Chapter 4

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Ryuuichi's Mind: Dad, Mom.

Ryuuichi's Mind: It really feels like spring now.

Hayato: See you.

Ryuuichi and I turn our head to look at Hayato.

Ryuuichi: Sure.

Minori: Take care, Hayato.

I said when he nodded his head and he turn around to walk away. Ryuuichi and I turn around and start to walk.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Starting today, we're high school students.

Ryuuichi's Mind: When students go from middle to high school, the first thing they do is choose their club.

Ryuuichi's Mind: So I drew up this poster, but...

Ryuuichi's Mind: But it looks like there's no space left to put it up...

I feel happy when Ryuuichi noticed.

Ryuuichi: What is it?

Minori: Well... someone who gave me a club. I feel happy because I'm join in Idol club!

Ryuuichi: Eeeeh! That's amazing!

I blushes turn red and giggles softly.

Minori: Oh, I have to tell them and my sweet little sister about good new.

Ryuuichi: You're right, let's go.

I nodded my head when we running through into the hallways.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Naturally, I'm sticking with the babysitters club.

We made arrive the babysitter club room when he open the door.

Ryuuichi: Sorry, I'm late.

Minori: We're back!

Kotaro: Nii-chan!

Mina: Minori-neechan!

Kotaro run toward to his big brother about little fast, but the kids run towards to Ryuuichi and me.

Taka: Ryu!

Kirin: Minori-neechama! Ryuu-niichama!

Taka jumps hug Ryuuichi and two boys jump hug Ryuuichi's legs when Kirin and Mina jump hug me and I catches them.

Ryuuichi: Careful!

He fall down on the floor.

Minori: Taka, Kazuma Takuma. Don't do that again or he'll get hurt.

Taka: Sorry.

Takuma & Kazuma: We're sorry.

The poster paper land on Kotaro's head.

Yoshihito: What's this, now?

Yoshihito: Hey, Ryu, you made a recruitment poster?

Yoshihito: Let's have a look... "They are all cute kids. We're currently recruiting babysitters to join us."

Ryuuichi: Usaida-san, could you please take it off Kotaro's head first?

Yoshihito: Oh, yeah. Sure thing.

He said when he pull the poster paper off of Kotaro's head as Kotaro blinks his eyes.

Yoshihito: By the way, aren't you gonna put it up?

Yoshihito: You put a lot of effort into this.

Ryuuichi: The board was already pretty well covered.

Ryuuichi: There was no place left to put it.

Ryuuichi: And you're not allowed to put them up anywhere else...

Takuma: Lemme see!

Kazuma: Lemme... see...

Yoshihito: I guess it is that time of year...

He said when he sigh as Ryuuichi and I look at Usaida.

Yoshihito: In that case, when we go on our walk, why don't we look in on the other clubs?

Yoshihito: The high school ones, of course.

Ryuuichi & Minori: Eh?

Ryuuichi: Won't we be bothering them?

Yoshihito: Hey, it's no big deal.

Yoshihito: At this time of year, anyone's free to look in about any club.

Yoshihito: And it looks like the kids are raring to go.

Taka: I... I wanna see baseball!

Kirin: I wanna see my mama's club!

Takuma: Wanna see!

Kazuma: Wanna... see...

Yoshihito: Okay, we're off!

Kids: Yay!

Ryuuichi: W-Wait a minute, Usaida-san!

Ryuuichi: We'll come with you!

Minori's Mind: Oh no! I forgot to tell them about good new!

I look at Ryuuichi cause he grabs my hand to followed them before he put the poster paper into his pocket. In the hallways, everyone looked at them.

Yoshihito: Since we're walking around today, make sure you all hold hands.

Kids: Okay!

Taka: Time for a parade!

They holds a hands.

Kirin: One, two...

Taka, Kirin, Takuma & Kazuma: Fartin'! Fartin'! Brap, brap, brap!

Kotaro & Mina: Brap.

Taka, Kirin, Takuma & Kazuma: One, two, three, four'! Brap, brap, brap!

Kotaro & Mina: Brap.

Taka, Kirin, Takuma & Kazuma: Fartin'! Fartin'! Brap, brap, brap!

Taka, Kirin, Takuma & Kazuma: One, two, three, four'! Brap, brap, brap!

Ryuuichi and I blushes cause embarrassed when I sighed. When...

Student Girl 1st: That girl?

Student Girl 2nd: Yeah, that's her.

I hear a lot of girls was talking about me... then~

Student Girl 7th: I heard Minori was joined "Idol Club"!

Yoshihito and the kids was stopped when they turned around to look at me.

Minori: I forgot to tell you... sorry.

Mina: Noo don't blame yourself, Minori-neechan!

Taka: So lame...

Minori: IT'S NOT A LAME!

Taka startled cause his face are blue when I sighed.

Minori: Do you remember about my little sister said "My knight Taka".

Taka: !? Th-That was the other day!

Minori: Are you sure~? Your face all red~

I teasing him cause he pouted and I laughed before I pick Taka up with my hands.

Minori: Do you really like her?

Taka: I-I do!

Minori: Then protect her as become a knight.

Taka: I will!

Minori: Atta boy.

I said when I set Taka down as he walk to Mina.

Taka: I promise cause I protect you, my princess Mina!

Mina squealing and she hugged Taka.

Mina: Thank you, my knight Taka!

I smile gently, but Yoshihito stare at me.

Minori: Wh-What is it?

Yoshihito: Nothing. I just want to say... you're cute cause you're an Idol. But I'm jealous.

Minori: !?

My cheeks are all red as flame. As arrived the "Drama Club" club room when Kirin opens the door.

Kirin: Mama!

Yayoi: Oh... Kirin, and all your little friends...

Yayoi: Welcome.

Kirin gasps cause her face are blue, but Taka, Mina, Kazuma's face are blue too. Kotaro and Takuma doesn't scared.

Yayoi: Do you not even recognize your own mother?

Yayoi: Such is the power of makeup, my drama club's pride and joy...

Kirin whimpered.

Ryuuichi: Ma'am, please don't use Kirin to show off your club.

Minori: True... but you're scaring your daughter, Yayoi-sensei.

Yayoi: Oh, I'm sorry, Kirin.

Yayoi: That aside, Kashima-kun... Aijima-chan...

Ryuuichi & Minori: Huh?

Yayoi: Congratulations on entering high school.

Ryuuichi: Th-Thank you.

Minori: Thanks...

Yayoi took Ryuuichi's hand and my hand when she spoke.

Yayoi: Would you like to stay here with us, to discover a new you two?

Yayoi: I think you two have talent.

Yayoi: Call it a hunch...

Ryuuichi: Um, but, I...

Minori: Umm...

Yayoi: You can be in two clubs at once.

Student Girl 18th: You kids have talent!

Student Girl 18th: We're going to help that talent blossom!

Ryuuichi's Mind: For a second there, I thought she meant it...

Ryuuichi: Um, I really need to focus on the babysitter thing...

Ryuuichi: I'm sorry.

Minori: Sorry... but I have another joined Idol Club.

Yayoi gasp when those four peoples heard it.

Minori: That's why I feel happy.

I smiles cause appear of flowers like a rose aura from behind me because it's sweetly.

Yayoi: I see. Congratulations, Miss Minori.

Mina: Haha, Minori-neechan is happy!

Yayoi: I see. But that's too bad. I'm glad someone who gave you Idol Club.

Minori: Hehe.

Ryuuichi looks down because Kotaro tugged his big brother's pants.

Ryuuichi: What's wrong, Kotaro?

Kotaro points over there.

Kids: Sweets! Sweets!

Mina: Ah! They're running!

Ryuuichi: Hey! Where you guys going?

Ryuuichi: Sorry, we need to go.

Minori: Yoshihito! Hurry up or we leave you behind!

Minori: We're going!

I said when Yoshihita turns around but I scream because I hide behind with Ryuuichi.

Ryuuichi: Hey, what are you doing!?

Ryuuichi: You scared her!

Yoshihito: Sorry~ Midori and I were playing with SFX makeup.

Kids: Sweets!

The kids running into the hallways when Umi close the door as she start to walk, but she stopped.

Umi: Oh?

Takuma: Mama!

Kazuma: Mama!

Umi bends her knees on the floor when Takuma and Kazuma hugged their mother's legs.

Umi: What's up, you two?

Ryuuichi: Mamizuka-sensei...

Minori: Coach Umi.

Umi look at us when I spoke.

Minori: We were having a look at all the clubs... so I finally joined Idol Club.

Umi: Oh my! Congratulations, I'm so proud of you!

Minori: Th-Thank you, coach Umi.

Kirin smell about something.

Kirin: Smells good!

Taka smells it.

Taka: That way!

Kirin and Taka start to run into the hallway again, but Kazuma and Takuma followed them.

Kids: Sweets! Sweets!

Minori: Not again...

Umi giggled when she stood up.

Umi: Looks like they're having fun.

Umi: I have my own club to get to, so I'll take to you later.

I nodded then we followed the kids.

Ryuuichi: Taka! Kirin!

Ryuuichi: Taku, Kazu, wait!

Minori: Don't leave us behind!

Minori: Huh? I smell like a sweets...

I said because Ryuuichi smell it.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Wow, Minori's right. I really do smell something sweet...

Kotaro stops walking as we stop and look at Kotaro.

Ryuuichi: What's wrong, Kotaro?

Kotaro bend his knees when he saw the ant cause he point to show it. Ryuuichi bends his knees when he spoke.

Ryuuichi: Hey, looks like an ant got in somehow.

Ryuuichi: I'm impressed you could spot something so small.

He said when he look at his little brother as he close his eyes and smile. Yoshihito walked toward to us when he bends his knees and he spoke.

Yoshihito: Hey, what've we got here?

Kotaro: ...

Minori: Wait... are we forgetting something?

Ryuuichi: ...

Minori: ...

Ryuuichi & Minori: !?

Ryuuichi: Wait! While we're looking at an ants, but we're losing sight of the kids!

Ryuuchi: Usaida-san, please take off that makeup! Because you made Minori scared!

Yoshihito: Oops.

Ryuuichi: Let's go, Kotaro, Minori, Mina!

Minori: Okay!

*In Cooking Room*

Taka, Kirin, Kazuma and Takuma drooling run their chin.

President Girl: U-Um, I'm sorry, kids.

President Girl: It'll take some time for the sweets to bake.

Student Girl 6th: I wonder where the kids came from, though.

Student Girl 6th: Are they lost?

Student Girl 19th: I really, really wish we could give them sweets!

Maria: Those are the kids from the school's daycare room.

Kids gasps. We came arrived because Ryuuichi holds his little brother Kotaro and I holds my little sister Mina.

Ryuuichi: Excuse us.

Minori: Have any small children come in here?

Taka: Ryu! Minori!

Takuma: Ryu! Minori!

Kazuma: Ryu... Minori...

Kirin: Ryuu-niichama! Minori-neechama!

Ryuuichi: I'm so relieved you're here.

Minori: I told you don't run without us.

Taka, Kazuma, Takuma & Kirin: Sorry...

Ryuuichi: Hey, wait... Inomata-san?

She glare at us when she raised her voice.

Maria: Why were you letting these kids roam around by themselves?

Maria: You two need to keep an eye on them!

Maria: It'll be too late once something happens!

Ryuuichi: Yeah, you're right...

Minori: Would you stop raise your voice! You scared them!?

Ryuuichi: Eh?

Minori: Look behind you, Maria...

I said when she turns around because they're being scared as their face are blue. Maria gasps when she start to apologize.

Maria: I'm sorry for raising my voice.

President Girl: Well, it just shows how much you're worried about them, right?

Student Girl 6th: Eh?

Maria: !?

President Girl: You know, Ino-chan, I thought you were a very quiet person, but...

Student Girl 6th: I guess you have another side to you.

Student Girl 6th: That was really cool.

Maria: No, really...

Ryuuichi: Hey, I'm sorry cause I disturbed you guys.

Minori: We're sorry to you, too, Maria-chan.

Ryuuichi: Come on everyone. Let's go.

Taka: We didn't get any sweets yet!

Kirin nodded her head.

Minori: Taka, no sweets!

President Girl: If you'd like, you could join the cooking club.

President Girl: We'd love to have a cute boy around. But another girl...

Ryuuichi: M-Me?

Minori: Wrong!

Student Girl 6th: President, no!

Student Girl 6th: He's busy in the daycare room. He probably doesn't have time for clubs.

Minori: See.

President Girl: Grr... I see.

Minori: Oh Maria, I forgot to tell you.

Maria: Hm?

Minori: I'm joined in Idol Club!

Girls: WHAT!

Maria: Are you seriously?

I nodded my head when Maria hugged me gentle.

Maria: Congratulations Minori.

Student Girl 6th: I'm happy for you, Minori-chan!

Minori: Thanks.

Ryuuichi: ...

He smile. In the hallway...

Taka: I want sweets! I want sweets!

Minori: There's no sweets yet!

Taka: !?

Ryuuichi's Mind: Clubs, huh?

Taka: B-But sweets!

Ryuuichi's Mind: The babysitter club is technically our club, but...

Taka: Sweets!

Taka: Sweets!

Ryuuichi: I know, Taka.

Ryuuichi: Let's go see the sports clubs next.

Ryuuichi: We can watch your brother play baseball.

Taka gasps. In outside... Taka took Ryuuichi to take us to walk.

Student Boy 10th: Hey, Kashima!

We look over there.

Student Boy 10th: Still doing the babysitter thing in high school, huh?

Student Boy 10th: Must be tough!

Minori: Isn't tough! They're fine.

Student Boy 8th: Hey, rookie. What are you doing? Let's get running!

Student Boy 10th: Right!

Ryuuichi: ...

We made arrived the baseball... Taka, Kotaro and Mina looks at them. Hayato picks up the baseball with his hand, but he look at his little brother. Taka blinks his eyes to watching him, but suddenly Hayato look away from his little brother when Taka's face are blue because he's crying and...

Taka: WAAAAH! Stupid nii-chan!

Taka: I came to see you and you just...

Baseball Member 3rd: Kamitani, is that your little bro?

Baseball Member 2nd: I think somebody loves you, "Onii-chan"! 

Hayato: ...


Hayato hits his little brother Taka's head.

Hayato: Shut up.

Taka started to crying.


Taka gasp because I hit Hayato's head harder with my fist.


I glare at Hayato when I pick Taka up and he hugged me gently as I patted Taka's back gentle with my hand.

Ryuuichi: M-Minori-chan, you shouldn't do that.

Minori: Shizuka-sensei taught me to hit her son's head cause she ask me to hit Hayato.

Ryuuichi: Eh!?

Hayato: That old hag...

Ryuuichi: Sorry, Kamitani.

He said when I set Taka down before he goes to my little sister Minori.

Ryuuichi: I didn't mean to interrupt your practice...

Hayato: No problem.

Minori: Your team is sucks, Hayato. You need to tell them to stop looking at me about pervert eyes.

Hayato: Don't worry, they're an idiot. I'll protect you.

Hayato: See you around, Taka.

Hayato: No more selfish requests of Kashima and Aijima-chan, okay?

Taka: I don't do that!

Hayato: By the way, did you joined in, Aijima-chan?

Minori: Yes. I think it's Idol Club.

I said when he nodded his head, but...

Hayato: I'll be your fan, my princess Minori.

Minori: !?

Baseball Member 8th: Kamitani, we heard you, you jerk!

Hayato: Oh yeah?

Baseball Member 8th: You're supposed to say you're sorry!

Baseball Member 8th: Cause you were protect that girl of Starish Princesses Idol!

Baseball Member 9th: So unfair, Kamitani!

Ryuuichi: ...

Running Boy 1st: Morinomiya, go! Go! Go!

We looked behind because those boys are running when I look at Ryuuichi, because he looks so sad.

Ryuuichi: ...

Kotaro saw the many ants when he tugged his big brother's pants. But Kotaro saw his big brother because Ryuuichi doesn't look at his little brother, but Ryuuichi look at the baseball member who teased at Hayato. Hayato's very angry.

Ryuuichi: I guess they're having fun...

Kotaro looked at them.

Yoshihito look at us.

Taka: Ryu! Minori!

Minori: Hm?

Ryuuichi and I turn our head to look at the kids because they're worried about me.

Minori: Oh...

Ryuuichi: Oh, s-sorry.

Taka: Where're we goin' next?

Ryuuichi: Oh, um...

Ryuuichi: Hey, there's something I have to take care care of.

He said when he take out the poster paper out of his pocket with his hand.

Ryuuichi: Usaida-san, could you go on without me?

Yoshihito: Sure.

Ryuuichi: I'm gonna go look around a little longer for a place to put up the poster.

Ryuuichi: Kotaro, wanna come?

Kotaro shakes his head but he holds Mina's hand.

Minori: Should I come with you, Ryuu-kun?

Ryuuichi: Oh. Um... s-sure.

Ryuuichi: Well... we'll be back soon.

He said when he took my hand as we running.

Ryuuichi's Mind: I didn't think he'd say no... but why he holding Mina's hand...

Ryuuichi and I continue to running when Yoshihito watched us to go.

Yoshihito's Mind: Maybe it was mean to do this to Ryu and Minori-chan...

Yoshihito turn his head.

Yoshihito: Hm?

He saw... Mina and Kotaro was running to get Hayato.

Yoshihito: Where are you two going? Kotaro! Minori!


In the hallway... Ryuuichi was doing to put the poster paper on the board.

Ryuuichi's Mind: I think I can squeeze it in here.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Of course, no one's gonna see it in the corner like this...

Ryuuichi's Mind: But it's better than nothing.

He press the poster poster to put here.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Still Kotaro...

Ryuuichi's Mind: He seems to do better without me now than I realized...

He bends his knees when he hugged his legs as I strokes Ryuuichi's head gently. But...

Hayato: Do I give my club application to you two?

Ryuuichi and I turn our head cause we saw... Hayato.

Ryuuichi: Oh, um... you probably want the baseball club adivsor.

Hayato: If I'm applying to the baseball club, sure.

Hayato: For this, I think you're the one I want.

Hayato: I want to do both this and the baseball club.

Hayato: I can probably make half the meetings.

Minori: But why?

Hayato: Well, my idiot brother's there.

Hayato: And because this two little guy and little lady recruited me.

*Back then*

Kotatro and Mina pull as tug Hayato's leg from baseball pants.

Hayato: Actually, all these two did was tug on my leg cause she asked me to she said.

Mina: Come on~ we need you in the club!

Hayato: But Usaida had to interpret.


Ryuuichi takes his little brother Kotaro and I takes my little sister Mina.

Hayato: Anyway, you two seemed down, so they probably thought they was helping.

Ryuuichi: Kotaro...

Minori: Mina...

Taka: Ryu! Minori!

Takuma: Ryu! Minori!

Kirin: Ryuu-niichama! Minori-neechama!

Ryuuichi & Minori: Huh?

He turn his head and I look behind him because the kids run towards to us. And they stopped running.

Taka: Look! We got cookies!

Kirin: Ino-neechama gave them to us!

Taka: And... and...

Taka: I'll give 'em all to you two, if you two cheer up!

Ryuuichi & Minori: !?

Ryuuichi and I blush.

Takuma: Have mine, too!

Kazuma: Mine, too!

Kirin: You can have all of mine!

Our face are red, but we blush.

Ryuuichi: Thanks, guys. I appreciate the offer.

Minori: But we're feeling better now, so let's eat them together!

Taka, Kirin, Takuma and Kazuma was surprised. Ryuuichi and I stood up when he spoke.

Ryuuichi: But really, Usaidan-san... was it that obvious that we was depressed?

Yoshihito: Oh, well... maybe.

Midori squealing as she waving her hand when Ryuuichi and I smile.


Yoshihito: Thanks to Kotaro and Mina, the babysitter club got a new member.

Yoshihito: I made us matching aprons.

Ryuuichi: With our names and an applique...

Hayato: Lame.

Minori: Hush your mouth.

Hayato: Hm?

Minori: Wha! Don't you dare to look at me!

Hayato: Oh? You have cute when you wear green apron.

Minori: What the!?

My cheeks are red because Hayato smirked at me.

Minori's Mind: I swear I will wipe damn smirk out from him!

Ryuuichi's Mind: And Inomata-san occasionally brings us sweets cause she makes in the cooking club.

Taka trited to bite the cookie,

Hayato: I could break a tooth on these.

Taka: I can't chew 'em.

Maria: You don't have to eat them, then!


Maria: I'm sorry...

Minori: For god sake... you should try again...

(Ryuuichi POV)

I came in the babysitter club room when I was taking care the kids, I hear the door slide open when I turn my head...

Ryuuichi: Oh Makoto? Mina, where's your sister?

Makoto: Ryuu... truth is...

Mina: Minori-neechan had a fever.

Ryuuichi: What!?

Makoto: I found her because she's on the floor from the bathroom....

~Back then as what happened~

Makoto: Minori!

He run towards to his sister when he pick her up with his hands.

Cecilia: Makoto, what's the matter?

Makoto: Mother, something wrong with Minori.

He said when his father places Minori's forehead with his large hand.

Cecil: !? She's had a fever...

~End of what happened~

Ryuuichi: I see...

Ryuuichi's Mind: I'm worried about Minori...

Makoto set his little sister Mina when he spoke.

Makoto: Okay, Mina. Big brother will leaving when I pick you up after school.

Mina: Promise?

Makoto chuckle and he spoke.

Makoto: I promise sweetie.

He said when he slide close the door and he leave.

Ryuuichi: Mina, are you okay with it?

I said when she nodded her head. The door slide open... it's Hayato and Taka.

Hayato: Huh? Where's Minori?

Mina: Minori-neechan got a cold...

Hayato: What?

Taka: Poor Minori...

Mina: I wish Minori-neechan will get better...

Ryuuichi: I'm sure your big sister will get better soon.

Yoshihito: Hm? Minori had a fever?

Ryuuichi: Yes.

Kirin: I miss Minori-neechama...

Ryuuichi: Oh...

After the class, Hayato and I walked into the hallway, but...

Maria: Don't look down when you get bumped someone.

I look up... it's Maria.

Ryuuichi: Inomata... it's Minori... cause she's had a fever.

Maria: !?

Maria: How come she got a fever!

Everyone looked at us as they shocked when I spoke.

Ryuuichi: I don't know... because we're worried about her.

Ryuuichi: I wish we're going to her house.

Maria: Let me tell Chairwoman then after school, we're going to her house.

Ryuuichi: Right.


After school, Makoto is arrived.

Mina: Makoto-niichan! Can Ryuu, Hayato and Maria comes to our house?

Makoto chuckle when he picks up his little sister Mina in his arms.

Makoto: Of course. Let's go.

We following to Makoto cause I hold my little brother Kotaro in my arms, Hayato hold his little brother Taka on his shoulder. As we're arrived...

Ryuuichi: !?

Ryuuichi's Mind: This is Minori's house! That mansion is nice...

The gate are opened when we walked through the gate to walked to toward to the door. Makoto open the door.

Makoto: We're home. We bought a guests.

Cecil: Ah, welcome.

Mina: Mommy~ Daddy~ that's my friends and my Minori-neechan's friends.

Cecilia: I see.

Cecilia: I'm Makoto, Minori and Mina's Mother, name is Cecilia Aijima.

Cecil: I'm Makoto, Minori and Mina's Father, name is Cecil Aijima.

Maria: Nice to meet you.

Ryuuichi: We meet again.

Hayato: Nice to meet you, is Minori here?

Cecilia: Why yes, she's in her room.

She said when she snap her fingers as the maid appear.

Cecilia: Show them to go Minori's room.

Maid 1st: Of course.

We followed the maid to go upstairs.

(Minori POV)

I woke up when I sits up as i place my hand on my forehead because the fever went down.


I hear the door are knocked when I spoke.

Minori : Come in.

The maid open the door when she spoke.

Maid 1st: Lady Minori, your friends is here.

Minori: Let them in.

Ryuuichi: Hey Minori-chan.

Maria: How are you feeling?

Minori: I'm feeling better now.

Hayato: How did you had a fever?

Minori: Cause the outside is too cold...

I said and I sigh.

Hayato: I see.

He strokes my hair with his hand gently.

Hayato: I'm glad you're feeling better.

My cheeks are red when I spoke.

Minori: You guy are worried about me...

Ryuuichi: Sorry Minori-chan.

Minori: It's okay. Hey... I'll come to the school tomorrow.

I said when I smile.

Ryuuichi: Alright.

Ryuuichi's Mind: You know... I'm glad Minori-chan is better. But... what's this feeling... I really like her. But I'm jealous because Kamitani call her "Princess", so he's being her fan whenever she's an idol.

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