Tiny Titan {Jackieboy-man x Superhero Tiny Reader}

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The criminal ran across the apartment block roofs trying to get away from me, she had stolen a very expensive artefact which if sold on the black market could fetch a couple billion pounds (as in the currency (£) rather then the mass) . She was close in enough in range so I launched myself at her knocking her off her feet the artefact falling out her pocket "Y/S/N (your superhero name) we meet again fun, well not for you as you'll be dead soon" she smirked pulling out her gun firing at me, she missed I ran up to her and grabbed her by the straps on her spandex I throw her over my head behind me "this is why I don't wear spandex" she ran at me punching me straight in the ribcage "don't pretend you don't like them we all know in the criminal underworld that you crush on Jackieboy-man" I used my grappling hook to pull her by the throat across the roof top towards me "do not! And anyway he's literally a human that wouldn't work out especially at our size" "You never know old friend" I growled at her for calling us that "we aren't friends not anymore" I knocked her straight out with one punch to the forehead.

Yeah I forgot to mention, or I guess you (😋) , I'm a Tiny around 6 inches tall and the city is a Tiny city in England just taller then an average person, right by a human city where the mentioned Jackieboy-man lives, I only see him when he comes in the city to help the Tiny police to arrest criminals here he rarely notices me working and I only ever get a smile from him when he does, I wish it was more. Humans and Tiny's became at peace years ago even though some humans don't respect we are equal and try and keep us as pets which sucks, but Jackie never did he viewed us as equals and even as a human he was the cities greatest hero which I was kinda jealous of.

Sounds of yelling came from the bank so I ran and grappled down to it rushing in to see and old nemisis of mine stuffing into his bag "put it down!" I shouted getting into a fighting stance, "Y/S/N well isn't this pleasent" he smirked before using his superstrength to chuck the whole safe at me so I jumped over it slamming my fist against his skull, he shot through the glass doors hitting the lampost on the otherside of the street "you're gonna have to do better then that Y/S/N" he tore the lamppost off the ground and attempted to hit me with it but I caught it I flipped him over my head onto the otherside of me "surrender Fox!" I growled getting closer to him "never" he used his strength to throw a car into the side of the bank causing people to fall out the hole in the side of the building. I jumped (as I can jump higher then a useal Tiny, around a metre) and caught each person placing on the ground but once I was done I looked around and saw he was gone "shit" I muttered. Though the anger didn't last long as I heard his familiar grunt from the otherside of the city so quickly runnig there (you have enhanced strength, endurance, speed and jumping in this, not like Superman but still quite fast, strong and tough anyway) to find Fox in the grip of a smug Jackieboy-man "shouldn't try and steal should you" "nah he shouldn't" Jackie looked down at me smiling "Y/S/N nice to meet you" I blushed a little "nice to meet you too" I smiled. "I'll take him if you want and give him to the Meta Squad" I said genturing to Fox still in his fist "sure, you did take him down mostly anyway" he smiled giving him to me I locked Fox in Meta proof cuffs "how'd you know that?" I asked glancing at him "he mentioned it when I caught him" he grinned I smirked back "well I guess I'll take this guy to the Squad see ya Jackieboy-man" but before I could leave Jackie inquired "hey is it possible we could meet up this evening at the edge of the city?" I blushed deeper "yeah sure see you then" I slightly waved before pulling Fox off to the Meta Squad.

This is the greatest day of my life.

Yes I'll do a part 2 don't worry, I want to know what's gonna happen and I wrote this

Author x

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