Chapter Eleven:

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Jack's POV

Mark fell asleep on our way home, I could tell because of the soft snoring sounds coming from my pocket. I sighed tiredly as it was a bit of a walk, but I knew it was better than driving my car as Mark wasn't used to that yet. When I got back to my house I pulled out my keys and quietly opened the door. I shut it even more softly before slowly heading to my bedroom, I made it down the hall without any problems but as soon as I opened my door it squeaked really loud.

 I stopped and craned my neck down to my pocket before realizing he was out like a light. 'Phew.. that's good.' I then carefully laid in bed after taking off my hoodie and didn't bother with any other clothing since Mark was comfortable. I slid into my covers falling asleep almost instantly as my muscles relaxed. 

The next morning

The sunlight shined in through my window and I instinctively looked down at my pocket to check on Mark. Mark was still asleep, since he was asleep I decided to rest my eyes for a few more minute. Several minutes passed by and I ended up just slowly dragging myself out of bed trying to not wake my little buddy that was still asleep. I reached my hand in my pocket and laid him on my pillow before heading to the kitchen. 

Mark and I had talked awhile back and he told me that his birthday was the 28th of June, which happened to be today. I mentioned it to Ethan and the others we met, and we all decided to throw him a party. I started to pull out ingredients as quietly as humanely possible, 'Eggs, milk, chocolate, cherries, flour, etc.' I re-read the recipe and mentally nodded. I had decided to make German chocolate cake for Mark's birthday, Ethan and the others were preparing however I was on food duty. 

A cake and food was made, finished hours later

I finished everything and set it up on the counter, Ethan gave me a tiny table that I set up on top of my table. I then went into the bathroom placing some clothing Ethan handed me on the counter as I drew a small bath in the sink for Mark. 'A job well done' I said to myself before skipping to my room to check on Mark. Mark was now awake and looked up at me, 'Morning sleepyhead' I chuckled as he squinted at me, "Morning Jack." I placed my palm in front of him, 'I am taking you to the bathroom to get cleaned up for a surprise later.' He nodded and climbed aboard the Jack-a-train. 

Some time later

While Mark was cleaning himself, Ethan came over with the others. He knocked quietly on my door and when I opened it I was greeted with him holding the other in a basket that also contained some gifts. 'Come on in, you can put the presents on that counter.' He nodded and let the others off on the table before arranging the neatly gift wrapped presents. 

I went and got Mark from the bathroom while the others got ready, 'Cover your eyes and no peeking,' "Okay...?" I couldn't help smiling as I walked towards my kitchen. I carefully placed Mark on the table, 'Okay, you can open yer eyes now.' As soon as he opened then we all yelled ''SURPRISE!!'' He lit up and turned a light shade of pink, "Omg! You threw me a party?!" His eyes were wide as saucers and his smile reached from ear to ear. We all smiled as we nodded. 

After we ate cake Mark wanted to open his gifts, they mainly consisted of clothing, a bed, some necessities, but also it included a note from Amy that made him blush, of course we don't know what it said. Afterwards we watched a movie and then headed off to bed, the others waved before leaving. 

A/N Hey guys, I am so sorry this is so short and that it took forever for me to post this. It is kindof a birthday chapter since my time is two hours away from being technically Mark's Birthday. The main reason it took so long was because I am out of ideas but I still wanted to write something. This being said any comments with any ideas will be of a extreme help. Thanks again, bye.

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