Target {Jackieboy-man x tiny reader}

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Request by: SepticEgoFanAmy


I was tied up and gagged hanging upside down by my ankles squirming in my restraints trying to get out, I knew if I fell it'd kill me as news flash I'm a tiny, why I'm here you may ask well it's cause I'm dating the infamous Jackieboy-man so I'm constantly a target for kidnapping especially because of my size. I struggled to get out but knew even if I did I'd meet my demise but I couldn't just hang there and do nothing. I turned myself around so I was looking upside down at the villain himself the equally infamous Clockwork though Jackie always seemed to call him Jamie or JJ which confused my tiny mind, he smirked at me using his finger to push me a bit so I swayed all the blood going to my head more making me want to just knock out and never wake up but I had to remain strong and vigilant.

Not long after an explosion came from the front door shooting them off their hinges revealing Jackie standing there in all his glory in a fighting stance looking ready to beat the shit out of someone, I swung round to face him smiling slightly though it looked weird from upside down. Clockwork walked closer to him pulling his mask over his face bringing out his guns from his backpack glowering at Jackie through his mask that had a monocle covering one eye whilst the other was visible through a slit in his mask "let them go JJ, this is between us not them" Jackie slightly pleaded whilst through the radio Clockwork fitted inside his mask to talk through as he was mute he just laughed "they're dating you, that means they're a part of this now" he said using different words from radio programs to say it before eventually running at Jackie trying to shoot him. Jackie and him fought for ages it was all a blur to me as I was so light headed but I saw/ heard at the end Clockwork say "let's see how you'll do without your little pet" after which he threw his knife over at the rope connected to the ceiling and my ankles which broke it making me fall out the air in my restraints crying out in fear through my gag as I fell.

Everything went in slow motion for me but Jackie threw Clockwork off himself and used his super speed to run over to me grabbing me pulling me away from certain death cupping me to his chest and turning glaring daggers at the other man "ok I've had it Jamie, that's the last straw. I'm bringing you in once for all!" He took the restraints easily off me and gently, then slipped me into his spandex's pocket before running again at Clockwork growling lowly, I don't remember what happened next as I knocked out in Jackie's pocket.


I woke up later on to find myself on Jackie's chest, a protective hand over my as he slept soundly soft snores coming from his figure that vibrated through my whole body I smiled looking up at him before falling asleep again lulled by his heartbeat but I muttered "I love you" before I did and heard a quite chuckle which replied "I love you too"

There you go, sorry it's a little short but hope this is ok, it gave my a new AU idea whilst writing oh boy that'll be like my 13th AU 🤣 hope you liked it SepticEgoFanAmy

Author x

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