~Jedi : Fallen Order Fanfiction (G/T) (pt. 2)~

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  The world was dark. Everything around me was silent as well. No sounds of people talking or raging snowstorms. Not even the trill of that BD droid. Was I safe? No. That would be impossible. Minglings are never safe.

  Suddenly a light in the distance lit up the area like I was back on Ilum. The beautiful colors were almost entrancing. Similar to northern lights.. But more sporadic.
  At first, it was divine and colorful but for some strange reason, it started to get out of control. The waves and rifts started to seize, shifting from black and red to green and purple. It didn't look friendly in any way. The only feeling I felt for it was fear.
  Noises and sounds started to come in as if they were amplified by ten. Loud shouting. It all sounded like Taron's voice. Fear riddled my body as I glanced around like a terrified rabbit. This was all just a bad dream. A scary, nightmare. It had to be.
  The sound of his awful voice seemed to be coming in from all sides, getting closer and closer every moment I stayed there longer. My legs wanted to run and my eyes wanted to close but my body wasn't letting me do so. I couldn't speak. My voice was dry.
  I wanted to scream and get away, but it wouldn't help.
  Soon the overbearing sound of Taron Malicos' wretched voice was right in my ears.
  My eyes stayed peeled open staring at the bright flashing lights as I listened carefully to his upturned words.
  "Give up."
  "You are nothing."
  "Wake up, Marianna."
  "The loss of your parents was your fault."
  "Please wake up."
  The world fell away with a fade as a bright light took its place, shining directly in my eyes. Without even a second to waste, I sat up with a heavy gasp, blinking rapidly and trying to figure out where I was, but I quickly realized that I was still in the same place as I was before.
  It was just a dream. Thank goodness.
  Quickly, I glanced around in my blurry vision to spot Cal, the Jedi, staring down at me with a cascade of mixed emotions. Like.. concern and amazement, both simultaneously
  Somehow, for the first time, I didn't feel quite as scared in his presence. Even though we maintained a pretty strong eye contact before he even muttered a word.
"Wow." His voice was barely audible. Like a hushed tone from under his breath. The sound of complete awe. Why though? What could possibly have made him so surprised that he seemed to be at a loss of words?
  Out of curiosity and confusion, I merely tilted my head at him. Cal just turned my head to look at the room and as soon as he did so, I was shocked. Stuff was scattered everywhere as if a tornado came in and threw everything around.
  "W.. what happened.?" My voice seemed to quiver at the sight of the chaos, but it stayed in its quiet nature as I spoke. Glancing back and forth from the room to Cal, noticing that he now seemed a tad bit more surprised. As if to be shocked by hearing my voice. Regardless, he still responded.
  "You happened. Whatever it was that happened was caused you.." He stated calmly, his voice trailing a little bit at the end of the sentence.
Me? What did he mean by me? It was nearly impossible for me to even lift a pencil let alone destroy an entire room.
  Yet, a part of me felt like he spoke the truth and I couldn't help but shiver with fear because of it. I did that.
  "How.?" I stuttered, staring straight into the room.
  "We think.. you may have the force. It wouldn't be impossible for you to have it, so it's not necessarily a bad thing..." Cal's voice seemed to trail off from my ears after he mentioned the words.. 'The force.'
  No. I didn't want it. Taron had the force. He desecrated my home with it. I didn't want it. I don't want to have that awful, nearly uncontrollable power..
  Cal's voice was gone completely, replaced with a slight ringing in my ears. Waverly, I stared down at my hands as though they were the hands of a monster. I hadn't even realized the stray tears that were slowly sliding down my cheeks.
  It lasted for what felt like an eternity of my bashing thoughts before the gentle touch from Cal pulled me straight out of my mind. He wiped away a few of my stray tears with a finger, yet surprisingly I didn't flinch away this time.
"It's okay, Marianna." He hushed in a soft tone as he brushed my hair from my face. After a silent moment, he lifted me up to rest on his chest as he rubbed my back to help calm me down.
"It's going to be alright, okay? If you do have the force, then I can teach you what I know, but there has to be some sort of line of trust that needs to be established.. Okay?" He stated with a firm determination in his words. This time, I didn't say a word. I stayed much quieter than I had been previously. My thoughts weren't racing anymore, but they were still contemplating and sorting through the certain few ideas and situations that had been brought to the table.
  Though he, Cal, has been nice to me and so far hasn't put me in any dangerous situations, the fear of him being some evil person still rattled in the depths of my thoughts. Apart of me knew he wouldn't ever be cruel like Taron was, and I wanted to trust him.. but it seemed so impossible. He would be my teacher or, as some would say, master, so I'd have to follow as he says and do as he commands, but I'd also be learning how to tame this possibly dangerous ability I have.
  I needed to learn to trust again.
  Due to my lack of response, Cal lifted me away from his chest, holding me up so he could see me.
  "Are you alright.?"
   There was a slight pause before I nodded. Cal tilted his head a little bit with a sad smile on his face.
  "I know you're afraid.. But you don't need to fear talking." He explained.
  My eyes locked onto his as he brushed his finger against me again, this time I allowed myself to lean slightly into the touch.
  The first step of trust. A fine line of trust. I needed to at least give him a chance.
  "Okay.. I'll try." I stuttered, shaking slightly.
  Cal's expression shifted to one of being relieved and happy at the same time as he sat up, on the bed.
"I have a question.." I said, straining my voice to be a little louder than my normal tone. Cal turned his gaze back to me, nodding for me to continue, "Um.. How do I have the force?"
  He stayed silent for a moment as if to find words to say.
  "Well.. It's not something that has ever been studied in your species, but many different beings have it so it shouldn't be too odd. I don't know if you'd ever be able to get a lightsaber though. I doubt they are made on a smaller scale." He explained, scratching the back of his neck occasionally as he spoke. I gave him a nod before clearing my throat a bit.
  "When do I start learning..?" I asked a bit more confidently.
  "As soon as we get to Bogano." He smiled slightly, brushing his finger against my head. Once again I nodded as I heaved a sigh.


  Soon, we landed on the planet and Cal carried me outside of the ship, out onto the surface. Of course, we were accompanied by the small BD droid. Apart of me felt relieved to finally be on semi-solid ground and not flying through space.
  "Let's find a calm place to start training. Alright?"
  "Of course.. You lead." I muttered sheepishly as he ruffled my hair. As he walked, I looked around at the greenery of the place, nearly entranced in awe of its odd landscapes. Off in the distance, there was a large structure shaped into what I believed to look like a temple of some sort. There was also a large creature, resting far out on the land. It was odd and looked scaly from my point of view, but regardless of what it looked like or was, it gave me shivers to think about.
  Pretty soon we reached a patch of land that was surrounded by rock walls but still resembled a safe, little, and undisturbed haven.
  Cal sat down, cross-legged before setting me on the cool ground. When my feet touched the surface, my first instinct was to run, but when I looked back at both Cal and the BD droid, I couldn't. I had to trust them. Having the force and not knowing how to control it was probably dangerous.. Not only that but I probably wouldn't have even made it too far.
  "So.. What do we do first.? Do I start trying to lift stuff with my mind?" I asked, twisting my back as if to stretch. Cal just chuckled a little bit.
  "I think we need to start with the basics first." He said with a soft smile. "Using the force takes concentration and patience. Lifting things will probably not be the first thing you learn.. Try to find a calming sense. Meditate. Act as if nothing else is around you. Close your eyes and breathe." He spoke quietly and I tried my hardest to listen. Closing my eyes, I put my hands on my lap, took a deep breath in, and tried to focus. It only took a moment before I felt like no one was there. Like I found another world. It felt relaxing and calm. Then I started to think of the dream that I had earlier with Taron and those wretched voices. As soon as my thoughts wandered, my concentration broke immediately.
  "It's okay. Try again. I want you to know Taron was defeated a while ago. He is no longer alive and he can no longer hurt you. Alright.?" Cal insisted, somehow sensing my sudden tension. Hesitantly I nodded once again before attempting to meditate. This time, with the fact that he was no longer around. I felt calmer. So I simply sat there in clarity, not many thoughts passing into my brains but instead a stillness of the nature around me.
  "Wow. Second try and you did a great job. Want to try something for me?" Cal asked, snapping out of my meditation. After looking back at him and his sudden curiosity, I nodded.
  "Okay, cool. You see that rock in front of you.?" I glanced in the direction he was pointing in to see the semi-big rock that lay quite a few feet away. Hesitantly I looked back at him and nodded slowly.
  "Try to reach out and lift it. Don't think about failing, alright? It's alright to mess up. That's how we learn. And if you can't lift it, that's completely fine." He smiled softly seeing my expression change from sudden worry to a calm one. With a single deep inhale of the fresh cool air, I lifted my arm out in the direction, closed my eyes once again, and concentrated on moving the rock. I imagined as though it was as light as a feather. At least semi easily movable. I moved my arm up, feeling tension as I did so, then moved it to the right. After that, I acted as though I released the stone, hearing a thud as I did so.
  As I peeked my eyes open, I looked at where my arm was pointing, seeing the rock now there instead of its original place. Apart of me felt overwhelming joy and a smile quickly found its way onto my face as I turned to see Cal's surprised reaction.
"Oh.. Wow. You are like a prodigy." He mumbled, obviously amazed at the act. His expression changed to one with a slight smirk as he saw my bright happy face.
"Now what?" I asked with confidence in my voice instead of fear.

  After a while of training, lifting stuff, learning new techniques, and other sorts of stuff, Cal finally let me have a break. We had to have been out there for an hour, or even more. It felt like so long since I relaxed, so I let out a sigh of relief before allowing myself to lay back in the cool grass.
  Cal leaned forward, looking at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "You good?"
  With a nod and a thumbs up I smiled a bit. "Of course. I just like to lay down I guess."
  He chuckled a bit before nudging me with his finger. "Why don't I show you the temple in the distance? I'm sure you'll possibly find it interesting."
   I sat up as he spoke of the temple, feeling an eagerness to explore rise inside of me. Yes. I would most definitely find the temple interesting.
  "Let's go!" I spoke with confidence as I leapt to my feet. Before Cal had the opportunity to offer me a ride, BD-1 ran up to me, nudging me and making many noises. Excitement it sounded like. Cal just laughed.
   "He wants to give you a ride if that's alright with you." Hearing that, I turned to look at the happy little droid with a smile then nodded.
  "I don't mind-" I began, getting interrupted by the droid as he quickly scooped me onto his head before hopping off. It was a struggle to try and hold on as he eagerly scampered around, but luckily for me, I got a good hold before I fell off.
  "Hey, you two! Wait for me!" Cal called as BD made a trill but continued to run off. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation.
  The wind rushed through my hair as the droid made his way across the terrain. As I held on tightly, I took a look up at the sky with a newfound bright smile on my face. My constant fear seemed to not be as constant anymore. Maybe.. It was because I was learning how to protect myself. Or maybe it was because I started to allow myself to trust Cal. I didn't feel the need to be afraid anymore.
  Pretty soon BD-1 came to a halt. Waiting for Cal to catch up is what I assumed he was doing but when I heard the voices of unfamiliar beings my hair stood on end and the previous feelings of no fear left immediately.
 "Is that a droid?" Came a static sounding voice
  "Shoot it!" Came another. My head spun in the direction of the voices to see them
  Empire soldiers. Stormtroopers.
  BD sounded worried as he took off running again, in the opposite direction we came, but also away from them. Where was Cal??
  With much adrenaline, the droid ran at his full speed, causing me to hold on for dear life. At first, I was filled with fear, but a part of me remembered that I had some abilities. The force. Though.. I wasn't sure if it was even possible for me to do such a difficult task. Takedown an enemy stormtrooper? However, there were only two of them. I could do this, even if I didn't have a weapon. it was going to be easy to get away with a half sneak attack, due to my smaller size. They probably hadn't even realized I was there.
  So, I set my hand against the droids head, breathing a calming breath. "BD. Go back. We can face them."
 As I had spoken, my voice stayed shaky yet was filled with a heavy determination. The droid seemed uncertain at first, worried about the possibilities, but after a second passed, he skidded to a stop and then started racing back to the unsuspecting troopers.
  "On my signal, launch me." I spoke softly for the droid to hear me as we sped towards them. He gave a weary trill in response.
  The two enemy soldiers once again aimed their guns straight at us, but we continued to run directly toward them. Soon BD was jumping out of the way from incoming lasers and I was keeping a steady stance as I tried to gain a concentration.
  "Now-!" I shouted. Instantly, I was launched in the air, instantly gaining the attention of one of the soldiers.
  "What the.." He muttered as he stopped shooting, focusing on me, unsure of what to do. Before he had the chance to react, I used a swift motion with my hand, sending him flying backward a few feet. With multiple stumbles and a trip on a rock, he fell hard against the ground, knocking the wind out of himself. I easily landed on my feet, taking no second to waste before speed running at the second trooper. He was distracted by BD-1, so I took my opportunity.
  In a couple of quick moves, I brought the guy to the ground, smacking his helmeted head against the ground. It was hard enough to knock the guy unconscious.  Almost directly after doing so, BD came by and rapidly scooped me off the ground again, this time giving me a quick sound to prepare me.
  As I steadied my stance, I glanced up to see Cal standing there. He must have seen the whole thing because he seemed shocked. The moment only lasted for a second and he started to laugh. I smirked slightly at his reaction.
  "You still have quite a bit to learn.. But that was pretty impressive." He explained as he let BD bounce up his arm onto his shoulder. After he did so, I took the initiative to jump onto Cal's head, getting lost in his fluffy red hair.
  "That was awesome!! I mean.. Terrifying, but awesome! Though, I don't really want to do it again.." I explained in an excited burst, causing Cal to chuckle a little. Gently, he lifted me out of his hair and held me in front of himself.
  He looked at me with a proud smile. "Yea. Well.. I'm sure you'll reach a point where you could beat anybody who comes in your way."
  A wider smile found its way onto my face. I couldn't wait for that day to come.



Requested by DjEmpriss!!
Sorry for it being so late, but I hope you like it! I got several asking for there to be a second part and I guess I'm fulfilling multiple requests :3
Anyway, I hope all of y'all enjoyed reading!

Also, I just wanted to say, I have no idea how the force actually works because I honestly don't watch a lot of the movies.. So I don't know training works and I also felt like I accidentally changed the way Cal acts, but that's because I haven't played the game in over a year, so I'm sorry for that! I hope it's a good read anyways


Word count: 3216

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