Chapter Nine: Blue Boy

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Jack's POV

Mark was a bit skeptical of where we were going, "Are we there yet?" 'no.' "How about now?" 'Mark, no.' He kept asking over and over again, it was like he was trying to be annoying. I turned a corner and took him out of my pocket, "Mark could ye just trust me and stop asking questions? We are almost there I promise." He started laughing and I just placed him in my pocket annoyed. 

He quieted down and I was concerned for a second before he started laughing again, I rolled my eyes and continued down the path. Ethan was somebody I met while taking Felix to the airport, (Flashback time lel) he seemed nervous so I made sure he was okay. While talking to Ethan he started talking about this friend Tyler, and that is when he reached into his pocket and showed me.

Another borrower, I smiled and we started talking about Mark, we soon became friends and invited me to come over so Tyler and Mark could meet. "Maybe they can become friends and it will help Mark calm down a bit." I nodded, "The main reason I met Tyler was because he was stuck in my garbage disposal, man that could have gone really bad." Tyler just stared at me and eventually spoke up, "I like your hair." 'Thank you.' 

Me and Ethan talked for a few days while I waited for Mark to finally venture out of the walls once again. Four days had passed before I saw any sign of Mark, but it was a hot Friday and I was doing laundry in my room. I heard the faucet turn on in the bathroom and decided to see, I finished hanging up the last of my clothes before making me way down the hall. Just as I thought it was Mark, he was swimming in the swim, probably because of the heat, and that brings us to where we are now. 

I stood in front of the gate, the house behind it was blue and it looked to be maybe a three bedroom house. I pulled out the piece of paper he gave me that had his address on it and the numbers matched up. I opened the gate and went to the front door, when I went to knock it swung open and Ethan tackle hugged me, "Woah! Be careful Mark is in my shirt!" 

He jumped back and Mark poked his head out, "Sorry about that" Mark gave him a thumbs up and slunk back down into my pocket. "I think he may be a bit nervous but he is giving you the benefit of the doubt." I laughed and Mark kicked my chest in my pocket, "ow." Ethan looked at me worried, "don't worry Mark is just being a dick." 'Well, feel free to come inside.' I walked inside and he told me to sit down so I did. 

I saw Tyler on the table so I reached into my pocket and gently grabbed Mark, "This is one of the people I brought you to meet Mark." Mark looked down, smiled and waved so I placed him next to Tyler. Mark eyed him up and down and I guess he was jealous that he was taller as he kicked Tyler in the shins playfully. "Long time no see Tyler." 'I never thought I would see you again it has been so long!" I was a bit confused, "Wait, so you are telling me you two know each other?!" They both said yes as the same time, before Mark started laughing, so Tyler took over "We knew each other as kids when a lot of our families lived in a small community, that was until we all had to move because of Wade." 'Goddammit Wade.'  I decided to leave them to talk for a bit while I went and looked for Ethan.

Ethan's POV :O /bet cha didn't see that one coming now did ya ;P/

After Jack sat down I went into my basement, I wanted to make sure everything was ready. Me an Tyler after we met, had started working on this project. We used model houses and trains to build our own little city, I would move the large stuff and he would go around fixing small details. He knew a few other of his borrower friends, but they would only visit every now and again since they weren't quite used to me. I was so glad to have found another friend that may help as well. 

'Alright, power check, lights check, everything looking spiffy check!' I was going to go back up stairs when I bumped into Jack, "Hey man I was just about to come get you and the others!" 'Oh?' "Come on let me get the other two and I will show you and Mark." 

We went upstairs and got Mark and Tyler who I had no idea knew each other. "Small world as they say." They nodded and we went back down where I put Mark and Tyler on the model city. Mark looked at me, then Jack, then Tyler, "Did you guys build all this?! This is amazing!" He then began running around like a big doof going into the stores and other buildings. Tyler soon followed to make sure he wasn't going to injure himself. 

Mark's POV

My eyes were constantly moving, there was so much amazing things to look at. From the buildings to the light posts, it was like the human cities but our scale. I was in awe and fascination an inner happiness welled inside me. I looked to Tyler and we hugged, he patted me on the back and then he started talking about other borrowers. "I am thinking we can gather many borrowers here and eventually run our own city! I already have some other friends as well that plan to move into the city once we gather some more residents. Ethan said he is totally fine with us being down here and since he owns this house we won't have to move!" 

Everything was just like I imagined cities were like on a human's point of view, the excitement that more borrowers were around and friends with Tyler was just amazing, almost too good to be true. I looked up to see Jack and Ethan talking, I smiled and continued down the street. "I also want to tell you something else Mark," I stopped and turned to look at Tyler, "Two of my several borrower friends are girls, maybe you and one of them might hit it off or something." He giggled and started heading off in Ethan's direction. 

A/N the next chapter may contain some Amyplier moments just fyi, mainly because I am being respectful of Mark's current relationship also because Amyplier is cute. I know a lot of people like septiplier, but uh I am trying to be respectful in a since as this is just a fictional story. Also idk how a relationship between a large being and small being would go. xD anyways, maybe I will throw in some jealousy or something haha. Also my dog had puppies last night, there were five but one was still born so she has 4 healthy pups! I may include pictures in a later chapter. 

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