~ College Kids (Pt. 2)~

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After what seemed to be a really long trip, there was movement again. A yawn escaped me, but I just rolled over to stare at the plastic walls. A moment past and nothing new happened, so I buried myself in wood some more.

Even listening to the boys talk started to become tiresome. The constant back and forth of who was doing what and when they were doing these things. Most of these conversations were about that college. It seemed rather important. Regardless.. I didn't care.

After what felt like years but was only a few moments, my box was set on a hard surface rather rough. It would've knocked me to my back if I had been standing, but lucky me. I had already been laying down, so it didn't affect me as much.

Not a second later, light streamed from the top of the box followed by the obvious sarcastic snicker from your's truly. Daxon.

"You need a new home, don't ya? It doesn't look that comfortable." He spoke softer than he had in the car. Even if he was attempting to seem trustworthy, I wasn't about to fall for that. Instead, I pretended I was asleep as if it could help somehow.

For a second, I thought it worked. There was nothing but silence. Yet, just as I began to open my eyes,  my plastic shelter lifted away. Quicker than two flaps of a cat's tail, I shut my eyes and held my breath. I was prepared for anything now.

"You know.. It's a lot better here than that pet store." Daxon explained, his voice ringing as sincere. As if.

Sincere is just another word that leads to pain.

My previous owner seemed as friendly as Daxon.. but whenever he felt lonely or rather depressed.. he would hurt me, mentally and physically. The thought of the tortures did nothing but fill me with the fear of it happening again. It was overbearing at this point. I wanted to escape before everything crumbled around me again, but it obviously I couldn't. They'd find me quicker than a bird learns to fly.

I shuddered at my memories, letting the unnoticed shadow cast over me. Believing Daxon was finally leaving, closing the lid of the box or something, I let my guard down. Yet, less than a second later, something grazed over my head causing me to jump and curl away.

"It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you." Daxon whispered softly, petting my head again. The thought of being treated like a pet made me flinch most. I used to have a dog and I loved and cared for it.. how come when we are pets we get abused and mistreated? It makes no reasonable sense. So.. I don't trust Daxon. Despite his words and his actions, it just didn't feel right. I moved away from his finger and covered myself with more wood chips, hoping he would go away.

"You hungry?"

My body perked itself up as I looked in his direction. The chips of wood fell off of my head as I moved around and a bright soft smile formed on Dax's face. New food? Like actual  food? At first, I thought it could be a possibility, but then I remembered. It was obvious that I'd be fed the dumb pellets that were required. They tasted like dried grass and spoiled milk, but the giants never really want opinions. I simply let out a huff and let my joy dissipated as I turned away from Daxon.

"Don't worry. It'll be good, I promise." Just as he spoke, he brushed the shavings off of me and scooped me out of the box. As he lifted me away from the box, my breath began to pick up and a newfound fear kicked in. Heights.

"Hey.. You'll be okay. I won't drop you." He assured, bringing me closer to him. Even though I was scared, I was far too petrified to attempt to escape. Even if I did, I would surely fall to my death. No human or giant could catch something of my size in comparison without possibly injuring it majorly and I wasn't about to test that theory.

So I just let Dax hold me against his chest as he walked around.

After a few moments, I got used to it. Occasionally he would rub my back or head with his thumb, but even that didn't bother me as much as I had expected it too. In fact.. I could say it calmed me down.

Though, he only held me against his chest for what felt like a few minutes before lifting me to a gigantic table. He sat on a chair of a likewise size facing my direction. He gently slid me off of his hand, then handed me a piece of a red fruit., which was very familiar to a strawberry. Daxon snickered at my confused look as I held the fruit in my hands.

"It's a strawberry, dork. Not poison."

I simply nodded, feeling a bit proud of identifying it before he clarified. Hesitant, I took a bite staring directly at Dax as if he were to do something.

"You're definitely the strangest human I've ever crossed paths with." He stated with a furrowed brow and a smirk. I tilted my head, confused. Strange? That wasn't an adjective I would've expected to hear. Scared, dumb, or even sad would fit me better. But he said strange.

"Most humans never seem to be this settle, in case you're wondering. You just seem at ease. Well.. Not completely I guess. Just not as nervous as I thought you'd seem."

Not nervous?? He is the worst body language reader in the entire world. I was beyond nervous. Petrified, I'd say.

I sat there for a moment pondering about that odd statement, before realizing he was kind of correct. I really wasn't that scared.. Maybe untrustful but maybe scared wouldn't be the right word. Sure, I was worried that he could be the same as my last owner, but would that be considered scared? Maybe, maybe not. It could've been caused by the daily interaction I had with the kids before they decided to bring me here.

After a few moments, I shook away the thoughts and let out a sigh. My gaze lifted back to Dax, but he seemed to be lost in thoughts as well.

I stood up realizing I could probably escape easy. The urge to run sat in the front of my head but just as I was about to go, something stopped me. No. It wasn't Dax. It was someone else.

The quiet one.

It was all so sudden, but one minute I was prancing across the wooden surface and the next I was trapped in a closed fist. At first, I didn't know who it was, but as soon as I saw his face I tried to get out of his grip.

He was glaring at me with his cold dark eyes. Obviously he was as agitated with me as I was with him, yet I didn't care. This lousy guy wouldn't even loosen his grip on me and instead tightened it, which caused me to stop struggling.

"Daxon. Why are you so irresponsible?" He began to walk in his friend's direction, releasing his grip around me.

Daxon snapped out of his thoughts, looking at my new captor then at me. He smiled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry, Jas.. I got distracted." He stuttered. 'Jas' just rolled his eyes as a response.

"I'm going to watch her for now, since you obviously don't know how."

Daxon just sighed and nodded. He seemed so bummed while I'm over here trying to destroy 'Jas' with my intense glare.

"Can you just stop?" He lightly shook me, knocking my balance outta wack. I felt like I was going to be sick the second he shook me.. Why must I have a weak stomach? I felt like a was going to pass out from all the rough movements, especially since Jas didn't seem to care about how I felt. He walked out of the room towards some other place, holding me in the same manner as before. I just closed my eyes and laid down against his hand. I no longer cared at this point.

After a few moments, the crazy movement settled, and I was released onto something soft. Regardless, I kept my eyes closed waiting for anything to happen.. yet nothing happened except for the small nudges.

Aggravated, I peeked an eye open to see Jas with a concern stricken face looking down at me, and even though my eyes were now open and glaring at me, he continued to nudge my back.

"You good?"

You good?  What do you think blockhead?! You just about made me throw up my entire digestive tract! My thoughts ran wild as my glare hardened. I wanted to say things, real mean things, straight to his face, but my body didn't let me. So instead, I closed my eyes and laid it against the soft surface. Ignoring someone is the best way to tick someone of.

Or so I thought.

Maybe I worried him or something, but the next thing I knew i was scooped off of the ground and held against his chest. This guy. I swear I was going to lose my mind. It was almost as if he was bipolar or something-

"I'm sorry. I guess i wasn't thinking.." I would've stayed angry, but the sound of his breaking voice tore at my heart. Why did it do that..? What was the purpose of it cracking..? No doubt about it happening, but it alarmed me.

For a moment as silence entered the room and Jas was gently petting my head with his thumb, attempting to help me. As he did this, I couldn't stop but think I wasn't really the one who needed help, so I sucked up enough courage to find out.

"Are you okay..?"

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