Chapter Seventeen: Exploration

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Mark's POV

I ended up not napping long as Jack's yelling could be heard probably from several houses down and I was in the other room. I got up from my makeshift bed on the pillow my indention fading away as if I was never there. Since I have explored beds before I decided to make the small jump from the bed to the nightstand, after prepping myself I leaped and landed on my feet. I looked around the room there we so many different shelves full of books and figurines. 

But my first stop was actually the nightstand drawer as it was cracked open slightly. I used my legs to push it open a little further and hopped inside, most of it was dust but I found a few buttons and some push pins as well as a user manual for something I couldn't quite read but it had xxx on it. 

I continued on my search and found a hole in the back of the drawer I peeped through and it lead to a tunnel in the wall. "I never made this tunnel." I thought to myself and touched the entrance. "It actually seems newly made, strange."  It wasn't uncommon for new borrowers to find an already occupied home but I felt strange about this hole. I decided to check it out and I entered the strange tunnel.

I followed the tunnel that forked into two other tunnels, one led under Jack's desk, I looked at his feet going up and down excitedly and just decided to descend back into the tunnel's depths. I didn't have time for Jack right now I was exploring, I went down the other tunnel and it continued for what seemed like forever. 

 I was glad to get the exercise however since basically Jack held me and took me to any place nowadays. The tunnel got to a point where I had to climb up some nails stuck in the walls but I while I was climbing I saw a shadow move to the side of me. Upon closer observation the figure was running away from my position, since I wasn't that high up I jumped down to follow them. 

They were about to go out to the hole near Jack's desk when I shouted, "Wait!" They stopped and turned to look at me, I ran up to them a bit out of breath. They looked a bit shocked to see another borrower but calmed down a bit, 'I am so sorry I didn't know anyone was inhabiting this house, I will leave in the morning.' I smiled at them, "It's okay, the human that lives here is actually pretty friendly but I wouldn't want to put you in danger because you know the rules and everything." 

They eyed me up and down then stuck their hand out, "My name is Robin, yours?" I shook their hand, 'The name is Mark nice to meet you.' He nodded then began to walk off into the tunnel I decided not to follow but to instead go to Jack. I walked out under his desk and carefully climbed up a wire, he was editing a video and I jumped out from behind his monitor and yelled, "BOO!" He jumped back and screamed, his headphone falling off. 

I started laughing so hard that I ended up actually rolling on his desk, Jack stared at me chuckled and then went back to editing. I decided to hop on his hand while he was using his mouse, "WEEEEeee" I started acting like a child every time he moved his hand around. It was fun and I stayed on top of his hand for awhile until I got bored. 

I then hopped off and went to his keyboard pressing a random button every now and again to mess with Jack. I then accidentally pressed a key that exited out of his program and he sighed while staring at me. 'Mmaeerk, what are ye doing?' I gave his innocent puppy eyes, "I am bored and wanted to have some fun." He furrowed his brows, 'Can't ye go do that somewhere else I am working.' 

I slumped my shoulders forward and started to climb up his arm stopping on his shoulder. I laid down on my stomach watching him edit, eventually the boredom and exhaustion from earlier caught up with me and I ended up falling asleep. 

Jack's POV

After Mark stopped pestering me and fell asleep I finished editing my video, I started the rendering before getting up slowly to go make supper. I picked Mark up slowly off my shoulder and held him close to my chest, I used a washcloth to lay him on while I cooked. I decided to make some chicken and fries, while I was cooking I saw a small figure run from one jar to the next. "Mark?" I called out even though I had a feeling it wasn't, and I was right because when I looked at the washcloth Mark was sleeping soundly. "Hello? Who's there?" Since I got no response I moved the jar and saw the figure, which I was guessing was another borrower, run and escape in a hole behind a cabinet. I shrugged it off and decided to talk to Mark about it once he woke up.

A/N In my timezone it is technically July 12th which is my birthday so I was going to upload this chapter later in the day but enjoy having it super early! <3

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