Chapter Eighteen: Robin

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Jack's POV

I finished making the chicken and fries just in time for Mark waking up. I placed a plate with a small portion of food right by the newly woke Mark. "Hope you're hungry, sleepy head." I giggled when he yawned in response. 'I am in fact extremely hungry,' he said before slowly nibbling on a fry as long as him. 

We ate our food in silence but inside my head I couldn't help but wonder about the possibility of another borrower. Mark sat up because he was finished and seemed to have heard something as he looked towards the microwave. "What is it Mark?" He turned his attention to me and shrugged 'I am not exactly sure but I think something is behind there.' 

I got up slowly and moved the microwave to reveal exactly what I figured, the male was shivering in place frozen because of fear. "Hey... it's okay little guy." I gently scooped him up and he screamed, I took a glance at Mark who motioned for me to put the borrower by him. In which doing so they started talking and the stranger looked back at me, 'Hello.. name is Robin.' 

I stuck out my index finger for him to shake and gave him a genuine smile. "Nice to meet you Robin, my name is Jack and from the looks of it you have already met Mark." He nodded and I offered him food which he instantly accepted. 

Third Person

The night continued forward as the three talked about different experiences. Robin talked about how he got there and Mark and Jack listened. Jack became concerned when Robin told him about he must leave now as he would rather not stay in a human-borrower cooperative household and would rather live out on his own. Jack after asking several questions agreed to let him go as he treated borrowers with respect. However he was still extremely worried for Robin and eventually got him to agree to let him take him to a halfway point. Thus from this point forward Robin and the others said their goodbyes as he set off on a new journey. Mark and Jack spent the last bit of time before bed discussing some rules that borrowers have as it is a topic they never talked about before. This gave Jack a bit more of an understanding about the borrower lifestyle. 

Mark's POV

After mine and Jack's discussion we went back to his room, we ended up just laying on his bed relaxing. While Jack laid still I ended up getting extremely bored, I slid off of Jack's chest him watching me intently then I grin evilly as I began to tickle the side of his stomach. He began to laugh and shout pleas for me to stop, however instead of stopping I moved on top of his stomach tickling him while also dodging his hands. "Mark! If you don't stop I am gonna make you pay!" Jack teased, I continued but a few minutes after was met with darkness as Jack had caught me. 'Oh no' I whispered under my breath. 

I was then pinned down on his pillow as he began to lightly tickle me I thrashed around laughing since I wasn't able to escape. Eventually Jack stopped but left me pinned when I looked down I realized my shirt had risen up and I glanced to see Jack smirking. He then leaned down and began to blow raspberries on my stomach which felt weird and also tickled. Eventually we got all tuckered out and I laid on the pillow while Jack laid down on the opposite side of me still giggling every now and again. "That was fun." I laughed and nodded my head, 'We should do stuff like that more often.' I saw him turn his head towards me, "Next time I get to choose what we do, and I already have some ideas." 

Once it got a little later I began to get cold, it seemed to me that Jack had already fallen asleep so I just climbed down the pillow instead of making sure. I made my way past the covers and climbed up his shirt onto his stomach, I then began to make my way to his chest when I was grabbed and felt the world around me shift. I was close against Jack's heart and I am pretty sure that he turned on his side and is cuddling me. I decided to ignore that fact and go to sleep as the warmth and rhythm of his heart beat lulled me to sleep.

 A/N Hello! I hope you don't mind the small change in writing style in this chapter I am trying new things! Also, I have another story coming out soon, it may or may not be a one shot ordeal starring the reader. However, I am unsure if I will make it youtuber related or not. Most likely not but we will see, I guess it just depends on what you the readers want. I also eventually want to make a discussion log that talks about different struggles borrowers, giants, etc etc may actually face if put into reality, mainly because I am a science nerd and I do a lot of research plus I ask alot of questions. Anywho see ya!

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