Dream {Giant Antisepticeye x reader}

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Tw: mentions of drunkenness and abuse. Slightly smutty moment!!!


I laid about in my bed my head buried in my pillows with blankets curled around me loosely trying to fall asleep but no matter how many times I tossed and turned trying to find a comfortable position nothing worked, it didn't help that downstairs my parents were yelling at each other mercilessly saying fowl things which I didn't realise could come from their mouths but I guess that's what being drunk does to you. It wasn't working so I carefully and quietly got up sneaking out my room to the bathroom where rummaging through the cupboards I located a pot of sleeping pills which I downed, I slowly walked back to my room where I flopped onto my bed knocking out instantly.

I was surrounded by nothing by a black void, everything was dark and desolate, I felt like if I screamed it would be lost in the emptiness but at the same time I didn't want to scream. I wandered around inside the void not knowing where I'm going but thinking moving is better then staying still which ended up proving beneficial as I saw a light at the edge of the void which I ran which blinded me when I was in it but when I came out in a gently lighten room which resembled an average looking living room. On a chair a man sat with dark green hair, pale skin, full black clothing and black claws with a slit throat bleeding all down him, he also had many black wrist bands on one with spikes in it. I didn't know whether to be scared or intrigued so I was just frozen to the spot, he glanced over at me his black eyes with slit green pupils, boring into me till he got up and strolled over to me slipping his hands into his jeans pockets stopping right in front of me looking down at me as he was a head taller then me.

"And who might you be?" He asked "I-I'm Y/N, who are you?" I asked him back, he continued to stare at me unblinking and replied "I'm Antisepticeye but you can call me Anti" he replied his eyes boring straight into my soul "n-nice to meet you" I wear a weak smile which he returns "so why are you in my dream?" He asks listening intently to every sound I make which was intimidating "uh I'm not sure I just turned up in my own dream.....I-I think maybe our dreams tonight have linked" I presented my theory unable to look away from his eyes almost like they were hypnotising me. He smirked and chuckled "well for the time being we're stuck in here together, so I'm going to have some fun" he grinned showing his blade like teeth, he grabbed my shoulder quite tight and glitched us both over to the wall where he pushed me up against it glitching a knife into his hand he pressed up against my neck whilst grinning maniacally glitching heavily, I was terrified to my core of what he'd do to me in this world hoping it doesn't transfer over to real life. However he leaned his head over to the side of my neck and started to nip at it with his teeth, I bite back a moan and start tearing up from fear, once he notices he stops messing with my neck that had a few grazes from his teeth and he looked up into my fear stricken eyes "you don't like that do you puppet?" It took me a minute to answer but I shook my head that sort of thing I was no ready for especially not with a psycho stranger in my head.

He moved his knife off my throat stepping back allowing me to breath again "we'll see each other again Y/N" he smirks a bit and clicks his figures which forced me to wake back up. I looked around my room and sighed pinching myself to check if this was real, though the sounds and crashes from downstairs confirmed it more for me. I got up and went downstairs to look though as I stuck my head out the door a boot collided with my head knocking me out of the floor.

I returned into the dream where Anti still was and looked over at me confused "you're back already? But I literally just sent you home" he stated getting up and walking over to me looking down at me who was sitting on the floor, he noticed the bruise on the side of my head and knelt down next to me "what happened?" He asked a slight concern in his eyes, I pulled my knees to my chest resting my chin on it tears welling up in my eyes "my parents are fighting in the real world and I went to check on them and I got a boot thrown at my head" I explained a couple tears slipping out my eyes. Anti's gaze softened on me and he moved around so he could hug me wrapping his arms around me, it made me feel safe for the first time in a very long time, I relaxed into his arms my back resting against his chest "do you want me to come get you out that situation? In the real world I mean" he asked holding my form close to him "i-if you can then yes please" I nodded. Anti sighed nodding and he faded away from the dream his voice echoing around me saying loudly yet softly "see you soon pipsqueak" before I woke up on the floor my parents completely ignoring me.

I got up and went back up to my room, the ground shook every few seconds which confused me so I went to look out my window before seeing a giant shadow looming in the distance....wait he called me a Pipsqueak and now there's a giant here wait is Anti a giant! That realisation slightly scared me but then the thought of that safety I felt around him made me push that fear down. He walked up to my window looking down at me before crouching down "hiya Y/N" he grinned his teeth looking more intimidating when they could easily rip me to pieces "hi Anti" I weakly smiled, he put his hand out in front of me "hop on little puppet" he instructed which I complied with hoping out my window crawling into his hand looking up at him. He slowly stood up using his other hand so I don't fall off and holding me to his chest "let's go" he grins and we walk off into the night.

Since that day I've been living with Anti, he introduced me to all his brothers who all seemed nice but 99% of the time I stuck with Anti, we became best friends and eventually over dinner once he admitted he had a crush on me making me flush a deep red as I felt the same way which I told him. Long story short we ended up getting together and I couldn't be happier about it, who knew all this could come from a simple dream.

I'm thinking of opening up vore and G/T smut requests because I'm now much more comfortable with vore and am getting better at writing smutty stuff. Bare in mind it isn't mindless vore I'll do, it'll have a reason or purpose! Also if you request a G/T smut tell me if it's for a boy or girl as that changes it up depending on who, cause if you don't say I'll default to a girl cause I'm a girl.

Author x

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