Chapter Twelve: Fireworks p.1

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Jack's POV

Even though Independence Day is an American tradition, since I moved to L.A. awhile back I decided it would be awesome to celebrate it. So while Mark sleep peacefully on my pillow I went out to a firework shop and bought some different things. I bought sparklers, bees, a firework called evil clown and several others. I made sure to get some that were Mark's size so he could light them and celebrate as well. I also bought some hamburger patties and cake mix that I was going to see if Mark wants to help me bake. 

Mark's POV

Today is the fourth of July, I woke up remembering the date and shuddered to myself. I never liked this day, it was always loud and scary. I dreaded this day because of the loud noises, I would always to my best to prepare food ahead of time so I could hide on this day particular. I stood up and called for Jack since he wasn't in the room. I could hear his footsteps near and he peeped his head through the doorway, "Morning Mark!" He placed his hand on the pillow and I climbed on, "Today is going to be great I have so many things planned!" I shivered, I was too nervous to tell Jack my fear of the fireworks when he showed me the ones he got. I was afraid he would be disappointed if I told him I don't want to light them. 

His voice drove me out of my thoughts, and I realized I didn't hear most of what he said, "and I even bought a cake I want you to help me prepare!" I nodded and he dropped me off my the ingredients, "I thought that since you haven't helped me cook yet this would be a grand occasion." He smiled at me before placed two eggs by me, 'Yeah, I will help, just I don't know how to, so you will have to show me what to do..' I rambled for a little bit before he handed me a spoon I could barely lift. "I will put the ingredients in the bowl and all you have to do is stir and not fall in silly." I stood on the box and watched as he put in the different ingredients, it was tough to do but I stirred all the ingredients he gave me his fingertip to high five. 

I then watched him put it in the pan and then the phone rang, "I will be right back Mark." I then turned to the cake mix, I decided to taste test it but to do that I had to get on the rim of the pan so when I leaned down I fell in. The pan was greased and the cake batter thick so I kept slipping every time I tried to get to the rim again. That is when it happened, Jack came back and the oven beeped, I yelled but with him being on the phone he didn't hear me. He then grabbed the pan and placed it and me in the oven, I yelled but the door interrupted my speech. "JACK! JACK OPEN THE OVEN PLEASE!" I then collapsed in the batter, 'Oh my god, please I don't want to be baked alive.' I could feel the heat beat against my small body, I remember hearing the door open before blackness surrounded me. 

Jack's POV

I heard the phone ring and Ethan was on the phone, he was inviting me over and I was telling him about how me and Mark were baking a cake, without thinking about Mark I placed the cake in the oven. A few minutes of talking I got a really strange feeling in the back of my mind and I looked towards the counter. Dread filled me, and I dropped the phone and opened the oven to see what I feared. Not caring if I burn my hand or not I reached in and cupped Mark in my hand. I closed the oven and rinsed both my hand and Mark in cool water, I used my finger to check his pulse and breathing. Thankfully he had just passed out, I crushed and ice cube and but a small piece in a rag before putting it on his forehead.  

About six hours later...

I decided it was probably for the best that Mark and I to not go anywhere. He was asleep and I was ridden with anxiety, negative thoughts ran through my head, 'what if I didn't look' what if I was too late' 'this is all my fault' I was stressing myself out and forced myself to just watch Mark because it was my carelessness that got him in this mess. 

I was about to drift off into sleep when Mark jolted up and took a sharp breath of air. Our eyes met and he started to shake, 'Jack! I thought I was a goner! I am never going to taste test again!' I was crying a little bit, but then started to laugh, I picked him up and held him to my chest. "I am so fookin' glad yer okay, I was so worried you weren't going ta make it." We decided to hold off on the fireworks for a few more hours as we both needed to calm down. 

A/N Thank you to @Terrygirl1316 for the idea, I really appreciate it. <3

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