Chance {Antisepticeye x Borrower reader}

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Being a Borrower has never been easy, there are constand things to worry about but most problems come from Beans, Human Beans, giant beings that own the house's we stay in. They are very curious so it's Borrower 101 to leave when one spots you, some keep us Borrowers as pets but others see us as pests so they kill us, some even eat us which is the worst case scenario.  I climbed up the kitchen counter dashing along to the Bread Bin by the toaster, I carefully opened it and found a scrap of bread inside so I reached in a took it before closing the Bread Bin and stuffed  the bread in my bag. I heard footsteps so I quickly slipped behind the toaster seeing the human come into the room, many humans lived here all looking similar apart from small differences the human that came in was the one I heard was called Anti, he strode to the freezer and extracted a frozen mini pizza (those are things where I live) before placing it in the oven. After around 15 minutes, which were scary as I didn't want to leave incase he looked over, he took it out an sat at the dining table tucking into it as he was completely absorbed by eating I thought it was safe to leave so I scooted out from behind the toaster and made a V line straight for the side of the counter thinking it was safer on the ground then on the counter which was clearly in view. I quickly glanced at him before slidding down my string to the ground, once their I unhocked the hook and pulled it down however once it was down I saw Anti was standing by the bin which wasn't too far from me so I hurried across the floor towards the mousehole I could slip through to my place but before I could I heard a gasp and saw a shadow fall over me, he saw me!

I ran towards my home but skidded to a hault as he teleported infront of me I saw curiosity edged on his face even with his black pits of eyes, I darted towards the counter again slidding in underneath it "wait!" I heard him call so I stopped moving "please come back I won't hurt you, I just wanna talk" he explained I saw his eyes at outside as he was on his hands and knees looking under here "humans aren't meant to see us" I stated sternly "I know about your Borrower rules, someone who saw you little guys wrote a book series from one of your's perspective" he told me which made my heart sank they all know about us "then why are you trying to keep me around?" "Because I never seen one of you personally, most people think the Borrowers book's are fiction and not real but I knew it wasn't I could just feel it" this human was interesting to me so I chose to make the hard choice to stick around. I walked slowly back over to him and even with his black eyes I could sense them light up "thank you for giving me a chance" he grinned, as I came out he sat back on his butt sitting crosslegged he was acting a bit like a child which are even more dangerous then adults "I'm Antisepticeye most people call ne Anti what's your name?" He asked "I know your name Anti I've heard others here say it, but I'm Y/N" I smirked "do you think I can hold you I understand if you don't let me?" I considered for a bit before deciding "ok just please be gentle" "of course Y/N" he carefully picked me up before I felt him teleport with me in his hands I gripped onto his fingers "sorry about that I just wanted to make sure no one comes in and bothers us" he chuckled at my position "won't they come in here?" I inquired "no they are all scared of me so they won't come in my room" he laughed "why are they scared of you?" This made me a little worried as if other humans were scared of him shouldn't I? "Cause I'm the dudded 'evil one' in the house as I've done some bad things to other people before" "like?" "I kill people often including the others here a couple times, though Marvin always brings them back to life...oh don't worry" he noticed the fear in my eyes and how ridge I became "I won't hurt you, I have a softspot for little squeakers like you" he stroked my head with his finger calming me down.

We sat their and spoke for hours I learnt he wasn't a human and was actually a dark alter ego of Seán or Jack as his fans called him, also that everyone who lived here were his alter egos apart from me. Anti learnt about what it's like living as a Borrower and all the dangers involved it it sadly it was getting late so I needed to go home and rest as I did most my work late at night but needed to pop out quickley in the morning. Anti looked sad at this revelation but agreed to let me go home so he snuck into the kitchen and placed me on the floor by the hole "and you promise to come and see me again?" He questioned for like the 10th time "like I said, yes I do just make sure when you want to see me that you speak into this hole checking to see if no one else is in the room to see me" I repeated "eventually I'll meet the others but till then these meetings are on undercover" "ok well I guess I'll see you Y/N" "yeah see ya Anti" and I climbed back into the hole.

Anti POV

Once they were gone I teleported back to my room and I pulled up the selfie of us both of my phone and smiled seeing them happy, I felt my cheeks heat up soon I'll see you again.

G/T Anti fluff is the greatest thing ever, except to see more soon :)

Author x

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