Borrowing a Borrower (Mark and Amy) (Part 1)

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Come on Amy, you can do this, the borrower told herself as she pressed against the toaster. You just gotta go across the kitchen and get some bread from the pantry, no trouble. Amy breathed out nervously as she peeked out of hiding and looked at the kitchen. It's not that far away, and the humans are in their rooms.

The positive thing about the guy that owned the house Amy lived in was that he would spend lots of time in his room recording videos. The spans of time that he did this allowed Amy to borrow all she needed, and slip back into the small crack hidden behind the toaster. As Amy pulled out her hook and rope and made her way across the counter, she wondered about the human. She knew his name was Mark, and he lived with two other people who were his friends and recording buddies. One young man had blue hair and was called Ethan, and the other had curly brown hair and was called Tyler.

But despite the assurance Amy gave herself, she was still nervous about being out in the open. There was just so much space and light. She was used to being in the dark nooks of the walls, where the borrower felt safe and sound. But alas, Amy had to survive, and to do that, she needed to do exactly what she was doing now: come out of hiding, get down from the counter and get to the pantry without being Seen.

Amy looked in the direction of the living room before she broke into a run, and she sprinted across the tiled floor until she came to a stop in the darkness of the pantry shadow. She looked up at the towering wall of wood, and she swallowed nervously before she set her hook down and approached the pantry. It took her some effort to open the pantry door a crack, but once she got it open Amy pulled herself up and slipped into the cool storage area.

Opening her satchel, Amy set to work. She pried open the twisty thing that held together the wrapping of a loaf, and she climbed in and began stuffing her satchel full of crumbs. She was diligent in her job, and when she was done she carried her satchel out and dropped it on the floor. After covering her tracks, Amy sat on the edge of the pantry and dropped down with a grunt.

All right. Amy put her satchel back on and reached for her hook. Now I just gotta- Amy froze when she heard the heavy thuds of footsteps, and her eyes widened.

Someone's coming.

Driven by fear, Amy grabbed her equipment and ducked in the space between the fridge and the wall as the person came down the hallway and walked into the kitchen. Amy pressed against the wall as she dared to peek up at the giant figure, and as the human opened the fridge door, Any recognized the person as Mark.

Out of the three people that lived here without knowing about the borrower in their walls, Amy knew she feared Mark the most. Despite those kind brown eyes that were always lit up with humor, his height was made up for with the huge muscles that rippled under his golden skin. A regular human could capture a borrower without any problems, but someone with strong muscles and fast reflexes could crush Amy.

Amy shuddered at her thoughts as Mark poured himself a glass of milk, and Amy's eyes wandered up at the toaster. It was on the other side of the giant male; if she tried to make a break for it, he would surely catch her. She looked behind Mark at the island counters, and she shook her head. No, that won't do... there wasn't enough space under those counters for her to safely hide.

"Mark!" Amy jumped and slapped her hand over her mouth as Ethan yelled from the other room. "I might have done something!" He shouted. Mark was mid sip when he lowered his glass and looked down the hall.

"Ethan I swear to fucking god if you killed me!" He threatened with a small grin.

"Umm, I might have..." Mark sighed playfully and set his glass down on the counter, and he jogged off to go see what the blue haired boy had done. Amy's eyes widened as she realized that an opportunity had presented itself to her.

Now's my chance! She waited until she heard the humans yelling at each other, and then she inhaled deeply before she ran. Come on now, come on! She told herself as she swung her hook up. It latched onto the top drawer's handle, and Amy began climbing as fast as her small body could go. She reached the handle and balanced on it as she threw her hook up again, and this time it snagged onto a wash cloth that was left on the counter. Amy tugged to make sure it was secure, and then she continued climbing.

But just as she pulled herself over the edge of the smooth countertop, she heard Mark's voice get louder as his footsteps picked up. Ohhh shit. Amy didn't have any time to grab her hook, so she ran and dived under the wash cloth. Just as she pushed herself under, a shadow fell over the counter, and Amy put her hand over her mouth as he held her breath. Maybe he won't notice...

"Hmm?" Amy winced as she heard a small clatter of metal, and she cowered in her hiding place as Mark noticed the small hook. "What the fuck is this?" Mark murmured to himself, staring at the hook. He pinched it between his index and thumb and pulled it off the cloth, and he held it up to his eyes and studied it curiously. Amy squeezed her eyes shut as she waited, trembling in the folds of the scratchy towel.

"Come on Mark, Ethan's about to blow you up again!" Tyler exclaimed impatiently. Mark turned away and yelled back, "Yeah I'm coming, I just forgot my milk!" He put the hook and line in his pocket and grabbed his glass of milk, and he hurried off to reunite with his friends. Amy waited until his footsteps faded and his voice was muffled, and then she slowly relaxed as she gave a shallow sigh. She put her hands against the sides of her head, and she closed her eyes as her lips pulled back in a silent sob.

She had almost been Seen. She almost got caught. Who knows what Mark would have done if he had seen her? Amy thought of the worst; he'd probably grab her and shove her in a cage for he and his friends to ogle her like she was some sort of rodent, or maybe mistake her for an insect and just squish her. It was these terrifying scenarios that haunted Amy's mind as she quietly began to cry.

But it was too late; Mark had her hook, and now he was curious... which meant Amy had to move out before he can find her.

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