Chapter Ten: Hello

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Mark's POV

I decided it was best for me to turn around and follow Tyler, "Hey wait for me!" I ran up to him and we walked to Jack and Ethan. We made it to the end of the model table and watched as Ethan was talking to Jack. Tyler then stuck his fingers to his mouth and whistled really loudly, it got their attention and they both offered their palms. I climbed onto Jack's and Tyler onto Ethan's palm, we then went upstairs to the living room. 

Tyler started talking to Ethan about the other borrowers and how he wanted to get a hold of them. Jack looked down at me and smiled before allowing me to go on the table. I didn't know what else to do so I just sat down and watched everyone. 

Tyler's POV

I was telling Ethan about how we needed to get in touch with Amy, Bob and his wife Mandy, Kathrine, and even Wade and his fiance Molly. I knew Mark wasn't going to be happy with Wade but he will have deal. (Guys, this is six more characters I am screaming at myself but the story must go on.) 

Ethan put me on the table next to Mark, "Guys, I will be right back, I am going to go get Amy and Kathrine. Feel free to get some food to eat." And with that he went left to get them. Jack then stood up, "Are ye guys hungry? I know I am." He offered his palm and both me and Mark climbed on. "I am a bit hungry too," said Mark, 'Same here, I know Ethan has some really good fried chicken in his fridge.' Jack nodded and took us to the kitchen. 

"Alright, so chicken.. do you know if he has any potatoes?," He looked at me since I lived here, 'Yeah, they are in the cabinet above the sink.' Me and Mark were on the counter top while Jack made some food. I watched as Mark sat down, and followed suit, "So, Mark what are you thinking about?" I asked since I noticed him look a little upset, 'I am unsure, I guess it is just the fact that I can't help Jack or anybody with things. Simple things like making food, because it is dangerous at our size, it sucks you know.' I nodded understanding how Mark felt because I felt that way all the time. 

Jack finished making food, and gave us each a small heaping of potatoes and a piece of pulled chicken. "If ye are still hungry after you eat that let me know and I will give you some more." Jack then silently ate his food at the table, every now and again making sure we're okay. 

Ethan's POV

I traveled down the streets of the city I lived in, I knew the general location those two would be at. Thankfully for me they weren't that far from my house it was just a matter of figuring out it they are home or not. Amy and Katherine weren't like other borrowers, they lived off the land, something about it wasn't right to borrow from humans or something. I finally made it to the park where they live, I headed down the same path me and Tyler came across one afternoon. They had a small house they dug into the side of the tree, 'I hope they are home today'  I found it once again and knocked lightly on the door. 

I saw Amy come to the door and open it, "Hey Ethan! I would say come in but I don't think you could fit," she laughed and called for Kathrine.  "Amy, Kathrine, I came to give you good news! I met another friend, actually two but one is your size!" They smiled, 'Are you going to take us to them?' I nodded, "Alright, well give us a sec to get ready okay?" 

I sat down in the soft grass and waited patiently, "Okay we are ready now," I sat up and offered my palm to them both, they climbed on and I placed them on my shoulder and they grabbed my hood for stabilization. 

A few moments later

I made it back to my house and opened my door to the three of them watching Netflix. "Hey guys, I am back." I gave my hand for Amy and Kathrine to get on before placing them down on the table.  Jack then brought Tyler and Mark to the kitchen so they could meet each other. Tyler introduced Mark to them, "Amy, Kathrine, this is Mark, and his friend Jack." Mark kept looking at Amy then shyly looking down, 'Nice to meet both of you,' he shook their hands and then stood by Jack's face which was leaning on the table. 

Jack noticed his nervousness and poked him forward trying to get him to stay in the conversation. Mark gave Jack a glare and went to talking with Amy and Kathrine. 

"So, you both live off the land rather than someone's house?! That is so bizarre and amazing." Both me and Jack watched how Mark went from shy to talking to them every second he could. I leaned and whispered in Jack's ear, 'I think he likes Amy," Jack giggled and said, "I noticed that as well." 

While Mark because more confident in talking to the both of them I noticed Jack's behavior changing a bit as well, almost like he was jealous in a sense. However, I don't think he would act on it. After they got to know each other we ended up watching The Iron Giant (Irony I know.) before Mark and Jack decided to head home, we said our goodbyes and they left.

A/N This chapter was going to be much longer, but I am trying to make sure everything goes grand and shizzle. Mainly because I am already on chapter 10 and I need to calm down a bit in writing otherwise this story will end pretty fast. I guess what I am trying to say is please give me more ideas for this story, cute moments, fluff, anything really. On that note, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. :P

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