The Greater Size Difference {Giant Jacksepticeye x Fairy Reader}

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I zoomed around the woods my wings beating fast as I flew away from the Hawk which was chasing me, I weaved in and out of the trees dodging it's talons as they came in millimetres from me. I flew straight up which it copied before I dived hard and sharp pulling up an inch from the forest floor it wasn't as lucky it hit the ground hard and I heard the smash of it's bones. I hovered out observing it concluding it was dead and flew off  into the trees once more.

I sat down on the branch of a tree fixing up my f/c wings which was slightly ruffled from that Hawk, I heard a rumble come from close by so I jumped up flying off my perch towards the sounds source. Once I got their I saw a massive man around 50 feet high, which was even bigger to me as I was 5 inches, he had brown hair, beard but with strikingly blue eyes he had seemed to knocked over a tree "oh shit" he mumbled which was loud to me I flew past him towards the tree convinced that I would fix it. I hovered over the stump conjuring magic into my hands making them glow a bright green before I directed that light at the stump, suddenly a tree started to regrow from the stump as the broken part had moss grow over it. After I was done almost imminently a hand enclosed me making me yelp with shock and now fear, I was not even the size of half this guy's pinkie.

Seán POV

I cursed myself for knocking over the tree but also immediately after a bright green light formed flotting over the tree stump and the tree started to regrow, I was in awe of this as I know that trees can't grow back like that. So when the light almost disappeared I grabbed whatever it was in my hand and brought it to my face so I could examine what creature or force caused this.


The fist opened and I was met by a large blue eye which widened when it met my gaze, I shuffled back into his finger scared to be this close to his face "woah, what are you? Your miniscule even smaller then a human" he asked "I-I-I'm a f-f-fairy s-sir" I told him wrapping my wings around my body in fear "you're the one who regrew that tree didn't you?" "Y-y-yes" I hugged myself "that's awesome" he exclaimed so I clamped my hands over my ears "oh sorry, I forgot my voice is too loud for you" he whispered. "What's your name?" "Y/N sir" I bowed my head "no need to bow Y/N, I'm Seán but my friends call me Jack" "nice to meet you Seán" I responded "nice to meet you too Y/N" he smiled "hey do you want to hang out, I think it could be fun" "sure I guess" I smiled slightly.


A yell sounded through the trees that shook the forest, I recognised the voice so I sped off towards my friends cries. I could clearly see Seán being attacked by a hord of humans they had tied him down bounding his wrists and ankles, so I flew faster towards the human group. They were using pickforks poking him and many had guns aimed at his head ready to fire, many looked scared but Jack looked much more scared as he didn't want to hurt anyone. I started charging my magic in my hands and from my rage it turned a darker green, everyone stared around at me including Seán. I fired the beam at the ground and vines sprung up wrapping around everyone preventing their guns from firing as they were wrestled from their hands, they all fell to their knees so I flew up to the chains holding Jack and loosened them with my magic so he pulled free from them "thanks Y/N" he smiled so I grinned back. I heard a gun shot off as I felt a sharp pain go straight through my wing Jack's eyes widen he caught me as I fell from the sky, we both looked over at the human who had managed to get his gun and shoot. Seán started growling at the human male, he placed me carefully into his breast pocket but I didn't need to see to know what happened i heard the crunch of the man's bones as well as other humans, once Jack brought me back out I could see that every human was dead at his feet. "We need to find a way to fix your wing Y/N" Seán explained walking back into the forest with my in his palm "the fairy elder should be able to fix me up, if you can place me close to the village I can go to her" I declared, he nodded.

He let me go when he was close enough to not cause any problems with the locals, I waved before going inside the fairy village.


I came out to find Jack waiting eagerly for me, he scooped me up the second I came out and hugged me to his cheek
"I'm glad you're alright" he stroked my head with his finger, "I'm happy you're ok Jack those humans were hurting you" "I think I got our own back though" he laughed "yeah" I giggled. Seán moved me so I was closer to his mouth and he pressed a kiss onto me (it covered my entire side basically) I blushed a deep red hiding my face in my hands "you're even cuter when you blush Y/N" he smirked "I'm not cute" I said hiding my face, he used a finger to raise my head and our lips collided, I could live like this forever, we pulled apart and both said: "I love you Y/N"
                   "I love you Seán"

Haven't wrote one of Jack yet so here's one.

Author x

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