Jedi : Fallen Order Fanfiction (G/T)

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First of all.. Don't judge me!! I wrote this at the end of December 2019.. I was addicted to this game and really thought that Cal Kestis was the perfect person..

Plez don't judge meh

This is semi longer than most, but it was too short to have two separate chapters.. I hope you enjoy it.. <3


It was cold. Everything was cold. There was a blizzard coming, from what I could tell and the small but I was in right now was not going to last.

As I trudged in the ankle-high snow, my voice mumbled hatred words towards Ilum, the damned planet I was trapped on.

It's a long story and I'd rather not remember my master, even though my master was a cruel and heartless Jedi by the name Taron Malicos. After the purge, he dumped me on Ilum. He was getting a new kyber crystal for his broken saber.. again. After that, I bet he was going to head to Dathomir.

That was ages ago and by now I couldn't even tell how long.

I glanced at the sky and saw the clouds rolling in. Seeing the horrific sight, I began to trudge in the direction of the Jedi temple..

As I got closer, the faint yet recent memory struck me.

About a week or so ago, a young 'padawan' strolled in with a small BD droid on his shoulders. The lightsaber he had was busted, but I couldn't tell what from.

His red hair was slicked back slightly and he looked half frustrated as he hurried through the tests.

I would've warned him of the empire and their searching of crystals but fear overtook me.

I had to stay hidden from the empire and rather the young Jedi was good or not, he couldn't be trusted either.

Honestly, it's not hard to hide. I'm a mingling. A small being. As in.. I'm only 2 and a half inches in height.

There aren't many left of my kind due to us being used as pets, slaves or... other terrible things. It's sad, but these times are dark.

The air got colder as I tumbled in away from the wind. I tucked myself in a small crevice of the temple hoping to shudder away from the cold.

I would've gone deeper into the temple, but my legs were too weak and I needed a rest.

Slowly, I let myself fall asleep, relying on my own body heat and semi ragged clothes.


I woke up startled as I heard an oddly familiar droid beeping in excitement. A bright light swept over me and instantly I shot my eyes open and pushed myself backward.

"A.. a mingling..? I thought they were all gone.." A soft voice spoke. The small droid squealed back.

I shielded my eyes and blinked several times before readjusting my eyes

"Hey there.. it's okay. BD and I aren't going to hurt you." The voice spoke softly.

I slowly looked up to see the same kid from before. His red hair was a bit messed up though, probably the wind and he was wearing a red draped type coat. He was a lot less stressed than before as it seemed.

Still.. my nerves didn't settle. He seemed nice, yet remembered the last time I was with a Jedi..

I began to tremble as he leaned closer, getting onto his knees. The droid stood nearby, unsure of what to do.

"Hey. Hey.. calm down. You look cold.. are you alright?" He talked softer, not moving from his spot.

I scrunched further into the corner, hesitantly shaking my head.

He nodded with a small smile.

"Okay.. I know a warm and safe place for you to stay.. of course.. if you want to." The Jedi leaned forward a bit more, setting his hand on the ground near me.

I stared at him, then his hand, then him again.

"It's okay."

For a moment I felt peace as I looked into his eyes but I shook my head. No being in their right mind would try to help a mingling like myself. We are the scum of the earth. That's what Malicos told me..

A tear threatened to escape but I forced myself to look at the BD droid. Somehow it looked sympathetic. Its head was tilted and lowered, he seemed distressed.

'Cal. The blizzard is starting to get pretty bad. I suggest you come back to the ship.' A static voice broke through. It seemed to come from the droid, but I wasn't sure. All I knew was that the Jedi wasn't alone.

"Alright. Alright. I'm coming." He muttered at nothing before turning back to me. He examined me once again, taking notice in my lack of nutrition and warm clothing.

"Listen. You may not know me.. and I don't know you.. but I promise that I won't hurt you. It's not safe out here and it's getting colder by the second.. please come with me." He set his hand closer, nearly close enough to touch me.

My anxiety spiked, but I shook my head. He was probably as cruel as Taron.. I couldn't trust him.

"Then.. I'm sorry about this." He mumbled, an apologetic look on his face as he held his hand in front of me. He closed his eyes and seemed like he was trying to concentrate.

As this was happening, his hand got closer. My eyes widened and my heartbeat quickened. I couldn't tell what was happening or what he was doing, but the second his finger touched my forehead, everything went dark.


When I woke up, I was laying on a desk.. or table. There was junk all over the place. I instantly guessed it was a working station.

Slowly, I stood to my feet and looked around.

The room was small, messy, yet warm. Much warmer than Ilum.

I felt my mind wander to my past, so I shook my head and continued to look around.

There was a ladder leading downwards, but I knew it was dangerous. This was definitely a ship of some sort and most of me was relieved that I wasn't still in Ilum.

Suddenly, someone behind me cleared their throat. When I heard it, I spun around so quickly I tripped over a scrap piece and fell onto my bum.

I saw the Jedi kid leaning on the doorframe watching me carefully a small smile on his face.

"Eh.. sorry for startling you." He rubbed the back of his neck before approaching the desk. As he got closer I attempted to scramble backward, only to bump into a container of other useless junk.

He slowed his walk a little, seeing me scared before sitting down on the stool.

I took notice that the small BD droid wasn't with him.

"I.. um.. I'm sorry for bringing you to the Mantis.. but there was a pretty harsh blizzard out there and you didn't look like you were going to make it.." He explained, setting an elbow on the table.

I just nodded, trying to calm my hyper breathing down. He seemed to notice as he removed his arm from the table and cleared his throat.

"I'm Cal. Cal Kestis.. and you may be..?" The Jedi asked. I just swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I.. I'm Marianna.." I stammered, feeling suddenly more nervous than before.

He smiled softly and nodded.

"Marianna.. that's a pretty name." He spoke slightly softer. I just stared at him in the eyes, scared of what he would next, not that he had done anything.. but still.

"If.. if you don't mind me asking.. what were you doing in Ilum? I know for certain minglings don't live there.." As he spoke, my scared composure broke a little to reveal a sadder version of myself.

I shook my head and looked down, scared to make eye contact.

He reached his hand towards me causing me to flinch back and shield myself. I expected him to hit me for not giving a proper answer, but he just gently ran a finger through my hair.

As he continued, I slowly untensed and brought my eyes to his. He was smiling softly and his eyes seemed to be in distraught.. as if he knew everything from my past.

"Who did this to you..? Who left you on Ilum..?" He asked cautiously.

I shivered slightly under his touch as he moved his fingers to my back and rubbed softly.

"A.. a man by the name, Taron.. uhm.. Malicos?" I stammered, wondering if that was how to pronounce his name. As Cal heard my voice, his fingers stopped running my back.

"Malicos? The Jedi knight on Dathomir..? How long have you been on Ilum..?" Cal suddenly seemed distressed more, his expressions wearing on his face.

I began to get overwhelmed and just shook my head in fear.

Cal instantly calmed himself and began to rub my back again.

"Sorry. I got a little carried away.." He said quietly. I just looked at him, unsure of what had happened.

Cal cleared his throat slightly, pulling his hand back to his lap and exhaled slightly.

"How long ago did he leave you on Ilum?" He asked softly, his eyes staring right into mine.

"I.. uh.. I'm not sure anymore. Days blur.." I stuttered, feeling pressured under the tight stare. He nodded his head slightly before interlocking his hands.

"Dathomir? Does that word ring a bell?" Cal asked, his hair wavering as he leaned forward a bit.

I felt compressed to the point I could speak, so I nodded and turned away.

Cal instantly noticed and scooted away. He seemed puzzled, but his face was hard to read.

"He dropped me off on the side of the temple after the purge.. his kyber crystal was useless so he went to get another.. he didn't want me anymore.." I stammered, staring at my feet.

Cal just stared at me. His eyes showed sympathy, but he didn't know how it. I could tell me wanted to comfort me.. but he didn't want to scare me.

Taron. This was his fault. My damned fears.. my life.. it was all his fault.

I.. I couldn't blame him though. I was the runt of the family. A disgrace to our heritage and yet.. I may be the last of my kind. How tragic.

My thoughts seemed to grab ahold of me as the next thing I knew, tears were streaming down my face.

I looked up just to see Cal reaching for me, but I didn't run. I accepted fate as he gently picked me up and set me on the palm of his hand. No later than a second, he had brought me up to his chest and covered me with his hand.

As if I couldn't get any sadder, I let myself bawl, feeling the steady heartbeat coming from Cal's chest and the circular motion he used on my back.

It didn't last that long.. I had eventually began to drift just as he lifted me away from his chest.

"Don't go to sleep, Marianna. You've got to eat something.. okay?" Cal said with a chuckle. I simply nodded, almost whacking myself out of my sad daze.

Fear began to crawl back into my mind as Cal stood from the chair and began to walk out of the room. Not only was it the fear I the other beings on the ship, but the fear of Cal Kestis. He managed to pick me up without me being scared..

"It's okay. We won't be there for long. I'm just going to get you something to eat and we'll go back to the other room." He explained softly, curling his fingers slightly. I flinched at the brisk touch but as Cal entered the new room, I pushed myself backward.

He just glanced at me for a second, then rubbed my back before approaching a bar-type table that separated the rest of the ship's interior.

I noticed two women sitting on the couch, which was on the other side of the bar table. They were talking.

One looked older, black hair and darker skin and the other had silver hair and gray skin.

"Hey Cal.. is that the mingling?" The voice had a deep Russian type accent. The younger of the two women had turned around, from her seat and was looking at me intently. Her gaze sent shivers down my spine.

A nightsister.

They were the most deadly to my kind. They would harvest any mingling they could find on Dathomir and eat them.. at least, that's what I was told.

"Yeah. Her name is Marianna." Cal explained, setting me on the bar table.

The nightsister just nodded, staring at me, then turned around to the front of the mantis.

In an attempt to calm my nerves, I wrapped myself up in my own arms and sat down. I would've have run away, or tried to escape if there wasn't a Jedi or a nightsister..

The Jedi would definitely know if I went missing.. and nightsisters would hunt me.

The other lady seemed normal, but I could tell something was odd about her. She seemed uptight yet full of mysteries. None I which I cared enough to get involved in..

I shuddered and focused my attention on other things.

There was a holomap or table and from what I could see, a driving area. I haven't really been in ship's, so I don't know what it's called. There was someone in there, but I didn't really want to know who.

I noticed BD wandering aimlessly in the ground, occasionally it would look up at me or Cal before hopping off.

There was also a small terrarium filled with several different plants, some growing bigger than others.

"Hey, Greez! Do we have any Portion Bread or Meiloorun fruit?" Cal asked loudly. I jumped at his sudden voice but quickly turned towards the direction of the response.

"We have Portion Bread. Help yourself." It was a light, yet gruff sounding voice coming from the front of the ship. Definitely the owner of the Mantis..

I rubbed the side of my arm, still nervous about my new surroundings, especially the fact there was a nightsister.

I just let out a heavy sigh and closed my eyes, trying to wake up from this dream.. but I didn't. This wasn't a dream.

As I heard the sound of footsteps approaching, I opened my eyes and turned to the direction of the sound. I let out the breath I was holding in, feeling slightly relieved that it was Cal.

He sat down then set a small clay plate on the table. On it was a small, circular loaf of bread that looked as if it had seeds or something in it.

Cal tore off a small piece and held it in front of me to take. I hesitantly grabbed it, feeling the fluffiness then took a bite.

I watched as Cal slightly smiled then turn back to the rest of the bread, eating it.

The rest of the meal was quiet other than the casual talk between the two women. Sadly I couldn't make out what they were saying.

After I finished the bread, I let out a small sigh and wrapped my arms around me again. I noticed Cal stand, the plate in his hand, and walk to the other side of the small area, leaving me alone.

I shivered, but after a few seconds, I was lifted off the ground and set on the palm of Cal's hand.

I couldn't help but yelp at the suddenness.

"Sorry.." Cal muttered as he began to walk back to the room.

I watched my surroundings blur, giving me a slight headache, but I focused my attention on my feet.

Cal walked over to the bed in the room and sat down on it. It caught me off guard but I eased myself.

"You okay..?" He asked softly. I nodded rather quickly but looked away from his face.

"Okay.. are you still tired? Earlier you almost fell asleep.." Cal leaned against the side of the bed, propping his legs up on the mattress.

Hesitantly, I nodded unsure of what to say or do.

Cal smiled sadly for a second before turning on the direction of the hall.

A high pitched squeal from the BD droid hit my ears as well as Cal's as the small robot came into view.

"Hey BD." Cal smiled. BD made a few noises before hopping on the bed beside Cal.

I scrambled back as the droid stared at me, but Cal just curled his fingers over me. I then was startled from the touch and attempted to get away.

"Hey.. call down Marianna.. BD won't hurt you." Cal explained, sitting up a bit more. BD made a few confused noises but backed up against Cal's arm.

My breathing became heavy and I began to get scared I was going to have a panic attack. Cal's other hand was brought up to me to keep me from falling, but I had backed away from it and tumbled off the side of his hand, landing on his chest. The wind was knocked out of me as I laid there out of breath.

Cal gently covered me with his hand, rubbing my back soothingly. The droid made a few noises as well.

"It's okay Marianna.. we won't hurt you. I promise." Cal explained calmly for what seemed like the 50th time already.

I listened to the beating of Cal's heart, letting a few tears escape from my eyes. I grabbed ahold of the fabric of the shirt, closing my eyes, and wished to fall asleep.

Soon, I drifted off to Cal rubbing my back.

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