Chapter 7

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Student Girl 1st: Hey, Yuki.

Student Girl 1st: What do you like about Kashima-kun?

She said, Yuki frozen when her face turn red.

Yuki: N-No, I... please stop! What if he hears you...

She looked around when the other girl spoke.

Student Girl 3rd: He's not here, so no worries!

4 boys of student's face are blue when Yuki spoke.

Yuki: But I don't really feel that way...

She said when her face are still pink.

Yuki: Well, maybe I do like him a little...

Ryuuichi and I walked into the hallway together.

Yuki: But, well, it's just...

Student Girl 2nd: Well, I can totally see Kashima-kun's appeal.

Yuki startled when she widen her eyes.

Student Girl 1st: He easily has the best looks and personality of any guy in our class.

Student Girl 1st: He's kind of a "comfy" type.

Yuki: Eh?

Student Girl 3rd: That's true! One time, I dropped my eraser, and he picked it up for me!

Yuki: Eh?

Student Girl 2nd: Lucky you!

Yuki: Huh?

Student Girl 1st: The only other appealing guy in our class is, like... Kamitani, maybe?

Student Girl 1st: I think even girls in the other classes and upperclassmen like him.

Student Girl 3rd: Yes, he's hot.

Student Girl 2nd: Well, he's attractive... but isn't he a little scary?

Student Girl 3rd: That's what make him so hot!

Student Girl 3rd: Besides, he's in the babysitter club to help with Kashima-kun!

Student Girl 3rd: And that girl... but she with Kashima-kun and Kamitani-kun!

Student Girl 1st: Oh her? That's Minori Aijima...

She said to make Yuki startled.

Student Girl 3rd: Eh? What's wrong with Yuki?

Student Girl 1st: Remember Aijima-chan hates Yuki... because she slapped Yuki.

Student Girl 2nd & 3rd: EEEEEEEEEEEH!?

Yuki: It's true... she doesn't want me to be a friend.

Student Girl 3rd: Oh...

Student Girl 3rd: Well... that proves he's secretly nice! Definitely top-tier!

Student Girl 1st: True... but I think I'm still more of a Kashima girl myself.

Student Girl 1st: I'm terrible scared... because Minori glare at me.

Student Girl 3rd: M-Me too... she told me to stay away from her fan Kashima-kun.

Yuki's face are blue.

Yuki's Mind: I had no idea...

Yuki's Mind: Kashima-kun is that popular? But... Aijima-chan glare at us because she wants us to death...

Student Girl 1st: We're not gonna be your rivals or anything, though.

She said when the other girl nodded her head twice.

Yuki: Y-You don't have to hold back on my account...

Yuki said when her face are still red as she waves her hands.

Student Girl 1st: No, no, that's not what we meant...

Student Girl 2nd: Yeah, Kashima-kun's situation is more complicated.

Student Girl 2nd: First, that baby brother is tough competition.

Student Girl 1st: Even if you were dating you'd never be his #1 priority.

Yuki surprised.

Student Girl 3rd: Oh, also, Kashima-kun and Aijima-chan seems pretty friendly with Inomata-san from the gifted class, doesn't they?

Student Girl 1st: Ever hear the rumors that they're romantically involved?

Student Girl 2nd: I'm sure that's not true!

Yuki: Eh?

Student Girl 2nd: I mean, you know Inomata-san.

Student Girl 2nd: She's 100% not the romance type.

Student Girl 2nd: You've heard her. "Studying is all that matters!" and stuff.

Student Girl 3rd: Oh please! No one could live their life like that!

The one of student boy saw Maria when he startled.

Student Girl 2nd: Right?

Student Boy 3rd: Yo, girls!

Student Boy 3rd: She's passing by right now!

Maria glared at the girls to make them face are blue.

Girls: ...

Hayato and Ryuuichi walked in to the hallway, because I told Ryuuichi as I went to the bathroom real quick.

Ryuuichi: Hey, Inomata-san!

Maria: Eh?

She turned her head when Ryuuichi spoke.

Ryuuichi: What's the matter?

Ryuuichi: You need something in our class?

Maria: Eh! O-Of course not!

She said when she glare at them from in the classroom as a lot of student girls to make them gasp.

Maria: I don't know why the rest of you come to school, but if you're going to engage in petty gossip, at least have the decency to shut the door first!

Ryuuichi widen eyes when...


Maria and Ryuuichi startled.

Maria: S-Sorry Minori!

She said because I finally came back when I sighed.

Minori: Honestly Maria... I have a lot of study when I finished it at all.

Maria: WHAT!

Maria: H-How long?

Minori: All day... I took a break and to go to sleep.

Maria: I see. Excuse me...

She walked past through us.

Ryuuichi: Inomata-san?

Student Boy 2nd: Terrifying...

Student Boy 3rd: By the way, Kashima, why are you wearing an apron?

Ryuuichi: Eh?

He look down because he saw as still wearing apron.

Minori: Goodness, Ryuu-kun...

I said when I took Ryuuichi's apron off away from him.

Ryuuichi: Thanks Minori-hime. But... you're still wearing your costume.

Minori: Yeah... I was rushing about late.

I sighed.

Hayato: You don't have to get rush, Minori-hime.

Minori: I know... sorry.

Hayato: I was wondering why you didn't take it off, Kashima.

Hayato: You just forgot?

Hayato: Pretty absent-minded.

Ryuuichi: If you noticed, you should've told me!

Hayato: Oh, then I'll point out that your butt is covered in the stickers.

Ryuuichi notice his butt are cover the stickers with his hand.

Ryuuichi: Eh!?

Hayato: I guess you didn't them sticking those on.

Hayato: That's almost impressive, in a way.

Ryuuichi: Again, if you knew, why didn't you tell me!?

Ryuuichi: Did I walk this far with these things on me!?

Minori: That kids... remind me, Mina yelled at them as she said... "DON'T PUT THAT STICKERS ON RYUU-NISSAN'S BUTT!"

Ryuuichi: Eh! She knew!

I nodded my head.

Ryuuichi: Wow...

Student Girl 3rd: Oh, God! Kashima-kun's so cute!

Student Girl 1st: And Kamitani's freaking hot!

Student Girl 1st: Totally ice cold, though...

Student Girl 1st & 3rd: !?

They noticed me was glared as their face are blue.

Student Girl 3rd: M-Maybe, we should get back in...

Student Girl 1st: Y-Yeah...

Student Boy 1st: I don't understand women's ranking systems...

Student Boy 3rd: It's about looks. We all know that.

Student Boy 2nd: But... Aijima-chan hates girls are stealing her fan Kashima and Kanitami...

All Students Girls: ...

*In Babysitter Club*

Taka: I guess we oughta make Usaida look cool, too!

Takuma: Yay!

Taka: I'll put this one on him!

Kirin blush when she saw wild boar sticker.

*Back to Maria walking in the hallway*

Student Girl 2nd: She's 100% not the romance type.

Maria's Mind: That's right. What's the matter with that, exactly?

Maria's Mind: But since it was an accurate statement, I probably shouldn't have yelled at her...

Maria's Mind: It's his fault for coming of nowhere!

Maria's Mind: Why is is that I get so flustered every time I look at him?

Her cheeks are pink.

Maria's Mind: That's the reason I can't go to see the kids...

*Remember about Valentine's Day*

Ryuuichi: But I like that about you.


Her face all pink and her cheeks are red.

Maria's Mind: Wh-Where is my mind going!?

Maria's Mind: He was just being polite!

Maria's Mind: Besides, it doesn't matter what he thinks of me!

???: Maria-oneechama, your face is red.

Maria: It most certainly is not!

Maria; You shouldn't make up things about people!

Kirin started to tears of cry when Maria shocked.

Maria: Wh-What are you two doing here?

Kirin: Waaaah! Your face is red, Maria-neechama!

Kotaro nodded his head.

Maria: I'm telling you, it isn't!

Maria: Really! Why are those people so desperate to send these children to get lost?

Kirin still crying when Maria spoke.

Maria: Don't worry, I'll take you back to the daycare room.

Kirin: We're not lost!

Kirin: We left a not with Usaida. I forgot Mina-chan, because she looks tired and Usaida can handle it.

*In Babysitter Club*

Yoshihito: What's this? A mountain witch?

He said when he hold my little sister Mina in his arm because she's asleep. Taka run because he looked around.

Taka: Where's Kotaro!?

*Back to Kirin and Kotaro with Maria*

Kirin: We came to play with you, Maria-oneechama!

Maria was surprise when she bend her knees on the floor as she spoke.

Maria: I-I'm flattered...

Maria: But this is not a place to play, so please go back.

Kirin widen her eyes when she tears of cry.

Kirin: Do you hate us, Maria-oneechama?

Kirin: We came 'cause you never come to play with us...

Kirin: But...

Maria: O-Of course I don't! I want to come to see you, too!

Maria: The reason I can't come to see you is... because he's there, and...

Kirin & Kotaro: Eh.

Maria gasp.

Kirin: You mean... Usaida?

Kirin: Or Hayato-niichama?

Maria: ...

Kirin gasp.

Kirin: You mean, Maria-neechama...

Kirin: You hate Ryu-niichama?

Kotaro gasp as what Kirin said.

Kotaro: ...

Maria: N-No!

Kirin: Then you like him?

Maria gasp.

Maria: C-Certainly... not... because Minori... found out as she's upset.

Kirin: I get it.

Kirin: Maria-neechama hates Ryu-niichama.

Kotaro: ...

Kirin: Kotaro, don't be sad.

She said when she hold his small hand.

Kirin: We just gotta show Maria-neechama all that's nice about Ryu-niichama, so she'll like him!

Maria: Eh?

She widen her eyes.

Kirin: We got a plan now. Let's go do it!

Maria: Wai-

Kirin: Maria-neechama, come with us!

Maria's Mind: Why do I have to go along with this?

Kirin: Okay, Kotaro.

Kirin: Before the day is up, you gotta show off all of Ryu-niichama's best points.

Kotaro nodded his head.

Kirin: When you noticed Minori-neechama. Say "Minori-neechan!" as you want to hug her.

Kotaro nodded his head twice.

Kirin: You gotta do your best to restore their honor, Kotaro!

Kotaro nod his head. The door are open when Yuki saw it.

Yuki: Eh?

A lot of students saw the kid is Kotaro. Hayato and Ryuuichi turn their head as what they saw it.

Ryuuichi: K-Kotaro...

Kotaro walk toward to him.

Kotaro: Nii-chan!

Ryuuichi: Hm? You want ups?

He said when he pick his little brother Kotaro up in his arm and hand when Kotaro clutch his big brother's shirt as they smile. Those two girls saw it.

Kotaro saw me.

Kotaro: Minori-neechan!

Minori: Hm?

I turn my head when I saw... Kotaro.

Minori: Kotaro?

I stood up to goes to them when I spoke.

Minori: Where's Mina?

Kotaro: Sleeping.

Minori: I see.

Kotaro: Minori-neechan, hug!

Minori: Alright.

I took Kotaro away from him and... Kotaro hugged me softly when I smile as flower aura.

Student Girl 1st: D-Did you see that!

Student Girl 3rd: She's smile!

Student Girl 4th: K-Kawaii desu!

Ryuuichi: Really, why did you come here?

Maria: No way... Minori was smile.

Kirin: See? Ryu-niichama is very kind and accepting! And Minori-neechama is beautiful girl.

Maria: I see.

Maria: Though as a caregiver, he seems a bit over-indulgent...

Kirin: I get it.

Kirin: You like strict men best.

Maria: Eh?

Kirin: Just leave it to me! I have to show you, because Minori save me!

Kirin run in the class when Maria widen her eyes.

Kirin: Ryu-niichama!

Kirin: If you don't hit me right now, I'm gonna be a bad girl!

Ryuuichi: What? Kirin-chan?


Kirin: Ugh!

Hayato: There, I hit you.

Ryuuichi widen his eyes when Hayato spoke.

Hayato: Now get back to the daycare room, idiot.

Kirin glomp at Ryuuichi when she's crying out loud, Ryuuichi's face are blue.


Minori: Kirin? What's the matter?

Kirin: Hayato-niichama hit me!


I smack Hayato's head every time with my hand.

Minori: Hayato, you baka!

Hayato: Ugh... why? I did hear her out. That's why I hit her.

Minori: That's not A POINT!?

Student Girl 1st: Did Minori... hit Hayato?

Student Girl 2nd: She looks remind me... my mother hit my father.

All Student Girls: EH!?

I patting Kirin's back gently with my hand.

Minori: There, there~ don't cry~

Kirin: Minori-neechama... a-arigato!

Maria open the door when she spoke.

Maria: Minori... is this true?

Minori: Yes, I dislike people who abuse the kids...

Maria: I see...

Ryuuichi: Inomata-san?

Kirin: Maria-neechama?

Maria: This is all a misuderstanding, anyway.

Maria: I don't especially... h-hate him...

Kirin: Then, you like Ryu-niichama, then?

Maria & Minori: Eh?

Yuki: Eh?

Ryuuichi: Eh?

Maria's face are pink and her cheeks are red.

Maria: I...

Maria: I told you, I most certainly do not!

Maria: Do you know why about Minori hates me!?

Kirin gasp when Ryuuichi and I widen my eyes, then Maria turn to walk away.

Minori: Maria, wait!

Maria: Leave me alone!

I set Kotaro down.

Minori: Stay with your brother.

I said to make Kotaro nodded his head. I turn to run out of the classroom to chase at Maria.

Minori: Maria!

I continue to run when I grab Maria's arm.

Minori: STOP!

Maria startled when I pull her toward to me as I cupped her cheek with my hand, I pressed my forehead against her forehead to make her blush.

Minori: Maria... who told you when you said "I hate you"?

Maria: ...!

Minori: I didn't say I hate you. I do like you as friend with me.

Maria widen her eyes when everyone wide their eyes.

Minori: Maria... you've got a sticker on your skirt.

Minori: On the back. Kirin, what did you do?

Kirin: Sorry~

I sighed.

Minori: I swear those kids put them on Ryuu-kun, too... and he got pretty embarrassed.

Minori: That's why I worried and I caught you in time.

Kirin: I put that sticker on Maria-neechama.

Student Boy 1st: Aijima-chan...

Student Girl 2nd: Is Aijima-chan...

Student Girl 1st & 3rd: ...a pretend princely!?

All Student Girls: KYAAA!

Yuki heard it when she's upset. Maria walked in the hallway.

Kirin: Then you like Ryu-niichama?

Maria's Mind: What a lot of nonsense.

Maria's Mind: Of course I don't.

Maria's Mind: If it has to be or the other...

Maria's Mind: I definitely hate him!

Maria's Mind: What was that?

Maria's Mind: Why did I thought my heart was going to stop... because of Minori!

*In the Babysitter Clubroom*

Kirin: Ryu-niichama!

Kirin: I know just what makes you good.

Kirin: So please don't be sad!

Kotaro nodded his head.

Ryuuichi: Okay. Thank you.

Yoshihito: Okay, Kirin, what about me?

Yoshihito: Do you know what makes me good?

Kirin: No, Usaida, because you're bad.

Taka: Usaida, you're bad!

Takuma: You're bad!

Yoshihito wide his eyes as shocked.

Kazuma: Bad!

Midori: Ba'!

Minori: Hahahaha!

Ryuuichi laughed nervous.

Kotaro sweeping the broom and Ryuuichi hold the dustpan. The door are open, Kousuke walked inside.

Kousuke: Good morning, Ryuuichi, and Kotaro.

Ryuuichi: Mamizuka-san.

Ryuuichi: Good morning.

Ryuuichi: What brings you here today?

Ryuuichi: It's unusual to see you come here yourself.

Kousuke: Yeah...

Ryuuichi: Is your wife with Kazuma?

Kousuke remove his hood away from his head.

Kousuke: The truth is...

Takuma: Kazuma got a cold!

Ryuuichi: Eh!

*About what happen with Kazuma*

Kazuma tears from his eyes.

Kazuma: Where Takuma?

Umi: I know, I know.

Umi: Mama's with you, Kazuma.

Umi: You need to rest so you can get better soon and play with Takuma and the others again.

Umi: Oh, but first, let's take some medicine!

Umi: Kazu-kun, it's very sweet and yummy.

Kazuma gasp as his tears from his eyes. Kazuma sits up when he took a sip some medicine.

Umi: Very good, Kazu-kun!

Kazuma: Takuma...

Umi: I know, I know.

Umi: Once you get better, then you can play with him.

Kazuma took a sip some medicine.

*Back to the babysitter club*

Ryuuichi: I see...

Ryuuichi: So Kazuma and Takuma must both be feeling lonely today.

Kousuke: That's right. They've never been apart, after all...

Kousuke: So Takuma... and Kazuma...

Kousuke: When I think about how lonely they must be...

Takuma: Ryu! Look! Look!

Kousuke gasp when they widen their eyes.

Kousuke wipe his tears.

Kousuke: He's really so lonely... but he's been trying to smile... and act like everything's normal... all day...

Ryuuichi's Mind: He seems pretty normal to me... is it just my imagination?

Takuma: Sum-glass!

Yoshihito: Well then, Ry, I'll bet 100 yen on "he's pretty much fine" with you.

Ryuuichi startled when he turn around.

Ryuuichi: Usaida-san!

Ryuuichi: Don't come out of nowhere and read my mind!

Yoshihito: Well, don't wear your heart on your sleeve, then.

Takuma: Usa! Hundred yen! Hundred yen!

Kotaro nodded his head.

Yoshihito: No, it's not for you.

Yoshihito: Well, Takuma?

Yoshihito: Are you lonely without Kazuma here today?

Takuma shocked as he thinking... but...

Takuma: I'm okay!

Kazuma gasp when he's tears from his eyes.

Takuma: I promised I'd have fun for both of us!

Takuma: We swore!

Umi: Promise, okay?

Takuma: She said if I did, Kazuma would get better!

Ryuuichi: That's true.

Ryuuichi: Oh, but Takuma, you're supposed to swear with pinkies.

Kousuke: T-Takuma!

Kousuke: How brave you are!

Yoshihito: Well, you heard the kid. Ryu and I would like our 100 yen.

Kousuke: Oh, right.

Ryuuichi: Usaida!

I open the door when I hold my new little brother with my arm.

Minori: Yoshihito, you shouldn't bet like that.

Ryuuichi, Yoshihito and Kousuke turn their head to looked at me when Ryuuichi spoke.

Ryuuichi: Minori-hime. Eh? Who's the kid?

Minori: That's Taiki Aijima.

Minori: He's my adopted brother...

Ryuuichi & Yoshihito: Eh!?

Ryuuichi: What happen to Mina?

Minori: Mina... got a cold too. I scold my brother Makoto-niisan because he apologize to me.

I sighed.

Minori: I told Makoto-niisan as I said "you're not bad brother"...

Minori: My mother and father saw new kid... their new son. It's adopted.

Minori: Taiki love us and Mina too...

I said when Taiki looked at me, I kisses Taiki's forhead.

Minori: He's 2 years old... I should protect him and Mina, no matter what.

Taiki: Minori-oneechan...

He hugged me softly when Ryuuichi surprise.

Kousuke: Oh that's right. Here. Would you accept this instead?

Yoshihito: Eh? What's this?

Kousuke: A 500-yen prepaid card.

Kousuke: Don't worry about the picture.

Yoshihito: Hey, can I get your autograph, then?

Ryuuichi's face are blue.

Yoshihito's Mind: I can sell this for a mint.

Kousuke: Eh? My autograph?

Takuma: I'mma autograph, too!

Ryuuichi: Mamizuka-san, you should probably be getting to work soon.

Minori: Oh that's right, Kousuke-kun. Makoto-niisan is waiting for you.

Minori: He said "Hurry up or I'll leave your work".

Kousuke: EH!?

Ryuuichi: H-He said that!?

Minori: Yeah... he's pretty bad mood.

My face are blue as I sigh.

Kousuke: Oh... yeah. Well, Usaida and Ryuuichi...

He pull up his hood on his head.

Kousuke: Minori-hime, please take care of Takuma.

Minori: Of course. Please take care of my brother... he looks very busy.

Kousuke: True. He may be acting cheerful now, but without Kazuma, he might start to feel lonely later.

Ryuuichi: That's true.

Yoshihito: I'm skeptical!

Ryuuichi: Leave the rest to us.

Kousuke: Well, Takuma, Papa's gonna go now...

Takuma turn his head to saw it...

Hayato: Hey.

Taka: Put me down! Put me down!

Takuma: Kamita!

Minori: Ah, ah, Takuma... you supposed to say good bye to your dad.

Takuma: Oh... bye bye papa.

Kousuke: Minori-hime... thank you!

I nodded my head.

Takuma: Papa, bye-bye!

Takuma wave his small hand when Kousuke wave his hand then he left.

Hayato: He still totally looks like a shady character.


The kids saw new kid name is Taiki Aijima was hold with Takuma and Kotaro with his both small hands. Taka pout then he run to us.

Taka: Kotaro! You come with me over there! Not new boy!

He pushes Taiki away from Kotaro then he pull Kotaro.

Takuma: I'mma do that, too!

He pull Kotaro, but Kotaro's face are blue...

Ryuuichi: Taku, this isn't a tug-of-war!

Ryuuichi: Taka, be nice too, okay and don't push to Taiki okay?


Hayato hit his little brother Taka's head.


Taka: Kotaro's best friend is mine!

Kirin: Ryu-niichama, why isn't Kazu-kun here today?

Ryuuichi: Well, Kazu's home with a cold today.

Kirin: Oh. But who's the new kid in here?

Ryuuichi: That's Minori-hime's adopted brother, Taiki Aijima.

Taka look at him because Taiki hugged my leg.

Minori: Taka... I'm very disappointed...

Taka: But... but-

Minori: No, buts... you push my precious brother Taiki... apologize to him.

Taka: ...Sorry.

He apologize to Taiki.

Minori: Good.

Hayato's Mind: I never seen Minori-hime is sound like a mother...

Hayato's Mind: What am I thinking... I really like her.

Taka walked toward to Takuma when he hold his small hand.

Taka: I-I'm gonna beat that cold.

Taka: Then he'll be okay!

Takuma: I'm gonna beat up Kazuma's cold, too!

Kirin: I'm gonna help, too!

Taka attack at Yoshihito when he climb up on his back.

Yoshihito: Hey, hey... why does that mean beating me up?

The kids attack Yoshihito.

Yoshihito: Ow, ow... Ryu, help!

Ryuuichi: Um...

Hayato: Hey, we'd better get to class.

Minori: Alright.

Ryuuichi: Sorry, Usaida-san.

Ryuuichi: Try to handle them until classes are over.

Minori: Now, kids. Play nice, you hurt Yoshihito and be nice to my brother Taiki. Understand?

Kids: Yes!

Kotaro nodded his head.

Yoshihito: Thanks Minori-hime. Hm? Where's Mina?

Minori: She got a cold too... Taiki worried about her. I told Taiki to stay calm for while.

Yoshihito: I see.

Taiki glomp Yoshihito to make him fall on the floor.

Yoshihito: Ahhh! You got me.

He said when he tickle Taiki to make him giggle.

Taka: Ahhh it's tickle monster!

Kirin: Run!

Hayato, Ryuuichi and I walked into the hallway.

Ryuuichi: You think Takuma will really be okay?

Ryuuichi: It's true that he seems cheerful enough for now...

Hayato: It's probably the other one who's not handling it well.

Hayato: He doesn't have his brother with him, and he's also sick.

Ryuuichi: That's true...

Ryuuichi: He's probably crying right now, poor thing...

Kazuma: T-Takuma...

Ryuuichi's Mind: Come to think of it, those two really are total opposites, huh?

Ryuuichi's Mind: They're twins, but Takuma is always smiling and cheerful, while Kazuma is always crying.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Twins are together even before they're born.

Ryuuichi's Mind: At they very least, Kazu and Taku probably...

Minori & Ryuuichi: ...Never want to be apart...

Yuki widen her eyes when she look at Ryuuichi and me.

Yuki's Mind: From whom?

Yuki's Mind: Who do you never want to be apart from, Kashima-kun? ...Aijima-chan?

*At sunset*

The kids was sleeping. Takuma open his eyes slowly when he patted his small right hand, and he patted his small left hand, but he took Taka's sock when he sits up. He rubbed his eye with his small left hand when he look at the sock.

Takuma: ...

He remember about his twin Kazuma was about to hold his hand.

Takuma: Kazuma...

He looks around. Taiki woke up when he look at Takuma as he sits up, he took Takuma's hand to went out the babysitters as Kotaro who woke up before he saw it.


Ryuuichi and I was running.

Ryuuichi's Mind: I hope Taku's okay...

Ryuuichi's Mind: He might start feel lonely when he wakes up from his nap, or when it's time to go...

Kotaro was running.

Minori: Woah!?

Ryuuichi: Wha!?

Ryuuichi: K-Kotaro?

He trip to fall back down.

Ryuuichi: Ouch...

Minori: A-Are you alright?

Ryuuichi: Y-Yeah.

Kotaro: Nii-chan! Minori-oneechan!

Kotaro hugged our leg.

Ryuuich: Kotaro, what are you doing out here?

Minori: Did you run off on your own?

Kotaro shaked his head.

Minori: Where's Taiki?

Kotaro pointed his small finger over there.

Ryuuichi and I turn our head.

Kotaro: Taku, Taiki... 'at way.

Minori: I think Taku is stand by the bush.

Ryuuichi: Eh.

Student Girl 29th: But it was just so expensive...

The other girl saw it.

Student Girl 28th: Hey, hey! Look at that! How cute!

Takuma was waiting, Ryuuichi and I bend our knees.

Ryuuichi: Taku, what are you doing out here?

Takuma: Ryu... Minori...

Takuma: Is Kazuma better?

Minori: Sweetie, we don't know yet...

Ryuuichi: But I'm sure he'll be better very soon.

Ryuuichi: You all beat up that cold, remember?

Takuma look down.

Ryuuichi: Were you waiting here for Kazu to come?

Takuma nodded his head.

Minori: I see.

Ryuuichi: Then I'll ask Usaida-san to call and see if Kazu is better.

Takuma: Ryu, Minori, you promise?

Minori: Yes, we promise.

Ryuuichi: So let's all go back to where the others are.

Takuma nodded his head. Kotaro and Taiki saw it.

Ryuuichi: Taku, you're supposed to swear with your pinkie.

Taiki: M... Mina-oneechan! Mako-niichan!

Umi: I already got the call, Ryuuichi-kun.

Makoto: Sorry about waiting, Taiki.

Ryuuichi and I turn our head, Takuma saw his mother are here was hold his twin brother Kazuma.

Umi: Kazuma's fever is down, so we came to pick up Takuma.

Kazuma: Takuma!

Takuma: ...

Ryuuichi and I turn our head to look at Takuma, but he fall back to sit. After all... Takuma started to crying whenever Kazuma saw his twin Takuma was crying, he's all most crying too. Umi pick up Takuma and patted his back gentle.

Umi: There, there. I'm sorry, Takuma.

Umi: You were very brave today, weren't you?

Umi: But because you kept your promise, Kazuma is all better now.

Yoshihito: Hey, hey. Listen to all that crying.

Ryuuichi: Usaida-san.

Minori: Yoshihito-kun.

Ryuuichi: You were the one who called her, right?

Yoshihito: Well, he was just being so patient.

Yoshihito: Anyway, this is the opposite of usual, right?

Yoshihito: Kazuma's laughing and Takuma's crying.

Ryuuichi: That's true.

Ryuuichi's Mind: I guess...

Minori: Take care!

Umi: See you tomorrow!

Takuma: Bye-bye!

Ryuuichi's Mind: Kazuma and Takuma are best off when they're together, like always.


The door are busted.

Kousuke: Takuma! I'm so sorry I'm late!

Kousuke: Papa's here to get you!

Yoshihito: Oh, Takuma went home already.

Kousuke: What!?

Minori: Don't worry, Kousuke. Your wife took Takuma because Kazuma feel better now.

Kousuke: I see... thank you Minori-chan!

Kousuke: M-May I get your autograph?

He hand me the picture of me when I took it.

Minori: Of course.

I sign my name on the autograph and I hand to Kousuke.

Kousuke: Th-Thank you!

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