My Big Buddies {Giant Septiceyes x reader}

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Boredom swept my mind as it useally did while I sat doodling in my sketchbook, I had no idea what to draw so I ended up drawing my friends all of us chilling together. You see my friends were these bunch of giants who were all alter egos of Seán who was also a giant. I remember clearly when I met them all:


I sat by the side of the cliff face looking out over the crystal blew water and the trees in the forest past the pool below the jagged rock.  The wind glazed through my hair which I quickly tucked behind my ear, it was do peaceful and that's why I came out there I needed some calm for once. My life was too busy never slowing down leaving me less and less happy, my coursework drained me of all my spirit then I had my part time on top of that as well as tons of chores round my house including my new born baby brother who I constantly had to babysit.

I breathed a sigh humming a tune to myself until I heard a rusling from behind me, I turned to be met by 2 yellow eyes followed by a large bear which started the growl once fully out. I suffled back slightly scared, my breath hitched in my throat as fear coursed through my body. It moved forward slowly till it was right infront of me, as it attempted to slash at me I jumped out the way scared for my life it reared on it's hind legs so I screamed before it landed a slash on my chest. I fell off the side of the cliff falling fast towards to the pool below, it's water frothing depths ready and waiting to take another victim, my eyes started to close as the pain kicked in but before it could I landed on something soft before I blacked out.


I awoke coughing and spluttering, I kealed over before I started to hear voices "hey hey you ok?" I glanced up to see a group of giant men infront me I yelped backing up slightly "voah chill human, you're safe don't vorry" a german sounding giant said seemingly in a doctors outfit "wait how am I alive I thought I-?" "I got you fixed up, it was a deep scratch but don't worry it's all fixed" he smiled "thanks, if you don't mind me wondering what's all your names?" They all grinned "sure, I'm Henrik Von Schneeplstien this is Antisepticeye, Chase Brody, Robbie the Zombie, Jackieboy-man, Jameson Jackson, Marvin the Magnificent and Seán" he pointed everyone out individually they all greeted me so I waved back "hi I'm Y/N" I introduced myself getting up onto my feet. I could tell this was gonna be fun.


It's been 3 years since then and I have my own place with a full time job with the weekend off, my life was much happier now because of my friends, speaking of friends "Y/N" I heard a tap on my window as I pulled the curtains back and pulled up the window "hey Chase" I giggled "you coming or not?" He grinned "yeah of course give me a sec" I scrambled around locking my doors/ windows before crawling out my window onto Chase's hand pulling the window closed after me making sure it was locked. He started walking with me in his hand "Robbie is excited to see you, he wants to show you something he made" "let me guess he tied together alot of trees to form another statue" I smirked "of course he did, there isn't much any of us can do when human's don't know about us" "apart from some of us" I gestured to myself "of course werdio" he laughed. Once we reached the cornor of the woods they lived in I saw Henrik lecturing Jackie while Anti was polishing his knife I'm still not sure where he got it from, they noticed us and all stopped Anti instantly glitched over scopping me up hugging me to his chest "and how's my favourite human?" He giggled "still dead inside" I hugged back "of course you are" he cackled "Y/N friend.." I looked over and saw Robbie waiting looking cute as ever "ok ok their coming" Anti handed me over to Robbie "let's go see what you made then Rob boi" I smiled.

I love the Septiceyes so much, sadly for me I'm running out of ideas so people PLEASE REQUEST ME STUFF or I'll end up just having Anti G/T's as those I have ideas for but nothing else

Author x

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