Giant JaidenAnimations / Giant Odds1Out x Scientist Reader (Requested)

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"We'll catch them at the carnival-" I started, slipping the hoodie over my head before I was rudely interrupted by my partner.

"Carnival? Why the carnival?" He asked, tossing some stuff into his backpack. I rolled my eyes at my rookie assistant.

"How am I supposed to know? That's just where they are going to be. I didn't ask them." I muttered. After that, cohost Jason, aka BlackRaven, kinda shut his talking with a nod. Typical of him honestly.

"Sooo. The goal is to get both of them without alerting anyone else at the park. If we do, we will jeopardize the mission. You get the van and drive it to the left side, near the biggest tent. I'll lure them to it then you come and help me take them down. Got it?" I stood up, tightening the gloves on my hands. I grabbed my bag and tossed it over my shoulder as I waited for Jason's response.

"Yeah. Right. Why are we kidnapping them again?" He stuttered, tying up his boots. I sighed.

"For the fiftieth time, Science."

Jason nodded again slowly as he walked up to me.

"Let's do this. For science." He said, smirking at me. I couldn't help but smile back at his big dumb face.

"For science."


As I reached the top of the hill that overlooked the town square, I instantly felt more relieved. The carnival wasn't as busy as we had both thoughts. In fact, it was probably going to be easier than slicing lemon meringue pie. Though.. I was never the greatest at cutting pie..

"Aye. I'm parked and ready! Get to it." Jason's static voice broke through the walkie talkie strapped to my belt. I looked at it with a subtle glare.

"I'm working on it. I haven't located them yet." I muttered, tempted to turn the communication off completely. In order to kidnap two semi-famous animators, there are too many things that could go wrong. Well.. Kidnapping anyone can result in many things going wrong..

After a few moments of rambling thoughts, I noticed the two targets walking towards a vendor that was selling cotton candy. I noticed Jason leaning out of the van looking in my direction, probably wishing he could usher me to hurry up. As always..

Though, as both victims began to walk towards the big tent, I took my shot. 

In a rush, I skipped in their direction, being sure to not look too suspicious as I passed behind the smaller tents. I checked for the chloroform, grabbed it, and sprayed it on the small towels I had before stopping abruptly at the last small tent.

I looked from the side of the tent, noticing the two friends talking together. Apart of me felt guilty for the whole 'kidnapping' idea, but I had to do what had to be done. Then I glanced at the van, motioning for Jason to come over.

It took him an awfully long moment to sneak over, but once he did, I tossed him a towel. He nodded subtly and waited for the two artists to turn around. And just like that.. Jason and I went for it.

I got the girl and he got the guy, for obvious reasons and pretty soon, both targets had passed out. We quickly dragged them out of view and with a smirk, Jason slipped a fabric bag over their heads.

"Mission successful!" I shook my head at his remark.

"Not quite. We still gotta get them to the van."

Jason rolled his eyes, lifting the unconscious guy by the arms and began to drag him in the direction of our vehicle. I followed suit, nearly tripping on a few rocks. Eventually, we had both in the back, tied and buckled up, then started to drive to our cabin lab hideout.

As Jason drove, he turned the music and began to jam out, whereas I kept looking back to check on our new prisoners.

I guess I should introduce myself now. My name is y/n l/n and I am a free-range scientist who kinda breaks the law ever once and a while. The nitwit driving is Jason Kish, my partner in crime also my tech-savvy assistant. And of course.. our two captors in the back are James and Jaiden, two popular artists who create videos and stories. They are more formally known as Odds1Out and JaidenAnimations. Why did we kidnap these two innocent specifically? Well, because my newest experiment requires specific blood types and family genes, these two both had what i needed. Found out from hacking systems and such.. Jason's expertise, not mine. Anyways, back to the bumpy driving.

"Ya know.. This really wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be." Jason admitted, breaking the silence between us, despite the radio. I turned to him, looking at him with a face dripping in sarcasticness.

"No kidding, Sherlock." I muttered, turning the volume down. Jason smirked as he took a turn on a dirt road. 

Then I heard some movement in the back. Sure enough, they began to stir and wake up. I mentally cursed in my head, thinking that they would have stayed asleep until we arrived.

"Drive a little faster," I muttered, feeling tension make its way into my back. I didn't really want to have to chloroform them again, mainly because I didn't want to alter their health with it, but I also didn't want to deal with stubbornness. It would have to be the latter situation though. I wasn't going to risk it.

Pretty soon, we pulled up to the cabin, and as soon as the van came to a full stop, I grabbed my bag and made my way to the back, nearly flinging the doors open. Instantly the two fully awake YouTubers stopped talking. A glare formed on my face. Yeah, they were probably just trying not to freak out, but the fear of them discussing an escape could still be a thing.

"Jason. Help me out here." I muttered, hopping into the vehicle again. With firmness, I grabbed Jaiden by the arm, unbuckled the seatbelt, and began to guide her out of the van. She was super tense and wobbly on her legs, but I couldn't carry her even if I tried.

Jason got a hold of James who seemed to struggle more than Jaiden.. I couldn't help but think about how scared I would be if I were in their situation, but I had to shake it away. No getting attached.

The trip to the actual building went smoothly for me, not so much for Jason. As long as we got the two inside, that was all that mattered. I had previously cleared a room in the lab downstairs for our 'guests' so at least they had a decent place to stay.

Once they were both inside the room, I turned the light on and pulled the bag off of Jaiden's head. She just looked at me with pure terror. I had to look away.

James was just angry. Pure rage seemingly to course through his veins. Must be a defense mechanism..

Jason grimaced as he shoved James in the room beside Jaiden. Still bound up by the wrists, they wouldn't really have a chance to get out, and even if they did, we would see through the camera.

So.. we left the room to prepare for the experiment.


After a while, I had two viles of a growth serum on the counter beside me. I stood alone, holding the injector in one hand thinking about the whole deal.

"You still think we should do this?" Jason asked, scaring me half to death. I spun around, glaring intently at my assistant. He looked concerned for a moment, but when he noticed the two untouched viles his expression became sympathetic.

"Yea. For science, remember?" I stuttered, turning back around. I swiped the two vile in my empty hand and headed for the prisoner's room.

"You coming? I need your help."

Jason nodded, quickly catching up with me. I took a deep breath before sliding a vile into the injector, then I opened the door.

Jaiden was standing against the back wall, gazing solemnly at the ground. James was pacing, lost in his own thoughts, but the good thing out of it was he was no longer angry. Just confused.

I took another inhale, catching the attention of both artists. Guilt kinda struck me like a needle, but I didn't hesitate to walk up to James.

My eyes met his as I put the injector up to his arm.

"Sorry," I whispered, clicking the trigger. I could tell it was painful as James seemed to hold it in. Though, I didn't pull away until all the serum left the vile.

After it drained, James leaned against the wall and slid to the floor, seemingly more confused and lost and in pain. I just replaced the now empty vile with the other full one, then walked over to Jaiden and did the same.

Once I had finished with both of them, I let out a sigh of relief. The worst was over. The transformation should happen anytime between 5 to 45 minutes after injection, so now we would all wait. Well.. Jason and I would wait. James and Jaiden had no idea what was going on.

If the project didn't work though, I would let the two of them go so they wouldn't have to be held here forever. That would potentially leave us at risk of getting caught, but I already felt guilty enough as it keeping two innocent captives in my basement. Definitely not something I've ever done before, nor want to do it again.

An hour passed by and nothing happened, which I was majorly upset by. With a grimace, I headed back to the room with Jason. We each had the previous bags in our hands and as we approached the two, they began to get nervous.

"It's alright. We are letting you go." I explained, noticing the slight nod from Jaiden. They only time that either of them had spoken was to each other.. which was reasonable considering the circumstances.

I slipped the bag over Jaiden's head as Jason did the same with James, and soon we were leading them back to the van. Carefully we had them situated in their previous seats and decided it was better if they didn't have to wear the bags while we drove. It was midday in the middle of a forest, so it was nearly impossible for them to relocate us anyways.

So.. Then we began to drive back to the town the carnival was at, disappointed that it hadn't worked. We didn't even turn the music up. We just kinda stayed quiet until, surprisingly, one of our captors began to talk.

"Why are you taking us back? What did you need us for?" James' voice didn't seem as fearful as I had expected.. In fact, he seemed fairly chill especially he was just kidnapped unexpectedly and injected with some unknown substance. Maybe it was the release part that made him confident... I'll never quite know I guess.

"It didn't work. I was working on another serum, but it didn't work. You two were the only people that i could find that had the right blood type, but even still.. It doesn't matter. There are no side effects, so you guys will be fine." I muttered. James nodded slowly, looking at Jaiden and shrugging.

"So you're just letting us go?" Jaiden asked, much more nerve racked than James had been. I nodded.

"Yeah. It's not worth keeping you two any longer than I needed." I explained.

"Oh. Okay.." She responded, being slightly interrupted by a sudden shift. I couldn't quite tell what was happening, back there but I paid no mind to it. Which.. I probably should have because less than a minute later, both James and Jaiden had shot in sizes by a ton. The small van couldn't even hold them in, so it burst at the top.

Jason instantly pulled the vehicle off of the dirt road and we both rushed out of it. A glimmer lit my eyes as I realized that my experiment had worked! Though.. both of them were still growing. Much bigger and faster than I thought..

Soon our van was almost completely mutilated but somehow neither of the test subjects were injured. Instead, they just seemed more confused than anything. Once they hit the height of the trees, the growth seemed to stop completely.

A smile lit my face as I hopped around with cheer, whereas Jason just kinda stared at the two giant YouTubers looked down on the two of us.

"I can't believe it worked!! Sadly.. It's not permanent.. Don't worry guys! You won't be stuck like this forever!" I shouted, starting to pace. Jaiden got down on her knees, looking at us confused.

"This was the project? To create giants?" She tilted her head slightly. I just nodded. I was extremely proud of my work! Nothing goes to waste in my brain-

As Jaiden looked around at her newish surroundings, James had knelt down on one knee and reached for Jason, picking him up by the scruff of his jacket. Jason flailed around as James glared at him.

"That's for kidnapping us." He said poking Jason slightly harsh in the stomach. James soon set Jason on the palm of his hand.

"How do we get back to town from here?" Jaiden asked, reaching for me. I backed up, causing her to stop. She shifted her hand to face palm up in front of me. For a moment, I hesitated but then climbed on. For being through a rough couple of hours, they didn't seem to hate us.. Not entirely sure why. Maybe the chloroform messed up their thought process-

"Hello?" Jaiden tapped me on the head, regaining my attention. I rubbed the back of my neck, embarrassed.

"Uh.. Yeah. That way." I muttered, pointing towards the right. Jaiden nodded, starting to walk in that direction. There was nothing I could have probably done other than ask to be set down, but I wasn't just going to let go of this discovery!

Jaiden held me securely, her hand cupped around me, yet.. James didn't seem as gentle. He seemed to not be able to get over the fact that he was holding a miniature man in his hands. It was honestly quite funny to watch.

Soon, we had reached the main highway, though we were still in the forest. Jaiden looked at me, hoping for more directions, so I just pointed to the left. Once she turned, I could see the small town in the distance.

I saw a smile creep onto Jaiden's face from the corner of my eye as she began to head in the direction of the town. It kinda filled me with more guilt. I shouldn't have ever kidnapped two innocent people who were just enjoying their day, just because of their blood type. How inconsiderate of me..

"Hey.. Look. Jaiden. I'm sorry for this entire ordeal. I was kinda just hoping that I could have had some sort of breakthrough in my studies. I shouldn't have done what I did.." I tried to speak, but a slight stutter kinda threw me off. I hadn't even realized I had caught James' and Jason's attention as well.

Jaiden looked at me with confusion, but it soon dissipated and was replaced with sympathy.

"Don't worry about it. You found out it worked, right? And neither of us are harmed- Well. Other than the weird shot thing.. But we are okay now. Honestly, being a giant has been pretty neat." She explained, a small smile lighting up her face.

"You really think so?" I asked, perking up almost instantly. Jaiden snickered and nodded in response. I smiled back at her, secretly hyped in my head.

"Though, the effects of the serum wear off in an hour... well at least supposedly. My studies could be incorrect.." I rubbed the back of my neck as I thought. Jaiden just nodded again.

"That should give us plenty of time to get back to the town." James chimed in, putting Jason into his shirt pocket. Jason, of course, attempted to get out, but James just pushed him back down. I nodded as Jaiden set me on her shoulder.

"We should be there anytime soon."

The walk seemed to last slightly longer than we thought, but that could've just been because no one was talking.. It was kinda awkward to be a hundred percent honest. So.. knowing me, I attempted to provoke conversation.

"I forgot to mention, my name is y/n." I started abruptly, noticing the edge of the forest. Beyond that was the town.

"I'm Jason!!" My partner shouted, reaching out of the pocket. I laughed at him, but everyone else just smiled. He just rolled his eyes and slumped back into the pocket.

"Well, it's nice to know your names," Jaiden said, sitting down near the edge of the forest. I just nodded as James sat next to us. They would soon go back to normal size and I figured things would just go back to normal.. The constant run from the police and all of the shenanigans we've had to pull just to figure out our weird projects.. It was always the police to ride on us of course. Then an idea popped into my head and I quickly slid down Jaiden's arm to the ground.

"Can I make a proposal?" I started, feeling a slight bit of anxiety rise in me. I was about to ask something crazy.. Absolutely absurd.

"Sure..?" James furrowed an eyebrow. I let out a huff before beginning to speak

"What if.. when you guys shrink back to your normal sizes, you hold us and we shrink with you..? We wouldn't be able to do any more science, but we'd be safe from jail or other things. We wouldn't have to stay with you and it probably wouldn't even work but-" I began, instantly noticing each and every stutter I made, yet Jaiden shushed me by holding a finger to my mouth.

"We can give it a try. I have nothing against it." She explained in a calming tone. I nodded hesitantly, looking at James who had a smile on his face.

"You guys can stay with us if you want to. This little Jason guy is a crack up." He snickered slightly. Jason quickly tried to escape the pocket, but James just lifted him out and cupped his hand over him so he couldn't go anywhere.

I rolled my eyes and stepped onto Jaiden's open hand. She then lifted me up and cupped her hands over me in the same fashion that James had to Jason. Then the shifting began.

Finally after what seemed to be ages, both James and Jaiden began to shrink back to their original sizes.. at least, so I thought. I could hear a ton of movement, but nothing around me changed. Maybe they were just moving to a different spot?

After a moment of silence, Jaiden peeked open her hands and looked at me with wide eyes.

"It worked!" She exclaimed, allowing me to be visible to the three of them. Jason wasn't the happiest camper, now being a completely different size than he had been previously.. but I was sure he would get used to it as would I.

"So. Now a new adventure begins I guess!" I smiled, raising a fist into the air. James and Jaiden joined and so did a very unwilling Jason. After that.. We settled on living with them, either hiding in the walls or just chilling, but from then on we would be safer. For science, of course.

The End




I got a little carried away and this turned out to be 3310 words approximately..... XD

Hope you like it  GabbydaFOX! Not sure if this was what you were expecting and I don't know much about these two YouTubers, but I still hope you enjoy it :)

Anyways, stay safe and wash them hands everybody!

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