I got tagged

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So, I got tagged in this twice now xD I will answer the questions, I would tag people but most of the people I would tag have already been tagged so ye. 

Full Name?

 David Elias Riddle


 I am 17 going on 18 in 5 days.


I am 5'7.25 I add the .25 because it makes me feel taller even though it is nothing. :P

Single or Taken?

Single and ready to eat a pringle.

Favorite Color?

I love a lot of colors, but Red is my favorite.

Crushing on Anybody?


Any pets?

I have two doggos and a shit ton of ghosts.

Dogs or Cats?

I love both, but I prefer dogs.

Democratic or Republican?

I never was interested in finding out as I am not a political person. I think I would be considered democratic but in my honest opinion it doesn't matter as long as you respect people. 

Favorite T.V. Shows?

I love Supernatural, American Horror Story, and a few others but rarely watch T.V. anymore.

Favorite Holiday?

Probably Halloween or Thanksgiving, because spooks/food and also it is in the Fall.


I am Bi-sexual 


Last I checked the scale just said THICC.


I identify as Male.

Favorite Accounts? 

Wayyyy too many. But I love all you peeps. <3

Something you're good at?

I would like to think Art? But there are many others things I can do but I wouldn't say I am good at. For instance Youtube, computer building or even writing, but I know as long as I keep at it I will learn more each day.

Something you're bad at?

I am bad at speaking, I have some dyslexia problems and comprehension issues but I have learned how to deal with them. I am really socially awkward but not a lot of people can tell people I am good at hiding it. I am also bad with names, like I forget a lot and it sucks. 

Now tag 10 people.

Uh, since most people I was going to tag have been tagged already I am not going to tag anyone, mainly because I don't want to be a bother to them. 

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