keeps on arguing with each other, and his friend’s problem that he insisted on helping, he didn’t really get in what particular aspect the man was referring to. ❝last night? you guys must had a nice date at the river and caught a lot of fishes.

in a quiet volume, hansol pressed his lips together as he gathered the courage to give the shorter male more hints. ❝he caught my fish.

then, you must be mad about it?❞ ten tilted his head to the side, confused as to why they were already talking about marine species. ❝but it’s okay, there are still a lot of fishes in the sea.

he just can’t seem to get it, which hansol was left with no choice but to go saying it again— but this time, in a straightforward manner.

ten,❞ he then took a deep breath in. ❝we made love last night.

the said doctor stayed quiet for a good minute, just giving the man that indifferent expression, it’s as if he was thinking a way on how to react to that. but in the end, he let out a loud coo as he neared towards his friend’s dangerous husband. ❝is sian going to have a younger sibling? let me guess, you guys are expecting for a girl, or wait—

the fuck, no.❞ although, that might be a good idea, hansol pushed the latter’s head away as he was too close to him, finding it in a rush if they are making a younger sibling for their son. ❝i am appreciating the existence of condoms, unlike johnny.

way to shade my husband like that.❞ ten rolled his eyes as he finally to a seat down and opened the envelope that he had took from the cabinet, but he had paused midway upon realizing. ❝wait, let me just connect the dots.

hansol raised a brow at how the thai male was looking like he’s planning a strategy for the next war.

so, you mentioned about a fight. let me guess, kun must have been there and is the reason why you involved yourself in it.❞ but in fact, he’s just trying to analyze as to how quick their day, or night, escalated. ❝and when you guys got home, you became horndogs that went out to fish?

nodding his head, hansol looked like a kid trying to convince his teacher that he isn’t part of the bullying issue that’s circulating around the campus.

and if i’m correct, you guys got turned on after a bloody fight.❞ ten didn’t need a nod of approval from him, knowing for a fact that what he said summarized it all. ❝you guys are insane.

that’s what i brought kun to be last night,❞ with a nervous laugh, hansol tried to joke around. ❝he went insane in heaven.

rolling his eyes, ten was this near to hitting this man right here, this close to losing his patience.

but instead of his fist, he shot the man with his conclusion. ❝do you guys have a violence kink?

having his eyes widened, hansol clicked his tongue and threatened to punch the shorter male while having his cheeks heating up at that question that made clear sense. ❝we don’t talk about that!

why not? and the way you’re not denying it already answered the question.❞ chuckling, ten went back to taking the papers out from the envelope he had opened. ❝damn, you guys have weird kinks. hendery has a gege kink, mark has a hyung kink, you have a violence kink, jisung has an apron ki—

ten suh!

gee, fine!❞ but nonetheless, that didn’t stop him from laugh and be amused at how burning red the older’s face it. may it be in annoyance or in embarrassment, it is always rare to see him be expressive like this since the man had always been calm and collected. ❝and that sounds perfect, ten suh, doctor suh.

groaning, hansol slouched down to his seat as he composed himself down. but soon then, he realized something. ❝wait, you’re not bothered by it?

arranging the papers from order, ten took his attention away from it and gave the man a look. ❝by what, exactly?

that i took advantage of kun?❞ that wasn’t the right word to use, but hansol couldn’t think of anything that could describe his situation.

silly, you just mentioned that you made love with him, that’s not taking advantage.❞ ten explained, ❝both parties are given the consent.

and?❞ hansol was patiently waiting for the busy doctor to accuse him.

and.. kun might be limping while reporting to work?❞ with brows knitted, ten was confused as to what the older wanted him to say.

sighing, hansol told him his concern instead, getting impatient at how they were dallying time with clueless responses. ❝did it not cross your mind that i might be put to jail? i fucked someone who’s technically a newborn infant.

what the actual fuck?❞ ten was holding back a laugh. well, he did well in doing that for the last few seconds, but he couldn’t hold it in and just burst out cackling at what has been bothering the older. ❝i love how that’s part of your concern, but in the end, you still fucked him. an addition to your list, an illegal kink.

grumbling curse words, hansol couldn’t believe that this guy isn’t half serious with what he’s worried about. ❝ten, please.

seriously, you don’t have to worry anything. i already had explained to you that the accident took place when he was a college student. so basically, he’s at his early twenties, old and legal enough.❞ ten told him, erasing that out from his trouble. ❝besides, that’s still your husband.

i don’t like that kind of reasoning, ten, i don’t even know what had went to me last night. sure, i cherished and loved every second of it,❞ hansol ran a hand through his hair, showing how stressed he is, ❝but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a kid—

hansol, he’s your husband.

the said man was put to a halt in ranting about his own problem, having his brows furrowed at how that statement meant something more. ❝huh?

he’s still your husband.❞ ten repeated, pushing the papers, that was once inside the enveloped, across the puzzled man. ❝you don’t expect me to leave it be, do you? after that night when we went to try out if jaehyun’s idea would work, i made a schedule and booked appointments for kun to undergo some tests. he agreed, not knowing what it is for. well, it’s also my fault for not telling him, i just didn’t want to have this circling around his head as i could see that he’s adjusting well to this new environment already.

as the doctor was explaining and telling him what he had planned, hansol stared down at the papers and carefully read the content that filled with clinically proven tests.

the results arrived just earlier this morning and when i went to check it,❞ with a pout, ten leaned back to his swivel seat with his arms folded across his chest. ❝i was disappointed.

darting his yes at him, hansol was heavily breathing his heart pounding rapidly in panic. ❝is there something wrong?

hm?❞ ten hummed in a clueless manner, just noticing that he had to clear out that misunderstanding. ❝no, what i meant was the time travelling shit, i was disappointed with it.

what do you mean?❞ hansol has actually been wondering for the past hour already as to why the thai male had called him and asked him to visit the hospital real quick because they needed to talk, he had no idea that this was the reason.

apparently,❞ sighing, ten continued. ❝he didn’t time travel.

hansol stiffened from his place, his hands quivering at how he just had to get this information.

what a bummer,❞ the doctor whined, spinning around with the swivel chair. ❝my theory about time travelling actually made sense.

he looked like he was taking lightly of this situation, meanwhile, hansol was still having it processed inside his head, wondering what is the cause of this and what made the younger male take back his first explanation about the circumstance they are in. ❝ten, what’s happening to him?

well, i made use of the reason that he has been stressing out about that accident he had way back, and that is also the cause for all of this.❞ ten found it hard to explain without having to use the medical terms, but he’s trying his best to simplify it in a frank way. ❝it’s the same when i talked to you about time travelling, and if you think about it in that way, it’s still time travelling. but i had a discussion with the board, and other doctors, only to know that it can be a medical condition. because of the trauma he has from that accident and the distress he has been getting in thinking about it, it affected him psychologically.

intently listening to him, hansol was getting more and more confused with what’s happening. ❝did he get amnesia? making him forget on what happened on the current future.

humming, ten pondered for a while before answering with a shrug. ❝possibly, we’re still trying to figure that out. he has a rare case and we don’t know whether it should be treated earlier before any symptoms of a severe condition would appear or not, but my team is doing their best to find out what the cure is and what kun needs to do to bring himself back to his literal old self.

it was all fun and games at first and honestly, hansol preferred knowing that his husband time travelled rather than knowing that he has some medical condition.

the reason why i’m telling you this is because,❞ looking straight to his eyes, this was one of the infrequent times he would be serious. ❝his past mindset is starting to fall in love with you.

this wasn’t the right time to be flattered with that, hansol knew that there was something wrong with that sweet statement. ❝and what’s the consequence if he did fall in love with me.

it would complicate things more, obviously.❞ ten said with a duh kind of tone. ❝if we tell him about this now, when he had just started to accept the new environment he is in, there’s a probability that he might rebel, and that would screw up the process that we are still discovering.

how..❞ hansol could feel his common sense deteriorating as he continued to listen to the doctor. ❝how would it mess things up? you told me that he’s still my husband.

let’s put it in a way you already understand, time travel. the past kun is taking over the future kun’s body. where is the husband that you spent your years with and the man you committed your life to? let’s just say, both the past and the future is currently sharing one body, with the past using it, the future is sleeping.❞ ten almost trailed off with the situation example he is using, reminding himself to put it in the most straightforward way.

hansol fortunately caught up with that, but he had a question that needed to be asked. ❝i don’t find something wrong with that.

because i didn’t add the most complicated part yet, the past falling in love and getting used to what he is shouldn’t be settling with.❞ the thai male then told him, also letting himself be aware of the consequences.

which is?❞ hansol still needed more answers, making the doctor sigh.

if the past kun falls madly in love with you,❞ ten purposely said it slowly just so the man would understand. ❝he might not want to go back, nor let the future, which is the one you vowed to, take over.

still having it processed inside his head, the both of them stared at each other with hansol looking so lost and the doctor being stressed out in explaining.

hansol, in other words, you’ll be stuck with the past, and might not be able to see your future ever again.❞ ten told him.

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