Torn Apart {Septiceyes x Borrower Reader}

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(Warning: this is sad)


Swinging my legs I sat there on the shelf next to Chase's figurines, Chase was chucking tea bags into the cup frowning everytime he failed eventually getting into the cup "woah" he said sarcastically picking up the box of tea bags and cup and placing them on his table. "I see you're not happy today?" I said giving him the eye "why should I be Pipsqueak, I lost my motherfucking children" he retorted glowering in my direction, "calm down dude, just trying to lighten the mood" I defended myself raising my hands "well don't Borrower" I was suprised how hostile he was being right now "ok ok I'll shut up now" I concluded sulking in my seat. He walked out the room slamming the door, I just stayed their not bothering to go home should I go hang with Anti or something cause he's been beating himself up about accidently killing Chase's kids? Yelling started up from the other room so I went to investigate it.

I wandered through the walls till I found the source of the sound, I snuck out of the wall and hid behind the lamp on Anti's table Chase was in here ranting at Anti again while Anti was sitting on his bed staring at his claws in saddness "how could you do this to me Anti I thought we were friends, brothers!" Chase yelled at him "I didn't mean to Chase, it was an accident" Anti told him I could see he was holding back tears while tears were rocketing from Chase's eyes "AN ACCIDENT, HOW CAN STABBING SOMEONE THROUGH THE HEART BE AN ACCIDENT!?" He shouted glaring daggers at Anti his eyes were going grayer and grayer and I didn't know why "I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS THEM, DARK MESSED WITH MY HEAD MAKING ME SEE OTHER PEOPLE INSTEAD OF THEM!" "A likly story, you're a cold blooded murderer do you think I would believe you" Chase spat, I was welling on tears by this point "Chase you know how bad Dark has been trying to rip apart our family..." "DON'T CALL US A FAMILY BECAUSE WE ARE NOT, NOT ANYMORE" Chase stormed out the room slamming the door shut behind him. I crept out from where I was hiding and walked up to Anti on the table "Anti?" I asked "ğø äwąý ĺiťţłə şqůëăķëř!" He growled lowly staring at me with a burning neon green eye and black one  "I... *sigh* fine" I strode back into the wall getting as far as I can away as I could before collapsing into a pile and crying.

Chase POV

I laid down on my bed my eyes were blood shot from crying so much, the image of my kids bodies ever present in my mind from when I found them. He didn't do it by accident, it was on purpose he's always hated me now he just wanted to tear me apart. I remembered eariler how I was acting to Y/N they were only trying to help but I got angry with them, a feeling of guilt welled up inside them when I remembered their face after shouting. I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.

Anti POV

The tears finally fell after I heard a distance whimper from inside the walls, I was doing what Dark wanted I tore the family apart even more then I already did by acting hostile to Y/N it was already bad enough that the others were angry at me but still sad for me as they believed me unlike Chase. I kept reliving the event in my head wishing I could tell my old self to stop but knowing I couldn't:


I saw a man and 2 women walk along the street one of the women holding each of their hands which werided me out. I felt the erge to kill them so as no one was around I chose to do so stabbing each of them through the heart. The corpses of the people fell to the ground at my feet eyes looking lifeless, suddenly however I felt a wave of norsia come over me which seemed to morph the sight infront of me and when I looked back my mouth fell open Stacy and Chase's kids lay infront of me dead. I fell to my knees beside them looking for a way I could fix this but no luck came my way, I heard a loud ringing in my ears followed by laughter so I glanced up to see the one and only Darkiplier standing infront of me "well isn't this fun, hope it goes well with Brody" he mocked before teleporting away laughing like a maniac. I teleported home cleaning my knife and clothes but before I could finish Chase stormed through the front door tears rolling down his face "you killed them didn't you?" He demanded "what?" "YOU KILLED MY CHILDREN, also Stacy but I don't care about that bitch" he yelled I stared at the floor which answered his question. He pulled my knife out my holdster and attempted to stab me through the head with it but I caught his hand taking the knife and glitching away.



It's been 3 months since they died, everyone went to the funeral but me as I killed them, however Y/N didn't, not because of what she is. Y/N a month after what happened moved out and decided to go live in the forest as all the negativity in the house they said on their note was 'becoming horrendous.' Chase now believed me which was a bit better but that was only because Dark admitted to it to see everyone's reaction, Seán now didn't live with the group as he had moved away because he was now engaged to his Gab also he needed a new job because of the whole FTC COPPA thing (if you don't know what that is LOOK INTO IT CAUSE IT'S GONNA CHANGE EVERYTHING WE KNOW ABOUT YOUTUBE), Henrik still worked in the Hospital but didn't enjoy it anymore. Jackie now did superheroing none stop as he blammed himself for their deaths too as he didn't manage to stop me, Marvin was now doing travelling magic shows so he was rarely home so the only ones who were ever home were JJ, Chase, Robbie and I. Our family really is torn apart.

Look into FTC COPPA thing please there are lots of videos on Youtube about it.

Author x

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