Is there such thing as too protective? {Overprotective Giant Anti x reader}

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Warning: attempt at eating


I was casually riding down the street on my bike while it was pretty empty, no one was really about and there were no cameras about this place so it was mostly completely unmonitored, as I road along along my tyres swerved and I ended up falling off my bike onto the road with an 'oof', my bike landing beside me in one piece. I got up brushing myself off not bothering by it since none were around to witness my stupidity and no cars were oncoming so I just got up, got back on my bike and road home not thinking much of what just happened.

When I had rode home, I put my bike in my home's garage and went inside flipping on the TV and jumping onto the sofa sitting down cross legged to watch TV, I skimmed through the channels though noticed something interesting on the news so turned to that. It appeared that the same road I had tripped over on earlier now had a massive unexplained crater taking up the whole road exactly where I had tripped over which confused me but I shrugged it off deciding to just rewatch some old movies I like.

Several hours later I had come out from a club since one of my old friends had dragged me to it briefly even though I was the opposite of a party person, I'd left earlier since some guy had tried hitting on me even when I told him I was 100% taken which pissed me off enough to leave the club. As I was walking home I heard a male screech from the direction and ran back in the direction of the screech seeing a massive silhouette and knowing exactly who it was.

"Ey! Anti!"

I shouted up to the silhouette and on cue it turned around revealing the familiar giant demon that I know and love, he looked at me with his black and green eyes and if it was even possible he slightly paled as he held the struggling man who flirted with me earlier between his fingers by the back of his shirt over his head, clearly Anti was about to try eating him.

"Put the man down"

I said sternly to the glitch crossing my arms, he slightly whined but once receiving a slight glare from me he obliged and put the man down who instantly ran away terrified. I sighed softly my eyes shifting to a more loving gaze looking up at him as he sat in front of me.

"How come you were trying to eat him? Cause it's too much of a coincidence this situation"

I asked Anti, walking over to him and sitting down cross legged in his hand which he'd put out for me, raising up to me face so we can look each other in the eyes while we talked.

"I- well I saw him earlier flirting with ye and annoying ye and I just didn't like it so wanted to get rid of 'im"

He explained hugging me to his cheek so I hugged back as best I can.

"Is someone a bit protective of me?"

I teased him chuckling making him shoot a playful glare at me

"If I wasn't then I'd be more worried about that, (lass/ lad)"

Anti stated and kissed my head, oh yeah he's the partner I mentioned I had earlier, I smiled blushing softly at his kiss

"Yeah I guess so though sometimes you can be overprotective"

I chuckled looking up at his face, which flushed red from embarrassment and he used his spare hand to rub the back of his neck

"Maybe a little-"

"More then a little"

I cut in chuckling, making him he raise an eyebrow and poke me with one of his fingers for interrupting him and I giggled more

"No need to call me out lass/ lad"

He slightly chuckled and held me closer in a gentle hug. He was definitely over protective, I could tell earlier he was the one who broke the road just for it tripping me up, once he even killed a whole flock of birds cause they annoyed me leaving them in my garden, basically any time something annoyed me, got too close, hurt me or gave me a more then friendly look he killed it which got annoying sometimes.

He slowly got up and carried me gently back to his home since he wanted to spend more time with me, and he curled up on his bed holding me close.

"Ye know I love ye right?"

He asked looking down at me and I smiled back up at him

"I know, and I love you too"

I responded causing him to raise me up to his face and gently kiss my face so I kissed back.

((And there you go, I had this oneshot in the works for a while but never published it so here. Sorry I'm terrible at an upload schedule these days

Author x

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