Chapter Two: Caught.

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I was jolted out of sleep due to the sound off large booming coming outside the hole I was currently residing in. I deduced it as a giant's footsteps even though I hadn't heard them before now. I decided to take a look and found myself in a predicament. I was standing right beside a giant's hand and taking a look was my mistake as I seen. I quickly ran as fast as I could from the woman and darted into the grass I could tell she was screaming at someone because her voice rumbled the ground. I ran as fast as I could and eventually I lost the giant's who were chasing me. However, this let them know that a human was in the area and of course traps were set.

Even though I managed to escape I knew that now I would have to be extra careful due to them knowing I was here. I could still here them scrambling to look for me. It was getting dark and it seemed they pulled out flashlights and continued their search. I won't lie I was completely terrified. As they got closer to my hiding spot I ran further out of view and that was my mistake as I fell right into one of their pitfalls. Because of me running then falling, I hit the bottom and injured my leg. It wasn't broken, however, it was strained it seemed. Even though I knew it was hopeless to get out I still banged my shoulder against the glass and nothing happened. I sat at the bottom on the jar hopelessly waiting for what I knew was going to happen. 

Okay, I lied. I honestly had no idea what they were going to do to me but I feared the worse. I felt as if instantly they would eat me like a snack and my life would be over. However, my fears became even more intense when I heard those booming footsteps draw closer and closer to my location. I shyed  to one side of the jar and curled up afraid of what was on its way. I passed out due to fear and when I awoke the jar I was in was being carried. Due to my insane fear of heights I tried my best to look down and I was shook all over. 

I sat crouched on one side my head resting on my knees. I was terrified. I saw through the glass that they were taking me to a building. To me is was enormous but to them it must have been like a small house. The person carrying me inside set me down on a table while they went to talk to the woman behind the counter. My leg was still sore and I tried jumping but that did not work at all and I ended up hurting my leg worse. So, I ended up sitting back down and waiting for my doom. 

The person that had been carrying me left and the lady toke be into a back room. She sat the jar on its side and told me that I should come out. She looked a bit like a nurse of some sort. I didn't budge and she began to get frustrated. Look if you don't come out yourself I will have to pull you out, and I don't want to do that. So if you could do that for me that would be great. She said to me in a slightly angry voice. Are you sure it is safe? I really do not want to get killed today.. At first I was skeptical that she heard me but then she reply with a yes. I slowly left the jar limping and holding my shoulder. She came closer and picked me up. Yeah, we will have to get you some new clothes and bandages for that leg. I will also send some painkillers with you to your new owner. You sure are lucky someone bought you that quick, other wise we would've sent you to a pet shop. haha. Or since you are the right size we would of had you partake in the vore battle. Just kidding. She was very peculiar. I noticed that she was trying to lighten the moods with jokes but I couldn't help but be sad and terrified at the same time. Atleast I wasn't going to be a lab rat or a quick snack for one of these giants. 

The thought ran through my head as she carried me to a wooden box that had a small table and bed as well as a small jar for you know what. Who was going to be my owner, was I literally on the market and sold that fast. What will that person do to me, I pondered. She handed me some clothes and some food and water. That should last you till your shipped to your owners home since you're an express package, she said to me before closing the lid.

I sat in the dark seeing only glimpses of light through the small holes in the ceiling. I wondered if every human "pet" got to be put in a box of this sort. I was very confused and changed my clothes. While laying on the bed I couldn't help but compare the lights shining over me to the lights that you see when you are being taken in a hospital bed throughout a hospital.

I eventually fell asleep and I dreamt of a giant eating me and as I fell into the mouth of the giant I was awoke to the box I was in being dropped on someone's doorstep. Thankfully I was on a bed and I didn't really feel the impact. 

It had been a few hours but while I was eating what tasted of granola dog food, I heard a door open and a deep voice say, Oh YAY! He is here!! and with the sound of the voice the earth rumbled as if an earth quake was happening.

Mark's POV

Jack told me of this new system that was bringing in smaller beings as pets. He was telling me that the people of this planet found a planet called Earth with creatures know as humans which looked like a smaller version of ourselves. I was intrigued by this information and searched online for the program bringing some back as pets. While reading I realized that some were going to be used for other projects. I was curious was a human would taste like but I mostly wanted one as a pet. 

It had been weeks since I first heard about the H.I.P. (Human Integration Program.) I was waiting for the right human to be captured, I wanted one kindof like me in a sense. It was today that while searching Craigslist that I knew I had found the one. "Runaway male human, very feisty, kindof shy, name is David, 17, 5 inches and 7 centimeters. Origins unknown. Will sell for $1000 and if wanted will express ship for $600 +."

I knew that was the human I wanted to buy, I stayed up all night pacing and waiting for my human to arrive. "Package will arrive in 4 hours." I decided I should take a nap so I can be ready to meet my new friend.

I awoke to my doorbell ringing, and quickly ran down the stairs. I saw the box and yelled, Oh YAY! He is here!! I jumped up and down in excitement. I was so happy to meet this small friend of mine. I couldn't wait to tell my friends as well.

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