Chapter 8

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Ryuuichi open his locker when he saw the love letter.

Ryuuichi: Huh?

Ryuuichi: What on earth...

He said, he took the love letter.

Student Boy 1st: Kashima, is that... a love letter?

Student Boy 1st: Is it a love letter!?

Ryuuichi: Usokawa?

Usokawa: Waaaah~ a love letter... no fair!

Usokawa: Who's it from? Well?

Usokawa: I've never seen a love letter left in a shoe locker before!

Usokawa: Ushimaru-san? Is it from Ushimaru-san!?

Usokawa: If it's Ushimaru-san, I...

Yuki's first friend look at Yuki.

Student Girl 1st: Yuki?

Yuki: I-It... it wasn't me!

Student Girl 1st: Oh, it wasn't you?

Student Girl 1st: I see...

Yuki's Mind: Who was it?

Yuki's Mind: Don't tell me his idol likes her!

Yuki's Mind: Or... Inomata-san from the gifted class?

Hayato took the love letter away from Ryuuichi with his hand when he spoke.

Hayato: Well, there's no name on it.

Hayato: Maybe it's a prank.

Ryuuichi: Kamitani!

Hayato: Hard to imagine any girl doing something so old-fashioned these days...

Ryuuichi took the love letter away from Hayato with his hand.

Ryuuichi: I-I'll do it! I'll check it myself! You don't have to open it!

Hayato: I'm not gonna open something that doesn't belong to me.

Ryuuichi: Still... it can't be a love letter.

Ryuuichi: Girls don't especially like me.

Usokawa's Mind: How many girls has he ignored to think that?

Ryuuichi open the love letter when Maria walked toward to him as she spoke.

Maria: Excuse me!

Ryuuichi: Hm?

He turn his head when Maria behind him as he startled.

Ryuuichi: GAH!

Maria: Don't cluster here. You're in the way of people trying to leave.

Ryuuichi: I-Inomata-san...

He turn around as he hold the love letter when he apologize to her.

Ryuuichi: Sorry. We'll get out of the way.

He said, Usokawa took the love letter with his hand and Maria spoke.

Maria: Well... I'm glad you understand.

Usokawa: Let's see here... "Kashima Ryuuichi-sama. I realize this is sudden, but I like you. I love you."

Maria gasp when she blush and Usokawa continue to read the love letter.

Usokawa: "When I think about you, I can't sleep, day or night."

Ryuuichi turn his head when he shocked and Hayato spoke.

Hayato: Who sleeps during the day?

Usokawa: "I love your kindness, your diligence, and everything about you. I love, love, love, love you! If you wouldn't mind giving me a reply, meet me tomorrow morning behind the school building before clubs meet. I'll be waiting."

Yuki shocked when Maria reaction as shocked.

Usokawa: It has her class and name written.

Maria: !?

Yuki: ...!

Usokawa: It really is a love letter, Kashima!

Usokawa's Mind: I'm super jealous... but that means Ushimaru-san is mine!

Usokawa: So what's the plan?

Usokawa saw Ryuuichi's face are pink and his cheeks are red.

Usokawa: What? Kashima, do you like this girl?

Ryuuichi: Eh?

Hayato: Why are you blushing, too?

Ryuuichi: No, it's just... no one's ever said this to me...

Yuki: ...

Ryuuichi took the love letter away from Usokawa with his hand.

Ryuuichi: Anyway, I need to give careful thought to my reply, I guess.

Ryuuichi: For now, I need to get to the daycare room.

He said as he walked past them when Hayato spoke.

Hayato: Hey, Kashima.

Ryuuichi: Hm?

Hayato: You're still wearing indoor shoes.

Ryuuichi shocked as he looked down because he still wearing his indoor shoes.

Hayato: You gonna go outside in those?

Ryuuichi switch to change his shoes to go outside.

Hayato: Why's he so flustered by a girl telling him cause she likes him?

Usokawa: Man, you're...

Yuki's Mind: K-Kashima-kun!

Maria: ...

Yuki and Maria's face are blue when Yuki's first friend was sighed.

Student Girl 1st: Hm?

She saw me was standing cause I was shocked when my heart are pain.

Minori: ...

Student Girl 1st: Minori...?

Hayato, Usokawa, Maria and Yuki turn their head to look at me when I looked down.

Minori: Sorry... I should leave this school.

Student Girl 1st: Are you... jealous?

Minori: ...Yes.

Yuki's friend, Maria and Yuki widen their eyes as shocked.

Usokawa: So why do you have another love letter?

Minori: It's a boy...

Minori: "Aijima Minori-hime, you're beautiful girl because I like you. No... I love you!"

Hayato: !?

Minori: "I can't sleep all days and nights, because of you! I told my parents cause I want to married you! I really really really really, LOVE YOU!? If you wouldn't mind giving me a reply, meet me tomorrow morning behind the school building before clubs meet. I'll be waiting."

I finish reading the love letter.

Minori: ...That's why it's his class and name written...

Maria: Minori... are you going to tell him?

Maria: I mean... what if Kashima hear it cause he's jealous too!

Minori: Don't worry about him...

Minori: For now... I'm going to qui-

Yuki: Don't quit!

I startled when Yuki yelled.

Yuki: I didn't steal your fan away from you! I just have a crush him!

Yuki: Cause you hate me! When I hear everyone... cause you're an idol, Aijima-chan!

I startled when I heard it.

Minori's Mind: That's right.. I am idol.

Minori: Yuki...

I said as coldly when Yuki flinched, as suddenly I walked toward to her and hugged her tightly.

Minori: I'm sorry when I call you "slut", but... thanks.

Yuki: Eh!

Her face turn pink when Usokawa shocked because I kisses Yuki's cheek. Then I started to leave the school. Yuki's friend giggled when she spoke.

Student Girl 1st: Lucky Yuki~ you got first kiss on your cheek.

Yuki: WHA! Sh-She did!?

Student Girl 1st: That's why you don't want her to quit this school.

Yuki: ...She's my favorite idol. But I'm scared when I told her I have to write lyric for her!

Student Girl 1st: Hey, you can vent to me. Let's stop somewhere on the way home.

Student Girl 1st: You're invited, Inomata-san.

Maria: M-Me, too?

Maria: B-But making detours on the way home from school is inappropriate...

Student Girl 1st: Just do it.

The kids saw Ryuuichi's face are red and I look depressed.

Taka: Ryu's all red!

Ryuuichi: Eh?

Takuma: He's red!

Kazuma: Red!

Kirin: You're very red!

Ryuuichi: ...

Mina: Minori-oneechan's depressed!

Minori: Hm?

Takuma: She's depressed!

Kazuma: Depressed...!

Kirin: Are you okay, Minori-oneechama!

Minori: I'm fine... don't worry about me.

I said when I sighed as depressed, Yoshihito look at us.

Yoshihito: Ryu, do you have a cold? And Minori-hime... you don't look so well.

Yoshihito: Need a thermometer?

Ryuuichi: No, I just... I ran all the way here, so...

Minori: We're fine...

Minori: Don't worry about us.

I said when I felt my little sister Mina hugged me from my legs. Kotaro run to get the blanket.

Mina: Minori-oneechan...

Kotaro come back when he place the blanket on his big brother's lap.

Ryuuichi: Hm?

He look down when he smile as he place his little brother's head with his hand and he spoke.

Ryuuichi: Really, I don't have a cold.

Ryuuichi: No need to worry, Kotaro.

Ryuuichi's Mind: I just need to calm down...

Ryuuichi: Are you okay, Min-

Minori: I told you I'm fine!

I avoid Ryuuichi when he shocked.

Ryuuichi's Mind: What's wrong Minori-hime... but why she avoid me?

Ryuuichi's Mind: I need to think of what to say...

Mina & Kotaro: ...

Ryuuichi's Mind: But... my chances of dating have always felt so remote, I've never even thought about it...

Kirin told Ryuuichi as the book is upside-down when he widen his eyes.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Now that I think about it, I don't even know the person who sent that letter very well...

Ryuuichi's Mind: But being told someone l-likes me did feel pretty nice.

Hayato saw it when he point Ryuuichi's indoor shoes as Ryuuichi saw it as he widen his eyes. 

After all, Hayato and Ryuuichi look around for me... because I was not here.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Minori-hime is acting strange...

Hayato: Minori-hime is acting strange, huh... she knows about your love letter. But she have that too. The boy from his class... he want to married her.

Ryuuichi: !?

He widen his eyes as what Hayato said when he look down.

Ryuuichi's Mind: I guess maybe I am interested in that sort of thing...

*In Aijima's Mansion*

At the dinner time, my mother and father looked at me because I feel depressed and pain of my heart when my father spoke.

Cecil: Minori... sweetie, what's the matter?

Minori: Father... Mother... I'm not going to the school anymore.

I said when my parents shocked.

Cecilia: Why sweetie!

Minori: Because of the love letter! That girl... she's stole my fan away from me! But now...

Minori: I got this love letter too... that boy from his class because he told his parents to married me.

Cecil: ...I see.

Cecilia: Minori, I was your age from the school of Saotome Academy.

Minori: Huh?

I look up when my mother continued to speak.

Cecilia: You see... I have a love letter when I read it, because of the boy from the class.

Cecilia: He told me to be my girlfriend. I turn him down as I told him when I have my love is Cecil Aijima.

My father startled when his cheeks are red and my mother giggle.

Cecil: Babe, I swear you make me jealous... about that love letter.

Cecilia: I'm sorry darling~ hehe.

Cecilia: Now, you can go to the school and follow your heart.

Minori: Mother... thank you.

Mina: Minori-oneechan's smile.

She said to making me giggle, after the dinner... I finally taking a shower when I wear night clothes.

Minori's Night Clothes:

Mina's Night Clothes:

I open the book when I started to reading.

Minori's Mind: Thanks to my mother... she's so kind to me. I will turn him down no matter what, and I will told him to my love fans.


The next morning... I wear my school uniform and shoes when I hold my bag on my arm and my little sister Mina from my other arm.

Minori: Well, I'm off.

Maid 1st: Take care, Lady Minori, Lady Mina.

Butler 1st: Have a good day, Minori-sama, Mina-sama.

Minori's Mind: Okay... I think I need to turn him down.

Minori's Mind: But I really appreciate the sentiment, but I'm not together enough to manage dating and taking care of Mina at the same time.

Minori's Mind: Although... I wonder if I can turn her down without being rude...

Mina looked at me when I look back at her as I spoke.

Minori: What do you think...?

Mina: You can do it Minori-oneechan.

Minori: Haha, alright.

Maria's Mind: I only left early because I wanted to do my lesson preparation at school.

Maria's Mind: I'm not actually worried about them at all!

Maria's Mind: I'm not...

Maria's Mind: I'm not...

Maria's Mind: I couldn't possibly be!

Yuki's Mind: I'm so silly, leaving early when I don't even have a club to get to...

Yuki's Mind: I guess I really am worried about it...

Yuki sighed.

Minori: Hm?

I saw Maria and Yuki are here when I took a deep breath and...

Minori: Good morning.

Maria: Minori, good morning. Hm? You looked changed.

Minori: Yeah, thanks to my mother because I have to turn him down.

Yuki: Um... Inomata-san... Aijima-chan, are you worried, too?

Maria: N-No... I'm not!

Minori: Well... yes I am.

I said, when Ryuuichi saw me cause he happy before he run toward to me and he hugged me from behind.

Ryuuichi: Minori-hime!

Minori: WHA!

Maria and Yuki shocked because Ryuuichi hugged me from behind as he panting.

Yuki: K-Kashima-kun?

Minori: Ryuu-kun? What's wrong?

Ryuuichi: My brother...

Minori: Kotaro?

Ryuuichi: Yes... have you seen him?

He said, when I told him.

Minori: No. Wait... why did you leave your little brother, Ryuu-kun!

Ryuuichi: I'm sorry... but I let go of his hand, and the next thing I knew, he's gone!

Minori & Yuki: Eh!?

Maria: I... I haven't seen him...

Ryuuichi: Oh... sorry. Thanks.

He turn around about to run.

Minori: Hey, wait a minute!

Ryuuichi: Hm?

He turn around to look at me.

Maria: Isn't there something else you should say instead of going pale and blaming yourself?

Minori: Maria, Yuki and I will find your brother, Ryuu-kun!

Maria: Minori!

Yuki: A-Aijima-chan!

Minori: We don't have time for that! If we lost his lost brother... Ryuu-kun's upset!

Maria & Yuki: ...!

Yuki: You're right!

Maria: I can't win for you, Minori.

Ryuuichi: Thanks Minori-hime.

Minori: You're welcome.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Kotaro...

Maria, Yuki, Ryuuichi and I looked for Kotaro.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Where are you, Kotaro?

Ryuuichi's Mind: Kotaro...

Hayato: Kashima.

Ryuuichi heard it when he turn around... it's Hayato.

Ryuuichi: Kamitani?

Mina: Look! It's Kotaro!

Ryuuichi gasp when he look down... it's Kotaro was holding the fruit of lemon.

Hayato: He wandered into someone else's yard to bring you this.

Kotaro: Nii-chan. Lemon.

Kotaro: Baa-chan's medicine.

Kotaro remember it cause Ryuuichi catch a cold.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Oh... I see.

Ryuuichi's Mind: I worried you that much?

Ryuuichi: Idiot...

He walked toward to his little brother when he bend his knees and he hold Kotaro's arms because his tears dropped on the ground.

Ryuuichi: That's no reason to leave your bother behind and run off!

Kotaro: Eh?

Later, Ryuuichi turned her down when he bow.

Ryuuichi: I'm sorry!

Student Girl 26th: ...

She look down when she bow then turn around as run away. 

After while, she saw me with the boy from his class, she feel happy to make me accept him. But...

Minori: Sorry. I don't accept you.

Student Girl 26th: ...!

Minori: I have loyal my fan with Ryuu-kun and Hayato-kun. I love them so much.

Minori: I'm warning you... my manager will find you to get punished you.

Student Boy 18th: !?

Minori: We should be a friend. Last warning, my fanboys will kill you.

I finally said it when I walked away, then I evil glare at her to make her flinched and flee away.

Student Girl 26th: Sh-She's gonna kill me as punishment!

I huff when I walked to them.

Hayato: Are you two sure about this?

Hayato: You two seemed so happy about it, but two turned them down?

Ryuuichi: Yeah.

Ryuuichi: Right now, Kotaro really has to be my first priority.

Ryuuichi: And Minori-hime is my first idol, Kotaro love her so much.

He said, to make me blush when I smile.

Yoshihito: That's a tangerine. Give it here.

Kotaro: Lemon.

Yoshihito: No, It's a tangerine.

Hayato: That doesn't sound healthy.

Minori: Oh hush.

Minori & Ryuuichi: Leave me alone!

Minori: Oh!

We bust out of laughing. Meanwhile... Yuki and Maria still in the bush.

Yuki: Hey, Inomata-san...

Yuki: Does this mean we basically both got turned down, too?

Maria: I-I told you, I'm not at all interested!

Maria: In fact, I'm more relieved to hear him acting like himself.

Yuki smile.

Yuki: That's a good point!

Yuki: Hey, Inomata-san...

Yuki: Is it okay if I start to calling you, Maria-chan?

Maria gasp when her cheeks are pink.

Yuki: You're Inomata Maria-chan, right?

Yuki: I hope we can be friends!

Maria: D-Don't call me by my first name!

Yuki: Why not?

Maria: It doesn't sound like "me"!

Yuki giggle.

Yuki: Don't be like that!

Maria: No! It's embarrassing!

Yuki: Maria-chan!

The next day... Ryuuichi and I walking in the hallway, but we stopped and look at Maria.

Ryuuichi: Oh? Inomata-san?

Maria: I... I didn't come here to see you.

She said, Yuki come to her when she spoke.

Yuki: To see me, then?

Maria: Not you, either?

Maria: I was just asked to bring these print-outs to this room.

Yuki: Thanks, Maria-chan.

Maria reaction as shocked when she blushed.

Minori: Hahaha.

Maria: I told you not to call me by my first name! M-Minori! Stop laughing at me!

Minori: Why? It's cute when you're blush, Maria.

Maria: N-Not you too!

Yuki: U-Um... Minori-chan?

Minori: Hm?

I looked at her when she looked down as she spoke.

Yuki: Th-That day... you kissed me on the cheek.

She said when I remember, but I cupped Yuki's cheek with my hand to make her startled as I close to her face.

Minori: Do you want more, Yuki-chan dear?

I purrs in her ear when she got nosebleed and fainted.

Maria: What the heck, Minori!

I bust out laughing when I spoke.

Minori: Just kidding.

Ryuuichi's Mind: It's nice to see Inomata-san making so many friends lately.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Minori-hime is such a tease Ushimaru-chan.

Yuki: Minori-chan, you meanie!

Yuki: Maria-chan! Maria-chan!

Hayato looked at me was laughing.

*In Aijima Mansion*

The phone are ringing when I answer the phone.

Minori: Hello?

Hayato: Hey.

Minori: Oh, hello Hayato.

Hayato: Are you free today?

Minori: Why, yes?

Hayato: Would you like to go to the festival with me and my brother? So I'll call Kashima and his brother.

He said, as I started to think.

Minori: Sure then.

Hayato: Great, I'll be waiting.

Minori: Okay.

I hang up on the phone when my parents come here.

Cecilia: Who's that?

Minori: It's my friend Hayato Kamitani from a classmate.

Cecil: Ah, I see.

Minori: He said I'll be waiting from the park. Because of festival.

Cecil & Cecilia: A festival?

Cecilia: Oh why did you say so.

She said to making me giggle.

*Skip Time*


Mina wear a green kimono and brown sandal when I wear my Aunt Hanayo's kimono and brown sandals, my mother doing my hair when she put green Japanese pin on my hair.

Cecilia: There, all done. You look beautiful.

My mother said, I pick up my sister Mina in my arms when we smiled.

Minori's Kimono:

I went to the outside when our maid spoke.

Maid 1st: Have a good day, Lady Minori, Lady Mina!

She said, I went to the park when I spotted Ryuuichi was holding his brother Kotaro and Hayato was standing with his little brother Taka, I walked to them as I spoke.

Minori: Hey guys.

They look at us when Ryuuichi and Hayato was shocked.

Ryuuichi: O-Oh, Minori-hime is so kawaii.

He said, to making me blush turn red.

Minori: Th-Thanks, Ryuu-kun.

I said when I smile and spoke.

Minori: Did you guys wait for us?

Hayato: Yeah, it's fine. It was a sudden th-

Hayato: Why'd you put so much effort into your outfit, too?

Hayato: Are you gonna do a bon dance or what?

Minori: What are you talking about? This yukata is our Aunt Hanayo.

Minori: You know about those girls or women wear yukata, Mr. Kamitani.

I pout when he blushed turn red.

Hayato: S-Stop being so cute.

He said to make Mina and I laughed when I set Mina down, as Taka walked to us.

Taka: Kotaro, Mina, let's go! We're gonna walk around!

Mina: Okay!

Taka: Minori-oneechan! Walk with us!

I smiled as I spoke.

Minori: Sure.

Ryuuichi: Where's Taiki?

Minori: He's with our brother Makoto-niisan. Cause of work, work, work to help with his big brother, but he's just a baby.

Ryuuichi: I see.

Minori: Come along~

I walked when Taka, Kotaro and Mina followed me cause of people looked at us.

Ryuuichi: Wow, I never see Minori-hime is being a mother.

Hayato: True. Wait for us, Minori-hime!

Minori: Hurry up or you two being are being slow-poke!

I giggled cause Hayato blush again.

Hayato: I swear she's being to cute!

Ryuuichi laughed nervous. Kotaro and Mina shocked when they saw... cotton candies.

Minori: Wow...

He hand the cotton candies to us.

Kotaro: Nii-chan!

Ryuuichi: Yeah, it's really neat, like a cloud.

Ryuuichi: I'll open it for you, so you can eat it.

He said, Kotaro shook his head.

Ryuuichi: You don't want to eat it yet?

Kotaro nodded his head when I spoke.

Minori: If you don't want to eat cotton candy, Kotaro... because the cotton candy are melting and shrivel up.

Kotaro's face are blue.

Ryuuichi: Minori-hime!

I giggled.

Minori: Just teasing.

Taka turn his head.

Taka: Eh?

Hayato: Hm?

He turn around when he spoke.

Hayato: What are you looking at?

Old Man: Hey, boys and girls! Come one, come all! 500 yen!

Old man: For just 500 yen, you can win the newest game system or the most popular toys!

Kotaoru, Mina & Taka: ...

Old Man: Well?

Old Man: Want to try a pull, my friends?

Taka turn his head when he spoke.

Taka: Nii-chan! I wanna do it!

Minori: No... let's find something else.

I said when Hayato pick up his little brother Taka, Ryuuichi pick up his little brother Kotaro and I pick up my little sister Mina to walk away.

Hayato: Okay, let's find something more substantial to eat.

Taka: !?

Ryuuichi: Yeah, good idea.

Ryuuichi: Let's do that, Taka!

Ryuuichi: What do you three want to eat?

Hayato's Mind: Those strings aren't even connected.

Ryuuichi's Mind: They're totally not connected.

Minori's Mind: I have a bad feeling about this...

Ryuuichi's Mind: Especially to the game systems and stuff...

Taka: No, no! I wanna do it! I wanna do it!

Everyone stare at us because we ignore to walk away.

Yoshihito: Oh?

Yoshihito: Ryu, Hayato and Minori-hime!

Minori: Eh?

Minori & Ryuuichi: Usaida-san.

Ryuuichi: What are you doing here?

Yoshihito: Look at you two, in that yukata...

Yoshihito: Very elegant. Kotaro and Mina's too.

Yoshihito: So, what's wrong with Taka?

We look at Taka cause he's crying when Yoshihito spoke.

Yoshihito: He looks totally deflated already.

Taka: I wanted the belt!

Ryuuichi: Um, he just...

Minori: Wait... what are you doing here, Yoshihito-kun?

Yoshihito: Well... part-time job. A neighbor asked me.

Yoshihito: Here, Taka.

Yoshihito: You can have this. Scoop up a goldfish and cheer up.

Yoshihito: You, too, Kotaro and Mina.

I set Mina down and Ryuuichi set Kotaro down.

Ryuuichi: You're sure?

Yoshihito: Yeah. Of course, you have to pay.

Hayato set Taka down when he spoke.

Hayato: You're charging us?

Yoshihito: I'll make it 200 yen, just for you.

Hayato: You're making a hard sell.

Taka: I don't want a goldfish!

He stomp his foot repeatedly.

Taka: I wanna pull the string!

Hayato: Shut up.

Hayato: If you don't get a grip, I'm dumping you on Usaida.

Taka stopped stomping his foot.

Hayato: Also, what happened to the sword you brought?

Taka: Eh?

He look at his small hand was holding the stick of cotton candy and he look at his other small hand.

Ryuuichi: Oh, that's right. He had his little sword when we got here...

Taka look at Kotaro, but Kotaro doesn't have it... Taka look at Mina, but Mina doesn't have it either. Taka look at me and Ryuuichi.

Minori: We don't have it, sweetie. Sorry...

Taka look at Yoshihito when he spoke.

Yoshihito: No, don't look at me. I couldn't have it.

Hayato: You... lost it.

Taka hear it as what his big brother said.

Ryuuichi: T-Taka...

Taka whimper and....


Taka was crying when everyone was shocked.


Hayato: Get a grip already.


I slapped Hayato's head.


I scold at him when I stay calm as take a deep breath, but... I blink my eyes because I felt my hair length was touch my neck as I feel it with my hand.

Minori: ...!?


Everyone was startled when Ryuuichi spoke.

Ryuuichi: M-Minori-hime, what's wrong!

Minori: M-My Aunt Hanayo's pin... is missing...!

That's why I said when I started to fainted as everyone gasp.

Ryuuichi: Minori-hime!

Hayato catched me with his arms like a bride style.

Woman 3rd: It's that... Hanayo's niece? She lost her pin from her hair.

Man 3rd: Someone who stole it.

Woman 3rd: Come on, dear. Let's find it.


I woke up when Hayato spoke.

Hayato: Oh, you're awake.

Minori: What happened...?

Mina: You're fainted, Minori-oneechan.

Minori: Oh...

Taka couldn't stop crying.

Ryuuichi: It'll be okay, Taka.

Ryuuichi: If we retrace our steps, I'm sure we'll find it in no time.

Hayato: Hey, Kashima.

Ryuuichi looked at Hayato when he spoke.

Hayato: Forget him.

Hayato: You two go around the festival together with Minori-hime and her sister.

Minori: What? Why?

Hayato: Because, we're not at school. You're under no obligation to look after him here.

Hayato: And you two don't want to drag around a pain-in-the-neck like him.

Minori: Dude... this isn't about clubs. We just want to help you look.

Ryuuichi: I agree with Minori-hime.

Ryuuichi: We're friends, right?

Hayato: ...

Minori: Right!?

I stare at Hayato when he sighed.

Hayato: Right.

Hayato: But you two are really something.

Minori: How so?

Hayato: If he wasn't my little brother, I'd never spend time with a pain-in-the-neck like him.

Ryuuichi and Taka widen their eyes.

Taka: I don't wanna play with you either, Nii-chan!

Ryuuichi: Please stop making him cry, Kamitani.

Minori: If you make your little brother cry... your mother will smack your head.

Hayato: Tch... that old hag.

After while, we looking for Taka's little toy of sword and my aunt Hanayo's pin... but nothing in here.

Ryuuichi: I don't see it around here, either...

???: Hey, you guys. Good timing!

Hayato, Ryuuichi and I turn our head... it's Usokawa and his friends.

Usokawa: Have you seen the girls around?

Usokawa: We have a plan to accidentally bump into them.

Ryuuichi: Sorry. Haven't seen them.

Student Boy 2nd: Oh! Minori is kawaii when she wear yukata!

Ryuuichi: Yes she is.

Ryuuichi: We're looking for something.

Usokawa: Looking for what? Hotties!?

Student Boy 3rd: Hey, Kashima, why are you wearing a yukata?

Minori: You idiot! Men wear yukata, don't ask damn question!?

The three boys' face are blue.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Looks like She's sound like Inomata-san...

I sigh.

Minori: Come on...

Usokawa: What's up with her?

Ryuuichi: She lost her aunt Hanayo's pin.

He said, we leave before those 3 boys are shocked. Ryuuichi spoke him as to look for Taka's toy small sword and my aunt Hanayo's pin, but the man said sorry.

Ryuuichi: W-We couldn't find it...

Taka: My... my sword...

Minori: I never find my aunt Hanayo's pin...

Cotton Candy Sellerman: Hey there, kiddo.

Minori: Hm?

Cotton Candy Sellerman: If you dropped something, there should be a lost-and-found at the festival office.

Minori: Oh!

Ryuuichi: Thank you!

Ryuuichi: Okay, let's go, Taka, Minori-hime!

Taka nodded his head as so do I.

Tomoya: Welcome. How can I help?

I see a lot of girls and women's eyes like a heart.

Ryuuichi: Eh? Yagi?

Ryuuichi: I was wondering why there were so many girls around here...

Hayato: What's this, a host club?

Tomoya: I live in this neighborhood, so I'm helping out.

Tomoya: What about you three?

Ryuuichi: Actually, Taka and Minori-hime here lost his toy sword and her aunt Hanayo's pin.

He said, Tomoya look down as shocked because Taka cry, Mina holding Taka's left hand and Kotaro holding Taka's right hand.

Taka: My sword...

Tomoya: How... awful.

He said as his nose are bleeding.

Ryuuichi: You're the one looking awful!

He said, I took my handkerchief to dabbing Tomoya's nose. But a lot of girls glare at me as jealous.

New Tomoya's Fangirl 1st: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!

New Tomoya's Fangirl 2nd: Tomoya is ours! Get away from him!


My new fangirls glare at new Tomoya's fangirls to make them flinched.

Tomoya: Thanks Minori.

He thank me as smile when I smile back.

Chuukichi: You're good as helping him, Minori-hime.

I turn my head... it's my childhood Chuukichi.

Minori: Chuukichi?

Chuukichi: The lost-and-found is over, Kashima. Minori-hime.

Ryuuichi: Nezu!

Chuukichi: We have quite a few toy swords, so just wait a minute.

Chuukichi: Suekichi, Kichi, get them out.

Kichi & Suekichi: Okay.

They said as to get them out... but there's no Taka's toy sword are here.

Taka: Mine's not here...

Chuukichi: I see.

Chuukichi: I'm afraid these are the only ones we've received.

Chuukichi: I'm sorry, I couldn't help it.

Taka whimper.

Ryuuichi: Taka...

Mina patted Taka's head with her small hand.

Hayato: ...

Hayato: Hey, Taka...

Hayato: We've done a lot of searching, and we can't find it. You need to give up.

Taka hear as what his big brother said when he turn around as he shake his head.

Taka: No! I wanna keep looking!

Hayato: Then look by yourself.

Taka widen his eyes when Ryuuichi stood up.

Ryuuichi: Hey, Kamitani, don't be like tha-

Hayato: Shut your mouth.


Hayato: !?

Everyone look at me as shocked.

Minori: How could you such a jerk about your little brother!?

Minori: If I give up! My aunt Hanayo was crying for me!?

Minori: Hayato, you are such an idiot!

I yelled when I hitted Hayato's chest repeatedly with my fists.

Hayato: H-Hey! Stop it!

Hayato: If you keep crying... do you think your beloved aunt doesn't hate you!

I stopped when I look up as he hugged me gently and he spoke.

Hayato: Your Aunt loves you... so stop hitting me, understand.

He said as softly... to making me crying on his chest when he stroke my hair with his hand.

Ryuuichi's Mind: Minori-hime...

Hayato: In exchange, if you two give up... I'll take you to that lottery booth.

Minori: But...

Taka and I look up at him when Hayato looked away because he's blush.

Hayato: Deal with it, idiot.

Hayato: This is the best compromise you're getting.

Hayato: And make sure you thank Kashima for looking for it.

Ryuuichi: Eh?

Hayato look at Ryuuichi when he spoke.

Hayato: If he hadn't asked me to look for it, I would have made you give up from the start.

Hayato: Without the lottery offer, of course.

Ryuuichi laughed nervous.

Hayato: Well? Gonna go look for it by yourself?

Minori: ...

Taka and I look down.

Taka: I...

Taka: I give up.

Hayato: And you?

Minori: I give up...

I said, Hayato place his both hands on my head and Taka's head.

Hayato: Okay, then, let's go.

Old Man: Go on. Draw your lots.

Old Man: Hm?

Taka stare at it.

Hayato: Go on. Pull one.

Ryuuichi: Kamitani, give him a minute. He needs to think.

Taka: ...

As suddenly, Kotaro and Mina grab the string one by one. Taka gasp when they pull the string.

Ryuuichi: Kotaro! Mina!

Kotaro and Mina pull together them out... it's Taka's toy sword and my Aunt's pin.

Minori: My Aunt Hanayo's pin!

Hayato and Ryuuichi shocked.

Ryuuichi: Incredible!

Ryuuichi: It's just like Taka's old sword!

Ryuuichi: And Minori-hime's aunt Hanayo's pin.

I hold my aunt Hanayo's pin and Taka hold his toy sword.

Ryuuichi: Great job, Kotaro! Mina!

Minori: I can't believe him! He stole my aunt Hanayo's pin!?

Hayato & Ryuuichi: WHAT!?

Hayato glare at the man when he grab his collar.

Hayato: Hey, old man. Let's talk!

Old Man: No, I swear I didn't just find it!

Minori: He's liar!

Ryuuichi's Mind: As an apology, the old man gave us the newest game system... or rather, a piggy bank shaped like one.

*In Aijima Mansion*

Cecilia: Having fun?

Mina: Yes, momma! That old man stole our aunt Hanayo's pin from the newest game booth!

Cecilia: WHAT!

Cecil: Minori, is that true?

Minori: Yes, father... thanks to Hayato. He's such a kind man.

I said as my cheeks are red.

Cecil: Looks like Minori have a crush~

Minori: DAD!?

My father laughed as teasing me because my cheeks are still red as blushing.

Minori: Sh-Sheesh.

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