Saviour {Illinois x Tiny Monster reader}

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Request by @Septoxxic


I slumped against the wall of the cage I was in, the only sounds being the echos of my captors vehicles driving past the warehouse my cage was locked in, as I didn't require food they never bothered coming in and just left me in here as a trophy. As a Tiny I was already valuable but being what people would consider a monster as well made me even more, I had and have large f/c wings, horns and pure white skin and h/c hair as well as long fangs.

I suddenly heard a click from the front of the building so I ran to the front of my cage to see who it was, a man in a cowboy hat came through the front entrancd lasso tied to his belt and had a brown jacket on, he reminded me of a being I read about that people caption 'Indiana Jones' but this guy had much more and darker facial hair then the guy I saw in the photo, as well as a much stronger jaw line. He crept inside looking around the isles before many more people came in through the front entrance, my captor's men started shooting at him while my captor shouted "don't let him steal anything!" I heard the knock off Indiana Jones say "steal? Most of the stuff here belongs to someone else and you call me a theif" at least he said 'most' cause I don't belong to anyone! I thought it couldn't hurt trying to call out to him to see if he could help "SIR PLEASE HELP!" I yelled out bashing on the side of my cage trying to catch his attension "and you trapped someone here, well you are gonna be behind bars soon, I'm coming (miss/sir)" he called out at the end to me, I heard thumping and caught a glimpse of him jumping across the crates dodging bullets flying past eventually he tied them all up and seemingly calling someone telling them where to get the stuff. "(Miss/sir) where are you?" He asked "I can't really tell other then in one of the isles" "ok tell me if you see me". I saw him to the right of me "I see you, you're to the right of me" I yelled he looked down the isle "but I dont see anyone" "I'm defiantly there" he shrugged and walked down the isle looking around "there ya go" he glanced before double taking seeing me "you're a..." "tiny monster? I guess" I retorted "can you let me out he's kept me locked in here for years and rarely ever even glances at me?" I looked down feeling the weight of my loneliness fall on me "are you his pet or something?" He questioned "I'm no one's fucking pet, I had my own life before this fucking cage" I growled offended by what he said "ok ok I'll set you free" he reached over unhinging the cage "thanks" I told him flapping my wings a little, he put out a hand for me palm side to my surprise "do want a lift outside?" He inquired "you do know I can fly right? I do have wings" I asked giving him a look "oh alright sorry" he retracted his hand rubbing the back of his neck "don't worry 'bout it" I flew out the cage sitting ontop of it "thanks for that I'm Y/N by the way" "Illinois nice to meet you" I smiled slightly "sorry I was rude, it's difficult not seeing anyone for years" "it's fine I understand anyway you better go before the authorities show up or they might try and take you" "yeah sure well I guess this is goodbye Illinois, goodbye nice name by the way" I giggled before stretching my wings and flying away.

There ya go request done

Author x

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