Mental Institute.

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Jen sat, staring endlessly at the blank wall. Why? She didn't really know. Her auburn eyes were still filled with tears and her clothes were filthy. Her ribs were visible, her waist was thin, showing her lack of nutrition, and her hair was a complete wreck. She had been sitting there for over a day, her thoughts not rendering or making sense.

Ever since she witnessed her parent's deaths, she lost her soul. At least, that's what it felt like to her.

She blamed herself. She tortured herself. She cut herself. She stared with passion at a wall that meant nothing to her. She created a companion, who wouldnt leave her side, but he wasnt real. She let her mind carelessly wander to dangerous places. She thought about death. She suffered a trauma she didn't want to relive.
But, she couldn't do anything about it.

The doctor has told her that she would never recover, so that's what she believed. She believed that she would continue to have night terrors. She believed that she would cry endlessly. She believed that one day, get emotions would leave and never return.
And even if she believed it, she didn't want it to be true.

She laughed.
A small giggle escaping from her throat.
She looked away from the wall, but just turned to gaze simply out of the window. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she saw her 'friend' in the distance. He sat at the edge of the forest line, his legs crossed and his head slightly reaching the tips of the trees. His smile was beaming towards Jen, and her small smile enlarged.

Standing, she raced to her window and waved out to the giant.

The giant didn't wave back. Instead he sat still studying her movements carefully, scared she would jump out the institute window.

His smile slightly dimmed as saw her turn around.

Jen heard a door behind her open, causing her to spin on her heels to see a tall man enter the room. He was holding a small pill in one hand and a small cup of water in the other.
Jen didn't like him.
He scared Jen.

The man held out his hand expectantly, as the 14 year old girl held hers out.
As he handed her the pill and water, he watched her swallow it before leaving the room.

As soon as the door closed, Jen spun back around and looked out the window to see that the giant had left.

A tear threatened to escape her eyes, but she fought the urge. She knew he was real. He couldn't be real. Its impossible.

She didn't want to be in the institute. She didn't want to suffer. She hated the people here. They acted like robots. She hated the food. The bed. The pills. She wants to be with her friend. She wanted the giant to exist.

The pill was kicking in.

It made her heart race, her mouth dry, and her thoughts swirl. Her face began flushed as a strange wave of heat surged through her.

She walked to the window, then opened it.
Without even thinking twice, she jumped.

She jumped off the five story building, aiming straight for the concrete below.

No one would save her. No-one could save her. No-one wanted to save her.

She fell with a heavy heart and tears pouring from her eyes. The loss of her parents was more than a girl her age could handle. She thought this was the way. She thought she knew what was right.
This was right.

But to her.. it felt wrong.

Regret sunk in as she past the 3rd floor. The ground was coming quickly.

She wanted to live. She wanted to continue life, but not there. There was bad. She wanted her parents back.

She wanted her family back.

She came in contact with the ground much earlier than she expected, yet she didn't die.
Was that good? She wasn't sure.

The ground was warm, and soft. Was it even ground? She wasn't sure.

"Jen.. it's going to be okay. I promise." A firm, young yet manly, voice explained. Then the world went dark and Jen could hear the sound of a beating heart.




I'm debating on making this book into a real actual book, but I'm not entirely sure.
This isn't a preview necessarily, it's an idea.

X3 idk.....

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