Lasting Friendship {Giant Merman Antisepticeye x reader}

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{years earlier}

Mum dragged me to the aquarium since a new exhibit had opened up, there were rumours that the new creature was massive but I wasn't entirely convinced about that "come on sweetheart" mum encouraged me, the stubborn 8 year old, into the aquarium where she bought us tickets before quickly going to the new exhibition since we'd seen the other stuff so many times over.

The new exhibition had a huge tank, about the size of 2 football pitches, in the centre of the room which had blue glowing lights on the ceiling, not many plants were inside the tank yet still regular fishes swam around in there looking bored. A large crowd surrounded the tank some complaining they couldn't see the creature, I walked up to the tank on the side where the least people were putting my hands against the glass looking inside, I looked inside spotting the shadow of a creature in the back of the tank that was massive 'no wonder the tank's so big' I thought, as I did the creature looked up it's green eyes visible though they were surrounded by pools of black it stared right at me and I looked back in awe. The crowd noticed it's eyes and a commotion came from them which I ignored still looking deep into the creatures eyes, I noticed it moved something towards me though since the glass was bullet proof I had heard I wasn't scared till I noticed even more how big it was compared to me as it put it's figure tip on the other side of the glass where my hand was like we were touching, the crowd held there breath as the creature came more into view.

Now as it was in the light I could see it or rather him more clearly, he was a giant merman with green scales up his body, a massive electric eel tail with frills came out of it's body in place of where a human's leg would be, he had floofy green hair with a brown scruffy beard and brown body hair on his arms. His eyes were pure black with green slits for pupils, he had large gills on the side of his neck which had a slit across it I have no idea how that doesn't hurt him. He stared at me using his other webbed hand to grab some of the fish swimming past and quickly eat them, I couldn't deny that it was slightly scaring seeing him eat since his mouth is huge with razor sharp teeth, once he finished eating he moved closer to me sitting beside me on the other side of the wall as we continued to look at each other.

Eventually the room cleared out and though with much compliant my mum left to and waited outside the aquarium for me, once everyone was gone he started to speak "I'm surprised little human you haven't run away yet" he said his voice sounding all over the place yet calming "why you I run away?" I asked curiously it wasn't like he had been threatening towards me, he chuckled quietly though at the size difference it was louder "because I'm huge compared to you" he smirked slightly though there was traces of a smile behind that smirk "I don't mind" I replied which made him smile a bit more "say what's your name kid?" He asked me laying down on his front so he's more eye level with me, I sat down too replying "I'm Y/N, what's your name?" He thought for a moment before answering "I'm Antisepticeye, but you can call me Anti" he smiled "nice to meet you" I grinned back at him. We spoke for hours after this learning more about each other, he told me that people were scared of him which is why they locked him away though he couldn't blame them as he's been known to kill people which slightly unnerved me, when my mum came in to take me home Anti slightly growled which scared her but Anti decided to let me go home we both knew we wouldn't see each other again so we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

{16 years later}

It's had been 16 years since then and I was sitting on the beach looking out at the water, I had heard Anti found some way to escape the aquarium and never even got to see him again before then he probably forgot about me I wouldn't be surprised especially since I was 8 at the time and now I'm 24, would he even still be alive, probably, wonder if he looks any different to back then, of course he could Y/N everyone changes in 16 years he may be a completely different person by now. I sighed resting my chin on my knees, I just wanted to see him 1 more time though I knew that was dumb.

I decided to go for a swim so got on my swimming costume and headed out diving into the water, I swam around for a while before heading into slightly deeper waters since there were many coral reefs around this part of the shore however as I came back down after getting some air I noticed a shadow that felt osmosing and looked at the creature releasing it was a tiger shark I got very scared since I know they eat people so I went to swim back to shore before I saw it swimming towards me. In a moment of panic I swam away as fast as I could with the shark on my heels getting closer by the second, I was convinced I was done for until I noticed a much larger shadow swim past that looked familiar, I recognised those eyes. Anti turned as I swam into his chest looking up at him he looked down at me grabbing the shark with his hand and eating it which intimidated me even more since I was in the water with him and it had been years he probably didn't recognise me. He finished eating and scooped me up into his hand placing me against his chest swimming towards the side of shore finding a mini lagoon which no one was on placing me onto the shore. He leaned up against a large rock still in the water "well it's been a long time Y/N" he said to me sounding exactly as I remembered him "yeah it has, I'm surprised you recognised and remembered me" I replied smiling at him which he returned back "it's only been 16 years which isn't long to a demon merman" he stated, I smirked slightly "so that's why you look the same since the last time I saw you" I chuckled folding my arms Anti giggled a bit "yeah I do" I sighed "thank you for saving my life back there" I thanked him "don't mention it Y/N it's fine, couldn't have some shark eating my friend" he realised what he said before "that is if you want to be my friend, y-you don't have to I understand not wanting to be friends with a monster like me" my eyes widen a bit "you aren't a monster Anti" I said walking up to him getting into water and going over to him climbing onto the rock next to him "and I do want to be your friend" I replied putting my hand on top of Anti's he turned to look at me and smiled picking me up "thank you Y/N" he thanked me hugging me to his chest I hugged back as best as I could, this was going to be fun.

{present day}

Since then I go out to that lagoon a least once a week and meet up with Anti, I've been doing this for the for a year and I love hanging around with him we go swimming together, explore around the islands around my home town. At this point I've developed deep feelings for Anti though I'm not sure he'd feel the same way. I was walking down to the shore to meet up with him per the usual when some guy grabbed me by the wrist pinning me down to the sand I yelped in surprise when he did this, I was close to the lagoon at this point so unbeknownst to me Anti had heard me he looked as best he can and saw what they guy was doing, he growled using his hand to pull the guy off me and his other hand to carefully pick me up. He growled at the man who he clenched in his fist killing him before eating the body, I tried not to look when he was eating the guy but when he was done I looked up at Anti, he looked down at me then leaned down nuzzling me I blushed a lot smiling "are you ok?" He asked me looking anxious I nodded smiling "yeah, thank you for helping me out back there Anti" I responded he grinned at me which was always a little intimidating especially with all the blood on his teeth but I didn't mind much "no problem, I'd never let anyone hurt you" he told me worsening my blush, I decided this was the time to tell him and see how he reacted.

"Hey Anti?" I stated deciding to go slow with telling him "yes?" He smiled, I fought down my nervousness "I have something to tell you" I told him  "which is?" He raised an eyebrow smiling I sighed before spilling "I like you, as in like like" I admitted fast wanting to get it all out fast, he looked surprised and I was so worried that that was rejection till he smiled bringing me to his face pressing a kiss to my form "I like like you too" he told me making me blush deeply looking up at him "r-really?" I asked, he smiled and nodded, I grinned leaning closer kissing him on his lips he kissed back though it covered my entire face, eventually we pulled apart. This may after all be a great life for me.

Sorry it's been like a month since I updated I just didn't have any ideas what to write, I hope this much longer then normal oneshot will suffice for an apology. I'd appreciate any requests on this book so I can get back into the swing of updating

Author x

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