Chapter Three: Chase!

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/Art above is drawn by me :D/

Mark's POV

After bouncing up and down out of excitement I decided to grab my new buddy. I toke the box inside and hummed a tune because I was excited. I set the box on my table top counter and just as I went to open the box I got a phone call. Now who could that be.. *whispers* I will be back little buddy.. *phone continues to ring* UGH, coming..

David's POV

I held my hands over my ears while the giant seemed to be jumping and screaming. I felt the box being lifted and a hum of music surrounding me. Was the giant singing? I was confused and a bit scared. It seems he was about to open the lid so I hid under the bed in my box. The opening continued until a ringing sound came from another location. The deep voice came back and said, Now who could that be.. The voice then came closer to the box opening and quietly said I will be back little buddy.. the ringing continued and the giant yelled UGH, coming..

I prepared my body for the roughness I expected. I felt like someone with that deep of a voice must be a person who will grab me roughly. I waited for what seemed several minutes or so before the rumbled again and the lid came wide open. The man stared in the box and looked a bit disappointed. Aww, come out little buddy I know you're in there.. I promise I won't hurt you. Please come out. I wanna see you in person. I stayed very still, hidden under the bed. The giant began lifting the table and then lifted the bed revealing me. I screamed, AHHHHH!! The giant thought that was funny because he started laughing. 

I felt his hand come closer and his digits wrapped around me until it was dark. Only bits of light came through the giants fingers. I could feel my body being lifted closer to the giants face, as a gust of air came from the top of the hands onto me. The giant opened his hands revealing his face and smile. Hi there! My name is Mark!! He kept staring at me and I looked into his brown eyes. What is your name?! He kept grinning, and it was kindof creepy. H..i..Hi name is David, I said to the giant and creepy man. Awesome! I have to go do some things David but I will talk to you more later! He placed me back in the box and put the lid on but not fully leaving a huge gap on one side. 

I sat one the bed waiting for Mark to leave. I heard his footsteps grown quieter and quieter. Once I barely heard them I moved the bed towards the gap and climbed on the bed. I had to jump but I managed to climb out of the box and landed on the counter. I started looking around and immediately  noticing the size difference between me and everything else. I went to the edge of the counter and looked down, I regretted doing that instantly as my stomach went into knots and I got queezy. Oh boy.. How am I going to get down now.. uhh. I looked around for possible means of escape. 

As soon and I started  to stand, Mark was right in front of me. How did I not notice him walk in? Hey?! What are you doing little buddy? Were you going to jump?!! He began to reach for me and I ran. I headed towards the toaster and hid behind it of course he saw me and pinched the back of my shirt. Since I got picked up by the back of my shirt I couldn't really do anything I tried to shake my fists in an attempt to distract Mark. All that did was make him laugh and make me swing. I crossed my arms not being amused and gave him the death look. He stopped laughing and looked at me with a frown on his face. Mark: What is wrong? Did I hurt your fee-fees? He gave me a puppy dog face and then grinned at me. 

I just continued to glare at him before I relaxed my arms and looks down. I gave up with struggling and he sat me down in the middle of one of his palms. Mark: Look little dude I am sorry if I made you mad I was just poking fun.. honestly I am sad that you felt the need to run away from me.. I would never hurt anything. I know it is probably hard for you to trust me but I swear I would never hurt you on purpose.

Mark's POV

David wasn't talking. I think I had make him angry and I decided it was best to let him be before I try to talk to him anymore. I sat him in my palm and grabbed the box with my other hand. I headed up stairs and decided to talk to Jack and see if he had any ideas. 

I put the box on my desk and gently set down David who immediately sat cross legged and crossed his arms staring at one of the boxes sides. I grabbed his water jar and refilled it before grabbing a piece of cookie out of my cabinet.  I hope he enjoys this. I really didn't mean to make him upset or mad at me.. maybe he is just sad to be away from home. After I set the water and food in the box with David, I placed the lid on top, making sure that I closed it fully this time. I don't want my little biscuit leaving me this time. 

After a few minutes of preparation I messaged Jack and asked if he wanted to skype.

Mark: Hey Jack.

Jack: Ye?

Mark: Wanna call?!

Jack: Ye sure gimme a min..

Mark: K.

Incoming skype call from Jackaboy.

We talked for a few hours about Dave and he told me to take things slowly and not get too excited right away. He told me humans tend to get angry when you pick them up without asking or gaining trust with them. I decided I should check on my little buddy and when I opened the box I saw him sleeping on his cot. AWWWWWW!!! That is soooo adorable!! Jack: SHHHH MARK YOU'LL WAKE EM' UP!!!  I heard Jack yelling from the computer, luckily I had my headphones on or that would have defiantly woken him up. YOU SHUSH! >:( I replied sending him and angry face. HAHAHA. I thought to myself, okay now I must be quiet.

David's POV

I was in that box for hours, it was dark. I heard Mark talking to some person on his computer. I saw he had put some water and a chunk of cookie next to me. I ate the cookie piece and drank some water and decided to go to sleep. I crawled onto the bed and snuggled the cold clothe and soon fell asleep. 

I woke up several times due to insomnia, but also due to the fact Mark kept yelling and talking loudly. I didn't say anything though. I just decided to smother my ears into the pillow. 

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