⌜ thirteen ⌟

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they are married. they wore suits, they held a ceremony, they vowed with their commitment, they had their honeymoon, and now has a smart child who's having a high possibility of him nagging at a certain classmate of his that is named after a number. they both have a ring on their finger to prove all of those being true, however, the way they are acting right at that moment made them look more like bro-friends rather than a married couple.

the public, bystanders and passersby, had no problem with it. of course, because they have no idea who the two are and what their relationship is. they would just mistake them as friends, as they look like one, but any close friend of the two that would come and witness this very strange sight of them being distant would crumble and cringe at how painfully awkward they are. because usually, despite of always arguing and teasing each other, especially with their age gap, they are the most sweetest.

being in deep thought because of how quiet the younger is, hansol can't help but frown at the thought of missing his own husband clinging to him. in their dates, he is supposedly the silent one. not because he despised to go outside and have alone time with his lover, but he prefers to just admire the chinese as he leads the date, and be the cause of him being happy.

however, looks like he should be the one to adjust after analyzing the situation they are in. ❝kid, where do you want to go?

walking down the busy sidewalk, with couples and singles passing by them, they had a distance of one person that can stride in between them. waiting patiently for the latter to answer, a frown made its way to the older's lips as he could see that the said male isn't planning to answer him.

his own husband didn't even bother sparing him a glance, the audacity he has. ❝ji-qian kun.

correction, hansol hyung, i'm just qian kun.❞ this was the only time he spoke, and still its worse, he still looked away.

hansol..❞ the man's ears perked up in disgust as he heard that specific honorifics, something he hasn't heard even once coming from his lover. ❝hyung?

like you said, i'm different from the man you married,❞ kun said with an emotionless tone, his eyes on the pathway they are taking. ❝i'm giving you what you want.

that made hansol scoff in bitterness, having his tongue poking at his inner cheek. ❝who do you think i am, mark and hendery?

kun would have gotten the joke, or the reference as to why he mentioned those names, and although they might sound familiar to him, the chinese chose pettiness. ❝i don't know who those people are, hansol hyung.

it would have been actually funny if they are casually playing around and teasing each other, but hansol was not having it. ❝i dare you to talk to me like that again.

with a clueless expression, kun finally gathered the guts to look at the taller with a brow raised. he seemingly looked like he had done nothing wrong, which he knew he hasn't. he's just respecting his elders.in what way am i talking to you to be exact, hansol hyung—

alright, that's it, kid,❞ letting out a psychopathic laugh, hansol dropped all that down to a frown when he stopped his tracks just to face the younger who had to idea what's going on with him. ❝you're at the tip of my patience.

kun opened his mouth and was about to ask what's wrong with him, but was unable to do so when he was suddenly being carried up like a sack of potatoes. ❝put me down!

not when you're acting like that!❞ by now, hansol is well aware that they are getting attention. they were at the sidewalk causing a scene for god's sake.

acting like what— ah!❞ a shriek was heard coming from kun when he felt his thighs being gripped tight by the man, feeling heat gushing up to his cheeks. he was smacking the older's back, but it did nothing as the taller male, who's carrying him, didn't budge a muscle aside from him walking to heaven knows where. ❝ji hansol.

not caring at the eyes that are settled on them, and the whispers that are pertaining to them, hansol carried on with walking towards somewhere familiar while still having his husband in his arms. it may not be a comfortable position, and it might not have shut him up fully, but at least that made him stop putting up that annoying petty act. ❝oh, what happened to hyung?

kun knew that he should be relieved that he isn't able to see the stares and weird glances that are shooting towards them, but he is still embarrassed that he is being carried like this in public. ❝hansol hyung, please, put me down.

humming in a pondering thought, hansol started to shake his head with a grin. ❝wrong answer.

that made kun utter a curse word under his breath, he had no idea that he was taking a quiz from him. ❝hansol ge, stop embarrassing me.

try again, kid.❞ it really didn't bother him as he could see the people from around talking about them, though, he knew that the younger male was conscious of it. which is why, the least he can do is to glare at those people and threaten them to mind their own business.

it worked, but that generous action remained unnoticed by kun who's busy finding a way that he can be dropped back down. ❝what do you want me to do, prehistoric hyung!?

a mocking chuckle came out of the man's mouth, focusing on where they are headed to, and also making sure that the younger won't slip out from his arms. ❝nope, that's still the wrong answer.

having no choice, kun had made an attempt to squiggle his body from the man's arms. it didn't do anything but make the older voice out a curse and having him grip his inner thigh, making him widen his eyes and stay put on his place. he just hoped that no one in the streets knows him, nor this husband of his that's placing him in an embarrassing position.

so, you give up, kid?❞ hansol asked, planning to put him down whether he can answer or not. besides, the place he planned to go to was already in sight, making him double his pace in walking.

though, kun had no idea about that. he thought that the man was serious and won't ever put him back down until he gets the right answer, and he knows it from the start. he just didn't want to say it as it would just make the taller tease him more. but right now, he doesn't have any much of a choice.

baba,❞ after the fight they had inside the car, kun promised to himself not to ever call him that again. he was that upset. ❝my back is hurting, put me down.

a perfect time to do so, since they have already arrived at the destination which hansol planned for them to be. ❝you finally got it right after a million attempts.

kun could then feel himself being brought down gently, letting out a huff the moment he felt the soul of his shoes touch the ground. with that, he folded his arms and gave the man, that's grinning from ear to ear, a deadly glare.

but hansol didn't feel intimidated as how anyone would be if they were in his spot. as a matter of fact, he even had the guts to raise his hand up and pat the younger's head, treating him like a literal kid. ❝good boy.

the way he worded that out, and the tone of his voice, made kun click his tongue as how he was more likely being regarded as a dog. though, that stern look he had on his face didn't last long when the man neared towards him, feeling his warm breath on the crook of his neck, and then his ear.

behave for baba, alright?❞ hansol never does use it in situations like this, but he just thought that it would be fun to play around with him from time to time.

especially when he's being a blushing mess right now, that made the man smirk. kun didn't even bother calling him out for that dirty statement when put out of context. instead, he scoffed when the older moved away. ❝you could have at least settled for a kiss.

just as hansol was going to open the door for them, he was put to a halt at what the younger asked him to do. he would have given in right at that moment, but he knew he's a strong independent man. ❝i won't do that, not unless i have your consent to do so.

rolling his eyes, this man was acting he's some saint and he actually hasn't kissed him torridly like there's no tomorrow. but since he was asking for it, kun dropped his pride and tugged the hem of the older's shirt. ❝can you kiss me?

that was a very bold move to ask, hansol didn't expect him to beg for it at all. since he couldn't resist his husband, especially when he's giving him those pleading eyes, the man leaned down and placed a short peck. ❝there, now, let's get inside.

not what kun had expected, but beggars can't be choosers. with a sigh, he trailed from behind like a lost puppy, holding on to the hem of the older's shirt. the chinese really didn't get the time to see where they are, he just noticed that they are at a cafe. it's far from familiar, he felt so astray while following from behind. he was about to call the man's name again, wanting to get his attention, but it seems like the taller had it on somewhere and someone else.

but what they didn't realize upon getting inside the cafe was a figure of a man, hiding from an alley not far from them.

jung taeho,❞ hansol shouted across the cafe, not minding the costumers' stare. ❝hey!

the teenage boy that's by the counter then snapped his head towards where his name was heard, having a bright smile as he saw someone familiar that came to visit their cafe again. ❝uncle sanitizer!

kun flinched at the kid's voice, but he was more amused at the nickname that was given to his husband. ❝pfft, sanitizer?

that irked hansol, to be honest, but since he got used to the kids calling him that, he would let it slide, but only for them. they're the only exception. ❝yeah, you're the one who called me hand sanitizer when you were drunk, most of the kids were there to witness it. that's why they started to call me that.

hand sanitizer,❞ the chinese repeated, holding back a laugh, but he was already cackling upon hearing such nickname. ❝it's suits you.

faking a laugh, hansol knew that his husband is just teasing him. putting his attention back at the kid, he crouched down even when he's not that short anymore. ❝taeho, where are your brothers?

they are at the back,❞ the teenager said as soon as he stood right in front of the two. ❝papa told us to wait here at the cafe until dad finishes his round at the hospital, he will pick us up.

why are you here and not with them?❞ hansol questioned, standing up just to fix the boy's hair and also tie his apron from the back since it's loosening up.

i want to learn how to manage with the things here,❞ the teenage boy said with confidence laced in his voice, ❝because when i grow up, i'll have full custody of this cafe and take this away from dad.

that caused for hansol to have a good laugh. ❝you're treating the cafe as if it's your child.

it is my baby.❞ taeho said with his cheeks puffed, already declaring ownership of the cafe which his father owns. ❝well, aside from jie..

the mention of a certain name then alarmed hansol, now giving him a smile full of doubt. ❝you're not going to like who you're facing with.

jiro hyung and uncle ji,❞ even the mention of their name is enough to make taeho feel like a cold bucket of water was poured over him. ❝it's okay, i still have a long way ahead.

hansol giggled, ruffling the boy's, being in his early teenage years, hair. that caused for the latter to give him a pout.

putting his gaze at the man from behind, the young jung then gave a short bow. ❝nice to see you again, uncle perfect!

uncle—❞ just as kun was about to ask about why he was given that nickname, the man stood up and was quick to explain it to him on his ear.

because you are, period.❞ he then said, saving his husband's ass to be exposed. ❝and let's not get the kids involved in this mess.

gulping, kun mustered up a smile as he tried to look friendly, in hopes that he wasn't being obvious that something went on. ❝hey, t-taehyun..

that's my brother's name.❞ the said male then told him with his brows furrowed in a puzzled manner. nonetheless, he didn't mind as he knew that there is a much more bigger problem to prioritize, and that is to take their orders. ❝just the usual?

while the chinese was surprised to guess this kid's brother's name and not his, hansol covered it all up by nodding his head. it's also preventing the little boy from asking any question as to why kun managed to forget his name, or mix the triplets up, when it never really happens. ❝add cappuccino for me.

coming right up!❞ taeho said with enthusiasm, quickly making his way to the counter and giving the order to the staff that's handling there.

while waiting, hansol intertwined his fingers on to the younger's, holding his hand tight, as he dragged him gently to a table by the glass pane window, which is already considered as their place as it is where they would sit whenever they come here. sitting down, the corner of the man's lips curved up as he admired the male sitting across him, who's looking around and putting the small details of the cafe in mind.

this is actually yuta's and sicheng's hiding spot,❞ hansol said, breaking the silence between them and is also getting the latter's attention. ❝the rooftop, that is.

hearing those two's name still made him bitter at how they got together. it felt like yesterday, that chinese actor was the reason as to why he got introduced in being a rainbow. tilting his head to the side, kun had to ask. ❝and this concerns us because?

leaning back, hansol folded his arms across his chest, giving his husband that adoring smile. ❝this is where we had our first date.

being caught off guard by the topic they are now having, kun had to look away as he knew he won't be able to handle it if he stares at the man for too long. he's already blushing madly at the mention of their first date, what more next?

you said you wanted to know more about us,❞ hansol first thought that it would be a bad idea, but frankly speaking right now, fuck it.well, our first date was awkward as hell. not just because it was ten and doyoung who set us up, but also because i just recently told you that my confession meant nothing but protection from danger.

he hasn't even experienced that yet, but kun could already feel how much it would hurt in assuming that someone actually admired him. ❝ten told me about that already, the part about your confession.

of course he has, he attacked me the moment he found out about it.❞ a laugh escaped from his mouth, realizing that he really can't keep anything in that guy's mouth. ❝if it weren't for johnny existing at that time and place, then i would have actually literally died and ten would probably have murdering an underboss in his resume's achievements.

the mention of death is not a laughing matter, but the way the older described it made kun snort. ❝please, don't say that. ten won't even hurt a bug.

i'm not even exaggerating, both your friends are quite protective of you, and they care about you very much. i have a near life and death situation with doyoung just because i made you go limping for the whole week after our honeymoon.❞ hansol shot him a wink, looking like he's even proud of what he had done.

clicking his tongue at the mention of that, kun motioned his fist at the man, only getting a laugh coming from him.

but on a serious note, they really are scary when it comes to things that involve you.❞ hansol told him, indirectly admitting that he, too, someone who had killed hundreds and might have went to jail once or twice, is scared of those two. ❝look at ten, he had a fight with your ex-girlfriend at the bar, and that caused this riot.❞

kun wasn't the type to hold grudges, but the mention of that woman just made him scrunch his face and be irked by it. ❝she really disgust me right now, after knowing that she's the reason why her father is after me.

hansol laugh at what he said, but is more on admiring him as he fumed and cursed the life out of that girl he dated in college.

by the way,❞ although, he was quick to change the subject. ❝that kid over there, he's a jung, right? you mentioned his full name once. which jung was it?

raising a brow, hansol wondered when the younger got to know that other competitive asshole, but it could have been his thai friend telling him everything when they agreed together not to spoil and tell the chinese everything that had happened to make the future what it is.

wait, let me guess!❞ kun didn't let him speak a word as he wanted to get the right name this time. ❝it's that.. sunshine guy, right?

sunshine,❞ hansol had his brows knitted at that guess, making him also think as to whether who he is talking about— until he finally got it. ❝ah, jung sungchan!

nodding his head like a kid making a point, kun clasped his hands together. ❝is he their father?

no,❞ as much as hansol would like to laugh about his mistake, he knew that the younger was doing his best to put things up together like puzzle pieces. ❝it's jaehyun, those are his triplets with taeyong. besides, sungchan didn't use his surname because he's a simp for shotaro, that's why he made that celebrity use his surname instead.

you're talking as if you don't simp for me.❞ that was supposed to be a tease, but the older nodded his head and didn't even try to deny it even one bit.

just staring at him with a soft gaze, hansol then realized that it's worth to risk it all for him. he knew this shouldn't be happening, but he didn't care one bit about that anymore. ❝hey, kid, want to go out?

blinking his eyes in a clueless manner, kun then asked, ❝what do you mean? we are already out.

you want to know more about us,❞ hansol then felt excitement as he's breaking the rules he made for his own self. ❝let me take you to places that we have been before.


and surely, they did go out. from one place to another, from pet stores, to parks, to his favorite clothing boutique, and to an ice cream parlor that kun stopped by for the longest. for a moment there, hansol thought he's going to sacrifice his wallet again and buy the whole ice cream parlor itself. but nonetheless, the two of them enjoyed just roaming around and being able to uncover wonderful memories that they had. for the chinese, to him, it felt like he was walking down on to his memory lane.

so, you're telling me, i wanted to stand up an ice cream parlor on my own?❞ kun questioned, licking his ice cream that they bought on a small stall while walking down the street.

that one we went to a while ago, you bought that place.❞ hansol explained to him, bringing up a hand and wiping the corner of the younger's lips with his thumb. ❝but then, it had conflicts with your schedule as a journalist, that's why you have to sell it to another who can manage the place. this also explains as to why you were getting free ice cream there.

finishing his ice cream cone, kun looked like he was determined about something. ❝then what are we waiting for? let's go back!

stopping his tracks, hansol faced him just to flick his forehead. the younger was taken aback by it, making him pucker his lips at how it slightly hurt. ❝idiot, we need to go home now. sian might be waiting for us. i asked xiaojun to pick him up from school.

so, that meant that this date of theirs was over. ❝what about you?

with the question being thrown at him, hansol let out a nervous laugh. ❝after quitting my job as an underboss, taeil suggested me to work for doyoung. i did try, but that bunny is such a hassle. it felt like i worked for satan, literal hell. it didn't even make me last a week.

kun then laughed at him, ❝doyoung is not that bad.

i know he isn't. even though he can be an asshole sometimes,❞ as he's talking, hansol got busy fumbling in his pocket to search for his care keys. his beloved vehicle, with its side mirror on the verge of being destroyed. ❝but he's quite serious with his job, and a little bit perfectionist with everything.

the chinese that had something to say about that was then silenced when someone had bumped him. hansol was heading towards his car and couldn't believe that he was struggling to open the damn door of the car which he has been using ever since.

here it is, it's—❞ just as hansol was about to offer his husband to choose where he is comfortable in sitting, he was greeted with no one in sight the moment he turned around.

that made him grip on his car keys very tight, his eyes widened in panic as he searched all over with what his eyes could see, and his heart was beating rapidly at how this was supposed to be his responsibility in taking care of his own husband in their date.

but it looks like he has lost him, just like that. ❝kun?

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