~ Glamrock ~

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   The night was becoming long and dragged out, especially with all the people still leaving the Mega Pizzaplex. The last show of the night was on which was easy to tell by the loud music coming from the stadium. It was enough noise to make Gregory's ears hurt as he stood near the water fountain.
  Due to all the noise and people, the borrower knew he couldn't stick around outside of cover and soon retreated to the vents in the ceiling. Of course.. he knew he couldn't stay there very long because of the small animatronic creatures living there.. So in a hurried rush, the borrower scrambled to the first open vent he stumbled upon, which belonged to the animatronic fox, Roxy.
  Looking over the edge of the vent's drop-off, he noticed the room was empty. Since the show hadn't finished yet, Gregory had a small enough window to slip in and out of the room, maybe with supplies.
  He scaled the side of the wall with his makeshift rope and landed on the desk right below. Quick to his feet, he scrambled around trying to find helpful items for his living. He took a hair clip, a small ring and the strap of a kid's missing lanyard before re-scaling the wall back into the vents.
  Often, he'd been doing that throughout the days and nights by sneaking into the animatronics rooms in search of supplies. There were better places, fortunately, but at most times of the day, none of the animatronics were even in their rooms .
  Gregory quickly raced through the vents into the next opening, which was Freddy's room. He wasn't too worried about them coming back soon, so he scaled the wall of the room again.
  Instantly, he spotted a pile of discarded junk on the floor. It looked as though there were screws and nails in the pile, which were the kinds of things he needed. As quick as he could, he made his way down the desk to the floor and dashed straight to the pile.
  Meanwhile, the performance in the stadium came to an end and the animatronics were sent back to their rooms through the back.
  When Freddy got back to his room, he noticed movement on the floor near the closed display window. He didn't say anything at first, instead he approached it to get a better look.
  When a shadow cast over Gregory, the borrower froze in fear, slowly turning around to see the shining eyes of Freddy staring down at him.
  Panic rose in the boy's chest, his heart beating like a drum and he quickly scrambled backwards, hitting against the curtains. Less than a second later, Freddy had picked up the borrower and released him onto his other open hand. Gregory landed on Freddy's palm with a slight thud, knocking the wind out of him for a second.
  "Who are you.?" Freddy asked, his head tilted slightly as he looked at the small boy on his hand.
  Shaken and very afraid, Gregory stayed silent for a minute before swallowing the nervous lump in his throat.
  "Gregory.. My name is Gregory." He stuttered as he spoke.
  "Well.. hello Gregory. Why are you so small?" Freddy asked. Gregory tilted his head at the question before realizing that no one, let alone animatronics, knew of borrowers.
  "I've always been like this" Gregory responded, feeling a bit less scared.
  "You have always been this small? How is that even possible?" Freddy sounded confused, as though he couldn't understand.
  "I dunno. It's just been like this since I can remember." Gregory explained with the shrug of his shoulders.
  "Okay.. Well, what are you doing here? It's quite dangerous here for someone of your.. size." Freddy remarked.
  "Well.. I don't actually remember how I got to this building, but I do know I was in this room because of danger and I saw some screws..." Gregory explained, sitting cross legged on the palm of Freddy's hand.
  Freddy stopped talking for a moment, as though to think. "Why would you need screws..?"
  Gregory hesitated for a moment, before partially shrugging with a sheepish look on his face.
  "I'm creating a small nook for me to hide in at night.. so I've really just been using what I can find. I guess I'm not sure how I'll use them, but it seemed like a good idea to me.." He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.
  "Ah. I see.. I could help if you needed me to?" Freddy offered, a kindness in his voice. Gregory seemed taken aback.
  He'd never actually had an encounter with one of the animatronics so he wondered if they all were this kind, but he doubted it. They seemed so odd in comparison.
  "Well.. I mean.. it's not really in a place you can get to, but you could help me make something sturdy out here and then help me get it where I need it." Gregory stated.
  Freddy thought for a moment.
  "What if you stayed with me? I could protect you from being seen from people during the day and while I perform, you could stay in this room. I have a compartment in my chest that can keep you safe from the eyes of other people or other animatronics.." Freddy sounded genuine as he spoke to the borrower on his hand.
  At first Gregory didn't feel as though it was a good idea, but he thought about it for a moment before thinking that it might be a good idea.
  "Okay. If you think it's a good idea, sure. Will I be able to get food and stuff?" He asked, with the tilt of his head.
  "Of course, I don't see why not." Freddy said with a smile in his voice.
  Safety, food and shelter were now things Gregory had. He felt more relaxed and at ease.. Hopefully it would stay that way.



Requested by StAn_LarRaY
I've been a big fan of FNAF, yet have never written bout it before so this was a lot of fun!

I hope you like it! :3

Word count : ( 1022 )

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