~ The Wedding ~

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Anzu had never felt so much pressure before. It was almost as if she was carrying dead weight on her shoulder, but not necessarily in a bad way. She stood, wearing her silky white dress, in front of a mirror, trying her hardest not to over judge her looks. She had begun taking deep breaths in through her nose and out her mouth in an attempt to calm her ecstatic nerves. Though, the moment she closed her eyes and took in another deep breath, someone touched her on the shoulder. It caused her to jump out of her concentration and to turn towards a young female woman who was now standing beside her.

"Oh.. I'm sorry. I hadn't meant to startle you-" The girl started, but Anzu waved it off.

"It's alright, Jess. I was simply meditating." Anzu explained, clearing her throat. Jess, the petite woman beside Anzu, simply nodded hesitantly before standing up straight once again.

"I came to inform you that.. It's time. Everybody is waiting for you." She stated. Anzu let out an exhale before nodding, standing, and turning in Jess's direction. Then she smiled softly.

"Let's not keep them waiting then."


Rayan stood nervously near the altar. He was tempted to talk to his best man or even the pastor at this point, but suddenly the door at the end of the hall opened. A wave of relief rushed over him as he sees his future wife standing beside her father on the palm of the 'caretaker'. The caretaker was sure to not rush as he walked, just so that the tinies in his hand wouldn't lose their own balance.

As Anzu was set on the pedestal on stage, the pastor cleared his throat and began to cite scripture and other important words, and at first, she was listening, but then when she looked up into Rayan's eyes, the words faded away.

There they stood, barely 2 feet apart, staring into each other's eyes getting lost in thoughts they probably couldn't describe. The feelings that brought them together in the first place swirled inside of them both.

"Do you, Rayan, take Anzu to be your lawful wedded wife?" The preacher asked.

"I do." He smiled brightly, not breaking eye contact.

"Do you, Anzu, take Rayan to be your lawful weeded husband?"

"I do." She nearly exclaimed, but kept her cool. Rayan set his hand on the pedestal and Anzu clambered on.

"You may kiss the bride."

And that's what they did.


I haven't been to a wedding in forever and I don't know what I'm doing so-
I hope you like it anyways!!

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