Chapter 5

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Yukari: Good morning!

Minori: Oh, good morning.

Ryuuichi: Good morning.

I see Midori was moving back and forth when I giggled.

Yukari: Well, I'm going now, Kashima-kun and Aijima-chan.

Yukari: Please take care of Midori again today.

Minori & Ryuuichi: Yes, ma'am!

I hold Midori into my arms when Yukari waved her hand and she leave.

Ryuuichi: Okay, Kotarou and Mina.

Ryuuichi: Let's read a picture book with Midori-chan while we wait for the others.

Kotarou nodded his head two times.

Mina: Yeah.

Midori whimpers when she clings my green apron.

Minori: Hm?

Ryuuichi: What's wrong?

Minori: I think we need change her diaper, first.

Ryuuichi: You're right.

I set Midori down on the blanket when Ryuuichi change Midori diaper as he spoke.

Ryuuichi: Hold on just a sec, Kotarou and Mina.

Mina: Okay.

Kotarou nodded his head two times again.

Ryuuichi: Darn it. I need to refill the wipes...

Minori: Let me find it.

I said when I open the drawer, but Midori roll over as she crawling away.

Mina: Minori-neechan, she's crawling away!

Minori: What!

Ryuuichi: Wait, Midori-chan! I haven't wiped you yet!

???: So, is this the babysitter club?

He said when he open the door.

Minori & Ryuuichi: Eh.

I saw the boy as tall and has red, messy hair. He is only ever seen wearing the school uniform with his tie worn loose.

???: Hm?

His face are blue when he cover his mouth with his hand as he spoke.

???: That reeks!

He gagged and coughed.

???: What the hell? Is this a joke? Is that poop?

???: Why would you be holding that first thing in the morning?

He said when Midori grabbed his pants to tugged it. He looked down, but his face are blue again as he cover his mouth with his hand as he fell on the floor.

???: Hey! Cut it out!

???: Get the hell away!

???: Hey, you! Quit watching and do something!

Minori: You're such a weaker.

I said as I hold Midori in my arms when Midori was move back and forth as she cooing.

Ryuuichi: Um, I have a feeling you're not here to join, right?

???: Yeah, no duh. What is this? The poop club?

He said as he plug his nose with his fingers and his other hand was wave like a fan.

???: Do something about that stink already.

Ryuuichi was little bit an angry. He put the stink diaper in the pink pin of trash.

Ryuuichi: So, what are you doing here?

???: I don't like your tone.

Minori: Answer his question, you stupid red-head.

???: ...

He looked at me, but my little sister Mina was tugged my sleeve when I looked at her as I sing to spoke.

Minori: What is it, Mina~?

???: !?

Mina: Minori-neechan, can we read that one. I really like that one!

Minori: Cinderella? That's my favorite.

???: By the way, it looks like the only ones here are you, the poop factory and the space cadet.

Ryuuichi: Kotarou and Mina is just a little more laid-back than most people.

Minori: Agreed with Ryuu-kun.

Mina and Kotarou looked as each other.

???: You look after a cute little girl named Sawatari Midori here, right?

I gasp when I hold Midori as I spoke.

Minori: What do you want with Midori-chan?

???: Well, I mean...

???: I wanted a look at the face of my future daughter.

Ryuuichi: Uh?

Minoti: What?

Ryuuichi: But, um, you're wearing a uniform...

Ryuuichi: You're still a... a student, aren't you?

???: Yeah, I'm a second-year.

???: And from the looks of it, you two are still a first-year.

Inui: You can call me Inui-senpai.

Minori: I don't think so. Isn't Sawatari-sensei married already?

Inui: That's a minori detail.

Inui: Nothing matters in love, not even age.

Minori: What!

Ryuuichi: I don't think that's a minor detail at all!

Inui: Heh...

He chuckled.

Inui: Well, as you clearly have no romantic exprerience, it's natural that you wouldn't understand.

Minori & Ryuuichi: ...

Inui: Looks like Midori's not here today, so I'm off.

Inui: By the way, don't tell anyone I came here.

Inui: Not Ms. Sawatari, either.

Inui: I'll be back later. See you then.


Yoshihito: Ryu, Minori-chan.

He waves his both hands at us when he spoke.

Yoshihito: Hey, Ryu, Minori-chan.

Yoshihito: Ryu, Minori-chan.

Yoshihito: Are you two alive?

Minori: Huh?

Ryuuichi looked around.

Ryuuichi: Usaida-san, when did you get here?

Taka: I'm here, too!

Takuma: Me too!

Kazuma: And me...

Kirin: Ryu-niichama, Minori-neechama, you two were sleeping with your eyes open!

Mina: Nuh-uh! Minori-neechan is shocking!

Yoshihito: You're shocked, Minori-chan?

I nodded my head as quietly.

Yoshihito: So I came here, and you two were staring into space.

Yoshihito: Kotarou was frozen, too. It was kind of freaky.

Minori: Oh dear.

Ryuuichi places his hand on top of his little brother Kotarou's head. Taka climb up Ryuuichi's back.

Ryuuichi: Sorry Kotarou.

Ryuuichi: I guess we're out of time now. How about after class?

Yoshihito: What's wrong? Something on your mind?

Ryuuichi: No, I think I spaced out a little bit from the heat.

Taka climbs up as his small hands places down on Ryuuichi's hair as Ryuuichi hold Taka as without making a fall.

Minori: What... can I ask you a question?

Yoshihito: Sure.

Minori: I was thinking... but I've never met Midori-chan's father.

Yoshihito: Oh, I heard he's on a dig or something, somewhere overseas.

Yoshihito: He's an archaeologist or something, she says.

Ryuuichi: S-So she's not widowed or divorced or anything like that?

Yoshihito: Yeah, he's alive. And I'm pretty sure they get along well.

Taka slide down from Ryuuichi's arm when Midori patted my lap.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Which means that "senpai" before...

Ryuuichi's face are blue.

Ryuuichi's Mind: She's cheating with him?

Yoshihito: Gotta wonder why you're asking that, though Minori-chan. Are you into older women, Ryu?

He said as Taka was tugged Yoshihito's hair with his small hand. He tilted his head when he spoke.

Yoshihito: You're into that soap opera stuff, huh?

Ryuuichi: Don't even joke about that!

He scowl at him.

Yoshihito: Oh, uh, right...

Yoshihito: Sorry.

I giggled when they looked at me.

Minori: Ryuu-kun, how could you scowl at him?

Ryuuichi blushed are red.

Ryuuichi's Mind: That's right. This can't be okay at all!

Minori's Mind: I hate the red-head guy who take Ms. Sawatari away from her husband!

*In the classroom*

Hayato: I think it's their choice, isn't it?

Ryuuichi: Even if the person cheating has a child!?

Minori: I agree with him.

Hayato: I keep my nose out of messes like that.

Hayato: It's between them, right?

Hayato: Why should I care?

Minori & Ryuuichi: Huh?

Ryuuichi: You might be right... but it being between them doesn't mean the child doesn't matter.

I sighed and goes back to seat when the teacher come in.

Minori: A lot of people will get hurt by it, too...

Ryuuichi's Mind: Is that a childish way of looking at it?

Inui: Well, as you clearly have no romantic experience, it's natural that you wouldn't understand.

Ryuuichi's Mind: It's true, now that I think about it...

His face are blue.

Ryuuichi's Mind: I don't think I've ever had a crush on a girl before.

Ryuuichi's Mind: But Minori-chan is a sweet girl because she's a princess and an idol... so I really like her.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Maybe after I've been in love, I might understand a little...

He turned his head to look at Yuki.

Ryuuichi's Mind: I'm pretty sure people say Ushimaru-san is cute...

Ryuuichi: ...

Ryuuichi's Mind: But I don't feel particularly attracted to her.

Yuki's face are red.

Yuki's Mind: Kashima-kun is staring at me!

Yuki: !?

She felt flinched when she turned her head from behind... it was me cause I glared at her.

Yuki's Mind: Wh-Why Aijima-chan glare at me!

Yuki's Mind: M-Maybe, I should wave at her and become a friend.

She tried to waved her hand a little bit... but I snarled at her loudly softly when Yuki's knees hit under the desk harder, everyone looked at Yuki.

Math Teacher: Ms. Ushimaru? Is something matter?

Math Teacher: Your face are blue.

Yuki: I-I-I think Aijima-chan was glare at me...

Everyone and the Math Teacher look at me because I was stare at the math book.

Math Teacher: Hm... she doesn't glare at you, Ms. Ushimaru.

Yuki: B-But...

Math Teacher: Now back to work...

Everyone and the Math Teacher ignore Yuki as continue.

*After class*

Ryuuichi and I stood up and went out of the classroom then we walked into the hallway.

Ryuuichi's Mind: What should I do?

Ryuuichi's Mind: It doesn't seem right to ask Ms. Sawatari personally...

We heard someone's voice...

???: Eyes forward when you're walking in the hallway.

Minori: Oh Maria.

We stopped walking, cause it's Maria.

Maria: It'll cause problems if you bump into someone.

Ryuuichi: Inomata-san?

Minori: Truth is...

I told her about cheating people who has a child.

Maria: What do I think about adultery?

Maria: Cheaters deserve the death penalty.

Ryuuichi's Mind: That's the Inomata-san I know.

Minori: And... have you ever had a crush on anyone?

Maria: ....

She fist like a ball of her hand when she turned around to look at me.

Maria: No, I'm that dull kind of person who hasn't experinced first love yet!

Maria: See you...!

She said when she walked away.

Minori's Mind: So Maria hasn't had a crush before, either.

Ryuuichi and I came back to the babysitters club, and... we hear a noise.

Minori: Huh? What's that noise?

Ryuuichi slide open the door when he spoke.

Ryuuichi: Usaida-san! Everyone! What's going on here?

Minori & Ryuuichi: Huh?

Inui's face are blue when he whimpers.

Taka: Snot attack!

Inui: No, quit it! Stop! Stop!

Takuma: Attack!

Kazuma: Snot...

Inui: Would you help me already!?

Yoshihito: Welcome back, Ryu and Minori-chan.

Yoshihito: Your friend's here to visit.

Kotarou hold the book to show because he want his brother to read it, but Mina stood with Yoshihito.

Inui: I'm not their friend! I'm their senpai!

Inui: Also, help me!

Inui: Cut it out!

I sighed.

Ryuuichi: Sorry, Kotarou.

Ryuuichi: We'll read the book later.

I clapped my hands to call out.

Minori: Everyone, come over here.

Taka, Kirin, Takuma and Kazuma walked toward to me when I bend my knees on the floor as I hold the tissue to plug Taka's nose.

Minori: Here, blow your nose.

Taka, Kazuma, and Takuma blow their nose from the tissue. I picks Midori in my arms when I stood up and I spoke.

Minori: It's not nice to pick on the weak.

Inui: Eh.

Inui: Hm?

Inui: Did you just call me weak!?

He stood up and walked to us.

Inui: By the way...

Inui: I found out this little poop factory is Midori-chan.

He point to Midori cause I hold her.

Inui: You lied this morning, saying she wasn't here!

Minori: We're never said she wasn't here!

Midori bite Inui's finger. He gasps when he pulled his finger away.

Taka: He's weak!

Takuma: Weak!

Ryuuichi: That aside, the more I think about, the more I think it's wrong for you to try to steal someone who has a husband and a child.

Minori: I agreed with Ryuu-kun.

Inui: Well, duh.

Inui: I believe the vows of matrimony are absolute.

Minori: What?

Inui's cheeks are red.

Inui: But Ms. Sawatari's husband is far away now.

Inui: He's in heaven.

Inui: I learned she was raising a child by herself, and I wanted to help her somehow.

Ryuuichi: You mean...

Someone who slide to open the door.

???: Well, if it isn't Mr. "I Forgot Something," Inui-kun."

Ryuuichi and I turn our head when Inui frozen and his cheeks are red.

Yukari: Are you thinking of joining the babysitter club?

Minori & Ryuuichi: Ms. Sawatari.

Ryuuichi: You're done early today?

Yukari: Yes, I worked hard to finish work early.

Yukari: The truth is...

Inui: Um, Ms. Sawa- Yukari-san.

Ryuuichi turned his head.

Yukari: Yes?

I looked at Inu's face are red when he walked toward to her as he grabbed her hands.

Inui: I... I...

Inui: Um...

Taka: He's a boiled octopus!

Takuma: Octopus!

Kazuma: Octopus...

Inui: I want to help you, Yukari-san.

Midori whimpers softly.

Inui: I, um... well...

Inui: I've always lov-


Inui cuts off because Midori started to crying when I gasp.

Minori: Midori? What's the matter?

Yukari: Midori?

Yukari: Excuse me a moment, Inui-kun.

She said when she pulled her hands away from his hand when she walked to me and I hand to her daughter Midori. Yukari took her daughter Midori in her arms.

Yukari: There, there.

Yukari patted Midori's back gentle.

Yukari: That's a good girl, Midori.

Yukari: Don't cry, now.

Yukari: Papa's finally coming home today. So smile, okay?

Inui, Ryuuichi and I frozen as shocked.

Yoshihito: Oh, is his dig over?

Yukari: Of course, that just means he'll be buried in work at the university again...

Yukari: But the way, he chases his dreams is one thing I love about Yutaka-kun.

Inui: U-Um... your "far away" husband is...

Yukari: Oh, yes. He's been on a dig in Turkey.

Yukari: Oh. That remind me... I'm sorry Midori interrupted you earlier.

Yukari: It sounded important...

Ryuuichi and I looked at each other.

Inui: No, it's just... I mean...

He close his eyes then smile and his cheeks are red.

Inui: I'm always forgetting things and making you take time out for me...

Inui: And it's just... I wanted to pay you back...

Minori & Ryuuichi: ...

Inui: Like, sometime when you want to have a date with your husband, maybe I could watch the kid...

Yukari: Inui-kun...

After while, Yukari took her daughter Midori to leave... but, Inui is being sulking.

Ryuuichi: Senpai...

Inui: Shut up. Leave me alone.

Ryuuichi: No, I mean, if you sulk there, they're gonna play with you...

Taka: Look, the monster crybaby bug has appeared!

Taka, Takuma and Kazuma run toward to them as Taka and Takuma attack Inui's back.

Inui: Ouch!

Taka: Here it comes!

They run toward back to us when Inui turned around.

Inui: What's your problem, you brat!?

Inui: By the way, you knew, didn't you two?

Minori: Us?

Inui: Yeah, you two did!

Inui: You knew Yukari-chan's husband was alive!

Yoshihito: Well, I figured out right away that you'd misunderstood, but it was so funny, I just went with it.

Ryuuichi: Usaida-san...

Inui: You're a monster!

The kids are startled when Inui cover his face with his arm.

Inui: Fine. Laugh if you want.

Inui: I looked like an idiot.

Minori: ...

I walked toward to Inui and....


Ryuuichi, Yoshihito and the kids was surprised because I smack Inui's head hard with my hand.

Minori: You moron! That's not true!

Inui: ...

Minori: I thought... I thought you looked very cool!

Inui: Are you being sarcastic?

Minori: I'm serious!? But you looked very mature!

Inui: Mature? What am I, a kid?

Inui: I know I did something you'll make fun of me for.

Inui: To be honest, I find you pretty amazing, the way you look after them.

Inui: I think I got things out of order.

Inui: The kids are supposed to come after you fall in love and get married, right?

Inui laughed when Ryuuichi and I looked at each other and I sighed then Ryuuichi spoke.

Ryuuichi: I certainly think that's just fine!

Ryuuichi: Come on, kids, let's play.

Minori: Wait a minute, Ryuu-kun.

Ryuuichi: Hm?

Minori: You forgot about your brother.

I said when Ryuuichi look at his little brother.

Ryuuichi: Kotarou... have you been waiting there, holding that, the whole time?

He said when he places his hand on top of his little brother Kotarou's head.

Ryuuichi: Sorry, Kotarou.

I sits down on the floor when I spoke.

Minori: Mina~ come, come.

Mina giggled when she run to me and I pick her up and set her down on my lap.

Inui's Mind: She looks cute. But I hear everyone said "she looks like a princess and an idol".

Mina: Ryuu-niisan, read the book! Read the book!

Ryuuichi: Haha, alright, alright.

He sit down on the floor next to me when he open the book and he started to read.

Ryuuichi: Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a sad girl called Cinderella.

Kotarou: Nee-chan.

Ryuuichi chuckled.

Ryuuichi: Yeah, that's Cinderella.

Mina: Minori-neechan and I love Cinderella!

I giggled.

Takuma: Nee-chan.

Kazuma: Nee-chan.

Inui's Mind: I can only imagine how much it must hurt to lose love.

Inui was walking to go home, he stopped walking when he rubs his eyes with his arm.

Inui's Mind: But I wonder if I'll ever know love of my own someday.

Ryuuichi: Heh heh heeh~

Ryuuichi: I, the great Ryuu---Dragon King, have consigned all of humanity to eternal slumber!

Ryuuichi: At last, this planet belongs to Devil Queen Midori!

Midori raise her small hands with her toys.

Taka: You're finished, Devil Queen!

Taka: Ranger Five is here to stop you!

Taka: Ranger Red!

Takuma & Kazuma: Yellow!

Kotarou: Blue.

But... that's not all, Kirin was drawing the witch. Everyone was shocked.

Taka: Hey, Pink! It's your turn!

Taka: You gotta play Ranger Five right!

Taka: Nii-chan, you're Monster Hayato.

Hayato: Yeah, no.

Ryuuichi: If you won't join in, don't watch.

Ryuuichi: Hm? Minori-chan, what are you doing with those paper?

Minori: Hm? Oh, it's my lyrics from my club, a friend told me to help us.

Minori: So I handle it and my other friend who handle it too.

Ryuuichi: I see.

Kirin: Sorry, but I'm not playing that silly, childish hero game anymore.

Takuma, Kazuma and Taka shocked, but Ryuuichi's face blue cause he shocked.

Kirin: We all need to study instead!

Ryuuichi's Mind: Oh, no... Kirin-chan's talking like Inomata-san...

Minori: Oh, Kirin... you're sound like Maria.

Ryuuichi: Y-Yeah, Kirin-chan, studying is very important, but playing-

Kirin: Listen, everyone.

Kirin: If we start learning magic now, we can all become great witches!

Ryuuichi: ...

Ryuuichi's Mind: Thank goodness. She still has her dreams.

Takuma: I wanna be a witch, too!

Kazuma: Me, too...

Hayato: No, boys can't be witches.

Taka: Witches don't exist!

Taka: You can't become one!

Taka: Superheroes are real, though!

Kirin: Superheros aren't real!

Kirn: Mama said it's just a play!

Kirin: Witches are real!

Kirin and Taka glare each other.

Hayato: Neither of them are rea--

Ryuuichi covered Hayato's mouth with his hand.

Ryuuichi: Kamitani, hush!

Ryuuichi: I think they're both real! They're probably both real, so don't fight, you two...

Kotarou walked to them.

Kotarou: No fight.

Ryuuichi: Kotarou!

Kirin & Taka: You shut up, Kotarou!

They pushed Kotarou rough and Ryuuichi's face are blue.

Ryuuichi: Kotarou!

Kotarou roll backward and bumped to Yoshihito. Kirin and Taka are fighting eah other.

Kirin: Stupid Taka!

Taka: Well, you're ugly!

Yoshihito: What?


Kirin & Taka: !?

Kirin: Nobody asked you! Because idol are not rea-

Minori: ENOUGH!


Kirin and Taka are startled because I hit the table with my hand very louder.


Kirin and Taka's face are blue when they nodded their head when I sighed and take a deep breath.

Minori: Now... show and tell, you two...

Taka show the picture of red ranger with himself.

Taka: See?

Taka: That's the real Ranger Five!

Takuma: Five!

Kazuma: W-Was Yellow there?

Taka: They were all there!

Yoshihito: What a weird expression.

Taka: If you two don't got no eminence that witches exist, then I win!

Kirin & Mina: ...

Yoshihito: Not eminence. Evidence.

Taka: And picture books don't count as eminence!

Yoshihito: It's "evidence"!

Taka: Of course... Mina doesn't have any picture!

Minori: Wrong.

Taka and the other looked at me when I spoke.

Minori: I already have a picture from Mina. I'll show it later.

Mina glomp me when I catched my little sister.

Mina: Minori-neechan~ I love you~!

I giggled and smile.

Kirin: But I do have emimence!

Kirin: I'm... I'm gonna really fly and show you!


Yoshihito: Yeah, I don't think it's gonna happen.

Yoshihito: This isn't something you can will into being.

Kirin: !?

Taka: See? Witches ain't real!

Taka: Let's go over there and play superheroes!

Takuma and Kazuma surprised.

Ryuuichi: Kirin-chan...

Kirin: I'm gonna stay here and practice!

Kirin: I can fly if I just practice enough!

Yoshihito: Sheesh...

Kotarou: ...

Taka: Kirin's so dumb!

Taka: Forget her!

Taka: Let's go!

Mina: Superheroes are NOT real!?

Mina huff and looked away from Taka.

Taka: !?

Yoshihito: Hey, Ryu and Minori-chan, you two had better get back to class, too.

Minori: Oh... sure.

Ryuuichi: But...

Yoshihito: No worries here.

Yoshihito: She'll give up eventually.


Hayato: Look, you need to just tell her that they don't exist and it's impossible to become one.

Ryuuichi: It's not right to shatter children's dreams just like that.

Minori: True, but didn't you believe in that stuff when you were a kid?

Ryuuichi: Probably not...

Hayato: Oh.

Minori & Ryuuichi: Hm?

Hayato: Well, I did try to practice throwing a disappearing curveball.

Ryuuichi: See? You did have a dream!

Hayato: But, I'm gonna make it happen someday, so that's different.

Minori & Ryuuichi: Eh?

???: Talking in front of the restrooms is both senseless and a nuisance.

Ryuuichi and I turned our head... it's Maria.

Maria: Please step the way.

Minori: Excuse me? We're just talking about something, Maria.

Maria: Oh.

Ryuuichi: Sorry. Go ahead.

Ryuuichi: Hm?

Maria: Minori, I... I heard you talking about shattering children's dream, cause you're with two boys.

I nodded my head when Maria spoke.

Maria: Did something happen with the children?

Hayato: Did you just wanna join the conversation?

Maria: No!

Maria: Forgive me for interrupting!

She said when she about to turn around but I grabbed her wrist.

Minori: Just a minute, Maria...

Minori: I think we really could use a girl's opinion.

Maria: Huh?

I told her about Kirin said is "Witches".

Maria: Witches?

Minori: Yes.

Ryuuichi: I'd rather not crush her dream, personally...

Maria: I understand.

Maria: If that's the case, I'll help you.

Minori: Really?

Maria: Yes, I'll bring the documents and materials during lunch, so wait for me.

Minori: Alright.

Ryuuichi: Documents? Materials?

*In the classroom*

Maria brought the documents and materials book is "Witch Trials" on top of the desk.

Student Boy 1st: What's Inomata-san, gifted student and top of the grade doing here in our class?

Student Boy 2nd: Hey, don't stare! She'll yell at you!

Student Boy 1st: I like that in a woman, too!

Yuki was shocked cause I was with Ryuuichi and Hayato. Ryuuichi open the book when I look at it.

Maria: You see? This all actually happened in history.

Maria: It's a convincing argument, don't you think?

Ryuuichi: I-Inomata-san, this is...

Ryuuichi: I'm sorry. It's too scary. I can't possibly show it to Kirin-chan and the others.

Maria gasps.

Minori: Oh...

Maria: Fine! It's obvious I can't understand how children feel!

Maria took the document and materials books when she walk out of the classroom.

Maria: Forgive me for wasting your time!

She about to close the door when I call her out.

Minori: Maria! I need you to give me the documents and materials, at once.

Maria: Huh?

Minori: I was try to focus my papers from my Idol Club. My first friend was busy for something about lyrics.

Maria: Eh? I'll get it for while, Minori.

Minori: Thank you.

Maria close the door when she walked away.

Ryuuichi: Kamitani, is Inomata-san...

Hayato: Yeah?

Ryuuichi: Never mind.

Yuki's Mind: What was he going to say next? I want to know...

Yuki's Mind: What exactly is their relationship? Can I even ask?

Ryuuichi's Mind: I guess Inomata-san really is kind of weird...

Ryuuichi's Mind: She's so sincere, and kind, too.

Ryuuichi's Mind: But witches...

Ryuuichi's Mind: Witches, huh?

Ryuuichi's Mind: When I think of witches, I think...

Ryuuichi: !?

Ryuuichi's Mind: The chairwoman!

Chairwoman: You want me to pretend to be a witch?

Chairwoman: Stop worrying about nonsense and get to studying!

Ryuuichi shake his head.

Ryuuichi's Mind: No way. It's no use.

Ryuuichi's Mind: I'm sorry, ma'am.

Ryuuichi: By the way, Minori-hime.

I startled because my face are red.

Ryuuichi: Wha! I-I-I'm sorry!

Everyone and Yuki look at me and Ryuuichi.

Ryuuichi: I didn't mean to call you "Minori-hime".

I shake my head when I spoke.

Minori: It's alright... I... I really like it when you call me, Ryuu-kun.

I smiled at him when he blushes turn red.

Yuki's Mind: Why... why are those two are together!?

She felt upset.

Ryuuichi: Kamitani, you should call of her first name, too.

Hayato: Minori-hime? She's pretty when she's a princess.

Minori: Oh stop it~ you two are making me blush.

Ryuuichi: Hahaha.

Ryuuichi's Mind: But, maybe I'll borrow a sleight-of-hand book from the library.


Yoshihito: Hey, Kirin.

Yoshihito: Come back inside already, would you?

Kirin: I'm about to fly! Don't get in my way!

She said when she want to try to fly, but it's not working.

Yoshihito: Well, as long as she doesn't try to jump off something, I guess it's okay...

Kotarou tugged Yoshihito's pants with his small hand when Yoshihito looked down.

Yoshihito: What is it, Kotarou?

Kotarou show him the book of "The Witch's Delivery Service".

Yoshihito: What? You want me to read the book Kirin-chan brought?

Kotarou nodded his head.

Yoshihito: Okay, I'll read it.

Yoshihito: You guys, come over if you wanna hear it.

Takuma: I wanna hear!

Kazuma: Me, too!

Taka: Hmph.

Kirin looked up the sky.

Ryuuichi and I walking cause I hold the books in my arms.

Ryuuichi: I wonder if this'll look like real magic.

Minori: True.

Minori: Hm?

Ryuuichi: What's wrong, Minori-hime?

Minori: Is that... Kirin-chan?

I said when Ryuuichi turned his head as he saw... Kirin crawl under the gate when she hold the broom as she standing up.

Minori: Oh no!

Ryuuichi: Eh!?

Kirin was ready to jump.

Minori: Kirin-chan, no!

But it's too late, she's jump. But then she's falling down.

Ryuuichi: Kirin-chan!

He running fast when he jump as he tried to catch but he caught her from his back. The broom hit Ryuuichi's head.

Ryuuichi: Ow!

I run toward to them.

Minori: Are you okay?

Ryuuichi: Yeah.

Ryuuichi: Kirin-chan, are you okay? Were you hurt?

Kirin whimper when she started to crying.

I bend my knees on the ground when I set the books on the ground then I pick up Kirin and I patted her back with my hand softly.

Minori: There, there~ it's okay. You're okay now.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Minori-hime feel worried because Kirin-chan crying because she wasn't able to fly, or because she'd fallen from a great height, and she was scared?

Ryuuichi's Mind: I'm not sure if it was one, or both.

Ryuuichi's Mind: But Kamitani was right.

Kirin crying again when I patted her back gently.

Ryuuichi's Mind: I should have told her that some things just aren't possible.

Ryuuichi's Mind: People can't fly on broomsticks, and witches only exist in storybooks.

???: What's that child crying about?

Ryuuichi: Ma'am! Well, it's...

Kirin: I can't fly on a broom!

Youko: Can't fly on a broom?

Youko: Well, of course you can't!

Youko: It would take another hundred years before you were even ready to try.

Kirin, Ryuuichi and I surprise.

Kirin: Then... can you fly on a broom?

Youko: Can I? I'll leave that to your imagination.

Youko: Now, get inside.

Youko: It's going to rain soon.

Minori: Alright.

She nodded her head when she turn to walked away as Saikawa followed her.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Soon after, rain really did fall from that previously clear sky.

The rain are started.

Ryuuichi's Mind: I wonder...

Ryuuichi turned his head to look at them.

Taka: Fine! I'll do your witch training with you!

Kirin surprise when she smile.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Don't tell anyone, but for a minute there, even I believed the chairwoman really might be a witch.

Taka: Oh.

Taka: Mina, show us the pictures!

Mina: Minori-neechan?

I nodded my head when I grabbed my bag to open it up and I took out of many pictures to show them, after while everyone was shocked.

Ryuuichi: Th-That's you and your little sister!?

Minori: Y-Yeah... my little sister Mina and I went to the princess festival from her birthday.

Mina: We met Ariel, Aruroa, Belle, Cinderella, Elsa & Anna, Jasmine, Merida, Moana, Mulan, Pocohantas, Rapunzel, Snow White and Tiana!

I giggled and I smiled.

Mina: Minori-neechan was wearing about many of dresses matched mine!

Minori: Hehe, I love my little sister so much.

Mina: Hehe.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Wow... Minori-hime and Mina-hime are kawaii when they're a princess.

Kirin's eyes are twinkling like a stars.

Kirin: Mina and Minori-neechama are kawaii!

Taka: Are there any princes?

Mina: Yes!

I nodded my head.

Minori: Yes, there's a princes festival cause our big brother went there.

Minori: Makoto-niichan and I am an idol, tomorrow... I have to go to the concert.

Minori: So, my manager will watch for my little sister Mina.

Ryuuichi: Eh, really!?

He said when I nodded my head.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Minori-hime is my friend... I really like her. But... Kamitani and I reall like her.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Looks like Minori-hime is going to the concert.

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