Tiny Titan {Part 2}

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After I dealt with that criminal I didn't have anything else to do that day as the super's of the city had scheduled time's each of us had to patrol and mine was always mid day. I didn't have a day job because in this city, many only became heroes as Meta's were paid by the government to fight crime (cause they want us working for them) so even though I didn't join for money getting paid was useful. I cleared up my apartment a bit before noticing my phone was going off it was my bestfriend b/f/n (best friend name) they were also a superhero going under the allias Clockwork they had powers of magnetism "hey what's up?" I replied "Y/S/N you go (girl/dude) you got a date with THE Jackieboy-man, I'm so proud" they expressed I could basically hear them squealing on the other end "how'd you find out did you stalk me or something?" I giggled "when you ended your shift, Indigo was on next and being the clever Tiny he is read your mind and found then he told me as your bff" they told me "good old Indigo" I laughed "well I'll leave you to get ready have fun" they cut off the call.


It was 4:55 as I thought 5 minutes would be fine for time cause of my superspeed, I had my suit on (which was made from  a simila material to battle amour) so I ran out my house making sure everything was locked up. I reached the edge of the city and saw Jackie sitting there "hey Jackie" I hopped over the border he looked over at me and grinned "Y/S/N good to see you" he stood up kneeling infront of me sticking out his hand "hop on" so did so, he carried me towards his human town so I kinda ducked down in his hand being a bit scared of all the giant beings around me even if I could out run then all, Jackie noticed this and giggled "you don't have to be scared I won't let anyone do anything to you" "thanks" I mumbled looking down. We arrived in a town that had a large amount of Tiny and Human intergration places, as in both could visit without anything happening like someone getting stepped on, Jackie took me to a cafe which once we entered I saw had Tiny sizes for food as Tiny's worked here too. We both ordered and settled in a booth, Jackie placed me on one of the small seats so I was comfortable "hey Y/S/N as you clearly know my real name cause it's in my superhero name, would you mind telling me your real name? You don't have to if you don't want to" he waved his hands in front of him near the end "it's ok Jackie" I giggled "well it's not that interesting of a name but it's Y/N" I told him looking down, he used a finger to lift my head so my e/c eyes met his ocean blue ones "you're name is beautiful like you" I was a tomato by this point "you really think so?" "Yeah of course why wouldn't I?" He smiled "because A. You don't know what I look like and B. You hardly know me" I put it simply "well can I get to know you then and see you?" He pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear "I-I guess" I shuttered. Backing away a little I took my mask off my h/c hair falling infront of my face so I pushed it out the way (incase you have glasses like me) (I slipped my glasses up the ridge of my nose which I with drew from my pocket), I smiled timidly "sorry if I didn't live up to your expectations" I glanced away "you're more then anything I could ask for" I was shocked by what he said "I...I...thank you no one's ever said anything like that to me" "I don't know why they wouldn't." We spoke for hours learning stuff about eachother like about his brother's who he lives with in town while he learnt about life inside my city and my past till late at night, he carried me out back to my home and placed me inside the walls with my mask back on "hope we can see eachother again" "of course, see you around" I grinned before running off home basically face planting my bed screaming into it "that truly was the best."

If anyone wants anymore parts I'll make more.

Author x

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