Secrets {Giant Darkiplier x Reader}

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Inspired by a request by AsherThePotato


I came out into a clearing in the forest by my friend's house, she told me about how she comes out here all the time but never mentions what she does so I took it upon myself to find out as she had come out here for some reason. Looking out nothing came out as abnormal until a rumble started up close by past a patch of trees, as I moved through the trees I saw large shadows behond which started to take shape the closer I got. Once I was out the trees I saw them my friend Diana (yeah I'm a piece of shit and put myself in this) sitting next to 2 giants both being around 40 feet tall one was in a black suit with a blue and red arua that flickered with black flooffy hair the other had dark green hair with a nasty slit along his throat he was also glitching like mad, wait giant demons! The suited one looked up at me and his eyes turned black on sight with my eyes Diana turned round a saw me "Y/N!" She sounded worried well she had just got caught out "I'll deal with her guys don't worry" Diana glanced at them before walking over to me pulling me away by the shoulder "Diana what on earth was that, was this what you were trying to hide from me?" I asked looking at her straight in the eyes, she sighed "I didn't tell you cause I knew you'd have this reaction" she attempted to explain "leaving it longer just made the reaction worse you know that right?" I gave her the eye "how long have you been seeing them?" I demanded "a few months, I was out in these woods when I fell down into a ravine and Anti, the green haired one, pulled me out of there. I met Dark, the other one, not long after and became friends with them both" she lightly smiled "well as long as you're  happy and safe that's all I care about, I'm not your mum afterall speaking of which does she know?" "No and you won't tell her or anyone!" She commanded making me raise my hands "I didn't plan on saying anything, did you think anyone would believe me anyway if I just casually said 'oh by the way I've seen giant demons' nah they wouldn't" I smirked.

Diana led me back to the clearing were the giants were originally Dark growled on seeing me but once Di gave him a smile he calmed down "guys this is Y/N my friend, Y/N this is Anti and Dark" "hi" I timidly waved feeling uncomfortable "hi human" Anti giggled while Dark just nodded, not much of a talker I see "yeah he isn't" Anti replied smirking wait you can- "read your mind yeah we both can" he laughed at my reaction so I just giggled along awkwardly. We all sat their talking for a while Dark started to chatting with the rest of us eventually which was awesome but he still seemed to be warry of me understandably, he seemed to warm up to me a bit though while Anti was instantly comfortable. By time both Diana and I left Dark actually cracked a smile while Anti almost seemed to want to hug me which was excellent, Diana agreed to let me come with her in the future to see them making me almost explode in happiness.


I've been visiting Dark and Anti for about 5 months now and it's been so much fun, Dark and I have gotten alot closer he's even willing to hold me also I'm secretly shipping Anti and Diana now and both Dark and I are betting when they'll get together. I ran along towards the clearing Diana right infront of me "come on slow poke!" She yelled laughing "hey I don't work out as much as you do so cut me some slack" I giggled coming up on her heels, a sound surrounded all of us so we skidded to halt glancing round "what was that?" "I don't know  but I don't like it" suddenly a hand reached out an grabbed both Diana and I by our ankles causing us to scream out, we were met with the giant face of another demon with blond hair and a short blond beard "now what do we have here?" He sneered locking us both in fists "a couple humans out in this forests tsk can't have that can we" he laughed gripping tighter blocking off air flow slightly "let us go" I yelled wriggling in his grip "and why would I do that?" "Because we'll kill you if you don't" turning my head I saw Dark and Anti standing there Dark almost had fumes coming out his ears while Anti was glitching like mad "those are our humans Pewd so let them go!" Anti demanded summoning his knife into his hand pointing it at 'Pewd' "you 2 friends with humans how down grading and I thought you were proud demons, tsk well consider this punishment for your actions" he started to squeeze harder on us both crys of pain coming from both of us my bones felt like they could snap at any moment. Dark jumped at him and pushed him straight up against a patch of tall trees while Anti clawed at his hands trying to pry us out of them, he managed to free Diana who he placed in his breast pocket while he attempted to get me out however Pewd managed to throw Anti and Dark off him, Pewd smirked before throwing me high in the air and teleporting away. Dark caught me in his hands and held me to his body while Anti took Diana out and looked over her "we're sorry that happen, we'll fix you don't worry" Dark told us as they took us to their home to get us patched up, "how much does it hurt Y/N?" Dark questioned glancing at me "like all hell" I replied "Diana?" "Same here" she groaned Anti held her closer eyes filled with worry.

We got inside and Dark rushed to get a medical kit leaving me in Anti's hands, once he came back he managed to bandage up any open wounds we had also stuffing my left arm in a cast as well as Diana's. For the rest of the night Diana slept on Anti's chest with his hand proactively over her while Dark and I watched a movie together with me on his shoulder "Y/N?" I stared at Dark "what's up?" "Are you taken?" He questioned my cheeks burned red "no why?" "Good cause you won't mind me doing this then" he picked me up off his shoulder before pressing a kiss on my cheek I was like a tomato by this point so I turned round and kissed him on the lips even though his lips were bigher then my head, he kissed back. "Awwww" I heard Anti coo "shut it and kiss Diana already as we know you want to" I retaliated making Dark giggle and hug me to his cheek, Diana was awake by this point so she kissed back when Anti kissed her tiny lips "awww" I laughed "shut your gob" Diana giggled. "I guess this means we are together Y/N?" Dark smirked "yep" I smiled kissing his cheek making blush a shade of black "aww cutie" I teased "hmm" "you 2 actually got together before us so I won our bet Diana" "wait you guys were betting on us too" "wait you guys betted as well" "well this is news to me" "yep" we laughed.

Yeah I made a cameo so what it's my book :)

Author x

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