Homestead Christmas

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  "Can you believe it Finn?! Tomorrow's Christmas!" A blonde hair girl spoke with a frill in her voice and a bounce in her spins.
  Finn, the 12 inch tall borrower, sat on the kitchen counter, watching his girlfriend giddily hop around. He had a small smile on his face as she spoke.
  After a second, she turned around to look at him directly, her hair partially smacking her in the face.
  "Sooo," She set her arms on the counter on either side of Finn, hovering over him a few inches away from his face. With a smile, she leaned down and nuzzled his hair with her nose.
  "Wanna finish up with cookies? They should be coming out of the oven in a minute.. thenn we could watch a Christmas movie-?" She asked, standing up to full height, grabbing oven mitts as she made her way to get the cookies.
  "Sure. Sounds good to me Tinsel." Finn smiled at her as she pulled the cookies out of the oven.
  "Oki doki! I'm going to slip into some comfy PJ's first. If you wanna head over to the couch, I'll met you over." Tinsel said, trotting back over to Finn to give him a small kiss on the head. The borrower smiled and nodded in response.
  With that, Tinsel waltzed out of the room and up the stairs of the small farmhouse.
  "Atlas!! Come her girl!" Finn shouted with his hands cupped around his mouth. After waiting a moment, he stood up and called out for the dog once more.
  Less than a minute later, a young husky mix came trotting into the room, right up to the counter. It put its snout right up next to the counter before yipping excitedly.
  Finn let out a small laugh before petting it to calm it down, then quickly stepped on, slidding onto the dogs back.
  "Good dog! Now take me to the couch" He smiled as the dog pranced off in the direction of the living room. It stopped off by the big brown couch, waited for Finn to climb off then double checked to make sure he was there.
  "Thanks Atlas, I appreciate it." Finn said with a smile, petting the dogs nose before it jumped into the couch beside him.
  A few moments passed before Tinsel was back in the room, a plate of cookies in one hand and a blanket in the other. She briskly sat down beside Finn and threw the blanket over the both of them. Finn was in the dark for a few moments before Tinsel gently picked him up, setting him on her shoulder then turned on the TV.
  As the movie played, Tinsel got herself comfortable by scooting down a little bit so he back wouldn't be touching the back of the couch. She also pulled the blanket up over herself more before focusing in on the TV.
  Finn waited a couple moments before letting himself  slide down on top of the blanket so he'd be laying against Tinsel's collarbone, still able to hear her heart beating beneath him.
  "You're a goofball." Tinsel giggled, bringing her hand up to Finn's head to mess with his hair
  "Yea, and so are you-" he started, being interrupted by her leaning down and kissing him on the back of the head.
  "I'm aware" She said with a smile.



Short but sweet :3

Merry Christmas everyone!!
And happy new year <3

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