Chapter.3 The Bond Returns

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Sorry guys for not publishing new chapters for one week. I had some problems with my phone and now I am using my PC to type. I am sorry. So in the previous chapter we saw Ash has met up with his old friends and also he has got rival who is Serena's cousin. We also saw someone patted him from behind. Lets see who that guy is. A big thanks to my friend @Hell Killer who helped me with creating my battle scene. So let's start.

Ash P.O.V

"Paul!," said Ash feeling surprised.

"Big surprise huh?" asked Paul.

"Yeah its a big surprise. Nice to meet you again buddy," said Ash with a pleasant smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you too,Ash. Hey Pikachu you look stronger than last time," said Paul rubbing Pikachu's head.

"We are strong when we both are together," said Ash patting Pikachu's head.

Pikachu climbed off Ash's shoulders and started to mimc Electrivire.

"Hey buddy let me introduce you to my new friends and also Misty and Brock are here with us," said Ash.

"Oh yeah the pokemon breeder and the bug hater," said Paul chuckling.

Ash started to chuckle and said ,"Well you dont piss her off,"

"Sure buddy," said Paul.

Ash led him to his Alola friends and introduced him.

"So Paul from which region are you from?" asked Mallow.

"I am from the Sinnoh region," said Paul feeling proud.

"Hey he looks handsome. Want to Date him?" whispered Lillie in Mallow's ears.

Mallow started to blush and said ," Hey stop it."

"Hey Paul you don't need to showboat in front of us," said Gary.

"Someone is feeling jealous," said Misty tapping her foot on the ground.

"Well I think you must be the Prof.Oak's grandson,"said Paul walking towards Gary.

"Yeah he is Oak tree," said Ash.

"I know him very well. Well Gary if you think you are powerful show it to me in a friendly match," said Paul.

"Wait how do you know him?" asked Brock.

"It's a long story," said Paul.

"Wel I'm gonna kick you in the upcoming battle," said Gary walking towards Paul.

They both stood in a face to face position.

Suddenly an anouncement came

"Trainers please assemble in front of the stage,"

"Well looks like we gotta go," said Ash.

Suddenly Calem stood in front of Ash and said

"Stay away from my sister,"

Ash just ignored him and went forward.

We assembled in front of the stage and there was a huge screen on the stage.

"So kids this is a two on two battle. This is just a friendly match," said Sakuragi.

The matchups was displayed on the screen.

First match- Random Person Vs Random Person.

Second Match- Ash Vs Calem.

"Oh yeah a battle for love," mumbled Gary.

"Ash be careful. Calem is a powerful trainer," said Serena.

"Don't worry in I have got the right pokemon," said Ash.

Third match- Random person Vs Random person

Fourth match- Gary Vs Paul

There are totally eight matches.[Guys we will be concentrating only on the battle between Ash Vs Calem and Gary Vs Paul]

The first match started and both the trainers were fighting with full confidence.

Time Skip

"The next match is between Ash Vs Calem," anounced Sakuragi.

"Hey Pikachu time to cheer up our fans," said Ash.

"Trainers enter the battle field," said the referee.

We both stepped into the battle field and stood on each side.

"On the left we have a trainer who travelled all over from Alola to Galar, Ash Ketchum from pallet town," said the referee.

Ash turned his cap facing backwards which made his fans to cheer and whistle for him.

"On the right side we have a trainer from the Kalos region, Calem from Vannivile town," said the referee.

Calem raised his fist as the referee introduced him. The girls started to fawn over him even Misty blushed when he did that.

"Trainers choose your pokemon," said the referee.

"Okay Pikachu this time lets give our old friends some excitement," said Ash taking out a pokeball from his waist.

"Pikapii," said Pikachu.

"Wait i thought Ash was going to use Pikachu," said Kiawe getting excited.

"Infernape lets heat up the battlefield," said Ash tossing the Pokeball.

Infernape emerged out of the pokeball and stood in its battle position.

"Oh yeah he transferred his old buddies," said Brock.

"Okay Chesnaught show him the power of grass type," said Calem calling out his pokemon.

Chesnaught emerged out of its pokeball and gave a battle growl.

"What a grass type? What is he thinking?" asked Hau.

"Trainers are you ready?" asked the referee.

Ash and Calem nodded in sync.

"Batlle begin," said the referee.

"Okay infernape let's heat them up use Flame wheel," commanded Ash.

infernape charged at chesnaught shrowding itself in fire.

"Chesnaught use Seed bomb on the ground," commanded Calem.

Chesnaught smashed a hard barrage of shells on the ground and it exploded there was a lot of dust, but Infernape charged at chesnaught through the smoke, but Chesnaught blocked him by using spike shield.

"Holy shit that was a huge explosion," said Goh getting excited.

" Wow Chesnaught is powerful," said Brock.

"Okay now use wood hammer," commanded Calem.

Chesnaught smahed his rugged body on Infernape. Infernape took the hit and went back to Ash.

"Infernape are you okay?" asked Ash.

Infernape nodded his head saying that he is okay.

"Okay Chenaught use bulk up and take him down using Giga impact," commanded Calem.

Chesnaught increased his attack power and defence and charged at Infernape taking up every bit of his power.

"Infernape trap him using Fire spin," commanded Ash.

Infernape whipped up a fire vortex and trapped him inside it. chesnaught cancelled his move as he was trapped.

"Chesnaught are you okay?" asked Calem feeling worried.

Chesnaught was taking continous hit standing in that fire vortex.

"Chesnaught will faint if Calem doesnt help him to get out of it," said Sophocles.

"Okay Chesnaught use Hammer Arm on the ground," commanded Calerm.

Chesnaught punched the ground with full power which made the rocks explode and it stopped the fire spin.

Everyone was surprised because Infernape dissapeared suddenly. Chesnaught was looking around in confusion.

"Where did he go?" asked Calem looking around in confusion.

"Now Infernape use Fire punch right on his face," commanded Ash.

Infernape came up from the ground suddenly and gave one punch shrouding his fist in fire right on Chesnaught's face. Chesnaught took a heavy hit and flew back to Calem.

The crowd was excited to see that unexpected move by Infernape.

"Chesnaaaught!" screamed Calem in worry.

"Okay now let's finish him. Use Flare Blitz," commanded Ash.

"Dodge it!" commanded Calem.

Infernape cloaks itself in fire and dashes Chesnaught before he could dodge it. Chesnaught took a heavy damage and he was covered by the smoke which was caused by the explosion.

After the smoke cleared. I saw Chesnaught was lying on the ground with swirly eyes.

"Chesnaught is unable to battle which means Ash is the winner of the first round," announced the referee.

"Wow Ash's Infernape is so strong," said Hau.

"Well done buddy, now take a good rest," said Calem and returned his first pokemon.

"Hey Infernape,Good job now take a good rest," said Ash returning Infernape to its pokeball.

"Okay trainers this is the last round, Now choose your last pokemon," said the referee.

"Let's win this round, Absol I choose you," said Calem tossing his pokeball with full confidence.

Absol emerged out of it's pokeball and gave a battle cry. Ash noticed Absol had a Absolite on its neck.

"Wait that Absol can mega evolve," said Kiawe.

"What is Ash going to do?" asked Lana.

"Time to show our power, Greninja I choose you," said Ash calling out his last pokemon.

Greninja emerged out of it's pokeball and stood in its battle position.

All of Ash's friends were stunned to see the return of Greninja.

"The bond is back," said Serena with her eyes gleaming.

"Okay trainers are you ready?" asked the referee.

Ash and Calem nodded in sync.

"Battle begin!" said the referee pulling up his flags.

"Okay Greninja use Cut," commanded Ash.

Greninja created a small scythe in his hands and charged at Absol.

"Now counter him back with Night slash," commanded Calem.

Greninja and Absol were countering each other using scythe and horn.Sometimes they took hit at the same time and sometimes they attacked each other at the same time which produced wind.

Greninja moved out of the way when Absol tried to attack him and suddenly he gave one powerful slash. Absol took a heavy hit and moved back to Calem.

"Hey Absol are you okay?" asked Calem clenching his fist in anger.

Absol turned back and gave a nod.

"Okay Absol time to show him the real power," said Calem lifting up his left hand sleeve and he had a key stone on his bracelet.

The audience were at the edge of the seat when they saw the keystone.

"Mega evolution," said Calem.

Absol glowed and he mega evolved.

"Hey buddy you can take him right?" asked Ash looking at Greninja.

Greninja turned back and gave him a nod that he can take anyone.

"Okay lets show them the power.Stronger...stronger here we go,"

Greninja was covered by a water vortex. A shurikane came on his back and he turned like Ash. Which I would like to call Ash Greninja.

"Huh what is that?" asked Calem feeling stunned.

The audience stood on their feet as they saw Ash Greninja.

"It's the Bond Phenomenon," said Prof.Sakuragi with his jaw dropped.

"Okay Absol use Night Slash," commanded Calem.

Absol's horn started to glow violet and charges at Ash Greninja.

"Greninja use Double team and follow up with Water pulse," commanded Ash.

Ash Greninja doubled himself as Absol came to attack him. Absol was confused and before Salem could give command Ash Greninja throwed a water sphere at him. The move landed on Absol and he was covered in smoke which covered our view.

After the smoke got cleared we saw Absol was still standing on it's feet panting as he was affected.

"Okay Absol use Razor wind," commanded Calem.

Absol launched blades like wind at Greninja, but Greninja dodged it so swiftly and charged at Absol grabbing his Shurikane.

"Now let's finish the match. Use Water Shuriakane," commanded Ash.

Greninja throwed his Shurikane at Absol before he could dodge it. The move landed on Absol, and Absol took a heavy hit and was smashed on a wall behind Calem. Absol fainted and fell on the ground and returned to his normal form.

"Absol is unable to battle which means Ash is the winner of this battle," announced the referee.

Greninja returned to his normal form and looked at Ash. Ash fell on the ground suddenly. Greninja suddenly grabbed him before he could land on the ground.

"Grenin Gren," asked Greninja which means he is asking are you okay.

"Thanks buddy. I am okay," said Ash standing straight.

Ash looked at Calem and he was kneeling down feeling ashamed. Ash walked towards him and leaned his hand forward to help him stand and said

"Hey buddy you fought well,"

"Just stay away from me," said Calem pushing away his hands.

All of Ash's fans gathered around Ash asking him for his signature. Calem suddenly ran somewhere.

"Calem!" screamed Serena.

Serena ran behind him and Ash saw it and he sprang behind Serena.

"Where is he going?" asked Brock.

"Wait let's follow him. Gary and Paul you guys stay here we will help him," said Lillie.

"What! Why should I stay with him?" asked Paul and Gary in unison and they both were pointing at each other.

"Inform Prof.Sakuragi about this," said Mallow and they all sprang behind Ash except Gary and Paul.

"Professor Calem went somewhere. We don't know where he went," said Gary feeling tensed.

"You guys stay here. The next match is yours. I will get him," said Sakuragi and he went somewhere.

"The third match is over. Now it's time for the fourth match. Trainers please enter the battle field," announced the referee.

Gary and Paul entered the battle field and stood on each side.

"On the left side we have a sinnoh region trainer, Paul!" announced the referee.

Paul shook his hair to the right side. Which made the girls fawn over him.

"On the right side we have a trainer who is the grandson of Prof.Oak, Gary Oak!" announced the referee.

As the referee announced Gary's cheerleaders started to cheer for him. Paul saw him and smirked at him.

"Trainers release your first Pokemon," said the referee.

"Magmortar let's warm up, I choose you," said Paul tossing out his pokemon.

The Pokemon with a smirk on his face emerged out of his pokeball.

"Alakazam let's win the match, I choose you," said Gary calling out his Pokemon.

The Pokemon with a spoon in each hand emerged out of its pokeball and the pokemon was floating.

"Magmortar vs Alakazam begin," yelled the referee.

"Magmortar heat up the battleifield use flamethrower,"

"Alakazam use teleport and dodge follow up with calm mind,"

"Match it magmortar use sunny day follow with smog,"

As Alakazam teleports out of the way and uses calm mind to increase it's special attack and special defense , while magmortar uses sunny day and followed it with smog .

"Alakazam use teleport dodge the smog,"

"Magmortar use fire spin and grab him and throw him in the smog, follow up with fire blast in the smog,"

As soon as alakazam reappears Magmortar traps him inside fire spin and throws him in the smog and follow's with a flamethrower in the smog

"alakazam quick use protect"

A big explosion happens due to flamethrower combining smog. Due to smog containing highly flame-able gas while Alakazam uses protect but due the high power of the combo move it breaks through protect and hits alakazam hard on.

"Alakazam is seem panting while levitating,"

".........."paul smirks seeing the damage done.


"Alakazam it's alright if you can't battle anymore ..I can use Blastoise,"said Gary.

Suddenly Alakazam get's up slowly and regains his battle stance (which is stare hard at magmortor who wear's a smirk in his face).

"Alakazam use future sight"

"magmortar time to finish it get in close & use thunder punch,"said Paul.

"Forget future sight and quick use psychic as soon as he's near you and follow up with confusion," said Gary.

(as alakazam hangs magmortor in mid air paul order's)

"Try and break free with Lava plume before he uses Confusion,"

But Alakazam is a bit faster and use's confusion before magmortor could use Lava Plume & making him dance in battlefield

"at least he dances better than ash lol ,"comment's one of Ash friends .

"Alakazam quick use recover,"said Gary

"Shit.................snap outta it magmortar,"said Paul

"Magmortor use smog"said Paul.

But due to being confused he uses smog on himself poisoning itself while also snapping itself out of confusion meanwhile Alakazam completes healing for 50% of its health. Both pokemon look pretty tired...............even after using recover alakazam is tired due to the amount of damage it took from the combo move

Magmortar use clear smog

Alakazam set up with reflect

magmortar get in close and use fire punch( Gary is surprised because what pual was doing wasn't going to deal too much damage due to reflect )

alakazam take it and use future sight

magmortar you are in close now use fire blast full power

"Quick use protect," commanded Gary.

As magmortar fire blast breaks protect due to close ranged high power attack still It does less damage due to protect soaking up more than half of the damage.

"Magmortar flamethrower,"

Alakazam use teleport follow with psycho cut.

(Both attacks cancel each other as both pokemon are now panting very heavily)

Both Gary and Paul knew they won't keep it up for any longer now.

To be continued...

Authors P.O.V

Hey guys I am sorry for both updating this chapter. I had some problems with my phone. Someone has access to my account and wattpad is finding that traitor. I am sorry for this. I hope you all are fine. So please vote and don't forget to comment about the new chapter. Thank you.

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