Family {Ipliers x Borrower Reader}

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Requested by Xx_ilovemusicals_xX

Dark POV

I sat in my office glaring over all my notes, taking over Mark's channel was always tough but also trying to give his fans as many cameos as I could was even more hard because of how much Mark cared about his fans meaning he'd never let me near them. I decided to give up for the night as it was 1:00am but before I did I decided to go grab a bite to eat, I raised myself from my chair flattening out my suit which was slightly creased and adjusted my tie. I walked out my office towards the kitchen but before I could grab the knob I heard movements from inside, I silently opened the door fractionally and couldn't believe my eyes a tiny person was running round the conuter top stuffing small bits of food and other less valuable items into it's bag, a Borrower? I heard a clicking behind me and turned to see Wilford clicking his tounge "what you looking at buddy?" He slired so I hushed him down "wilford old friend hush, there's a Borrower in there" I pointed to the kitchen "is there now let's see!" He grabbed the door and wrenched it open knocking stuff off the shelfs as it collided with the wall.


Hearing the door slam, my head shot up to see two of the humans who lived here standing at the door one looking almost child like in happiness the other burying his head in his hands. I dashed from where I was but suddenly was stopped by a glass wall, the one in the white suit had placed a glass cup over me sealing me inside trapped, I pressed myself against the glass hugging my knees to my chest oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead "you're not dead Borrower, we don't have any intension of harming you, right Wilford?" The white suited man nudged the pink one "yeah yeah what he said" "w-wait you can hear my thoughts?" I questioned he nodded "yes I can I'm a demon, Wilford here is a reporter" Wilford grinned "I'm Darkiplier you can call me Dark, what's your name?" Dark inquired "I-I'm Y-Y/N" I stuttered. Both sat down on stools infront of me placing their head on their arms on the counter infront of me both with the same curious look in their eyes "what are you doing out here Y/N, I know what Borrowers do and all but I've never seen you before" Dark asked "I was just trying to get food, I haven't eatten in a while" I fumbled with my hands "why not?" Wil requested "one of your roomates almost saw me and I was paranoid" I stared at my hands "let me guess he had a black suit on and glasses and likes burgers too much?" "Yeah" "that's Bim alright, we'll don't worry you won't have to worry about getting hungry much anymore" "why?" I got a little scared at this point "cause you don't have to hide anyone we'll look after you, all of us" Wil giggled.


I sat on Dark's shoulder watching TV with him and the others, Google was analysing everything bad about the show with Bim just growling at him that he wouldn't tell good TV if it hit him in the face with a baseball bat. A knock came the front door so Host got up and opened the door for Yancy who was finally hone from visiting his prision buddies "how were they?" I asked "they are good, youse's almost convinced them of leaving prision with that adivce youse gave me" he told us "finally Blank has been nonstop bothering me telling how much he missed Convictgameplays (I made that name but but I'm talking about the prisioner Ethan played in a Heist With Markiplier)" "too right" Wil added laughing hard at what someone was doing on TV. We all heard a loud bark from behind us and saw that the kennelry was open "great Dark Chica wants conpany" Google commented "dibs not" I got up slidding down Dark's arm onto the sofa "fine I'll deal with her she is my dog after all" Dark got up barging out the room, Wilford scooped me up into his hands putting me in his hair "why am I in the flooff right now, not that I'm complaining" I inquired "because you like it and are clearly sleepy so sleep" "fine, goodnight everyone love you all" "love you too Y/N" they all said in unison.

Did this in less then an hour so sorry if it sucks

Author x

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