⌜ fourteen ⌟

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let me go— hmph!❞ kun had his voice muffled when a hand went to cover his mouth.

he never stayed quiet even for just a second, and they could have sworn that anyone would have witness a crime scene happening. but fortunately for these men, they were at a secluded alley where, coincidentally, not even a single bystander is present. this is making their task easier to accomplish. the only thing that's making them struggle is how this man keeps on squirming, he can't stay put.

duh, who would ever stay put when they're in the midst of getting kidnapped? kun even wondered how they were able to take him away without having his own husband to notice. using force, it was only enough to put the hand, that's covering his mouth, down. ❝i said, let go of me!

the other man, who's walking from beside, let out an annoyed groan and had to glare at the chinese they had managed to get without having their bones to break. ❝and we also told you to shut up!

ah!❞ kun winced at how the man got a fistful of his hair, causing for him and this guy, who's holding him tight, to stop from their tracks.

seeing the pain expression that the chinese is having, that made the man show a smirk, gripping tight on the hair he is clutching on. ❝you have a pretty mouth, should have put that to good use.

the guy, who's much more considerate despite of taking part of kidnapping him, rolled his eyes at how this new person from the organization is being a horny bastard. he doesn't know what went to their boss' head when he appointed the two of them. ❝hey, he's married already.

it's going to be his last hour today anyways,❞ the shameless one then retorted, licking his bottom lip as he slid his hand from grabbing a fistful of the chinese's hair to taking hold of his chin just so the latter would look at him. ❝might as well make the most of it, right?

forcing himself to stay composed, this decent man managed to have one hand holding a tight grip on the both the victim's wrists, while the other went to yank his workmate's hand away. ❝get a hold of yourself. we are just told to bring him back to the headquarters, alive.

this man then showed a mocking frown as he folded his arms, disappointed was evident in his tone. ❝that's unfair, i was the one who managed to get him from that hansol dude. don't i get a reward for it?

disgust was shown on kun's face as he could feel the man's finger tracing his jawline, having him to lean back to the other's chest. ❝don't touch me, bastard.

oh,❞ seeing how hard he is to handle somewhat put the man to excitement. ❝feisty.

the other remained his composure, holding himself back from shoving his fist down to this guy's throat. ❝you don't know what hansol is capable of. so, if i were you, i would leave this man alone and let the boss handle him. besides, you'd get most awaited reward once we go back, money.

hm?❞ this man's lustful gaze just settled on the chinese who's clearly uncomfortable with it. ❝what if i would want this more? come on, just for a good hour.

leaning close, the person had his hold back at the victim's chin again, raising it up just to meet with his fuming glare. that didn't stop him from doing what he wants, though.

the only thing that prevented him from going further is when kun had the guts to spat out his saliva on the man's face. not only that, but he was bold enough to raise a leg and give him a good kick on a sensitive spot where it would hurt damn much, his balls.

what the—❞ the man groaned in pain as he stared up at the chinese who staring at him with a deadly gaze.

i told you not to fucking touch me,❞ kun said with his voice getting deeper, having enough of handling their shit. it's as if something inside him was switched up that made him have strength to even deal with these two. a kick on that spot wasn't the only thing he took advantage of being able to use his legs, he also pushed the male by placing the sole of his shoes on to his lower abdomen. ❝fucking asshole.

the other, who's caging the chinese by gripping tight on his wrists, was taken aback by the strength and fast reflexes this guy had. they weren't told that he was this threatening. all that they were warned about was how they should look out for ji hansol as he once worked as an underboss and that man is damn scary when being disturbed. this is something more than disturbing him, of course they were hesitant to do the job. but nonetheless, they accepted the task as the pay was high.

little did they know, the ex-underboss' husband can also be this scary.

now, that isn't only applied to him,❞ cracking his neck from side to side, kun slowly tilted to the side and gave the other man a look. ❝are you going to let go of me, or do i have to also use force—

even when he was decent enough not to mess with him, unlike this one guy who's still wailing in pain, the man is still paid to do his job. ❝as if you'll stand a chance.

that caused for kun to show a small grin, chuckling in a mocking manner as he was finding it hilarious at how these guys are underestimating him. ❝force it is, then.

just as this man was about to downgrade him once more, kun still took the benefit of using his feet in kicking the latter's knee from behind. catching him off guard, the grip on his wrists were loosened, giving him the opportunity to finally throw a punch. if it weren't actually for ten's dickhead admirer's pissing him off by always giving his friend false hope, then he wouldn't have gotten to learn how to punch.

however, it's still an unfair fight between them. that's why, after giving that guy a good punch and seeing that the other was still down on the ground, he took this chance to make a run for it. such a coward move, but he isn't that experienced in fighting.

he just knows enough just for self defense.

god, they don't even have gloves when they covered my mouth,❞ kun complain, wiping his lips with the sleeves of his suit. ❝how unsanitary.

speaking of hygiene, he was reminded of his husband who god knows where he is right now. he should be looking for him if he actually cared and is worried of his whereabouts. it slightly hurt him to think that hansol might not be searching for him, but he didn't want to have that take over his head as he was in a grave danger.

he should be thinking of where he has to run and hide from those two as he actually didn't beat them unconscious. they might be after his tail right now.

where is—❞ but the plan of running away had backfired when he bumped another man.

kun cursed inside his head, blaming it on his poor eyesight. he didn't even bother wearing his spectacles as he thought he would be able to survive the day without it.

stumbling back, he managed to regain his balance the next second. however, he wasn't fast enough to escape from this guy who looks like he's part of those men who had made an attempt to kidnap him. clicking his tongue, despite of knowing that he had no where out, he still made an effort to walk away.

but his had was taken away from this new bastard who looked like he had just finished him smoking session. ❝those two can't even get the job done properly. you're brave enough to escape, huh?

this is going to be his nth time telling people this, ❝let go of me!

oh, i will.❞ the man said, pulling him close, ❝after i put you inside the car.

kun tried his hardest to yank his arm back, but it seems like his efforts were put to waste as this guy held on to him tight. he thought that this was over for him and that this is really how he's going to spend his last hour of living— or not.

someone, he has been expecting, had finally appeared. the first thing his man had done was to throw a harsh punch at this person who's forcing him to get inside the car.

everything happened so slow, kun had his eyes widened as he could see blood spurting out from the man's mouth because of the punch. turning to the breathless male beside him, he could feel his lips quivering and his jaw dropped because of it. but was he scared? not at all, because he knew he was now safe. also, he might be admiring his own husband right now.

baba..❞ he called out silently, getting the man's attention.

fuck,❞ placing a hand on top of the chinese's head, hansol leaned down and pressed their foreheads together. ❝kid, i thought i lost you.

it's indeed a reassuring moment for them, but kun just had to lash out on him in the middle of them being in danger. he pushed the older away and even scolded him. ❝where have you been!? did you know i almost got myself harassed by these men!? what the actual fuck, ji hansol, did you even try looking for me!? or maybe your ancient ass got rusty and doesn't know to search anymore.

as dead worried as he is, hansol couldn't believe that the younger just assumed that he didn't even look for him. ❝cut that embryo mindset of yours and try thinking mature for once! i got busy arguing with jisung, telling him to come for back up, but he told me that he's busy having a moment with chenle. this is a life and death situation for you and he's telling me that.

well, if you would have just noticed about me getting kidnapped then this situation wouldn't have worsened!❞ kun responded back, not wanting to lose in this reasoning of theirs.

and there is no way hansol would also back out from it, ❝how about you be grateful because i just saved your ass!

with the two men that were beaten up by the chinese arriving to the scene, they stood there with a clueless gaze settling at the two. their eyes went to their other workmate that tumbled on to the ground with a broken nose and blood coming out from his mouth— but their attentions were mostly on the married couple that's arguing in the middle of a, supposed to be, fight.

excuse you, ji hansol, i was doing well handling my own ass.❞ kun still went on with their argument.

and so is hansol, ❝excuse you too, ji-qian kun, but your stubborn ass was about to get inside that car and be brought to satan knows where!

e-excuse me?

the married couple then snapped their heads to the two's direction, ❝what!?

the two flinched at how they fuming anger were now at them. gulping, they were nudging each other by their elbows, fighting as to who should speak a word first. but then, the one that looked badly beaten up with just a punch was the one who gathered courage to do so. ❝i see, you two haven't changed. especially you, hansol.

the familiar face annoyed the man more. took a step back at the guy who's standing back up despite of the broken nose he has. hansol then hid his husband from behind, finding that action quite stupid as there are also men at the back. ❝i swear to god, if jisung really doesn't come, he'll be the one getting a taste of my gun.

admittingly, kun was nervous to see that they are outnumbered, but somewhat regained confidence when he remembered that he was able to take down these two men alone. ❝why do you need jisung when you have me here?

kid—❞ hansol clicked his tongue as he wasn't liking the idea of that. but before he can even stop him, the younger male had his back pressing on his as he faced the two that are ready to charge at them.

come on,❞ clenching his fists, kun now had a smirk plastered on his face. ❝i'm not your husband just for nothing, right?

it wasn't the perfect time to coo at the moment they are having, but hearing that actually caused for hansol's heart to skip a beat. not only that, but he was slowly starting to love this side of his lover. ❝alright, let's switch. i'll handle the two and you handle this guy here.

but they were back to arguing just because of that suggestion. ❝do you not trust me in handling them? just for your information, mister ji, but i managed to escape from these two, alone.

you barely did. look, they're still conscious, aren't they?❞ hansol spat back with that response.

yeah, but i wasn't able to use my hands—❞ kun was then cut off when the person from the older's side had enough of them arguing.

damn it, these two are getting on my nerves.❞ not wasting another second more, this person, who's familiar with hansol, then went towards them and lifted his fist up.

only to be stopped by the chinese who casually caught his punch with his hand.

with glaring eyes, kun turned to the side and was enough to threaten him with his voice. ❝didn't your parents teach you some manners not to butt in conversations?

with a proud smile, hansol shrugged as he turned to the man who had a failed attempt in hurting either of them. ❝you heard what my husband said. you shouldn't have done that, dude. that's quite disrespectful.

still pissed that he wasn't able to explain his side of the argument because of this man cutting them off, kun tightened his grip on this guy's fist and twisted his arm around.

not that he enjoyed seeing violence, it irks him even though he had work for danger itself way back, but watching his lover not showing any mercy just seemed so— admirable.

which is why, hansol wasn't able to control himself but at least place a short peck on his husband's lips. ❝make baba proud.

moving away from them and giving his husband full permission to beat an asshole up, hansol now had his attention back at the two who looked like they were about to retreat any moment from now. with a deep chuckle, the older cracked his knuckles as he headed his way to the two pipsqueaks that are shaking on their places.

did he show any remorse for what he's going to do to them? not even a slight bit. kidnapping his husband, hurting him, and even going to a bold extent to harass him, those actions deserve a broken arm and twisted ankle. and knowing hansol, he's definitely going to do more than that. ❝so, who's going to volunteer in trying out what i'm capable of doing?

the both of them were taking steps back whenever he would come close.

not getting any reply from them, hansol gave them a sweet smile instead. ❝it's alright, we're just going to play a game of murder, no biggie.

as he was busy dealing with the two, kun, surprisingly, is actually having an upper hand in the fight. heck, he isn't struggling for even a short bit. he was able to give punches here and there, kicks everywhere, and beat this guy up to a pulp. he doesn't know whether it's because of anger that's gushing inside him, or he's just really skillful at self defense and offense.

and things got boring when the guy that's he's handling with is now laid unconscious on the floor. ❝hey, twenty minutes haven't passed by yet. was that all you can do?

there's not even a bruise in anywhere on his body, the guy wasn't given the chance to lay a finger at him.

are you dead?❞ tilting his head to the side, kun genuinely was curious. though, among all of the things he is feeling, he's not feeling bad at all. ❝that's a pity.

kid?❞ he was then called out by the older's voice.

turning around, kun widened his eyes when he saw those men now laid on the ground, totally beaten up. they had more blood on their body than this person down here. what took his attention more is how his husband's hands were also covered with blood.

as he stood up from crouching down, the chinese was startled was he was pulled close and had their lips to collide. though, hansol didn't let it last long, pulling away seconds after with a light giggle. ❝damn, you're hot when mad.

staring at him, kun tiptoed and also had both his hands clutching on to the older's collar, pulling him down just to continue the kiss they had. this time, it was him leading it. hansol wrapped an arm around his waist as he deepened the kiss, catching up with how sloppy, messy, and full of hunger it is.

if it weren't for them needed for air, then neither would probably pull away just to breathe. as soon as they had their kiss put to a halt, the younger male buried his face down to the man's shoulder as he now hugged him.

baba,❞ he uttered out, snuggling close to him. ❝i honestly got scared.

humming, hansol placed his chin on top of his lover's head. ❝don't worry, i'm now here.

sadly, another moment of their had to be disturbed. this time, it's sirens from a police car.

that caused for hansol to panic, ❝shit, kid, we need to go.

but it's the police!❞ kun said, darting his eyes at the red and blue reflection coming from the other end of the road. ❝we can just tell them what happened—

no, baby,❞ that was a new way to call him, catching the chinese off guard. especially with that gentle smile he's having, it's as if he's trying to give him a heart attack. ❝that's not how it works here.

hearing voices not a distance far from them, hansol quickly intertwined their fingers and gave a signal to make a run for it. the younger male didn't complain anymore and just followed wherever he would go, tightening his hold on to his hand. he was admiring the man as they were running, feeling heat rising up from his cheeks all of a sudden.

until, he chuckled. that adorable noise he's making caught hansol's attention, making him turn to the younger male while still running. ❝what's wrong?

nothing, this just made me realize—❞ kun paused for a moment before giving him a genuine smile. ❝danger, with you, does feel like a good thing.


getting inside their humble, holy, abode, hansol slammed the younger's figure to the door upon closing it and went back to ravishing his lips. moaning out quietly, the chinese tilted his head to the side and gave the man more space to make him whimper for those hickeys. hands going everywhere, kun only had his settled on the man's chest, while the older's were sliding down to his husband's behind.

neither of them didn't even bother turning on the lights, they just began making out the moment they got inside the house.

and it would have continued to something more if it weren't for kun gasping a name out, ❝sian!

inside their boy's room was their son and also a certain uncle of his that's sleeping soundly right beside him. the parents stood there with guilty smiles, cooing at the sight, but also feeling like the worst fathers to ever lived when they actually forgot about their own kid for a second. luckily for them, someone was there to save them from their mistake.

remind me to treat xiaojun out,❞ kun said, quietly stepping out of the room after placing a soft peck on top of his son's head. ❝he has done a lot for us already.

with arms folded across his chest and his back leaning on to the wall, hansol stood there as he watched his own husband closing the door. the kind of gaze he's having that caused for the younger to have that teasing grin.

how hungry are you?❞ now, that, kun obviously mean something else other than food.

very, i can just devour a certain someone right now.❞ hansol said with no shame, licking his bottom lip as the younger approached him.

the chinese laughed, ❝that's some next level cannibalism right there.

his response amused the older. as much as hansol badly did want to do what he planned ever since the tension started inside the car, on their way home, he had his priorities straight. ❝i'll take a warm bath. i have blood all over me.

i'm also covered with blood too.❞ though, not as much as the older, only because he managed to deal with two people. outnumbered, but managed to destroy them in the end. if that isn't hot enough, then kun doesn't know what is anymore.

with the unbearable tension that these two are having, both of them didn't stay another second being an inch away from each other. their bruised lips were connected back again and their bodies were now glued to each other. with hansol pressed to the wall, kun was the one trapping him there as he was causing for the taller male to be breathless because of the kiss.

pulling away, kun gave him that look in which the older knew he can't resist at all. the request he's asking doesn't even match with those pleading eyes of his. ❝baba, fuck me.

and who is hansol to say no to that? not with the tension they are having, that is.

which is why, he neared to his husband's neck and placed a long kiss before giving him a condition, ❝be quiet, don't want the neighbors to think, again, that i'm in the middle of having a loud murder.

when he said to be quiet, kun took that too literally. he bit his bottom lip as he could feel the man's hands going under his pants, and his kisses trailing behind his ear.

just moan to my ear,❞ hansol grumbled, ❝make sure i'll be the only one hearing that tonight.

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