Helpful friendship {King of the Squirrels x Borrower reader}

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AN: I may not be a massive fan of King but I had an idea and wanted to write it. Also this is platonic

One of the major issues with being a borrower is that animals always seem to be aiming to give you a bad time, sometimes it's them aiming to eat you, sometimes they're just wanting to kill you, who knows all we know is it is a literally big issue for us.

But luckily for me I could cross one of those dangerous species off her list of have to deal with, which was squirrels, since I have a friend who makes sure none of them hurt me, I call him King but he reminds me his full 'title' is King of the Squirrels.

However I still had to deal with other dangerous creatures that King couldn't control, and it was one of those fateful days when I was wandering around the park, wind lapping at my hair as I walked before hearing a snarl from behind me. I quickly span around and was met face to face with a fox with hungry eyes baring down on me, I instantly froze in fear before bolting away, running for my life away from the fox which ran after me almost nipping at my heels, it's gross garbage smelling breath pressing against my back yet it still couldn't catch up until I got cornered against a tree. I looked up at the fox, shaking violently, my back pressed against the tree terrified that I was about to die when I heard another screech near by and looked up, seeing squirrels start to crawl down the tree and jumped the fox, slapping them with their tails, biting at their ankles with their little teeth and much more, until the fox ran away scared.

I sighed in relief as I felt the ground shake as King rounded a corner and ran straight up to me, picking me up

"Are you ok Y/N? It didn't hurt you did it?"

He asked hurriedly, scanning me with his eyes, trying to find out if I was injured or not

"I'm ok King, thanks to you"

I responded, hugging one of his fingers to try and calm him down, which after a great amount of time worked. He breathed a sigh of relief and used his nose to nuzzle me

"I'm glad, I was scared it got to you before my squirrels got to it"

He admitted, the same worry wart I've always known, so I pat his nose to show I was ok and calm him down.

After a while of us talking, he insisted on carrying me back to my home in the walls of his house, putting out his hands as to walk off them into the walls and smiled back at him once inside.

"Thank you again King, you're the best"

I smiled at him, causing him to send me a goofy grin back, and he bopped my little nose

"No you"

He chuckled, smiling before he walked away back to his room and I went back to my room too.

((Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated this book in months, I haven't been motivated recently but now I'm hopefully back so if you have requests drop them in the comments, still have those other requests I need to work on so don't worry guys I haven't forgotten about them

Author x

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