26/11/2017- Writers Tag

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How To Get Tori To Do A Tag: Tag her three times for the same Tag because the third time she'll  just get fed up and do it.

Either way, I was tagged a few times for a tag that is not asking weird and personal questions, rather, writing site appropriate questions, so this has to be one of the more interesting tags I've seen.

Anyways, on to the questions!


It had never been thought before that a single person could be so guilty yet so innocent at the same time.

On one hand, she was in every way guilty. Guilty of all those nights spent not doing work, instead curling up with her newest piece of literature. She was guilty of declining every social events to jump at the chance of spending time with her own thoughts. Guilty of those bitter, sarcastic quips that gave her space. Guilty for all those times she would unknowingly make the situation tense with a knowledgeable comment. Guilt could be charged to at the smiles she would give you that spoke more than said, hinting she knew more than you thought.

In every way, she was guilty.

Though at the same time, wholly innocent.

Innocent for all those days spent learning new words while reading. Innocent for all those days spent in the sun, lazing in the grass as she dreamed the afternoons away. Innocent for all the times she cared for those close to her. Innocent for all the times she actively seemed new knowledge, and stuck close to her dreams. Innocence for all those times she realized that violence and anger were not weapons to be used together. Innocent for the wisdom she wished to impart on others one day. Though innocence could wholly be found in her laugh, as she stifled a small one when she found something funny.

She was a balance. A balance of tow quality it had always been told one person could not possess.

She was not perfect. She was not a goddess. She was not famous, or well known. She was not even a person you would probably think anything of if you saw her in the streets.

But if she was anything, she was a balance. A wholesome, wonderful balance.

(I hope this didn't sound too vain honestly 😂😂😂)


I don't think this counts as ritual, per say, but I like to go outside, when the weather permits so. It helps me clear my head and really think about what I am about to, currently, or just wrote. Plus it gives me some much needed fresh air as I probably haven't sat up in a while XD.

But seriously, fresh air helps me clear my head so much when I'm writing. To just look out and gaze at the trees for a bit is an amazing way to really analyze what I've written.

During writing, I also have a special playlist I like to listen to. I find words when it comes to writing can be s O DISTRACTING so it's actually all just instrumental which can really help me get in the mood for a good writing jam.

There's a lot of instrumental piano versions of Disney songs. Mostly because if it's a band I can get distracted trying to pick out the clarinet parts whoops.


Can I be honest? I don't really read the many fan fictions. Of course, it's not like I don't read any (ontheupsidedown 's Law of Gravity and BrightnessWings19 's Gravity Rises are two amazing fanfics I've read) but I get really annoyed at the inaccuracy of characters, which leads me far, far away from the world of fanfiction and it's insane content.

I think another reason I really dislike it is the more I read, the more I realize most fan fictions lack the quality I wish to see in writing. Just because fan fiction is a bit easier in that you get to build off of another world, but that doesn't mean your writing can be lazy.


On Wattpad:

BrightnessWings19 is a really inspiring writer on Wattpad. Her style has a way of making you really feel the characters emotions without going on and on about what they are feeling or overly describing a situation. She leaves just the right amount to the imagination, which I love, and this is clearly seen within Gravity Rises.

ontheupsidedown her style is something I really admire, for being unique and it's very easy to fall deeply in love with for being easy to read (honestly, I binge read so much of LoG due to the fact she writes is wonderfully) . She also writes really amazing (but heart wrenching) scenes within the book how can you not cry for the poor children.

ephemeralemerald27 doesn't write a lot, as I've only seen her drabbles and one shots, but her ability to display a story in a short amount of words is very admirable, as sometimes it's not always the word count that matters (*looks to the side at Charles Dickens*) her style is very easy to read without being too simple.

wordlass IS AN AMAZING WRITER AND EVERYONE NEEDS TO RECOGNIZE SHE HAS SKILL. I have the privilege to read a few of her drabbles and she is wonderfully poetic, her flow is beautiful, and her writing is such a wonderful read that leaves you refreshed.

I'd also like to mention virago__ whose works I've just begun reading but GOODNESS GRACIOUS SHE'S GOOD. Please go stop and check her writing out too.

There's so many more people who I believe would be amazing writers but I haven't had the privilege of reading their works yet 😂😂

Published Authors:

J.K Rowling for simply writing Harry Potter, a series I grew up on and will never forget. Her ability to build a world such as her wizard of world is beautiful and it's something I wish to emulate, as world building is so important.

Johnathan Stroud for his admirable ability to write a splendid mystery story that leaves you craving more. Lockwood & Co. is a wonderful example of his beautiful writing ability, and I really wish to read his other trilogy.

Leigh Bardugo who knows how to write an AMAZING fantasy. Her character building, her ability to build a magic system (and well) matched with her beautiful writing style is more than just something I wish to be, especially as a fantasy/mystery writer myself.

C.S Lewis for his stunning ability to have a bigger meaning or symbolism behind his stories, while still being a wondrous writer who crafted such a wonderful world and loveable childhood characters. If you have a story that can still be enjoyed decades later, you've done something right.


My current record is 3,000 in an hour, when I concentrated hard. Though I believe if I really tried hard enough I could go up to 3,500 but I do know there is a limit, and when I should stop writing.





*sweats nervously*



MOTIVATION PLEASE. I never seem to have enough motivation to write after I've spent most of my day typing furiously at an essay or a science lab write up, which is the worst because after I'm tired and no longer have any motivation to look at my computer screen again, less to write words on a story, which means I'll usually just go read for a while instead of doing anything progressive with my time.



Why do I write?

Why does one have passions?

Why does one inspire to do something in their life?

To be honest, a few months ago, I was asking myself the same question. Writing had always been something in my life, but why did I do it? Why was writing so important to me? Why did I want to spend the rest of my life putting a story onto a page?

When the answer came to me, it was so simple, yet the answer I had been searching for for a long, long time.

It makes me happy.

It was cliché, but true. Writing made me happy from the moment I picked up a pencil. I was happy in front of a keyboard thinking, happy in when I was brainstorming, not too angry when I was pondering over a good opening sentence.

The main message was, I was happy and doing something I loved to do. When I finally found that, I wasn't going to let it go.

I  first wrote because it made me happy. I now write because I want my writing to go somewhere.


Of course I do! It's just a matter of when I'll actually get the courage to start typing it out instead of letting my ideas just gain dust and sit in the corner.

I've got a few ideas that I'd really like to turn into original stories, though nothing is in the books yet. But with winter break coming *slides eyes over to ideas*


There are many random things that give me inspiration at random times. But actually, two huge ones are music and nature.

I cannot explain to you the power of the outdoors and nature when it comes to writing. I can just be walking around my backyard, see a tree, and get inspiration if my writing includes trees in it. It's insane.

The fresh air always helps me to clear my mind and think properly. There's this one spot by my garden, underneath a nice, tall oak tree that I love to sit under, and I can think for a while there about what I want to write. I also love to read there, too. Even when I'm not brainstorming, sitting in that spot and just thinking brings me immense calmness and tranquility.

The second is music. With my overactive imagination, it's hard not to imagine things while I'm listening to a song. When I'm listening to music, it gives me a chance to stop stressing about other things in my life and just let my mind wander and think, which is really necessary for me. Though it's at times, I'll be listening to a song and I'll randomly get reminded of a character, and a plot along with it.

And to all those people who say a person can't listen to music and focus, I'm living proof against that. Music can hugely help me focus on my writing, which is greatly helpful when my mind tends to wander.


Eek. I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm not proud of many of my fanfictions.

I'm really not. When I look at them, I feel like I've been lazy, that this isn't my best work, that I rushed it and I should've done better, etc.

Although I would have to say Archives Falls is about my favourite one. I've felt so guilty for just leaving it, but hopefully I can get back to writing it within my schedule soon, because I feel terrible that I just left my children like that. I'm sure anyone with original characters can relate to me somewhat there.


There is one of two answers here.

The first one throws back all the way to second grade Tori (or for those of you who don't use the same school system as America and Canada, I was seven years old. We'll be referring to me as Tiny Tori) so Tiny Tori was working on a fractured fairytale, with her as the main character. Instead of making herself a princess in a castle or something like that, Tiny Tori wrote about herself finding treasure in a castle, but in the end, she ended up getting eaten by the ogre who guarded the castle while trying to escape with the treasure.

Tiny Tori was quite the figure.

The second weirdest thing I've ever thought about writing is a strange script style writing about characters like my friends and I who were trying to run a country after a dragon killed most of the people.

Some feature lines were:

"Half the kingdom is dead? Am I dead? No?Then why does it matter?"

"I see there's no Prince Charming here to liven the place up. I expected this turn of events."

"Do any of us actually know how to run a country?"

"I'm thinking from the look you're giving me you don't want to talk about your feelings."

Tip: Don't let a bunch of teenage girls run your country.


I might put a spin on this question. Because for me, it's not a question of which ones I had written better, it's which ones I wish I hadn't written.

To be honest, most of my fanfictions before Archives Falls I wish I had developed better. All of them. I feel bad just leaving them, but there was some point where I realized I didn't really want to salvage them. The characters were not compelling, the plot was boring and cliché, so I just drew the line.

As much as I feel guilty about it, I think leaving my old fanfictions alone is the best thing I can do. I'm a different writer now, with a different style and a different way of viewing things or putting my own spin on them, in a way I couldn't write my old stories again.

But I still do feel bad. I wish my fanfiction ideas had gone to someone more competent in writing at the time, honestly.


How can I put my finger one just one fanfiction for this? I've read a bulk of AMAZING fanfictions, in my time.

ontheupsidedown 's Law of Gravity is one of the fanfiction on that list of best fanfictions I've read. Roe's writing style is one of the best things about this book, definitely. She always manages to put an interesting spin on her work, which makes it even more compelling than it already is. Plus all the characters are very, very loveable, and you're on the edge of your seat most of the time wondering what will happen next. It's easily one of the best fanfictions I've read, and I highly recommend you read it.

BrightnessWings19 's Gravity Rises I'm sure you've all read, but SWEET BABY CARROTS YOU KNOW WHY IT'S ON THIS LIST. Wings pretty much got the AU a name on Wattpad, which is an amazing feat to begin with. The story is SO well written, in that it makes you feel like you're living in a new era of the Gravity Falls universe without the story being too similar to the actual show, plus the CHARACTERS and how layered and multi dimensional they are will make you very, very happy and shows you that not all characters need to be older teenagers in a story for it to be compelling. So, for goodness sakes, if you haven't yet, READ THIS FANFICTION!

(Also, I would like to take this time now to ask you, though most of you will know, to keep Wings in mind right now and in your prayers. She was injured in a serious car accident, and I believe the least we could do for her is keep her in mind. Luckily though, she is improving.)





Angst, for me, is such a fun thing to write. I don't write it often because I know that overusing angst is worse than writing no angst at all, but when I do, I always have to check myself for going a bit too far, because I know I will, due to the fact I really love writing angst. What's part of it being so fun is the reaction you get out of people. While everybody else is crying over a character, I'm just sipping my tea and eating my biscuit in peace, watching my feed go up in flames.

It's really satisfying. If you've had a long day, I really recommend you try it sometimes. Writing angst really helps me calm down and not take my emotions out on others around me, too, which is an added plus about it.

Also, I don't know if this counts as a guilty pleasure for writing or not, because I've never actually written it, but I'm DYING for an excuse to write a scene that takes place at an opera. I don't know what about it, but sometimes is driving me to want to partake in writing a scene that takes place at an opera. I think it would be super interesting to have a character of mine go to an opera, though I never have an excuse to do so, so for the most part I just let the desire wander around and occasionally haunt me.


This is a tricky question for me. Of course I have a general idea of what's going to happen in each chapter before I start writing it, but all the small little details can get flipped around, depending on how I feel. Sometimes as I'm writing, I realize something doesn't work the way I hoped it to work so I erase something it or replace it with something else that I think flows nicer with my story.

That being said, as I stated above, I do have a general idea of what is going to go down on a chapter. I have a certain list of things that have to happen, and I make sure those things do happen within that chapter or the next few chapters.

I like to think that, of course I plan out my stories, but not into huge, huge detail. It's mostly just an outline for reference, when it comes to me, because I can never predict how it's going to flow when it comes onto the page or what I'm going to need to change, which I why I don't like setting much in stone.

So, yes, I do plan. Everyone who wants to succeed at writing should, in some way, have a plan and not just slap words onto a page. But I prefer the term I outline, for when it comes to how I plan for my stories.


This is a tricky question for me to answer, because what you consider to be a fast writer, someone else may not consider to be a fast writer. You cannot really pin down what the term "fast writer" means because it'll mean something different to everyone. For example, 1,000 words an hour might be fast for one person, but slow for another, depending on their position.

Plus, the idea of being a fast writer has nothing to do with how good of a writer you are. I've heard people make this association and I HATE IT, because timing has nothing to do with quality. In fact, if you rush it, it's not nearly as good quality as someone who took their time.

But, if you need an answer, it depends on my mood, whether I personally consider myself a fast writer or not. Sometimes I can barely type anything for thirty minutes, other days I'm done chapter three in a few hours. As I said, it really depends how much I feel I can write at the time and how much inspiration I'm having to write what I'm writing.


I cannot put a certain date on this, mostly because my memories of when I was younger and whether I wrote much or not are kind of blurry. But I do remember storytelling when I was younger, even if I didn't put it on a page yet, because I lacked the words necessary for writing.

The first story I can really remember off the top of my head is when I was six, perhaps. I had just discovered what Microsoft Words was, and oh my goodness, Tiny Tori was mesmerized by it. I remember the first thing I ever wrote was a short story, and I believe it was a different ending to Cinderella, where the Prince ended up falling for Cinderella's step sister instead of her.

(Yes, when I was Tiny Tori, I was so fascinated with fractured fairy tales. I always pondered the idea of happily ever after and what would happen if it hadn't been happily ever after for he lovely fairy tale characters. I also wrote a lot of fractured fairy tales back in the day. I remember my one teacher actually telling me we got to write a bunch in sixth grade, so I was duly disappointed when I got to sixth grade and we didn't write any.)

I do also remember, I did write a short story about Santa's reindeer, a story that wasn't about Rudolph, because Tiny Tori was sick about hearing about how Rudolph was so special when all he did was have a glowing nose, so she decided to write a story starring another one of the reindeer, though I don't quite remember which one I had written about. It might have been Dancer or Vixen.

As I said before, Tiny Tori was quite the figure.


You know that minute you have an idea? When the idea starts burning in your head and you cannot help but want to nurture the idea and let the idea grow in your head, along with the characters you have raised with the idea? How you cannot help but feel proud of yourself once you realized how much the idea has grown?

That's why I started to write, because I had ideas.

I was always an imaginative kid. I always told a story, or asked someone to tell me story. I loved stories, and always wanted to tell them.

When I wrote my first story, as mentioned above, it was because I had an idea. Sure, it wasn't a very original idea, but it was six years old at the time, so of course I'm not going to be as creative as I've grown to be today.

When you have an idea, a vision, what came along with that is real ozone no one can write it the same way you want the idea written, because people cannot see inside of your head. People cannot see what exactly you're imagining or what exactly you think should happen within the story, because everyone's imagination is different. Everyone will see things slightly differently than another because that's just how we are.

I started to write because once I had that idea, I realized no one could write it how I wanted that idea to be written. I could only write it because I knew what I wanted the idea to look like. I would be satisfied if someone else tried to write my idea because things would be off.

So yes, as simple as it sounds, I started to write because I had an idea, the same place everyone starts. That idea is always the beginning of the writing cycle, and will always be the reason why I wrote a story, because without that idea, that story would have never existed, or the words would never be on that page.


*looks around because I don't have that many saved*


Children sing songs. Children will always sing songs. Children will sing the songs of their mothers, the ones they heard while pressed to their mothers chest, wrapped in a blanket they'd hold onto forever, claiming it as a sentimental object. Children would sing the songs of their playmates, often a simple chant with a dance that will leave them all in giggles over something.

Children will even sing songs of death. The songs they do not know the meaning behind, that leave their mothers and fathers shivering as the child sings the song with such ease.

Why? Because children are innocent. Children do not understand that there is a world full of crime, a world full or hatred and rage. They only ever understand the goodness of the world, and believe that no one they meet will do wrong to them.

Why? Because a child is pure, a child in innocent. A child will never understand the cruelty and unfairness of the world.

Watching children play and sing songs, Persis couldn't believe she was once such a way herself. Unknowing of the injustice in the world, and how terrible the world really was.

In a way, she longed for that innocence again. That false understanding that no one would hurt her, and the world was made of pure goodness and joy.

She thought once more of the children, singing songs with smiles across their small, innocent faces. She hoped they would stay that way forever, singing their songs and never having to be in a world filled with cruelty and pain like she had experienced, so perhaps those children could love the life she'd never have.


"I can make her immortal."

The God's voice was steady and firm, his gaze clear on him. For a God who did not talk very often supposedly, his voice was clearer and more confident than he imagined.

"You. . . You can do that?" He asked. He did not look the God in the eye for more than a second.

"I'm a god, boy," he snarled. "I can do anything I please."

This point he knew to be false. Even the Gods had rules of what they could and could not do, from the rules set before them by the first Gods or the rules laid down by the twelve current Gods and Goddesses themselves. Gods could not do whatever they wanted, or else they would not be Gods.

"This is not a trick, if that's what you believe," the God told him. "At your word, I will make her immortal, no tricks or price to it."

"Besides the price of living forever," the boy replied.

The God raised his eyebrow. "The price?"

"The price," the boy replied. "The price of being immortal. I have lived with it myself, day in and day out. I hear women and men alone speak about how they wish to live forever, how they wish they did not have to deal with the penalty of death. Though, there is not a day of my immortal life I haven't wished I would one day face the prospect of death, know I would not have to deal with every conflict life brings and have friends only to watch them fade. That, is the price of being immortal."

The boy took a breath, looking at the God before him. His gaze was raised in an interested way, realizing the boy was more clever than he assumed.

"And I would never wish the price of being immortal on her. Not her, of all people."

The God leant back in his chair, studying the boy's eyes. "My boy, I'm afraid to say it, but I think you love this girl."

The boy looked at the God again, his heart clenching, the words bringing back all the memories of her. Her eyes, her hair, her smile, her capability. Everything about her was wonderful, and he knew that so well, because it was the fact she was so wonderful was why he could never be with her.

"Yes, I do," the boy croaked. "I love her."


As a child, his mother had always told him laughter was the best medicine.

His mother would sit on the soft, plush sofa that was stationed by the fireplace, a warm cup in her hands. He'd always thought she had looked lonely when she sat on that long sofa all by herself, so he'd climb up onto the sofa and sit next to her.

When she noticed he was there, she'd laugh quietly, adjusting her long, fluffy braid that he had liked to play with as a child, and smiling at him.

As a child, he had never understood much about laughter, besides that when he did something, occasionally the grown ups would laugh. He had always liked the sound, though, and longed to hear it whoever he could.

"Do you know what I love about you, Dashiell?" She asked, pulling the young boy onto her. She'd examine the blonde curls atop of his head, then summon a brush or comb, depending on how messy they were.

"What, Mama?" He had asked.

"You make people laugh," she'd reply, beginning to brush out the curls until they looked much neater. "Never forget that, Dashiell. It is a very important thing to do, because laughter is the best medicine."

He'd look at his mother, his cheeks puffing up in confusion. "Medicine for what?"

"Everything," his mother replied calmly. "Even in the saddest of moments, laughter can make someone happy. It can make a bunch of people happy."

"Do I make you happy, Mama?" He asked.

"Dashiell, you've made me more than happy," his mother had replied. "And I love you more than anything in this world. I always want you to remember this lesson, because I never want you to think that you can't make people happy, because you can."

At this moment, Dashiell would smile at his mother, before puffing our his cheeks and clasping his hands against them to make a funny sound, to which is mother would smile.

From that day forward, he had always smiled whenever he could and try to make people laugh. He took pride in every smile he got, feeling his mother's pride warm his heart every time.

When he couldn't laugh or smile, he would still sit beside those in need, those who just needed a shoulder to cry on. When they felt better, he'd try to make them laugh, and they usually did.

Every day, he learned his mother's lesson was more true than the day before, and every day, he tried to find a reason to smile, to laugh, to make someone else laugh, because there wasn't a person in the world, no matter who or what they were, who didn't deserve to laugh.


"What in the name of Aaerwyn's Dragon do you think we're the right people for the job?"

She looked at the boy calmly. She had quickly learned that tranquility was the only thing that could calm his temper.

"Your brothers choose the most highly trained warriors in all the kingdom," he continued. "And you choose us, a group of criminals. This is a suicide job, for all of us. We will surely be killed."

Castoire raised an eyebrow, looking at the other three.

"With all respect, My Lady, he does have a point," The assassin replied, her voice careful, yet eloquent. "This mission is already dangerous. I am afraid that the added risks of warriors whom we do not match in strength is much too hard to bear."

"Have any of you ever seen the Prison of Kiaro?" Asked Castoire, cutting off any more comments.

None of them said anything. Some looked to their feet, others turned away from her gaze.

"I will assume no, then. Let me inform you of something." she spoke, raising her voice for emphasis. "The prison is dangerous, crafted for the death of everyone who steps in its perimeters. Do you think trained warriors who have never spent a day in prison will survive?"

She again, got no answer.

"Of course not. But it is the ones who have dealt with the dirtiest streets of the nations, ones who have spent their days in and out of prisons who will know how to survive in there. That, is why I do not select trained warriors as my brothers do, because it is those who have been in prison who will survive in there. Now, do you understand?"

It was quiet once more, but eventually, the group nodded together, though it was evident they weren't the most pleased by being outwitted.

"Good, then let's begin."

"But what if we lose?" Asked the one, the first to say anything directly to her of the group.

"A better question is, why would I have selected you if I know you would lose?"


They had been sitting by the fire for a while before he had arrived. It was even longer before he had spoken anything to her.

"What do you want revenge against?" He asked her.

At first, the question confused her. "What do you mean?"

"Everyone wants revenge against something," he had explained easily. "What do you want revenge against?"

She thought for a moment. She thought of all the times her father had lied to her, kept her inside the gates of the castle, keeping her away from the company of her people and anyone either than her sister. She thought of how he so easily gave her sister up to a man she didn't even know, at the word of his wife, without knowing her intent. She thought of all the lying faces, telling her that everything outside the walls were fine, that the citizens were just silly.

After a while, she looked back up at him. "Ignorance," she replied to him.

"Ignorance?" He repeated.

"I want revenge against those who keep others on ignorance, who tells lies that they think keep you safe, when they don't. In fact, it only makes them angrier, wanting the knowledge they were withheld." She explained.

He smiled at her, taking a sip of water from the pot. "You know what?"

"What?" She asked.

"I agree."


Was this what happiness felt like?

The cliff was jagged and steep. Though the fear of falling melted away upon the the beauty of the sparkling blue lake, and in the distance, the buildings. The dim light from the city still shining from far away, at the buildings swirled together in perfection, like colours on a canvas.

For once, she didn't feel worried. She didn't feel gloomy, or angered. The feelings that rushed through her as if a wave had gently hit her body was something she hadn't felt in a while.

Tranquility. Calmness.

She had never seen the city from this angle. It was a view she wished she could see everyday. The dark, setting sun illuminating the streets and the edges of towers within its limits, only adding to the views perfection.

She didn't look away from the view for a second, but her mind did enough wandering for her.

She felt a feeling inside of her, something burning, in a warm way, that reminded her of when her mother would but a pot over the fire, and a warm, comforting, delicious aura filled her home. The kind of warmth that reminded you of home, and everything home was to you.

She hadn't known home for a while. In a city where she didn't belong, with people she didn't know, and nothing she wanted to see, she had felt alone.

Though now looking at it from such an angle, to see the city enveloped with the light of the sunset, something in her had changed. If something in her that was off before just just been turned on.

Was it, could it be. . . ?

The feeling ached in her for a minute. It had been a long time since she felt that.

For the first time since she arrived on the cliff, she looked back, towards where the others were camping, perhaps telling each other silly stories or singing children's songs.

She turned back. Maybe she hadn't been totally alone in this city, maybe she hadn't been looking hard enough for something worth seeing.

And now that she'd found it, she wouldn't let it slip away.


I will do the original writing questions, too ^~^ but later

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