The Space Voyage (Jack and Mark) (TEASER)

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A/N: Teaser/Coming Soon ;) This is actually canon material, hope you guys will like it. I also want to mention that the picture above is actually fan art for a fantastic story called Spaceships and Septic Eyes, so definitely go check that out on Archive of Our Own, it gave me a lot of cool ideas and inspiration! 😄

Mark gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut as he pulled his sleeve up. He took a few seconds to steel his nerves, and then he looked down at his arm. The bite on his forearm had festered and it was rankle. The infected area had bruises and some sort of green warts growing, which were also forming on his hand. It sure as hell hurts...

Mark let his sleeve drop and forced his aching body to get up. He needed medicine. But more importantly he needed to get off of this planet and find a way back home. The fabricator wouldn't work for something like this; he needed his people's help.

Mark glanced up. His thin horizontal line of vision was narrow under the gargantuan couch, but it was also blurry. He could barely make out the giant's shoes, despite how large and close they were. Whatever infection had gotten a hold of his body, it was taking its toll. Mark wiped the sweat off his forehead and weakly sighed, and he started walking. He stumbled to the side of the couch and stopped under the end table. He shuddered, then doubled over with a groan. Everything hurt so much, it felt like a tarascota was ripping him apart one fiber at a time.

The stranded mechanic tried to stand up and keep walking, but his muscles gave out, and Mark found himself slamming into the table leg with his arms wrapped around it. The wood squeaked as the small glass table was turned a few feet with Mark's weight. Through the muffled ringing that buzzed in Mark's ears, he heard the tv turn off, and his breath left his chest as the sofa squeaked.

"Hello?" The loud Irish sounding voice called out. "Felix, are you fucking with me again? It's too late for this." Mark's eyelids drooped as he heard Jack slowly get up. Then it felt like the world was put in slow motion; one thud after another the giant came closer, and closer... Mark groped at his waist until he felt the hilt of his dagger, and as his fingers wrapped around it he heard Jack come around the corner. A gasp reached Mark's ears, and he froze. He heard Jack crouch down and move the end table, and Mark collapsed when his support was moved away. He fell to the hard wooden floor with a grunt of pain, and the giant muttered, "What the fuck...!?"

Mark's heart raced in his chest as a shadow fell over him, and he grabbed his dagger and acted quickly. He rolled and slashed his weapon, and Jack yelped and jerked, pulling his hand away.

"Ow!" Jack sucked on his cut finger and stared at the tiny man with wide eyes. Mark's head was pounding as he stared back with bleary eyes, and he stumbled back as the giant reached for him again. Panting, Mark pressed against the wall and squeezed his eyes shut, covering his face with his forearm as he braced himself.

Seconds ticked past, and when nothing happened, Mark slowly opened his eyes to see that Jack was watching him with rounded eyes, and his brow was curved up in concern. He was looking at the nasty wound on the space engineer's arm.

"Oh shit," the giant murmured softly, his jaw hanging open slightly with shock. "You're hurt!" Mark trembled, oily tears leaking down his cheeks as he imagined all of the worst possibilities. What would the giant do to him? Would he keep him in a cage, or maybe eat him? Maybe he would do the worst and turn him in to the officials, like the news had asked all residents of this planet to do, then maybe he would be experimented on or dissected in the cold name of science. Lots of gruesome deaths were being calculated in Mark's sluggish thoughts as his arm wavered, and he slumped against the wall. It was all just too much for him. He never wanted this, he never wanted to die! He still had so much more to do, so much more to see. And he still needed to find his friends...

The knife dropped with a clatter as Mark fell over on his hands and knees. He could barely keep his eyes open now, and his muscles shuddered with effort to keep the human upright. He heard Jack sharply inhale as the giant laid down on his stomach and peered at Mark.

"You ok little duder?" He asked with concern glimmering in his bright blue eyes. Mark slowly looked up at the giant, and he slowly opened his mouth in an attempt to say something. Instead, his muscles gave out, and he fell flat on the floor with a whimper.

"Felix!" Mark watched as the blurry giant got up and ran out of the living room. "Felix wake up, I need your help!" The mechanic blinked, and then his eyes slowly closed as he went limp and passed out.

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