~ Izuku Midoriya and shrunken Bakugo ~

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  "To your left!" Midoriya called out to his partner, Bakugo.
  "Got it!" Bakugo yelled back, shouting angrily as he did so. He attacked the nameless villain with all of his force, swinging punches and using his quirk as best as he could. However the villain hadn't even used his quirk and seemed much stronger than the two young heros had earlier realized.
  "We've got to figure out what he's got-" Midoriya started, only to be interrupted by a small fit of coughs. Clouds of dust began to swirl through the air, making it difficult to see or breathe. He instantly gathered that the villain was using the dirt floor of the alleyway to cause the clouds.
  At that point, Midoriya began to find a clear opening to get a good hit at the villain, but it was more difficult to do. Since he was working alongside Bakugo, he didn't want to miss the villain and hit his friend instead so he had to stall and try to find away above the fight.
  The villain didn't pay much attention to Midoriya and only focused his attention on the other hero. He began to chuckle, holding his hand in Bakugo's direction. The clouds of dust worsened in that moment, leaving the two to have a face off.
  Bakugo clenched his fists and began to charge at the villain, but as soon as he did so, the villain fixed his stance and gave a shout. Instantly two streaks that looked like lightning shot from the palm of his hand, striking Bakugo. The knock back sent Bakugo flying backwards at an alarming distance. Luckily, Bakugo was able to land it and got back up, feeling uninjured and ready to fight back.
  "You little- '' He started his confidence fleeing immediately when he noticed the now giant villain staring down at him.
  "Might want to watch what you say." The villain laughed, an evil look on his face. He stood a mere couple feet away, ready to stomp on Bakugo to end the fight.
  All of a sudden from behind, Midoriya landed a victorious punch against the villain's shoulder.
  At that moment, Bakugo was shaken from the thoughts of paralyzing fear and hurriedly dashed to the right wall, hiding near a dumpster and an empty crate. There, he watched as the villain was sent flying to the far side of the alley.
  His normally raging and ignorant attitude was replaced with fear and paranoia. Bakugo was unsure of what to do.. and he definitely didn't want to ask Midoriya for help.
  Meanwhile, Midoriya had secured the villain and had begun to look for his friend.
  "He couldn't have left that quickly.. especially in the middle of a fight..? That's so unlike him." Midoriya muttered to himself as he began to call out to his friend.
  Almost instantly, he noticed small explosions coming from near the dumpster, hidden a bit by its surroundings. Once close enough, Midoriya could tell it was Bakugo having an angry or frustrated fit.. though he was much tinier than before
  "Kacchan-?" Midoriya asked, confused at how Bakugo had gotten so small. Had the villain shrunk him?
  Bakugo got startled by the voice, spinning around and backing into the wall behind him. His fear grew more seeing Midoriya's giant self now hovering over him. He felt incredibly weak.
  Midoriya seemed to not notice the tiny Bakugo's fearful stature, and swiftly scooped him up off of the ground.
  "Did the villain do this to you?" Midoriya asked, holding his friend in front of himself. Bakugo found it hard to answer as he sat on the palm of Midoriya's hand, but after a few moments he just nodded.
  "Well.. All-Might should be here soon to take the villain. I'm sure he'll know what to do." Midoriya stated with a sheepish smile.


"I don't know what to do."
  All-Might's voice seemed concerned as he spoke, getting a confused reaction from Midoriya and a partially angry one from the tiny sized Bakugo sitting on his shoulder.
  "Wait, what do you mean you don't know? Isn't there anything we can do? Maybe talk to the villain and convince him to undo it?" Midoriya persisted, causing All-Might to sigh heavily.
  "Listen.. I wanna help Bakugo as much as anyone, but no matter what we try the villain just won't release any type of information about anything.. not even his name." All-Might stopped speaking for a moment to think, then turned to Midoriya again. "Have you seen the nurse yet?"
  Midoriya nodded, as well as Bakugo who nodded much quicker.
  "Hmm.. Well.. I'd say we're going to just have to sit this one out for a bit. Since you're small Bakugo, you'll be staying under Midoriya's care." All-Might explained.
  Midoriya nodded briefly, whilst Bakugo looked appalled. He was going to be stuck with this titan until further notice? Lovely. With a huff, he crossed his arms.
  In all of the past instances with the passing by or conversations with other class members and teachers, Bakugo had to try and play off his fear with anger or frustration, though he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep it up. Midoriya hadn't caught on yet and now he was going to be under his care. Bakugo was worried he'd find out.
  Pretty soon, he was pulled from his thoughts as Midoriya started to talk to him when they got outdoors.
  "So.. How do you feel about being small.?" Midoriya asked, intending to start a conversation.
  "It's alright, I guess." Bakugo responed, trying to keep his voice from shaking.
  Midoriya just nodded a bit as he took a seat under a tree. He then gently picked Bakugo up from his shoulder and set him on the ground beside him.
  Due to the suddenness and no warning Bakugo partially panicked, instantly grabbing a hold of Midoriya's hand for a moment. However, the second he was on the ground, he let go and fiddled with the grass in front of him.
  "How long do you think it'll be until I'm normal again?" Bakugo asked roughly, his voice shaking a bit.
  "Who knows.. Probably not that long though. They're pretty good at what they do." Midoriya stated, giving his friend a reassuring smile before ruffling his hair.
  Bakugo gave Midoriya an angry look before hastily fixing his hair.
  "Brat.."He mumbled to himself. After that, a long silence began. Bakugo's mind was thinking a million things, his anger not being as present as before. He knew Midoriya was right. The teachers were good at what they do and pretty soon he'd be back to his normal self. It'd probably be best not to think about it too much, though that was very difficult not to do. The fear built up in Bakugo's chest was beginning to feel overwhelming, but there wasn't much he could about it.
  Midoriya seemed to notice Bakugo getting lost in thought.
  "Hey." He started, startling Bakugo. He noticed but continued, "It'll be okay, ya know? I don't know what you're thinking.. but nothing bad will happen to you. That's a promise."
  Bakugo got annoyed at first since it was Midoriya essentially telling him to not think too much, but after a moment, he cooled down. He was actually relieved that Midoriya had said what he did. He'd just have to trust him.



Hope you enjoyed it! :3
Requested by Glitchtale0314

Word count : ( 1237 )

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