Chapter Seven

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A/N Hey guys, long time no see. I have been busy with work. As usual. As well as it has been hard to write as my pcs fan is broken. Although that is entirely my fault, as I got angry at my slowpoke of a pc. However, I plan to write more, as well as do a character development story, beyond this one of course. 

Elliot's POV

My dreams had stirred quickly into a nightmare, in my dream I was back to my normal stature, deep within the mountainous forest. Laughter formed all around me, as peering eyes shifted in the dark. The laughter was dark and brooding, branches snapped as they moved through the dark. I couldn't move, it was hard to tell through the fog, but the tightness around my chest told me I was bound. One of the lurkers came closer, it looked like a hardly formed human, built from the darkness. Its body mangled as it walked, the dark form shifting to stay together. One could say it looked like a million dark bees swarmed together to make a being. I tried to speak, to yell, to say anything. Yet, despite my best efforts, all that came out was a tiny squeak. The form laughed, now in front of me, it lifted its hand and placed it on my shoulder. A static like voice emitted from it, "Thii-s is jus-st the begin-nning." It said with one final laugh before it dissipated. 

I awoke from my dream sweating profusely, my whole body shaking. I held my head between my hands, as I stared down at my feet. "You should learn to keep an eye open. It could be dangerous if you don't." A familiar voice whispered from a dark corner in the tiny room. My voiced hitched as I called out, "H-how did you.. Oh never mind that. Can I not be alone for more than a few hours?!" The voice chuckled, and Alex came into view, despite being the same size as me, he was gravely taller. A simple 'no' snaked its way out of his mouth. I sighed, deciding I should go look for Blake. Maybe his presence would keep this creature of despair away from me. Even if it was a wim of an idea for me to wan-tingly go see another giant. This idea however was quickly extinguished as I found myself in pitch darkness, hearing a door open, the noise however was muffled. As if I had been placed somewhere behind several blankets.

Blake's POV

Knowing how long I was gone, it was a long shot for me to think Elliot would have waited for me. As soon as I managed to bring in all the groceries, the lack of the tiny man on the counter made me realized I shouldn't have wanted him to be there. I figured due to the potential dangers someone of that size can face, he probably went back into hiding. I was about to shout when a hand slide over my mouth. A deep voice spoke in my ear, as it did, I couldn't help but feel my body turn rigid. I was freezing, but not from the lack of warm, but from the presence who now had a tight hold on me. 'Ghost.' I thought, but by the solid form of a blackened hand, I knew, that whatever this being was, it wasn't no spectral anomaly. I tried to speak but it came out as cries and whimpers, as anytime a word tried to form, pain shot in my chest. The being holding me laughed, letting go of my mouth and slamming me against the cabinets. Sliding down to the floor I looked to see the legs that lead up to the face glaring down at me. A sly grin spread across his face, and piercing yellow eyes locked with mine. "Hello Blake, I see you have met my little friend." He pulled a small form out of his pocket by the leg, I watched as the form squirmed trying to get out of his grasp. 'Elliot' I whispered, however, not daring to move. The tall man, if this being could even be called that, moved to the table, where I felt a strong tug on my body. I closed my eyes as it did, opening them to find my self now sitting in one of the chairs. He sat across from me, rolling Elliot around in his clawed hands. He smiled as I watched, slamming Elliot on the table and pinning him against the wood. I tried to make a move to stop him, wincing at the sound, yet a force kept me grounded to the seat. "I don't like speaking much, words aren't as powerful as actions." He said in a sly voice, "Yet, I must make you aware, that Elliot is no borrowers, in fact, he is a man like you, who is seemingly going through one of my trials." He said without a care, looking at his clawed left hand as he spoke.  He sighed, and placed the examined hand on his lap as he tossed Elliot to me. Thankfully the force loosened and I was able to catch him. "I simply hope you don't treat trespassers with humility. As that would be unfortunate." He left in a puff of smoke, and quickly I examined Elliot who seemed to be fine, beside the terrified look on his face. I gave him a weak smile as he shook on my palm. He muttered something along the lines of, "I am truly sorry." 

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