Chapter One: Pilot

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Like all good stories this one begins in an interesting twist of events. In the beginning there were only humans. Humans were the dominant species,  that was until the giants found us. They saw us as animals. They used us for experiments, pets, and a food source. The thing with giants however is the fact the enjoyed partaking in events called Vore Games. An interesting fact is that giants had a special capability of being able to basically shut down the digestive process. This made the giants in these competitions able to choose life or death of those humans eaten. Most humans were taken for one of these four categories, the giants after capture chose by age, gender, weight, and several other factors. The giants set up facilities on Earth to enable them to do the sorting. After the humans become sorted they are taken by cargo ships to the giant's planet, Airus. Airus was a bit like Earth, the only difference is things were in bigger scale and they had higher advanced technology. 

Now, let me introduce you to the main character of this story, David V. R. David is a 17 year old Male, his build was slightly athletic but mostly average. He in human height is 5'7 however to a giant he would only be 5 inches and 7 centimeters. David was a college student before the whole attack, he used to study several courses. Thankfully when the giants landed, David among several others were able to escape and were now living life on the edge. 


David 3rd Person 

It was an average day for David, his normal routine of trying to survive. It was a sunny day and in the current area he was located in was run by giants. Even to the point the grass grew taller and thicker than regular grass on earth. This was good for David however as he didn't want to be spotted by the giants. Who at this time were searching for humans that managed to get away. They set traps everywhere, some were simple, such as a buried jar pitfall, or a simple net. Some on the other hand were far more advanced. Luckily, David hadn't seen any so far, and that meant he was safe for now. 


David's POV

It had been awhile since I had seen another human, and since I had seen the sight of food. The lack of food had made very weak but I still treaded through the thick, tall grass. 

It had maybe been three hours before I had seen any sign of possible food. When in doubt look for ants, thankfully we were still on earth and the ants were still small. I followed the ants on my lookout for food. I was not put down for I found what looked like a cookie island. It seemed one of the giants had dropped this treat. It was their loss and my gain. I ate as much as I could and put some in what pockets I had to save for later. I decided it was best to sleep else where because I wouldn't want to be spotted. 

As the sun set and everything began to get dark, I was still looking for a place to settle down for the night. I am so glad I still have my glasses, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see shit hahaha. I said to myself in a quiet manner. After a bit of wandering I tuckered down in what seemed to be a mouse hole in the side of a tree. It wasn't the best but it would do. I soon fell asleep.



Now you may be wondering why some things on Earth are rather quite large. In order for giants to set up facilities they also brought lots of plants with them such as trees, grass, vines, and several others to help support the large amount of oxygen they absorb into their lungs. Just felt like I need to clarify as that may have been a bit confusing. As of right now David, (myself), is still on earth. But that may change here soon. 

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