When the Ocean Existed (preview)

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This isn't a planned book for Wattpad!
This is simply a preview of a book I wrote as a 14 yr old, which is unfinished and connected to a whole series I was addicted to writing when I was younger
Surprisingly.. I've started to write them again, but I doubt it'll go anywhere
Hopefully y'all like this snippet :)
Have a Merry Christmas everyone!!!

(partially edited, enough to make it readable)
(I've definitely improved a lot since 2017-)


   It was a cold, blustery day during the winter season as Sophie trudged through the snow in the forest. She had gone outside to collect firewood from the edge of the forest.
  However, while she was piling the logs on her sled, she noticed a sparkle from the corner of her eye. When she looked up she saw a butterfly of a blue and pink glittering shine, fluttering around only a few feet in front of her.
  Sophie took a glance back at her small home where her parents and cat sat waiting for her return before turning back to the bizarre sight.
  Soon she was lost amidst the trees. She aimlessly wandered through the forest trying to follow the mysterious creature, but it was far to fast to keep up..
  Pretty soon it left her clueless in the middle of the forest, far from where the chase had began. Suddenly a wig snapped behind her. She quickly jumped and twirled around but nothing was there.
   Sophie slowly grabbed a stick and backed up.
   "H-hello? Is s-someone out there?" She called. No sound of movement came. Sophie dropped the stick and sighed as a rabbit hopped out from behind a bush.
   "Stupid rabbits." She muttered, continuing her way through the forest. Another twig snapped but this time it seemed louder.
   Sophie trudged through the ankle deep snow, thinking it was just another rabbit.
   Suddenly a wolf howled, causing her to freeze in place. She could hear the growls of hungry animals lurking behind her. She slowly turned her head to see a pack of black wolves staring at her with their ears down and ready to attack.
   Panicked, she searched for a new stick and began to back up.
   Before she had the chance to react, one of the wolves pounced on her and bit her arm. Sophie screamed as another sunk its teeth into her back. It was then that the ground shook in big thumps. The wolves quickly let go of Sophie and stared up towards the trees.
   Sophie winced in pain as she tried to sit up. Blood dripped from her arm as she slumped herself against a tree. She tried to get away from the wolves while they were staring at the trees.
   "Go away you stupid mutts! Leave the poor girl alone..." Sophie looked up in horror as a giant hand pushed the wolves to the side. They quickly ran away yelping and howling.
   Her eyes widened more as a giant boy stepped out of the trees.
   "Are you okay?" He slowly reached his hands towards her. Sophie tried to push herself away from the tree but her arm had started going numb .
   "It's alright, I won't hurt you..." The boy gently gripped Sophie's coat hood and lifted her into the air. He quickly set her on the palm of his hand and started running through the forest.
   Sophie didn't know what was going on. Her back and arm both had bleeding wounds and her parents were probably worried about her. She tried to keep her eyes open but soon she lost consciousness.
  After a while, Sophie slowly opened her eyes. She tried to sit up as she ignored the pain coming from her arm, but fell back to the ground as a sharp pain shot through her back. Though it took a couple tries, eventually she was able to sit up. She looked around and realized she was in a really large cave. A fire was burning in the center keeping it warm and a giant boulder was blocking what looked like an entrance.
   Sophie tried standing up but her back singed with pain so she sat back down and looked around. She was on the cave floor, helpless. Suddenly the boulder started moving and Sophie tried to quickly lay down, as though to seem asleep to whatever was coming in.
  A few moments pass and the boulder was placed back in front of the entrance.
  "I see you are awake." The boy spoke, setting a few logs or.. trees into the fire.
   Sophie continued to pretend to be asleep as the boy sat down.
   "There is no need to be afraid." He gently set a finger on her head. Sophie quickly scooted away but stopped short. The pain in her arm kept her from moving anymore.
   "You need to stop moving yourself in ways that will make the swelling worse." The boy slowly and gently picked Sophie up.
   She closed her eyes and waited for more pain. But nothing came.
   "Who-o are y-you..." Sophie asked trying to not move.
   "Ocean. My name is Ocean." He replied, slowly standing up and walking towards the back of the cave. He knelt down at a weird ledge that stuck out of the wall. On the ledge was bottles and scattered paper along with some pens.
   Sophie was set on something soft. Though still afraid, she somewhat felt better. She couldn't see what Ocean was doing but it sounded like he was stirring something in a bowl. He had also started humming a Christmas tune.
   Sophie felt the back of her shirt lift slightly and something cold pressed against her back.
   "What are Y-your d-doing?" Sophie started bringing her legs towards her head. Ocean quickly stopped her.
   "Stop moving." He muttered. Almost instantly she halted.
   Ocean started rubbing her back and soon it was no longer was cold.
   "Your back should be better by tomorrow morning. Why were you in the forest, at night?" He asked.
   "I was s-supposed to get f-firewood..."
   "And you ended up in the woods how?" Ocean held up his head with one of his hands.
   "Well, I saw a.... B-butterfly..." Sophie tried to sit up. Ocean set a finger on her and gently pushed her back down.
   "A butterfly?" He sighed.
   "It was-s a bright blue and p-" Sophie started but Ocean quickly set his hand over her to shush her.
   "Yes. I believe you." Ocean closed his eyes and sighed again.
   Sophie stifled her scream, moving a tad as the giant slowly closed his hand over her.
   "Stop moving." Ocean gently lifted Sophie off the blanket and walked back towards the fire.
Sophie tried hard not to move but she had begun to panic, accidentally kicking against Ocean's fingers. He quickly grabbed her legs.
   "I said... Stop moving." He then sat down and opened his hand to see that Sophie had now closed her eyes.
   "Was it-t something I s-said?" She asked leaving her eyes closed. She waited for Ocean to reply but he simply just sighed once more.
   "Do you feel better?" He asked, ignoring her question.
   "Mostly... Why?"
   "Can you walk?"
   "Try. Try to at least stand."
   Sophie slowly opened her eyes and set her hands on the surface below her and heaved herself to a stand. She winced with pain but fought through it.
   "Can you try to walk?" Ocean asked, his voice softer now.
   Without answering Sophie took a few steps around on Ocean's hand.
   "Since you saw the butterfly..." He started.
   "The butterfly-" Ocean held a finger to Sophie's mouth before she could speak.
   "No questions." He sighed and looked down, "I have to erase your memory of the butterfly and I."
  "What-" Sophie started.
  "No questions." Ocean looked up, his hair loosely covering one of his eyes as he spoke. The look on his face was a mix between anger and sadness.
  "But... I didn't m-mean to do a-anything wrong..." Sophie stuttered. Her mind raced.
  "I know." Ocean just looked away from Sophie.
  "Then.. Why?" A strange feeling of calmness rushed over Sophie.
  "I said, no questions."
  Sophie just sat down
  "Ocean..." She started, "You don't have to do this..."
  Sophie stared at him with a soft look. A strange feeling overtook her.. Though she was extremely terrified of Ocean she felt bad for him.
  Ocean didn't respond. He stood up still not looking at Sophie and walked to the entrance. He forcefully pushed the boulder out of the way, then took off through the forest. Finally he stopped in front of a small cottage. He covered Sophie with his other hand and muttered some words.
  "What are... You.... doi...ng..." Sophie fell asleep as Ocean laid her on the porch of the house. He slightly tapped the door and jumped behind some trees.
  "Sorry, Sophie." He quickly ran off as the door opened.




I might just end up using all of my free time to write the actual series because that title ain't never gonna make sense if I don't

Word count 1512

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